Update signing key rotation instructions for Zuul v3

Change-Id: I9ba7ae8d20a05cdf9871c853c2978b233c228d18
This commit is contained in:
James E. Blair 2017-10-19 15:09:13 -07:00
parent ef20ba960c
commit 2b616254fa
1 changed files with 22 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -446,19 +446,31 @@ session:
gpg> save
This leaves us with a temporary keyring containing only an
unencrypted copy of the signing subkey. Push this into private hiera
so that it will be installed onto the signing system by our
configuration management:
This leaves us with a temporary keyring containing only an unencrypted
copy of the signing subkey. Export this keyring so that we can add it
as a secret to Zuul for use by release jobs.
.. code-block:: shell-session
root@puppetmaster:~# /opt/system-config/production/tools/hieraedit.py --yaml \
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/group/signing.yaml -f \
> temporary.gnupg/pubring.gpg pubring > /dev/null
root@puppetmaster:~# /opt/system-config/production/tools/hieraedit.py --yaml \
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/group/signing.yaml -f \
> temporary.gnupg/secring.gpg secring > /dev/null
root@puppetmaster:~# gpg --homedir temporary.gnupg \
> --output temporary.gnupg/for-zuul --armor \
> --export-secret-subkeys 0xC0224DB5F541FB68\!
root@puppetmaster:~# wget -O encrypt_secret.py \
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/plain/tools/encrypt_secret.py?\
> h=feature/zuulv3
root@puppetmaster:~# python encrypt_secret.py --infile temporary.gnupg/for-zuul \
> --outfile temporary.gnupg/zuul.yaml https://zuulv3.openstack.org gerrit \
> openstack-infra/project-config
writing RSA key
Public key length: 4096 bits (512 bytes)
Max plaintext length per chunk: 470 bytes
Input plaintext length: 3024 bytes
Number of chunks: 7
Copy ``temporary.gnupg/zuul.yaml`` to your workstation and make a
commit to ``project-config/zuul.d/secrets.yaml`` to update the
``gpg_key`` secret with its contents. Be user to replace ``<name>``
and ``<fieldname>`` as appropriate.
Safely clean up, doing your best to securely remove the temporary
copy of the unencrypted signing subkey and any associated files:
@ -468,43 +480,6 @@ copy of the unencrypted signing subkey and any associated files:
root@puppetmaster:~# shred temporary.gnupg/*
root@puppetmaster:~# rm -rf temporary.gnupg
Finally, commit the hiera alterations:
.. code-block:: shell-session
root@puppetmaster:~# echo -e "Updated signing key to Some cycle\n-me" | git \
> --git-dir /etc/puppet/hieradata/.git --work-tree /etc/puppet/hieradata \
> commit -F - production/group/signing.yaml
Once the key updates on signing01.ci.openstack.org, as the jenkins
user inspect the result. You should see the new cycle name and the
`sec#` here again indicating the primary secret key is unusable, and
if you try to sign some random data you shouldn't be prompted for a
passphrase to use the signing subkey:
.. code-block:: shell-session
jenkins@signing01:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec# 2048R/C6D5584D 2016-07-07 [expires: 2017-02-02]
uid OpenStack Infra (Some Cycle) <infra-root@openstack.org>
ssb 2048R/F541FB68 2016-07-07
jenkins@signing01:~$ echo foo | gpg --sign --armor
Version: GnuPG v1
To document this transition, export a minimal text version of the
public master key: