
75 lines
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* Copyright 2018 OpenStack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
return [
'promo_code_delete_already_sent' => 'Cannot delete a code that has been already sent.',
'promo_code_delete_already_redeemed' => 'Cannot delete a code that has been already redeemed.',
'promo_code_email_send_already_sent' => 'Cannot resend a code that has been already sent.',
'promo_code_email_send_empty_email' => 'Cannot find an email address for the promocode owner.',
'promo_code_email_send_empty_name' => 'Cannot find a name for the promocode owner.',
'speaker_assistance_delete_already_confirmed' => 'Cannot delete summit assistance :assistance_id because is already confirmed by speaker :speaker_id',
'add_speaker_assistance_speaker_already_has_assistance' => 'speaker id :speaker_id already has an assistance for summit id :summit_id',
'add_speaker_assistance_speaker_is_not_on_summit' => 'speaker id :speaker_id is not related to summit id :summit_id ( is not assigned as speaker of any published presentations nor its assigned as moderator)',
'speaker_assistance_does_not_belongs_to_summit' => 'summit assistance :assistance_id does not belongs to summit :summit_id',
'send_speaker_summit_assistance_announcement_mail_email_already_sent' => 'speaker announcement email was already sent for speaker :speaker_id on summit :summit_id',
'send_speaker_summit_assistance_announcement_mail_run_out_promo_code' => 'can not get any promo code for speaker :speaker_id , run out of :type promo codes for summit :summit_id',
'send_speaker_summit_assistance_announcement_mail_code_already_redeemed' => 'promo code :promo_code already redeemed.',
'send_speaker_summit_assistance_announcement_mail_invalid_mail_type' => 'mail type :mail_type is not valid.',
'send_speaker_summit_assistance_promo_code_not_set' => 'speaker :speaker_id has not set a promo code for summit :summit_id, please set one manually.',
// LocationService
'LocationService.addLocation.LocationNameAlreadyExists' => 'there is already another location with same name for summit :summit_id',
'LocationService.addLocation.InvalidClassName' => 'invalid class name',
'LocationService.addLocation.InvalidAddressOrCoordinates' => 'was passed a non-existent address',
'LocationService.addLocation.OverQuotaLimit' => 'geocode api over rate limit, try again later',
'LocationService.addLocation.geoCodingGenericError' => 'geocode api generic error',
'LocationService.updateLocation.LocationNameAlreadyExists' => 'there is already another location with same name for summit :summit_id',
'LocationService.updateLocation.LocationNotFoundOnSummit' => 'location :location_id not found on summit :summit_id',
'LocationService.updateLocation.ClassNameMissMatch' => 'location :location_id on summit :summit_id does not belongs to class name :class_name',
'LocationService.addVenueFloor.FloorNameAlreadyExists' => 'floor name :floor_name already belongs to another floor on venue :venue_id',
'LocationService.addVenueFloor.FloorNumberAlreadyExists' => 'floor number :floor_number already belongs to another floor on venue :venue_id',
'LocationService.updateVenueFloor.FloorNameAlreadyExists' => 'floor name :floor_name already belongs to another floor on venue :venue_id',
'LocationService.updateVenueFloor.FloorNumberAlreadyExists' => 'floor number :floor_number already belongs to another floor on venue :venue_id',
'LocationService.addVenueRoom.InvalidClassName' => 'invalid class name',
'LocationService.addVenueRoom.LocationNameAlreadyExists' => 'there is already another location with same name for summit :summit_id',
'LocationService.updateVenueRoom.LocationNameAlreadyExists' => 'there is already another location with same name for summit :summit_id',
'LocationService.addLocationBanner.InvalidClassName' => 'invalid class name',
'LocationService.addLocationMap.FileNotAllowedExtension' => 'file extension is not allowed (:allowed_extensions)',
'LocationService.addLocationMap.FileMaxSize' => 'file exceeds max_file_size (:max_file_size MB)',
'LocationService.updateLocationMap.FileNotAllowedExtension' => 'file extension is not allowed (:allowed_extensions)',
'LocationService.updateLocationMap.FileMaxSize' => 'file exceeds max_file_size (:max_file_size MB)',
'LocationService.addLocationImage.FileNotAllowedExtension' => 'file extension is not allowed (:allowed_extensions)',
'LocationService.addLocationImage.FileMaxSize' => 'file exceeds max_file_size (:max_file_size MB)',
'LocationService.updateLocationImage.FileNotAllowedExtension' => 'file extension is not allowed (:allowed_extensions)',
'LocationService.updateLocationImage.FileMaxSize' => 'file exceeds max_file_size (:max_file_size MB)',
// RSVPTemplateService
'RSVPTemplateService.addQuestion.QuestionNameAlreadyExists' => 'question name :name already exists for template :template_id',
'RSVPTemplateService.updateQuestion.QuestionNameAlreadyExists' => 'question name :name already exists for template :template_id',
'RSVPTemplateService.addQuestionValue.ValueAlreadyExist' => 'value :value already exists on question :question_id',
'RSVPTemplateService.addTemplate.TitleAlreadyExists' => 'title :title already exists on summit :summit_id',
'RSVPTemplateService.updateTemplate.TitleAlreadyExists' => 'title :title already exists on summit :summit_id',
// SummitTicketTypeService
'SummitTicketTypeService.addTicketType.NameAlreadyExists' => 'ticket name :name already exists on summit :summit_id',
'SummitTicketTypeService.addTicketType.ExternalIdAlreadyExists' => 'ticket external id :external_id already exists on summit :summit_id',
'SummitTicketTypeService.updateTicketType.NameAlreadyExists' => 'ticket name :name already exists on summit :summit_id',
'SummitTicketTypeService.updateTicketType.ExternalIdAlreadyExists' => 'ticket external id :external_id already exists on summit :summit_id',
'SummitTicketTypeService.seedSummitTicketTypesFromEventBrite.MissingExternalId' => 'summit :summit_is has not set external id (eventbrite)',
// PresentationCategoryGroupService
'PresentationCategoryGroupService.addTrackGroup.NameAlreadyExists' => 'name :name already exists for summit :summit_id',
// SummitService
'SummitService.AddSummit.NameAlreadyExists' => 'name :name its already being assigned to another summit',
'SummitService.updateSummit.NameAlreadyExists'=> 'name :name its already being assigned to another summit',
'SummitService.updateSummit.SummitAlreadyActive' => 'summit :active_summit_id is already activated please deactivate it to set current summit as active',
'SummitTrackService.copyTracks.SameSummit' => 'from summit is equal a to summit.',
// SummitPushNotificationService
'SummitPushNotificationService.addPushNotification.MemberNotActive' => 'member :member_id is not active',