# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Refstack API's utils.""" import binascii import copy import functools import random import requests import string import types from cryptography.hazmat import backends from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import timeutils import pecan import pecan.rest import jwt from six.moves.urllib import parse from refstack import db from refstack.api import constants as const from refstack.api import exceptions as api_exc LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF def _get_input_params_from_request(expected_params): """Get input parameters from request. :param expecred_params: (array) Expected input params specified in constants. """ filters = {} for param in expected_params: value = pecan.request.GET.get(param) if value is not None: filters[param] = value LOG.debug('Parameter %(param)s has been received ' 'with value %(value)s' % { 'param': param, 'value': value }) return filters def parse_input_params(expected_input_params): """Parse input parameters from request. :param expected_input_params: (array) Expected input params specified in constants. """ raw_filters = _get_input_params_from_request(expected_input_params) filters = copy.deepcopy(raw_filters) date_fmt = CONF.api.input_date_format for key, value in filters.items(): if key == const.START_DATE or key == const.END_DATE: try: filters[key] = timeutils.parse_strtime(value, date_fmt) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise api_exc.ParseInputsError( 'Invalid date format: %(exc)s' % {'exc': exc}) start_date = filters.get(const.START_DATE) end_date = filters.get(const.END_DATE) if start_date and end_date: if start_date > end_date: raise api_exc.ParseInputsError( 'Invalid dates: %(start)s more than %(end)s' '' % {'start': const.START_DATE, 'end': const.END_DATE}) if const.SIGNED in filters: if is_authenticated(): filters[const.OPENID] = get_user_id() else: raise api_exc.ParseInputsError( 'To see signed test results you need to authenticate') return filters def str_to_bool(param): """Check if a string value should be evaluated as True or False.""" if isinstance(param, bool): return param return param.lower() in ("true", "yes", "1") def _calculate_pages_number(per_page, records_count): """Return pages number. :param per_page: (int) results number fot one page. :param records_count: (int) total records count. """ quotient, remainder = divmod(records_count, per_page) if remainder > 0: return quotient + 1 return quotient def get_page_number(records_count): """Get page number from request. :param records_count: (int) total records count. """ page_number = pecan.request.GET.get(const.PAGE) per_page = CONF.api.results_per_page total_pages = _calculate_pages_number(per_page, records_count) # The first page exists in any case if page_number is None: return (1, total_pages) try: page_number = int(page_number) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise api_exc.ParseInputsError( 'Invalid page number: The page number can not be converted to ' 'an integer') if page_number == 1: return (page_number, total_pages) if page_number <= 0: raise api_exc.ParseInputsError('Invalid page number: ' 'The page number less or equal zero.') if page_number > total_pages: raise api_exc.ParseInputsError( 'Invalid page number: ' 'The page number is greater than the total number of pages.') return (page_number, total_pages) def set_query_params(url, params): """Set params in given query.""" url_parts = parse.urlparse(url) url = parse.urlunparse(( url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, url_parts.path, url_parts.params, parse.urlencode(params), url_parts.fragment)) return url def get_token(length=30): """Get random token.""" return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(length)) def delete_params_from_user_session(params): """Delete params from user session.""" session = get_user_session() for param in params: if session.get(param): del session[param] session.save() def get_user_session(): """Return user session.""" return pecan.request.environ['beaker.session'] def get_token_data(): """Return dict with data encoded from token.""" return pecan.request.environ.get(const.JWT_TOKEN_ENV) def get_user_id(from_session=True, from_token=True): """Return authenticated user id.""" session = get_user_session() token = get_token_data() if from_session and session.get(const.USER_OPENID): return session.get(const.USER_OPENID) elif from_token and token: return token.get(const.USER_OPENID) def get_user(user_id=None): """Return db record for authenticated user.""" if not user_id: user_id = get_user_id() return db.user_get(user_id) def get_user_public_keys(): """Return public keys for authenticated user.""" return db.get_user_pubkeys(get_user_id()) def is_authenticated(by_session=True, by_token=True): """Return True if user is authenticated.""" user_id = get_user_id(from_session=by_session, from_token=by_token) if user_id: try: if get_user(user_id=user_id): return True except db.NotFound: pass return False def enforce_permissions(test_id, level): """Check that user role is required for specified test run.""" role = get_user_role(test_id) if not role: pecan.abort(401) if level == const.ROLE_USER: if role in (const.ROLE_OWNER, const.ROLE_USER, const.ROLE_FOUNDATION): return pecan.abort(403) elif level == const.ROLE_OWNER: if role in (const.ROLE_OWNER, const.ROLE_FOUNDATION): return pecan.abort(403) elif level == const.ROLE_FOUNDATION: if role in (const.ROLE_FOUNDATION): return else: raise ValueError('Permission level %s is undefined' % level) def get_user_role(test_id): """Return user role for current user and specified test run.""" if check_user_is_foundation_admin(): return const.ROLE_FOUNDATION if check_owner(test_id): return const.ROLE_OWNER if check_user(test_id): return const.ROLE_USER return def check_user(test_id): """Check that user has access to shared test run.""" test_owner = db.get_test_result_meta_key(test_id, const.USER) if not test_owner: return True elif db.get_test_result_meta_key(test_id, const.SHARED_TEST_RUN): return True else: return check_owner(test_id) def check_owner(test_id): """Check that user has access to specified test run as owner.""" if not is_authenticated(): return False test = db.get_test_result(test_id) # If the test is owned by a product. if test.get('product_version_id'): version = db.get_product_version(test['product_version_id']) return check_user_is_product_admin(version['product_id']) # Otherwise, check the user ownership. else: user = db.get_test_result_meta_key(test_id, const.USER) return user and user == get_user_id() def check_permissions(level): """Decorator for checking permissions. It checks that user have enough permissions to access and manipulate an information about selected test run. Any user has role: const.ROLE_USER. It allows access to unsigned, shared and own test runs. Owner role: const.ROLE_OWNER allows access only to user's own results. """ def decorator(method_or_class): def wrapper(method): @functools.wraps(method) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): test_id = args[1] enforce_permissions(test_id, level) return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped if isinstance(method_or_class, types.FunctionType): return wrapper(method_or_class) elif issubclass(method_or_class, pecan.rest.RestController): controller = method_or_class for method_name in ('get', 'get_all', 'get_one', 'post', 'put', 'delete'): if hasattr(controller, method_name): setattr(controller, method_name, wrapper(getattr(controller, method_name))) return controller return decorator def verify_openid_request(request): """Verify OpenID returned request in OpenID.""" verify_params = dict(request.params.copy()) verify_params["openid.mode"] = "check_authentication" verify_response = requests.post( CONF.osid.openstack_openid_endpoint, data=verify_params, verify=not CONF.api.app_dev_mode ) vrc = verify_response.content.decode('utf-8') if isinstance( verify_response.content, bytes) else verify_response.content verify_data_tokens = vrc.split() verify_dict = dict((token.split(':')[0], token.split(':')[1]) for token in verify_data_tokens if len(token.split(':')) > 1) if (verify_response.status_code / 100 != 2 or verify_dict['is_valid'] != 'true'): pecan.abort(401, 'Authentication is failed. Try again.') # Is the data we've received within our required parameters? required_parameters = { const.OPENID_NS_SREG_EMAIL: 'Please permit access to ' 'your email address.', const.OPENID_NS_SREG_FULLNAME: 'Please permit access to ' 'your name.', } for name, error in required_parameters.items(): if name not in verify_params or not verify_params[name]: pecan.abort(401, 'Authentication is failed. %s' % error) return True def check_user_is_foundation_admin(user_id=None): """Check is user in foundation group or not.""" user = user_id if user_id else get_user_id() org_users = db.get_foundation_users() return user in org_users def check_user_is_vendor_admin(vendor_id, user_id=None): """Check is user in vendor group or not.""" user = user_id if user_id else get_user_id() org_users = db.get_organization_users(vendor_id) return user in org_users def check_user_is_product_admin(product_id, user_id=None): """Check if the current user is in the vendor group for a product.""" product = db.get_product(product_id) vendor_id = product['organization_id'] return check_user_is_vendor_admin(vendor_id, user_id=user_id) def decode_token(request): """Validate request signature. ValidationError rises if request is not valid. """ if not request.headers.get(const.JWT_TOKEN_HEADER): return try: auth_schema, token = request.headers.get( const.JWT_TOKEN_HEADER).split(' ', 1) except ValueError: raise api_exc.ValidationError("Token is not valid") if auth_schema != 'Bearer': raise api_exc.ValidationError( "Authorization schema 'Bearer' should be used") try: token_data = jwt.decode(token, algorithms=['RS256'], options={"verify_signature": False}) except jwt.InvalidTokenError: raise api_exc.ValidationError("Token is not valid") openid = token_data.get(const.USER_OPENID) if not openid: raise api_exc.ValidationError("Token does not contain user's openid") pubkeys = db.get_user_pubkeys(openid) for pubkey in pubkeys: try: pubkey_string = '%s %s' % (pubkey['format'], pubkey['pubkey']) pubkey_obj = serialization.load_ssh_public_key( pubkey_string.encode('utf-8'), backend=backends.default_backend() ) pem_pubkey = pubkey_obj.public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.PEM, serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) except (ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, binascii.Error): pass else: try: token_data = jwt.decode( token, algorithms=['RS256'], key=pem_pubkey, options={'verify_signature': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'require': ['exp']}, leeway=const.JWT_VALIDATION_LEEWAY) # NOTE(sslipushenko) If at least one key is valid, let # the validation pass return token_data except jwt.InvalidTokenError: pass # NOTE(sslipushenko) If all user's keys are not valid, the validation fails raise api_exc.ValidationError("Token is not valid")