var Openstack = {}; (function() { var data_loaded = false; function orderCompanies(ds, metric) { var global_data =[ds]; var company_metric = []; var order = []; $.each(global_data, function(name, value) { company_metric.push([name, global_data[name][metric]]); }); company_metric.sort(function(a, b) {return b[1] - a[1];}); $.each(company_metric, function(id, value) { order.push(value[0]); }); return order; } function createViz(divid, ds, file, metric, config, show_others, evol) { var order = orderCompanies(ds, metric); if (evol) { var evol_data = Openstack.companies.evol[ds]; Viz.displayMetricCompanies(metric, evol_data, divid, config, null, null, order); } else { var global_data =[ds]; Viz.displayMetricSubReportStatic(metric, global_data, order, divid, config); } } function displayCompaniesList() { var json_file = Report.getDataDir() + '/scm-companies.json'; $.getJSON(json_file, null, function(data) { var count = 0; var links = "   "; /* Workaround here: to scm-companies.json formats are available. Newest returns an object, older just an array. For this feature we need an array */ if (!(data instanceof Array)){ if (data.hasOwnProperty('name')) data =; } $.each(data, function(index, company) { if (count == 10) return false; if (company === "Others") return true; if (company.match("^\-")) return true; position = count +1; link = '#'+position +' ' + company + '   '; links = links + link; ++count; }); $("#" + "companies_links").append(links); }); } function displayCompaniesSummary(divid, ds, file, metric, config, show_others, evol) { config.show_title = false; if (data_loaded === true && false) { createViz(divid, file, metric, config, show_others, evol); } var data_dir = Report.getDataDir(); // var json_file = "data/json/"+file; var json_file = data_dir +"/"+file; var marks = ['unixtime','week','id','date']; $.getJSON(json_file, null, function(data) { $.each(data, function(field, values) { if ($.inArray(field, marks) == -1) { Openstack.addCompanyEvol(ds, field, metric, values); } else { Openstack.addDatesField(ds, field, values); } }); Openstack.addDatesCompanies(ds); Openstack.buildCompaniesGlobal(ds, metric); createViz(divid, ds, file, metric, config, show_others, evol); data_loaded = true; }); } function convertCompaniesSummary() { var div_summary = "CompaniesSummary"; divs = $("."+div_summary); if (divs.length > 0) { $.each(divs, function(id, div) { ds = $(this).data('data-source'); if (ds === null) return; var evol = $(this).data('evol'); var metric = $(this).data('metric'); var config = {}; = div_summary + "-" + metric + "-" + evol; file = $(this).data('file'); var stacked = false; if ($(this).data('graph')) stacked = true; if ($(this).data('stacked')) stacked = true; config.lines = {stacked : stacked}; config.graph = $(this).data('graph'); var show_others = $(this).data('show-others'); config.show_legend = $(this).data('legend'); if ($('#'+$(this).data('legend-div')).length>0) { config.legend = { container: $(this).data('legend-div')}; } else config.legend = {container: null}; displayCompaniesSummary(, ds, file, metric, config, show_others, evol); }); displayCompaniesList(); } } // Sum evolution date to compute total (global) data Openstack.buildCompaniesGlobal = function(ds, metric) { $.each(Openstack.companies.evol[ds], function(company, values) { var total = 0; for (var i=0; i