.. _hardening-domains-label: Hardening Domains (RHEL 7 STIG) =============================== The STIG divides its hardening requirements into severity levels, but the security role divides the requirements into system domains to make them easier to review. The documentation provided here includes a brief overview of each hardening domain and the STIG requirements that go along with each. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 rhel7/domains/accounts.rst rhel7/domains/aide.rst rhel7/domains/auditd.rst rhel7/domains/auth.rst rhel7/domains/file_perms.rst rhel7/domains/graphical.rst rhel7/domains/implemented.rst rhel7/domains/kernel.rst rhel7/domains/lsm.rst rhel7/domains/misc.rst rhel7/domains/packages.rst rhel7/domains/sshd.rst