
31 lines
660 B

# Exclude these paths to speed up the filtering
# These need to be removed/made more specific if we decide to collect
# anything under these paths
- /dev
- /proc
- /run
- /sys
# Exclude paths
{% for exclude_path in artcl_exclude_list|default([]) %}
- {{ exclude_path }}
{% endfor %}
# Include all subdirectories and log files in the check
# See "INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES" section about --recursive
# in the rsync man page
+ */
+ *.log
# Include paths
{% for include_path in collect_list|default([]) %}
{% if include_path|list|last == "/" %}
+ {{ include_path }}**
{% else %}
+ {{ include_path }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# Exclude everything else
- *