# Tasks for backing up Pacemaker configuration - name: Remove any existing Pacemaker backup directory file: path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs" state: absent - name: Create a new Pacemaker backup directory file: path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs" state: directory - name: Create Pacemaker backup script template: src: backup_pacemaker.sh.j2 dest: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/backup_pacemaker.sh" mode: u+rwx - name: Run the Pacemaker backup script command: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/backup_pacemaker.sh" - name: Archive the Pacemaker configuration shell: | /bin/tar --ignore-failed-read --xattrs \ -zcf {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/openstack-backup-pacemaker.tar \ {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/cib.xml \ {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/pacemaker_backup.tar.bz2 - name: Copy the archive to the backup server synchronize: mode: pull src: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/openstack-backup-pacemaker.tar" dest: "{{ backup_directory }}" set_remote_user: false ssh_args: "{{ backup_host_ssh_args }}" delegate_to: "{{ backup_host }}" - name: Remove the database backup directory file: path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs" state: absent