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# Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost)
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Copyright 2013 eNovance <>
# Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All rights reserved
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Company
# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import datetime
import inspect
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import pecan
import wsme
from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import base
from aodh.api import rbac
def get_auth_project(on_behalf_of=None):
# when an alarm is created by an admin on behalf of another tenant
# we must ensure for:
# - threshold alarm, that an implicit query constraint on project_id is
# added so that admin-level visibility on statistics is not leaked
# - combination alarm, that alarm ids verification is scoped to
# alarms owned by the alarm project.
# hence for null auth_project (indicating admin-ness) we check if
# the creating tenant differs from the tenant on whose behalf the
# alarm is being created
auth_project = rbac.get_limited_to_project(pecan.request.headers)
created_by = pecan.request.headers.get('X-Project-Id')
is_admin = auth_project is None
if is_admin and on_behalf_of != created_by:
auth_project = on_behalf_of
return auth_project
def sanitize_query(query, db_func, on_behalf_of=None):
"""Check the query.
See if:
1) the request is coming from admin - then allow full visibility
2) non-admin - make sure that the query includes the requester's project.
q = copy.copy(query)
auth_project = get_auth_project(on_behalf_of)
if auth_project:
_verify_query_segregation(q, auth_project)
proj_q = [i for i in q if i.field == 'project_id']
valid_keys = inspect.getargspec(db_func)[0]
if not proj_q and 'on_behalf_of' not in valid_keys:
# The user is restricted, but they didn't specify a project
# so add it for them.
return q
def _verify_query_segregation(query, auth_project=None):
"""Ensure non-admin queries are not constrained to another project."""
auth_project = (auth_project or
if not auth_project:
for q in query:
if q.field in ('project', 'project_id') and auth_project != q.value:
raise base.ProjectNotAuthorized(q.value)
def validate_query(query, db_func, internal_keys=None,
"""Validates the syntax of the query and verifies the query.
Verification check if the query request is authorized for the included
:param query: Query expression that should be validated
:param db_func: the function on the storage level, of which arguments
will form the valid_keys list, which defines the valid fields for a
query expression
:param internal_keys: internally used field names, that should not be
used for querying
:param allow_timestamps: defines whether the timestamp-based constraint is
applicable for this query or not
:raises InvalidInput: if an operator is not supported for a given field
:raises InvalidInput: if timestamp constraints are allowed, but
search_offset was included without timestamp constraint
:raises: UnknownArgument: if a field name is not a timestamp field, nor
in the list of valid keys
internal_keys = internal_keys or []
valid_keys = inspect.getargspec(db_func)[0]
if 'alarm_type' in valid_keys:
internal_timestamp_keys = ['end_timestamp', 'start_timestamp',
'end_timestamp_op', 'start_timestamp_op']
if 'start_timestamp' in valid_keys:
internal_keys += internal_timestamp_keys
valid_keys += ['timestamp', 'search_offset']
valid_keys = set(valid_keys) - set(internal_keys)
translation = {'user_id': 'user',
'project_id': 'project',
'resource_id': 'resource'}
has_timestamp_query = _validate_timestamp_fields(query,
('lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge'),
has_search_offset_query = _validate_timestamp_fields(query,
if has_search_offset_query and not has_timestamp_query:
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('field', 'search_offset',
"search_offset cannot be used without " +
def _is_field_metadata(field):
return (field.startswith('metadata.') or
for i in query:
if i.field not in ('timestamp', 'search_offset'):
key = translation.get(i.field, i.field)
operator = i.op
if key in valid_keys or _is_field_metadata(i.field):
if operator == 'eq':
if key == 'enabled':
elif _is_field_metadata(key):
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('op', i.op,
'unimplemented operator for '
'%s' % i.field)
msg = ("unrecognized field in query: %s, "
"valid keys: %s") % (query, sorted(valid_keys))
raise wsme.exc.UnknownArgument(key, msg)
def _validate_timestamp_fields(query, field_name, operator_list,
"""Validates the timestamp related constraints in a query if there are any.
:param query: query expression that may contain the timestamp fields
:param field_name: timestamp name, which should be checked (timestamp,
:param operator_list: list of operators that are supported for that
timestamp, which was specified in the parameter field_name
:param allow_timestamps: defines whether the timestamp-based constraint is
applicable to this query or not
:returns: True, if there was a timestamp constraint, containing
a timestamp field named as defined in field_name, in the query and it
was allowed and syntactically correct.
:returns: False, if there wasn't timestamp constraint, containing a
timestamp field named as defined in field_name, in the query
:raises InvalidInput: if an operator is unsupported for a given timestamp
:raises UnknownArgument: if the timestamp constraint is not allowed in
the query
for item in query:
if item.field == field_name:
# If *timestamp* or *search_offset* field was specified in the
# query, but timestamp is not supported on that resource, on
# which the query was invoked, then raise an exception.
if not allow_timestamps:
raise wsme.exc.UnknownArgument(field_name,
"not valid for " +
"this resource")
if item.op not in operator_list:
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('op', item.op,
'unimplemented operator for %s' %
return True
return False
def query_to_kwargs(query, db_func, internal_keys=None,
validate_query(query, db_func, internal_keys=internal_keys,
query = sanitize_query(query, db_func)
translation = {'user_id': 'user',
'project_id': 'project',
'resource_id': 'resource',
'type': 'alarm_type'}
stamp = {}
metaquery = {}
kwargs = {}
for i in query:
if i.field == 'timestamp':
if i.op in ('lt', 'le'):
stamp['end_timestamp'] = i.value
stamp['end_timestamp_op'] = i.op
elif i.op in ('gt', 'ge'):
stamp['start_timestamp'] = i.value
stamp['start_timestamp_op'] = i.op
if i.op == 'eq':
if i.field == 'search_offset':
stamp['search_offset'] = i.value
elif i.field == 'enabled':
kwargs[i.field] = i._get_value_as_type('boolean')
elif i.field.startswith('metadata.'):
metaquery[i.field] = i._get_value_as_type()
elif i.field.startswith('resource_metadata.'):
metaquery[i.field[9:]] = i._get_value_as_type()
key = translation.get(i.field, i.field)
kwargs[key] = i.value
if metaquery and 'metaquery' in inspect.getargspec(db_func)[0]:
kwargs['metaquery'] = metaquery
if stamp:
return kwargs
def _get_query_timestamps(args=None):
"""Return any optional timestamp information in the request.
Determine the desired range, if any, from the GET arguments. Set
up the query range using the specified offset.
[query_start ... start_timestamp ... end_timestamp ... query_end]
Returns a dictionary containing:
start_timestamp: First timestamp to use for query
start_timestamp_op: First timestamp operator to use for query
end_timestamp: Final timestamp to use for query
end_timestamp_op: Final timestamp operator to use for query
if args is None:
return {}
search_offset = int(args.get('search_offset', 0))
def _parse_timestamp(timestamp):
if not timestamp:
return None
iso_timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(timestamp)
iso_timestamp = iso_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None)
except ValueError:
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('timestamp', timestamp,
'invalid timestamp format')
return iso_timestamp
start_timestamp = _parse_timestamp(args.get('start_timestamp'))
end_timestamp = _parse_timestamp(args.get('end_timestamp'))
start_timestamp = start_timestamp - datetime.timedelta(
minutes=search_offset) if start_timestamp else None
end_timestamp = end_timestamp + datetime.timedelta(
minutes=search_offset) if end_timestamp else None
return {'start_timestamp': start_timestamp,
'end_timestamp': end_timestamp,
'start_timestamp_op': args.get('start_timestamp_op'),
'end_timestamp_op': args.get('end_timestamp_op')}