# Copyright 2014 DreamHost, LLC # # Author: DreamHost, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import re from oslo.config import cfg from akanda.rug.openstack.common import jsonutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_AS = 64512 OPTIONS = [ cfg.StrOpt('provider_rules_path'), cfg.IntOpt('asn', default=DEFAULT_AS), cfg.IntOpt('neighbor_asn', default=DEFAULT_AS), ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(OPTIONS) EXTERNAL_NET = 'external' INTERNAL_NET = 'internal' MANAGEMENT_NET = 'management' SERVICE_STATIC = 'static' SERVICE_DHCP = 'dhcp' SERVICE_RA = 'ra' def build_config(client, router, interfaces): provider_rules = load_provider_rules(cfg.CONF.provider_rules_path) return { 'asn': cfg.CONF.asn, 'neighbor_asn': cfg.CONF.neighbor_asn, 'networks': generate_network_config(client, router, interfaces), 'address_book': generate_address_book_config(client, router), 'anchors': generate_anchor_config(client, provider_rules, router), 'labels': provider_rules.get('labels', {}), 'floating_ips': generate_floating_config(router), 'tenant_id': router.tenant_id } def load_provider_rules(path): try: return jsonutils.load(open(path)) except: # pragma nocover LOG.exception('unable to open provider rules: %s' % path) def generate_network_config(client, router, interfaces): iface_map = dict((i['lladdr'], i['ifname']) for i in interfaces) retval = [ _network_config( client, router.external_port, iface_map[router.external_port.mac_address], EXTERNAL_NET), _management_network_config( router.management_port, iface_map[router.management_port.mac_address], interfaces, )] retval.extend( _network_config( client, p, iface_map[p.mac_address], INTERNAL_NET, client.get_network_ports(p.network_id)) for p in router.internal_ports) return retval def _management_network_config(port, ifname, interfaces): for iface in interfaces: if iface['ifname'] == ifname: return _make_network_config_dict( iface, MANAGEMENT_NET, port.network_id) def _network_config(client, port, ifname, network_type, network_ports=[]): subnets = client.get_network_subnets(port.network_id) subnets_dict = dict((s.id, s) for s in subnets) return _make_network_config_dict( _interface_config(ifname, port, subnets_dict), network_type, port.network_id, subnets_dict=subnets_dict, network_ports=network_ports) def _make_network_config_dict(interface, network_type, network_id, v4_conf=SERVICE_STATIC, v6_conf=SERVICE_STATIC, subnets_dict={}, network_ports=[]): return {'interface': interface, 'network_id': network_id, 'v4_conf_service': v4_conf, 'v6_conf_service': v6_conf, 'network_type': network_type, 'subnets': [_subnet_config(s) for s in subnets_dict.values()], 'allocations': _allocation_config(network_ports, subnets_dict)} def _interface_config(ifname, port, subnets_dict): def fmt(fixed): return '%s/%s' % (fixed.ip_address, subnets_dict[fixed.subnet_id].cidr.prefixlen) return {'ifname': ifname, 'addresses': [fmt(fixed) for fixed in port.fixed_ips]} def _subnet_config(subnet): return { 'cidr': str(subnet.cidr), 'dhcp_enabled': subnet.enable_dhcp, 'dns_nameservers': subnet.dns_nameservers, 'host_routes': subnet.host_routes, 'gateway_ip': str(subnet.gateway_ip) } def _allocation_config(ports, subnets_dict): r = re.compile('[:.]') allocations = [] for port in ports: addrs = { str(fixed.ip_address): subnets_dict[fixed.subnet_id].enable_dhcp for fixed in port.fixed_ips } if not addrs: continue allocations.append( { 'ip_addresses': addrs, 'device_id': port.device_id, 'hostname': '%s.local' % r.sub('-', sorted(addrs.keys())[0]), 'mac_address': port.mac_address } ) return allocations def generate_address_book_config(client, router): return dict([(g.name, [str(e) for e in g.entries]) for g in client.get_addressgroups(router.tenant_id)]) def generate_anchor_config(client, provider_rules, router): retval = provider_rules.get('preanchors', []) retval.extend([ generate_tenant_port_forward_anchor(client, router), generate_tenant_filter_rule_anchor(client, router) ]) retval.extend(provider_rules.get('postanchors', [])) return retval def generate_tenant_port_forward_anchor(client, router): to_ip = router.external_port.first_v4 or '' rules = [_format_port_forward_rule(to_ip, pf) for pf in client.get_portforwards(router.tenant_id)] return { 'name': 'tenant_v4_portforwards', 'rules': [r for r in rules if r] } def _format_port_forward_rule(to_ip, pf): redirect_ip = pf.port.first_v4 if not redirect_ip: return return { 'action': 'pass', 'direction': 'in', 'family': 'inet', 'protocol': pf.protocol, 'destination': '%s/32' % to_ip, 'destination_port': pf.public_port, 'redirect': redirect_ip, 'redirect_port': pf.private_port } def generate_tenant_filter_rule_anchor(client, router): return { 'name': 'tenant_filterrules', 'rules': [_format_filter_rule(r) for r in client.get_filterrules(router.tenant_id)] } def _format_filter_rule(rule): return { 'action': rule.action, 'protocol': rule.protocol, 'source': rule.source.name if rule.source else None, 'source_port': rule.source_port, 'destination': rule.destination.name if rule.destination else None, 'destination_port': rule.destination_port, } def generate_floating_config(router): return [ {'floating_ip': str(fip.floating_ip), 'fixed_ip': str(fip.fixed_ip)} for fip in router.floating_ips ]