[DEFAULT] debug=True versbose=True auth_region=RegionOne # Nova instance provider # Currently available: # - on_demand: Requests new nova instances as they are required # - pez: Pre-provisions pools of instances to be used for appliances. # Requires running the astara-pez-service. # Note: This feature is marked experimental for Liberty. instance_provider=on_demand management_network_id=dca21cbf-fc11-4d0f-86a8-b856e95b0d1b management_subnet_id=92607c63-0738-4e19-a1c8-f770a1dd48fd management_prefix=fdca:3ba5:a17a:acda::/64 # Configure which neutron resource(s) this Rug should be managing. # Currently available: router, loadbalancer enabled_drivers=router # *Deprecated* Use mgt_service_port in individual driver config sections # instead. akanda_mgt_service_port=5000 external_network_id=fbf6b360-be38-48cd-bce3-6a9b710b3cc9 external_subnet_id=f3803915-dd28-487c-81a7-b109ab13e2ee external_prefix= plug_external_port=True # Public SSH key to insert into the 'akanda' user of appliance # VMs. ssh_public_key=/etc/akanda/akanda.pub # *Deprecated* Use image_uuid/instance_flavor in the [router] section. router_image_uuid=1e9c16f3-e070-47b7-b49c-ffcf38df5f9a router_instance_flavor=1 # *Deprecated* Use ssh_public_key. router_ssh_public_key=/etc/akanda/akanda.pub # to plug in rug interface interface_driver=akanda.rug.common.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver ovs_integration_bridge=br-int # URL for connecting to oslo.messaging backend amqp_url = amqp://rabbit:akanda@ # *Deprecated* use amqp_url instead. rabbit_password = yetanothersecret rabbit_host = provider_rules_path=/opt/stack/akanda-rug/etc/provider_rules.json control_exchange = quantum neutron_port_security_extension_enabled = True [AGENT] root_helper=sudo # If running multiple akanda-rug instances, configure use of an external # cluster coordinator here. For more information on supported coordination # backends, see http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tooz/. # NOTE: This feature is currently marked experimental for Liberty. [coordination] enabled = False url = memcached://localhost:11211 group_id = akanda.rug heartbeat_interval = 1 # This section should be updated as per service user credentials. [keystone_authtoken] signing_dir = /var/cache/akanda cafile = /etc/ssl/openstack/ca-bundle.pem auth_uri = project_domain_id = default project_name = service user_domain_id = default password = akanda username = neutron auth_url = auth_plugin = password # Driver configuration [router] image_uuid = aa7bcd8e-7364-11e5-a721-a35eacf37e3b instance_flavor = 1 mgt_service_port = 5000 # Pez instance pooling configuration, used when running the astara-pez-service # process to manage pools of hot-standby # appliance VMs /w the pez instance # provider (experimental) [pez] # The number of hot-standby nodes per pool (1 pool per enabled driver) pool_size=1