# Astara A service with an open plugin architecture that manages Neutron advanced services such as routers and load balancers within an OpenStack environment. ## The Name Astara is the sanskrit word for carpet. So why name our project carpet? The original code name for this project was simply "The RUG" which was a reference to a line from the popular film "The Big Lebowski": **That rug really tied the room together, did it not?** The idea is that "The Rug" really ties OpenStack neutron together nicely. We felt it was an apt description so we kept the name. ## Related Projects The code for the Astara project lives in several separate repositories to ease packaging and management: * [Astara](https://github.com/openstack/astara) - Contains the Orchestration service for managing the creation, configuration, and health of neutron advanced services as virtual network functions. * [Astara Appliance](https://github.com/openstack/astara-appliance) – Supporting software for the Astara virtual network appliance, which is a Linux-based service VM that provides routing and L3+ services in a virtualized network environment. This includes a REST API for managing the appliance via the Astara orchestration service. * [Astara Neutron](https://github.com/openstack/astara-neutron) –  Ancillary subclasses of several OpenStack Neutron plugins and supporting code. * [Astara Horizon](https://github.com/openstack/astara-horizon) - OpenStack Horizon Dashboard code. ## Project Details Astara is publicly managed through the [Astara Launchpad project](https://launchpad.net/astara) ## Code Review The code goes to get reviewed by collaborators and merged at [OpenStack Gerrit review](https://review.openstack.org) ## Documentation Can be found at [docs.akanda.io](http://docs.akanda.io) Developer quick start guides for making this all work in Devstack `Here `_ ## Community Talk to the developers through IRC [#openstack-astara channel on freenode.net] (http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=%23openstack-astara&prompt=1&uio=d4) ## License and Copyright Astara is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license and is Copyright 2015, OpenStack Foundation