
214 lines
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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""An object to store/access results associated with Bandit tests."""
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
import linecache
from bandit.core import constants
from bandit.core import extension_loader
from bandit.core import utils
class BanditResultStore():
count = 0
skipped = None
def __init__(self, config, agg_type, verbose):
self.resstore = OrderedDict()
self.count = 0
self.skipped = []
self.config = config
self.agg_type = agg_type
self.sev_level = 0
self.conf_level = 0
self.max_lines = -1
self.format = 'txt'
self.out_file = None
self.verbose = verbose
self.generated_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def skip(self, filename, reason):
'''Indicates that the specified file was skipped and why
:param filename: The file that was skipped
:param reason: Why the file was skipped
:return: -
self.skipped.append((filename, reason))
def add(self, context, test, issue):
'''Adds a result, with the context and the issue that was found
:param context: Context of the node
:param test: The type (function name) of the test
:param issue: Which issue was found
:return: -
filename = context['filename']
lineno = context['lineno']
linerange = context['linerange']
(issue_severity, issue_confidence, issue_text) = issue
if self.agg_type == 'vuln':
key = test
key = filename
self.resstore.setdefault(key, []).append(
{'fname': filename,
'test': test,
'lineno': lineno,
'linerange': linerange,
'issue_severity': issue_severity,
'issue_confidence': issue_confidence,
'issue_text': issue_text})
self.count += 1
def _write_report(self, files_list, scores, excluded_files):
formatters_mgr = extension_loader.MANAGER.formatters_mgr
formatter = formatters_mgr[self.format]
except KeyError: # Unrecognized format, so use text instead
formatter = formatters_mgr['txt']
if self.format == 'csv':
self.max_lines = 1
elif == 'txt' and self.out_file:
self.format = 'plain'
report_func = formatter.plugin
report_func(self, files_list, scores, excluded_files=excluded_files)
def report(self, files_list, scores, excluded_files=None, lines=-1,
sev_level=1, conf_level=1, output_filename=None,
'''Prints the contents of the result store
:param scope: Which files were inspected
:param scores: The scores awarded to each file in the scope
:param lines: # of lines around the issue line to display (optional)
:param sev_level: What level of severity to display (optional)
:param conf_level: What level of confidence to display (optional)
:param output_filename: File to output the results (optional)
:param output_format: File type to output (csv|json|txt|xml)
:return: -
if not excluded_files:
excluded_files = []
if sev_level >= len(constants.RANKING):
sev_level = len(constants.RANKING) - 1
if conf_level >= len(constants.RANKING):
conf_level = len(constants.RANKING) - 1
self.sev_level = sev_level
self.conf_level = conf_level
self.max_lines = lines
self.format = output_format
self.out_file = output_filename
self._write_report(files_list, scores, excluded_files)
except IOError:
print("Unable to write to file: %s" % self.out_file)
def _get_issue_list(self):
collector = list()
for group in self.resstore.items():
issue_list = group[1]
for issue in issue_list:
if (self._check_severity(issue['issue_severity']) and
code = self._get_code(issue, True)
holder = dict({
"filename": issue['fname'],
"line_number": issue['lineno'],
"line_range": issue['linerange'],
"test_name": issue['test'],
"issue_severity": issue['issue_severity'],
"issue_confidence": issue['issue_confidence'],
"code": code,
"issue_text": issue['issue_text']
return collector
def _get_code(self, issue, tabbed=False):
'''Gets lines of code from a file
:param filename: Filename of file with code in it
:param line_list: A list of integers corresponding to line numbers
:return: string of code
issue_line = []
prepend = ""
file_len = sum(1 for line in open(issue['fname']))
lines = utils.lines_with_context(issue['lineno'],
for l in lines:
if l:
if tabbed:
prepend = "%s\t" % l
issue_line.append(prepend + linecache.getline(
return ''.join(issue_line)
def _sum_scores(self, scores):
'''Get total of all scores
This just computes the sum of all recorded scores, filtering them
on the chosen minimum severity level.
:param score_list: the list of scores to total
:return: an integer total sum of all scores above the threshold
total = 0
for score_type in scores:
total = total + sum(scores[score_type][self.sev_level:])
return total
def _check_severity(self, severity):
'''Check severity level
returns true if the issue severity is above the threshold.
:param severity: the severity of the issue being checked
:return: boolean result
return constants.RANKING.index(severity) >= self.sev_level
def _check_confidence(self, confidence):
'''Check confidence level
returns true if the issue confidence is above the threshold.
:param confidence: the confidence of the issue being checked
:return: boolean result
return constants.RANKING.index(confidence) >= self.conf_level