.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================================== Add quota support for Barbican resources ========================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/barbican/+spec/quota-support-on-barbican-resources Barbican REST API doesn't impose any upper limit on the number of resources allowed per project. This could result in resource explosion. This blueprint proposes a way to specify and enforce quotas with projects. Quotas are operational limits so that cloud resources are optimized. Problem Description =================== Here are few scenarios that could impact the normal functioning of the Barbican server: * A client could place requests for several thousands of orders to create secrets for a single project. This might overwhelm the Barbican server both in terms of processing time and disk space consumed * If a buggy client script runs amok and attempts to create a generic type container with no associated secret, it could quickly fill-up the Barbican database! * If a user creates a large number of projects and further creates a large number of Barbican resources per these projects, that could impact other genuine users Note: The last point could be avoided if keystone could enforce a upper limit on the number of projects that an user could create. Hence this is treated as a lower priority for Barbican for now. This spec aims to implement project level quotas first. A later spec is expected to add support for user level quotas. This is similar to the quota enforcement done by nova and cinder services. Proposed Change =============== Introduce quotas for all Barbican resources. The quotas should have reasonably high values as defaults. The following resources will have quota support: * secrets * orders * containers * transport_keys * consumers *Note:* This proposal is a simpler subset of the quota implementation done by oslo.common.quota.py. Barbican does not have any reservable resources and so the quotas are much simpler in that there is no usage tracking and reservations. Also, project-user level quota enforcement is not covered by this spec. ***Enforcing quotas:*** Barbican API controllers will be updated with quota logic for the create resource methods. Once implemented, the quota check will work as follows for resource creation requests: 1. Get the quotas for the project retrieved from the auth context. If per-project quotas have not been setup, use default quotas 2. Get a count of the resources for the context project Note: Currently secrets that expire or are removed are not hard removed from the database, but rather are soft deleted, so they still are using resources within Barbican and would be counted against the project's quota. However, this is deployment dependent. A deployment could have a process that hard removes such resources after a period of time 3. If the count equals or exceeds the quotas, reject the request with the following error message: HTTP 403 Forbidden {"error": "Quota exceeded for . Only s are allowed" } 4. Continue with the resource creation Update the Barbican config file to include the following section for quota limits: :: [quotas] enabled = true # number of secrets allowed per project quota_secrets = 500 # number of orders allowed per project quota_orders = 100 # number of containers allowed per project quota_containers = -1 # Note, a negative value signifies unlimited # number of transport_keys allowed per project quota_transport_keys = 100 # number of consumers allowed per project quota_consumers = 100 A number >=0 for the quota_ indicates the max limit for that resource and a negative value means unlimited. A value of zero indicates a maximum of zero instances of that resource, effectively disabling creation of that entity. While these generic quotas apply to all projects, there will also be support to enforce quotas per project. The priority in which the quotas are enforced is then: [per project quotas] => [default quotas] where, "per project quotas" - these quotas are directly associated with a particular project id. Any changes to these quotas will impact only that project. "default quotas" - if no per project quotas are specified, the default quotas are used. These would typically be the values supplied in the config file. The default quotas are stored in the config file (as shown above) but per-project quotas are stored in db. A REST API for Barbican administrators for the quota CRUD operations will be implemented as well. Non-admin users will be provided with a REST API to get their own effective quotas for various resources. Keystone RBAC checks will be employed to decide if a caller has the required admin role to perform these admin-only operations. The admin endpoint of Barbican will not be used. The details of this is discussed in a later section below. Alternatives ------------ An attempt was made to create an oslo.common library with quota support for all OpenStack projects. The first attempt was committed to oslo, however it has been deprecated and has not been adopted by any projects. A second attempt was started, but has been put on hold with no current plans to restart. There is no other common OpenStack library implementing quotas for Barbican to adopt. The quota configuration and logic will be derived by looking at quota implementations done by other OpenStack projects like nova, cinder and neutron. A simplified implementation will developed for Barbican by using APIs and logic similar to Nova's implementation, while removing unneeded features, such as pluggable backend drivers and resource reservation. Another alternative is an initiative by Kevin Mitchell from Rackspace https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Boson. However, the Nova and Cinder design is more usable for Barbican. Data model impact ----------------- The following new data models will be added: * ProjectQuota Represents a single quota override for a project. If there is no row for a given project id and resource, then the default for the deployment is used. If the row is present but the hard limit is "-1" (no quotes), then the resource is unlimited. Schema: (table name: **project_quota**) * id: Integer, Primary Key * project_id: String(255) * resource: String(255), nullable=False, one of "secrets","orders", "containers","transport_keys", "consumers" * hard_limit: Integer **Constraints**: project_id + resource should be unique * Changes to existing models: No existing models will be impacted by this addition. However, it needs to be investigated if new indexes need to be built to speed up resource consumption lookups. REST API impact --------------- The following new REST API will be implemented to manage quotas CRUD operations. Please note that except for the first GET API, all the other APIs require the caller to have admin role. * Get effective quotas (any Barbican user) * Returns effective resource quotas for the caller for the specified project. If there are no project specific quotas returns the deployment default resource limits. * GET /v1/quotas * Normal http response code(s) 200 OK * Expected error http response code(s) * 401 Unauthorized - If the auth token is not present or invalid * 404 Not Found - If using unauthenticated context and X-Project-Id header is not present in the request * Required request headers X-Auth-Token, if using keystone auth X-Project-Id, if using unauthenticated context * Parameters None * JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed None * JSON schema definition for the response data if any EXAMPLE:: { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'quotas': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'secrets': {'type':'integer'} 'orders': {'type':'integer'}, 'containers': {'type':'integer'}, 'transport_keys': {'type':'integer'} 'consumers': {'type':'integer'} }, 'additionalProperties': False } }, 'additionalProperties': False } * Example 1:: A non-admin user checking the resource quotas using a token scoped to a particular project Request: GET /v1/quotas X-Auth-Token: Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "quotas": { "secrets": 10, "orders": 20, "containers": 10, "transport_keys": 10, "consumers": -1 } } * List all project quotas (admin only) * Lists all project level resource quotas across all users for all projects. If there are only project specific quotas for few resources for a project, this call will return defaults for other resources in that project. * GET /v1/project-quotas?limit=x&offset=y (Admin only) * Normal http response code(s) 200 OK * Expected error http response code(s) * 401 Unauthorized - If the auth token is not present or invalid * 404 Not Found - If using unauthenticated context and X-Project-Id header is not present in the request * Required request headers X-Auth-Token, if using keystone auth * Parameters limit(optional), integer, maximum number of records retrieved offset(optional), integer, number of records to skip * JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed None * JSON schema definition for the response data if any EXAMPLE:: { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'project-quotas': { 'type': 'array' 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'project-id': {'type':'string'}, 'project-quotas': { 'type':'object', 'properties': { 'secrets': {'type': 'integer'}, 'orders': {'type': 'integer'}, 'containers': {'type': 'integer'}, 'transport_keys': {'type': 'integer'}, 'consumers': {'type': 'integer'} } } } } } }, 'additionalProperties': False } * Example 1:: An admin user listing all the project quotas Request: GET /v1/project-quotas X-Auth-Token: Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "project-quotas": [ { "project-id": "1234", "project-quotas": { "secrets": 2000, "orders": 1000, "containers": 500, "transport_keys": 100, "consumers": 10000 } }, { "project-id": "5678", "project-quotas": { "secrets": 200, "orders": 100, "containers": 100, "transport_keys": 50, "consumers": 500 } }, ] } * Get quotas for a specific project (admin only) * Returns a list of all resource quotas for the specified project. If there are only project specific quotas for few resources for a project, this call will return defaults for other resources in that project. * GET /v1/project-quotas/{project-id} * Normal http response code(s) 200 OK * Expected error http response code(s) * 401 Unauthorized - If the auth token is not present or invalid * 404 Not Found - If using unauthenticated context and X-Project-Id header is not present in the request * Required request headers X-Auth-Token, if using keystone auth X-Project-Id, if using unauthenticated context * JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed None * JSON schema definition for the response data if any:: { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'project-quotas': { 'type':'object', 'properties': { 'secrets': {'type': 'integer'}, 'orders': {'type': 'integer'}, 'containers': {'type': 'integer'}, 'transport_keys': {'type': 'integer'}, 'consumers': {'type': 'integer'} } } }, 'additionalProperties': False } * Example:: Request: GET /v1/project-quotas/1234 X-Auth-Token: Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "project-quotas": { "secrets": 10, "orders": 20, "containers": 10, "transport_keys": 5, "consumers": 10 } } * Update/Set quotas for a specific project (admin only) * Updates and returns a list of resource quotas for the specified project. It is not required to specify limits for all Barbican resources. If a resource is not specified, the default limits are used for that resource. * PUT /v1/project-quotas/{project-id} * Normal http response code(s) 204 No Content * Expected error http response code(s) * 401 Unauthorized - If the auth token is not present or invalid * 404 Not Found - If using unauthenticated context and X-Project-Id header is not present in the request * 400 Bad Request - If the request payload doesn't confirm to schema * Required request headers X-Auth-Token, if using keystone auth X-Project-Id, if using unauthenticated context Content-Type, application/json * JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed:: { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'project-quotas': { 'type':'object', 'properties': { 'secrets': {'type': 'integer'}, 'orders': {'type': 'integer'}, 'containers': {'type': 'integer'}, 'transport_keys': {'type': 'integer'}, 'consumers': {'type': 'integer'} } } }, 'additionalProperties': False } * JSON schema definition for the response data if any:: None * Example:: Request: PUT /v1/project-quotas/1234 X-Auth-Token: Body:: { "project-quotas": { "secrets": 50, "orders": 10, "containers": 20 } } Response: 200 OK { "project-quotas": { "secrets": 10, "orders": 20, "containers": 10, "transport_keys": 5, "consumers": 10 } } * Delete quotas for a specific project (admin only) * Deletes project specific resource quotas for the specified project. After this call succeeds, the default resource quotas will be returned for subsequent calls by the user to list effective quotas. * DELETE v1/project-quotas/{project-id} * Parameters None * Normal http response code(s) 204 No Content * Expected error http response code(s) * 401 Unauthorized - If the auth token is not present or invalid * 404 Not Found - If using unauthenticated context and X-Project-Id header is not present in the request * Required request headers X-Auth-Token, if using keystone auth X-Project-Id, if using unauthenticated context * Parameters None * JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed None * JSON schema definition for the response data if any None * Example 1:: Request: DELETE v1/project-quotas/1234 X-Auth-Token: Response: 204 No Content * Policy changes For all admin-only APIs, the caller is expected to have a barbican admin role. The check for this will be added to the Barbican policy.json Once implemented and enforced, all Barbican resource creation API could return a new error message back to the client if the request exceeded the allowed quota limits. Example:: Request:: POST /v1/secrets X-Auth-Token: Content-Type: application/json { # payload to create secret } Response:: 403 Forbidden Retry-After: 0 Content-Type: application/json { "error": "Quota exceeded for . Only s are allowed" } * Class Quotas Class level quotas are not addressed in this spec. Need another spec to cover the data model impact and REST API for associated CRUD operations. Security impact --------------- None Notifications & Audit Impact ---------------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- The Barbican client (python-barbicanclient) has to be enhanced to consume the Quota REST API mentioned. The following scenarios should be supported. Quota commands that a regular non-admin barbican user can make: * List all quotas barbican quota show Quota commands that only a barbican admin can make * List the default quotas applicable to all new projects barbican quota show * List quotas for a specific project barbican quota show --project_id * Update quotas for a specific project barbican quota update --project_id --secrets 50 --orders 10 * Delete per-project quotas for a project barbican quota delete --project_id Performance Impact ------------------ TBD Other deployer impact --------------------- The new data models introduced will be added by a new Alembic version file. If automatic migration is turned OFF, the db migration tool has to be run manually to effect the changes. Developer impact ---------------- Developers integrating with Barbican API/client now need to handle the case where the server could return a quota violation error Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Dave McCowan (dave-mccowan) will be leading the implementation of the code. Primary assignee: Other assignees: Work Items ---------- * Quota db provider source code * Data model additions * Alembic migration version script * Updated default config file with quota section * python-barbicanclient enhancements to support quota operations * New unit tests to test quota related source changes * Update existing resource unit tests to handle quota violation errors * Functional tests Dependencies ============ TBD Testing ======= New unit tests, functional tests, and tempest tests need to be added. Details TBD Documentation Impact ==================== * A new section about Quotas has to be documented * Existing resource API documentation needs to be updated with quota violation specific errors References ========== TBD