Installation with Keystone ========================== .. NOTE:: Use of keystone with bifrost is a very new feature and should be considered an advanced topic. Please feel free to reach out to the bifrost contributors and the ironic community as a whole in the project's `IRC`_ channel. .. _`IRC`: Bifrost can now install and make use of keystone. In order to enable this as part of the installation, the ``enable_keystone`` variable must be set to ``true``, either in ``playbooks/inventory/group_vars/target`` or on the command line during installation. Note that enable_keystone and noauth_mode are mutually exclusive so they should have an opposite value of oneanother. Example:: ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/target install.yaml -e enable_keystone=true -e noauth_mode=false However, prior to installation, overriding credentials should be set in order to customize the deployment to meet your needs. At the very least, the following parameters should be changed for a production environment: ``admin_password`` Password for the bootstrap user (called ``admin`` by default). ``default_password`` Password for the regular user (called ``bifrost_user`` by default). ``service_password`` Password for communication between services (never exposed to end users). If any of these values is not set, a random password is generated during the initial installation and stored on the controller in an accordingly named file in the ``~/.config/bifrost`` directory (override using ``password_dir``). See the following files for more settings that can be overridden: * ``playbooks/roles/bifrost-ironic-install/defaults/main.yml`` * ``playbooks/roles/bifrost-keystone-install/defaults/main.yml`` Using an existing Keystone -------------------------- If you choose to install bifrost using an existing keystone, this should be possible, however it has not been tested. In this case you will need to set the appropriate defaults, via ``playbooks/roles/bifrost-ironic-install/defaults/main.yml`` which would be a good source for the role level defaults. Ideally, when setting new defaults, they should be set in the ``playbooks/inventory/group_vars/target`` file. Creation of clouds.yaml ----------------------- By default, during bifrost installation, when keystone is enabled, a file will be written to the user's home directory that is executing the installation. That file can be located at ``~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml``. The cloud that is written to that file is named ``bifrost``. Creation of openrc ------------------ Also by default, after bifrost installation and again, when keystone is enabled, a file will be written to the user's home directory that you can use to set the appropriate environment variables in your current shell to be able to use OpenStack utilities: . ~/openrc bifrost && openstack baremetal driver list