# # Copyright 2013 Julien Danjou # Copyright 2014-2017 Red Hat, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import itertools import logging import random import uuid from concurrent import futures import cotyledon from futurist import periodics from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ka_exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import oslo_messaging from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse from stevedore import extension from tooz import coordination from ceilometer import agent from ceilometer import keystone_client from ceilometer import messaging from ceilometer.polling import plugin_base from ceilometer.publisher import utils as publisher_utils from ceilometer import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) OPTS = [ cfg.BoolOpt('batch_polled_samples', default=True, help='To reduce polling agent load, samples are sent to the ' 'notification agent in a batch. To gain higher ' 'throughput at the cost of load set this to False.'), cfg.FloatOpt('shuffle_time_before_polling_task', min=0, default=10, help='To reduce large requests at same time to Nova or other ' 'components from different compute agents, shuffle ' 'start time of polling task.'), ] POLLING_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('cfg_file', default="polling.yaml", help="Configuration file for polling definition." ), cfg.StrOpt('partitioning_group_prefix', deprecated_group='central', help='Work-load partitioning group prefix. Use only if you ' 'want to run multiple polling agents with different ' 'config files. For each sub-group of the agent ' 'pool with the same partitioning_group_prefix a disjoint ' 'subset of pollsters should be loaded.'), ] class EmptyPollstersList(Exception): def __init__(self): msg = ('No valid pollsters can be loaded with the startup parameter' ' polling-namespaces.') super(EmptyPollstersList, self).__init__(msg) class PollingException(agent.ConfigException): def __init__(self, message, cfg): super(PollingException, self).__init__('Polling', message, cfg) class Resources(object): def __init__(self, agent_manager): self.agent_manager = agent_manager self._resources = [] self._discovery = [] self.blacklist = [] def setup(self, source): self._resources = source.resources self._discovery = source.discovery def get(self, discovery_cache=None): source_discovery = (self.agent_manager.discover(self._discovery, discovery_cache) if self._discovery else []) if self._resources: static_resources_group = self.agent_manager.construct_group_id( utils.hash_of_set(self._resources)) return [v for v in self._resources if not self.agent_manager.partition_coordinator or self.agent_manager.hashrings[ static_resources_group].belongs_to_self( six.text_type(v))] + source_discovery return source_discovery @staticmethod def key(source_name, pollster): return '%s-%s' % (source_name, pollster.name) class PollingTask(object): """Polling task for polling samples and notifying. A polling task can be invoked periodically or only once. """ def __init__(self, agent_manager): self.manager = agent_manager # elements of the Cartesian product of sources X pollsters # with a common interval self.pollster_matches = collections.defaultdict(set) # we relate the static resources and per-source discovery to # each combination of pollster and matching source resource_factory = lambda: Resources(agent_manager) self.resources = collections.defaultdict(resource_factory) self._batch = self.manager.conf.batch_polled_samples self._telemetry_secret = self.manager.conf.publisher.telemetry_secret def add(self, pollster, source): self.pollster_matches[source.name].add(pollster) key = Resources.key(source.name, pollster) self.resources[key].setup(source) def poll_and_notify(self): """Polling sample and notify.""" cache = {} discovery_cache = {} poll_history = {} for source_name in self.pollster_matches: for pollster in self.pollster_matches[source_name]: key = Resources.key(source_name, pollster) candidate_res = list( self.resources[key].get(discovery_cache)) if not candidate_res and pollster.obj.default_discovery: candidate_res = self.manager.discover( [pollster.obj.default_discovery], discovery_cache) # Remove duplicated resources and black resources. Using # set() requires well defined __hash__ for each resource. # Since __eq__ is defined, 'not in' is safe here. polling_resources = [] black_res = self.resources[key].blacklist history = poll_history.get(pollster.name, []) for x in candidate_res: if x not in history: history.append(x) if x not in black_res: polling_resources.append(x) poll_history[pollster.name] = history # If no resources, skip for this pollster if not polling_resources: p_context = 'new ' if history else '' LOG.debug("Skip pollster %(name)s, no %(p_context)s" "resources found this cycle", {'name': pollster.name, 'p_context': p_context}) continue LOG.info("Polling pollster %(poll)s in the context of " "%(src)s", dict(poll=pollster.name, src=source_name)) try: polling_timestamp = timeutils.utcnow().isoformat() samples = pollster.obj.get_samples( manager=self.manager, cache=cache, resources=polling_resources ) sample_batch = [] for sample in samples: # Note(yuywz): Unify the timestamp of polled samples sample.set_timestamp(polling_timestamp) sample_dict = ( publisher_utils.meter_message_from_counter( sample, self._telemetry_secret )) if self._batch: sample_batch.append(sample_dict) else: self._send_notification([sample_dict]) if sample_batch: self._send_notification(sample_batch) except plugin_base.PollsterPermanentError as err: LOG.error( 'Prevent pollster %(name)s from ' 'polling %(res_list)s on source %(source)s anymore!', dict(name=pollster.name, res_list=str(err.fail_res_list), source=source_name)) self.resources[key].blacklist.extend(err.fail_res_list) except Exception as err: LOG.error( 'Continue after error from %(name)s: %(error)s' % ({'name': pollster.name, 'error': err}), exc_info=True) def _send_notification(self, samples): self.manager.notifier.sample( {}, 'telemetry.polling', {'samples': samples} ) class AgentManager(cotyledon.Service): def __init__(self, worker_id, conf, namespaces=None): namespaces = namespaces or ['compute', 'central'] group_prefix = conf.polling.partitioning_group_prefix super(AgentManager, self).__init__(worker_id) self.conf = conf if type(namespaces) is not list: namespaces = [namespaces] # we'll have default ['compute', 'central'] here if no namespaces will # be passed extensions = (self._extensions('poll', namespace, self.conf).extensions for namespace in namespaces) # get the extensions from pollster builder extensions_fb = (self._extensions_from_builder('poll', namespace) for namespace in namespaces) self.extensions = list(itertools.chain(*list(extensions))) + list( itertools.chain(*list(extensions_fb))) if self.extensions == []: raise EmptyPollstersList() discoveries = (self._extensions('discover', namespace, self.conf).extensions for namespace in namespaces) self.discoveries = list(itertools.chain(*list(discoveries))) self.polling_periodics = None self.hashrings = None self.partition_coordinator = None if self.conf.coordination.backend_url: # XXX uuid4().bytes ought to work, but it requires ascii for now coordination_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('ascii') self.partition_coordinator = coordination.get_coordinator( self.conf.coordination.backend_url, coordination_id) # Compose coordination group prefix. # We'll use namespaces as the basement for this partitioning. namespace_prefix = '-'.join(sorted(namespaces)) self.group_prefix = ('%s-%s' % (namespace_prefix, group_prefix) if group_prefix else namespace_prefix) self.notifier = oslo_messaging.Notifier( messaging.get_transport(self.conf), driver=self.conf.publisher_notifier.telemetry_driver, publisher_id="ceilometer.polling") self._keystone = None self._keystone_last_exception = None @staticmethod def _get_ext_mgr(namespace, *args, **kwargs): def _catch_extension_load_error(mgr, ep, exc): # Extension raising ExtensionLoadError can be ignored, # and ignore anything we can't import as a safety measure. if isinstance(exc, plugin_base.ExtensionLoadError): LOG.exception("Skip loading extension for %s", ep.name) return show_exception = (LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and isinstance(exc, ImportError)) LOG.error("Failed to import extension for %(name)r: " "%(error)s", {'name': ep.name, 'error': exc}, exc_info=show_exception) if isinstance(exc, ImportError): return raise exc return extension.ExtensionManager( namespace=namespace, invoke_on_load=True, invoke_args=args, invoke_kwds=kwargs, on_load_failure_callback=_catch_extension_load_error, ) def _extensions(self, category, agent_ns=None, *args, **kwargs): namespace = ('ceilometer.%s.%s' % (category, agent_ns) if agent_ns else 'ceilometer.%s' % category) return self._get_ext_mgr(namespace, *args, **kwargs) def _extensions_from_builder(self, category, agent_ns=None): ns = ('ceilometer.builder.%s.%s' % (category, agent_ns) if agent_ns else 'ceilometer.builder.%s' % category) mgr = self._get_ext_mgr(ns, self.conf) def _build(ext): return ext.plugin.get_pollsters_extensions(self.conf) # NOTE: this seems a stevedore bug. if no extensions are found, # map will raise runtimeError which is not documented. if mgr.names(): return list(itertools.chain(*mgr.map(_build))) else: return [] def join_partitioning_groups(self): groups = set([self.construct_group_id(d.obj.group_id) for d in self.discoveries]) # let each set of statically-defined resources have its own group static_resource_groups = set([ self.construct_group_id(utils.hash_of_set(p.resources)) for p in self.polling_manager.sources if p.resources ]) groups.update(static_resource_groups) self.hashrings = dict( (group, self.partition_coordinator.join_partitioned_group(group)) for group in groups) def create_polling_task(self): """Create an initially empty polling task.""" return PollingTask(self) def setup_polling_tasks(self): polling_tasks = {} for source in self.polling_manager.sources: polling_task = None for pollster in self.extensions: if source.support_meter(pollster.name): polling_task = polling_tasks.get(source.get_interval()) if not polling_task: polling_task = self.create_polling_task() polling_tasks[source.get_interval()] = polling_task polling_task.add(pollster, source) return polling_tasks def construct_group_id(self, discovery_group_id): return '%s-%s' % (self.group_prefix, discovery_group_id) def start_polling_tasks(self): # set shuffle time before polling task if necessary delay_polling_time = random.randint( 0, self.conf.shuffle_time_before_polling_task) data = self.setup_polling_tasks() # Don't start useless threads if no task will run if not data: return # One thread per polling tasks is enough self.polling_periodics = periodics.PeriodicWorker.create( [], executor_factory=lambda: futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(data))) for interval, polling_task in data.items(): @periodics.periodic(spacing=interval, run_immediately=True) def task(running_task): self.interval_task(running_task) utils.spawn_thread(utils.delayed, delay_polling_time, self.polling_periodics.add, task, polling_task) utils.spawn_thread(self.polling_periodics.start, allow_empty=True) def run(self): super(AgentManager, self).run() self.polling_manager = PollingManager(self.conf) if self.partition_coordinator: self.partition_coordinator.start() self.join_partitioning_groups() self.start_polling_tasks() def terminate(self): self.stop_pollsters_tasks() if self.partition_coordinator: self.partition_coordinator.stop() super(AgentManager, self).terminate() def interval_task(self, task): # NOTE(sileht): remove the previous keystone client # and exception to get a new one in this polling cycle. self._keystone = None self._keystone_last_exception = None task.poll_and_notify() @property def keystone(self): # FIXME(sileht): This lazy loading of keystone client doesn't # look concurrently safe, we never see issue because once we have # connected to keystone everything is fine, and because all pollsters # are delayed during startup. But each polling task creates a new # client and overrides it which has been created by other polling # tasks. During this short time bad thing can occur. # # I think we must not reset keystone client before # running a polling task, but refresh it periodically instead. # NOTE(sileht): we do lazy loading of the keystone client # for multiple reasons: # * don't use it if no plugin need it # * use only one client for all plugins per polling cycle if self._keystone is None and self._keystone_last_exception is None: try: self._keystone = keystone_client.get_client(self.conf) self._keystone_last_exception = None except ka_exceptions.ClientException as e: self._keystone = None self._keystone_last_exception = e if self._keystone is not None: return self._keystone else: raise self._keystone_last_exception @staticmethod def _parse_discoverer(url): s = urlparse.urlparse(url) return (s.scheme or s.path), (s.netloc + s.path if s.scheme else None) def _discoverer(self, name): for d in self.discoveries: if d.name == name: return d.obj return None def discover(self, discovery=None, discovery_cache=None): resources = [] discovery = discovery or [] for url in discovery: if discovery_cache is not None and url in discovery_cache: resources.extend(discovery_cache[url]) continue name, param = self._parse_discoverer(url) discoverer = self._discoverer(name) if discoverer: try: if discoverer.KEYSTONE_REQUIRED_FOR_SERVICE: service_type = getattr( self.conf.service_types, discoverer.KEYSTONE_REQUIRED_FOR_SERVICE) if not keystone_client.get_service_catalog( self.keystone).get_endpoints( service_type=service_type): LOG.warning( 'Skipping %(name)s, %(service_type)s service ' 'is not registered in keystone', {'name': name, 'service_type': service_type}) continue discovered = discoverer.discover(self, param) if self.partition_coordinator: discovered = [ v for v in discovered if self.hashrings[ self.construct_group_id(discoverer.group_id) ].belongs_to_self(six.text_type(v))] resources.extend(discovered) if discovery_cache is not None: discovery_cache[url] = discovered except ka_exceptions.ClientException as e: LOG.error('Skipping %(name)s, keystone issue: ' '%(exc)s', {'name': name, 'exc': e}) except Exception as err: LOG.exception('Unable to discover resources: %s', err) else: LOG.warning('Unknown discovery extension: %s', name) return resources def stop_pollsters_tasks(self): if self.polling_periodics: self.polling_periodics.stop() self.polling_periodics.wait() self.polling_periodics = None class PollingManager(agent.ConfigManagerBase): """Polling Manager to handle polling definition""" def __init__(self, conf): """Setup the polling according to config. The configuration is supported as follows: {"sources": [{"name": source_1, "interval": interval_time, "meters" : ["meter_1", "meter_2"], "resources": ["resource_uri1", "resource_uri2"], }, {"name": source_2, "interval": interval_time, "meters" : ["meter_3"], }, ]} } The interval determines the cadence of sample polling Valid meter format is '*', '!meter_name', or 'meter_name'. '*' is wildcard symbol means any meters; '!meter_name' means "meter_name" will be excluded; 'meter_name' means 'meter_name' will be included. Valid meters definition is all "included meter names", all "excluded meter names", wildcard and "excluded meter names", or only wildcard. The resources is list of URI indicating the resources from where the meters should be polled. It's optional and it's up to the specific pollster to decide how to use it. """ super(PollingManager, self).__init__(conf) cfg = self.load_config(conf.polling.cfg_file) self.sources = [] if 'sources' not in cfg: raise PollingException("sources required", cfg) for s in cfg.get('sources'): self.sources.append(PollingSource(s)) class PollingSource(agent.Source): """Represents a source of pollsters In effect it is a set of pollsters emitting samples for a set of matching meters. Each source encapsulates meter name matching, polling interval determination, optional resource enumeration or discovery. """ def __init__(self, cfg): try: super(PollingSource, self).__init__(cfg) except agent.SourceException as err: raise PollingException(err.msg, cfg) try: self.meters = cfg['meters'] except KeyError: raise PollingException("Missing meters value", cfg) try: self.interval = int(cfg['interval']) except ValueError: raise PollingException("Invalid interval value", cfg) except KeyError: raise PollingException("Missing interval value", cfg) if self.interval <= 0: raise PollingException("Interval value should > 0", cfg) self.resources = cfg.get('resources') or [] if not isinstance(self.resources, list): raise PollingException("Resources should be a list", cfg) self.discovery = cfg.get('discovery') or [] if not isinstance(self.discovery, list): raise PollingException("Discovery should be a list", cfg) try: self.check_source_filtering(self.meters, 'meters') except agent.SourceException as err: raise PollingException(err.msg, cfg) def get_interval(self): return self.interval def support_meter(self, meter_name): return self.is_supported(self.meters, meter_name)