
601 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
# This file is part of charm-helpers.
# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <>.
import json
import logging
import os
import six
import time
import urllib
import cinderclient.v1.client as cinder_client
import glanceclient.v1.client as glance_client
import heatclient.v1.client as heat_client
import keystoneclient.v2_0 as keystone_client
import novaclient.v1_1.client as nova_client
import swiftclient
from charmhelpers.contrib.amulet.utils import (
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
ERROR = logging.ERROR
class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
"""OpenStack amulet utilities.
This class inherits from AmuletUtils and has additional support
that is specifically for use by OpenStack charm tests.
def __init__(self, log_level=ERROR):
"""Initialize the deployment environment."""
super(OpenStackAmuletUtils, self).__init__(log_level)
def validate_endpoint_data(self, endpoints, admin_port, internal_port,
public_port, expected):
"""Validate endpoint data.
Validate actual endpoint data vs expected endpoint data. The ports
are used to find the matching endpoint.
self.log.debug('Validating endpoint data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(endpoints)))
found = False
for ep in endpoints:
self.log.debug('endpoint: {}'.format(repr(ep)))
if (admin_port in ep.adminurl and
internal_port in ep.internalurl and
public_port in ep.publicurl):
found = True
actual = {'id':,
'region': ep.region,
'adminurl': ep.adminurl,
'internalurl': ep.internalurl,
'publicurl': ep.publicurl,
'service_id': ep.service_id}
ret = self._validate_dict_data(expected, actual)
if ret:
return 'unexpected endpoint data - {}'.format(ret)
if not found:
return 'endpoint not found'
def validate_svc_catalog_endpoint_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate service catalog endpoint data.
Validate a list of actual service catalog endpoints vs a list of
expected service catalog endpoints.
self.log.debug('Validating service catalog endpoint data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
if k in actual:
ret = self._validate_dict_data(expected[k][0], actual[k][0])
if ret:
return self.endpoint_error(k, ret)
return "endpoint {} does not exist".format(k)
return ret
def validate_tenant_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate tenant data.
Validate a list of actual tenant data vs list of expected tenant
self.log.debug('Validating tenant data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
for act in actual:
a = {'enabled': act.enabled, 'description': act.description,
'name':, 'id':}
if e['name'] == a['name']:
found = True
ret = self._validate_dict_data(e, a)
if ret:
return "unexpected tenant data - {}".format(ret)
if not found:
return "tenant {} does not exist".format(e['name'])
return ret
def validate_role_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate role data.
Validate a list of actual role data vs a list of expected role
self.log.debug('Validating role data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
for act in actual:
a = {'name':, 'id':}
if e['name'] == a['name']:
found = True
ret = self._validate_dict_data(e, a)
if ret:
return "unexpected role data - {}".format(ret)
if not found:
return "role {} does not exist".format(e['name'])
return ret
def validate_user_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate user data.
Validate a list of actual user data vs a list of expected user
self.log.debug('Validating user data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
for act in actual:
a = {'enabled': act.enabled, 'name':,
'email':, 'tenantId': act.tenantId,
if e['name'] == a['name']:
found = True
ret = self._validate_dict_data(e, a)
if ret:
return "unexpected user data - {}".format(ret)
if not found:
return "user {} does not exist".format(e['name'])
return ret
def validate_flavor_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate flavor data.
Validate a list of actual flavors vs a list of expected flavors.
self.log.debug('Validating flavor data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
act = [ for a in actual]
return self._validate_list_data(expected, act)
def tenant_exists(self, keystone, tenant):
"""Return True if tenant exists."""
self.log.debug('Checking if tenant exists ({})...'.format(tenant))
return tenant in [ for t in keystone.tenants.list()]
def authenticate_cinder_admin(self, keystone_sentry, username,
password, tenant):
"""Authenticates admin user with cinder."""
service_ip = \
ept = "http://{}:5000/v2.0".format(service_ip.strip().decode('utf-8'))
return cinder_client.Client(username, password, tenant, ept)
def authenticate_keystone_admin(self, keystone_sentry, user, password,
"""Authenticates admin user with the keystone admin endpoint."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating keystone admin...')
unit = keystone_sentry
service_ip = unit.relation('shared-db',
ep = "http://{}:35357/v2.0".format(service_ip.strip().decode('utf-8'))
return keystone_client.Client(username=user, password=password,
tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=ep)
def authenticate_keystone_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with the keystone public endpoint."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating keystone user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return keystone_client.Client(username=user, password=password,
tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=ep)
def authenticate_glance_admin(self, keystone):
"""Authenticates admin user with glance."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating glance admin...')
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='image',
return glance_client.Client(ep, token=keystone.auth_token)
def authenticate_heat_admin(self, keystone):
"""Authenticates the admin user with heat."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating heat admin...')
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='orchestration',
return heat_client.Client(endpoint=ep, token=keystone.auth_token)
def authenticate_nova_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with nova-api."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating nova user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return nova_client.Client(username=user, api_key=password,
project_id=tenant, auth_url=ep)
def authenticate_swift_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with swift api."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating swift user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return swiftclient.Connection(authurl=ep,
def create_cirros_image(self, glance, image_name):
"""Download the latest cirros image and upload it to glance,
validate and return a resource pointer.
:param glance: pointer to authenticated glance connection
:param image_name: display name for new image
:returns: glance image pointer
self.log.debug('Creating glance cirros image '
# Download cirros image
http_proxy = os.getenv('AMULET_HTTP_PROXY')
self.log.debug('AMULET_HTTP_PROXY: {}'.format(http_proxy))
if http_proxy:
proxies = {'http': http_proxy}
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxies)
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener()
f ='')
version =
cirros_img = 'cirros-{}-x86_64-disk.img'.format(version)
local_path = os.path.join('tests', cirros_img)
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
cirros_url = 'http://{}/{}/{}'.format('',
version, cirros_img)
opener.retrieve(cirros_url, local_path)
# Create glance image
with open(local_path) as f:
image = glance.images.create(name=image_name, is_public=True,
container_format='bare', data=f)
# Wait for image to reach active status
img_id =
ret = self.resource_reaches_status(glance.images, img_id,
msg='Image status wait')
if not ret:
msg = 'Glance image failed to reach expected state.'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Re-validate new image
self.log.debug('Validating image attributes...')
val_img_name = glance.images.get(img_id).name
val_img_stat = glance.images.get(img_id).status
val_img_pub = glance.images.get(img_id).is_public
val_img_cfmt = glance.images.get(img_id).container_format
val_img_dfmt = glance.images.get(img_id).disk_format
msg_attr = ('Image attributes - name:{} public:{} id:{} stat:{} '
'container fmt:{} disk fmt:{}'.format(
val_img_name, val_img_pub, img_id,
val_img_stat, val_img_cfmt, val_img_dfmt))
if val_img_name == image_name and val_img_stat == 'active' \
and val_img_pub is True and val_img_cfmt == 'bare' \
and val_img_dfmt == 'qcow2':
msg = ('Volume validation failed, {}'.format(msg_attr))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return image
def delete_image(self, glance, image):
"""Delete the specified image."""
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'delete_resource instead of delete_image.')
self.log.debug('Deleting glance image ({})...'.format(image))
return self.delete_resource(glance.images, image, msg='glance image')
def create_instance(self, nova, image_name, instance_name, flavor):
"""Create the specified instance."""
self.log.debug('Creating instance '
'({}|{}|{})'.format(instance_name, image_name, flavor))
image = nova.images.find(name=image_name)
flavor = nova.flavors.find(name=flavor)
instance = nova.servers.create(name=instance_name, image=image,
count = 1
status = instance.status
while status != 'ACTIVE' and count < 60:
instance = nova.servers.get(
status = instance.status
self.log.debug('instance status: {}'.format(status))
count += 1
if status != 'ACTIVE':
self.log.error('instance creation timed out')
return None
return instance
def delete_instance(self, nova, instance):
"""Delete the specified instance."""
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'delete_resource instead of delete_instance.')
self.log.debug('Deleting instance ({})...'.format(instance))
return self.delete_resource(nova.servers, instance, msg='nova instance')
def create_or_get_keypair(self, nova, keypair_name="testkey"):
"""Create a new keypair, or return pointer if it already exists."""
_keypair = nova.keypairs.get(keypair_name)
self.log.debug('Keypair ({}) already exists, '
'using it.'.format(keypair_name))
return _keypair
self.log.debug('Keypair ({}) does not exist, '
'creating it.'.format(keypair_name))
_keypair = nova.keypairs.create(name=keypair_name)
return _keypair
def create_cinder_volume(self, cinder, vol_name="demo-vol", vol_size=1,
img_id=None, src_vol_id=None, snap_id=None):
"""Create cinder volume, optionally from a glance image, or
optionally as a clone of an existing volume, or optionally
from a snapshot. Wait for the new volume status to reach
the expected status, validate and return a resource pointer.
:param vol_name: cinder volume display name
:param vol_size: size in gigabytes
:param img_id: optional glance image id
:param src_vol_id: optional source volume id to clone
:param snap_id: optional snapshot id to use
:returns: cinder volume pointer
# Handle parameter input
if img_id and not src_vol_id and not snap_id:
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume from glance image '
bootable = 'true'
elif src_vol_id and not img_id and not snap_id:
self.log.debug('Cloning cinder volume...')
bootable = cinder.volumes.get(src_vol_id).bootable
elif snap_id and not src_vol_id and not img_id:
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume from snapshot...')
snap = cinder.volume_snapshots.find(id=snap_id)
vol_size = snap.size
snap_vol_id = cinder.volume_snapshots.get(snap_id).volume_id
bootable = cinder.volumes.get(snap_vol_id).bootable
elif not img_id and not src_vol_id and not snap_id:
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume...')
bootable = 'false'
msg = ('Invalid method use - name:{} size:{} img_id:{} '
'src_vol_id:{} snap_id:{}'.format(vol_name, vol_size,
img_id, src_vol_id,
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Create new volume
vol_new = cinder.volumes.create(display_name=vol_name,
vol_id =
except Exception as e:
msg = 'Failed to create volume: {}'.format(e)
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Wait for volume to reach available status
ret = self.resource_reaches_status(cinder.volumes, vol_id,
msg="Volume status wait")
if not ret:
msg = 'Cinder volume failed to reach expected state.'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Re-validate new volume
self.log.debug('Validating volume attributes...')
val_vol_name = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).display_name
val_vol_boot = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).bootable
val_vol_stat = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).status
val_vol_size = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).size
msg_attr = ('Volume attributes - name:{} id:{} stat:{} boot:'
'{} size:{}'.format(val_vol_name, vol_id,
val_vol_stat, val_vol_boot,
if val_vol_boot == bootable and val_vol_stat == 'available' \
and val_vol_name == vol_name and val_vol_size == vol_size:
msg = ('Volume validation failed, {}'.format(msg_attr))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return vol_new
def delete_resource(self, resource, resource_id,
msg="resource", max_wait=120):
"""Delete one openstack resource, such as one instance, keypair,
image, volume, stack, etc., and confirm deletion within max wait time.
:param resource: pointer to os resource type, ex:glance_client.images
:param resource_id: unique name or id for the openstack resource
:param msg: text to identify purpose in logging
:param max_wait: maximum wait time in seconds
:returns: True if successful, otherwise False
self.log.debug('Deleting OpenStack resource '
'{} ({})'.format(resource_id, msg))
num_before = len(list(resource.list()))
tries = 0
num_after = len(list(resource.list()))
while num_after != (num_before - 1) and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('{} delete check: '
'{} [{}:{}] {}'.format(msg, tries,
num_after = len(list(resource.list()))
tries += 1
self.log.debug('{}: expected, actual count = {}, '
'{}'.format(msg, num_before - 1, num_after))
if num_after == (num_before - 1):
return True
self.log.error('{} delete timed out'.format(msg))
return False
def resource_reaches_status(self, resource, resource_id,
msg='resource', max_wait=120):
"""Wait for an openstack resources status to reach an
expected status within a specified time. Useful to confirm that
nova instances, cinder vols, snapshots, glance images, heat stacks
and other resources eventually reach the expected status.
:param resource: pointer to os resource type, ex: heat_client.stacks
:param resource_id: unique id for the openstack resource
:param expected_stat: status to expect resource to reach
:param msg: text to identify purpose in logging
:param max_wait: maximum wait time in seconds
:returns: True if successful, False if status is not reached
tries = 0
resource_stat = resource.get(resource_id).status
while resource_stat != expected_stat and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('{} status check: '
'{} [{}:{}] {}'.format(msg, tries,
resource_stat = resource.get(resource_id).status
tries += 1
self.log.debug('{}: expected, actual status = {}, '
'{}'.format(msg, resource_stat, expected_stat))
if resource_stat == expected_stat:
return True
self.log.debug('{} never reached expected status: '
'{}'.format(resource_id, expected_stat))
return False
def get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(self, index):
"""Produce a shell command that will return a ceph-osd id."""
cmd = ("`initctl list | grep 'ceph-osd ' | awk 'NR=={} {{ print $2 }}'"
" | grep -o '[0-9]*'`".format(index + 1))
return cmd
def get_ceph_pools(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return a dict of ceph pools from a single ceph unit, with
pool name as keys, pool id as vals."""
pools = {}
cmd = 'sudo ceph osd lspools'
output, code =
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Example output: 0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,3 cinder,4 glance,
for pool in str(output).split(','):
pool_id_name = pool.split(' ')
if len(pool_id_name) == 2:
pool_id = pool_id_name[0]
pool_name = pool_id_name[1]
pools[pool_name] = int(pool_id)
self.log.debug('Pools on {}: {}'.format(['unit_name'],
return pools
def get_ceph_df(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return dict of ceph df json output, including ceph pool state.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:returns: Dict of ceph df output
cmd = 'sudo ceph df --format=json'
output, code =
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return json.loads(output)
def get_ceph_pool_sample(self, sentry_unit, pool_id=0):
"""Take a sample of attributes of a ceph pool, returning ceph
pool name, object count and disk space used for the specified
pool ID number.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:param pool_id: Ceph pool ID
:returns: List of pool name, object count, kb disk space used
df = self.get_ceph_df(sentry_unit)
pool_name = df['pools'][pool_id]['name']
obj_count = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['objects']
kb_used = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['kb_used']
self.log.debug('Ceph {} pool (ID {}): {} objects, '
'{} kb used'.format(pool_name,
return pool_name, obj_count, kb_used
def validate_ceph_pool_samples(self, samples, sample_type="resource pool"):
"""Validate ceph pool samples taken over time, such as pool
object counts or pool kb used, before adding, after adding, and
after deleting items which affect those pool attributes. The
2nd element is expected to be greater than the 1st; 3rd is expected
to be less than the 2nd.
:param samples: List containing 3 data samples
:param sample_type: String for logging and usage context
:returns: None if successful, Failure message otherwise
original, created, deleted = range(3)
if samples[created] <= samples[original] or \
samples[deleted] >= samples[created]:
msg = ('Ceph {} samples ({}) '
'unexpected.'.format(sample_type, samples))
return msg
self.log.debug('Ceph {} samples (OK): '
'{}'.format(sample_type, samples))
return None