import os import collections import subprocess import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import as host import charms_openstack.charm import charms_openstack.adapters as adapters import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip GNOCCHI_DIR = '/etc/gnocchi' GNOCCHI_CONF = os.path.join(GNOCCHI_DIR, 'gnocchi.conf') GNOCCHI_APACHE_SITE = 'gnocchi-api' GNOCCHI_WSGI_CONF = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/{}.conf'.format(GNOCCHI_APACHE_SITE) CEPH_CONF = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf' CEPH_POOL_NAME = 'gnocchi' class StorageCephRelationAdapter(adapters.OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the CephClientRequires relation interface. """ interface_type = "ceph-client" @property def monitors(self): """ Comma separated list of hosts that should be used to access Ceph. """ hosts = self.relation.mon_hosts() if len(hosts) > 1: return ','.join(hosts) else: return None class GnocchiCharmRelationAdapaters(adapters.OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters): """ Adapters collection to append ceph-client adapter for Gnocchi """ relation_adapters = { 'storage_ceph': StorageCephRelationAdapter, 'shared_db': adapters.DatabaseRelationAdapter, 'cluster': adapters.PeerHARelationAdapter, } class GnocchiCharm(charms_openstack.charm.HAOpenStackCharm): """ Charm for Juju deployment of Gnocchi """ # Internal name of charm service_name = name = 'gnocchi' # First release supported release = 'mitaka' # List of packages to install for this charm packages = ['gnocchi-api', 'gnocchi-metricd', 'python-apt', 'ceph-common', 'python-rados', 'python-keystonemiddleware', 'apache2', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi'] api_ports = { 'gnocchi-api': { os_ip.PUBLIC: 8041, os_ip.ADMIN: 8041, os_ip.INTERNAL: 8041, } } default_service = 'gnocchi-api' service_type = 'gnocchi' services = ['gnocchi-metricd', 'apache2'] required_relations = ['shared-db', 'identity-service', 'storage-ceph'] restart_map = { GNOCCHI_CONF: services, GNOCCHI_WSGI_CONF: ['apache2'], CEPH_CONF: services, } ha_resources = ['vips', 'haproxy'] release_pkg = 'gnocchi-common' package_codenames = { 'gnocchi-common': collections.OrderedDict([ ('2', 'mitaka'), ('3', 'newton'), ('4', 'pike'), ]), } sync_cmd = ['gnocchi-upgrade'] adapters_class = GnocchiCharmRelationAdapaters def install(self): super(GnocchiCharm, self).install() # NOTE(jamespage): always pause gnocchi-api service as we force # execution with Apache2+mod_wsgi host.service_pause('gnocchi-api') def enable_apache2_site(self): """Enable Gnocchi API apache2 site if rendered or installed""" if os.path.exists(GNOCCHI_WSGI_CONF): check_enabled = ['a2query', '-s', GNOCCHI_APACHE_SITE] ) if check_enabled != 0: subprocess.check_call(['a2ensite', GNOCCHI_APACHE_SITE]) host.service_reload('apache2', restart_on_failure=True) def get_database_setup(self): return [{ 'database': 'gnocchi', 'username': 'gnocchi', 'hostname': hookenv.unit_private_ip() },]