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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import hashlib
import ipaddress
from six import string_types
class CRM(dict):
Configuration object for Pacemaker resources for the HACluster
interface. This class provides access to the supported resources
available in the 'crm configure' within the HACluster.
See Also
More documentation is available regarding the definitions of
primitives, clones, and other pacemaker resources at the crmsh
site at
# Constants provided for ordering constraints (e.g. the kind value)
MANDATORY = "Mandatory"
OPTIONAL = "Optional"
SERIALIZE = "Serialize"
# Constants defining weights of constraints
INFINITY = "inf"
# Constaints aliased to their interpretations for constraints
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self['resources'] = {}
self['delete_resources'] = []
self['resource_params'] = {}
self['groups'] = {}
self['ms'] = {}
self['orders'] = {}
self['colocations'] = {}
self['clones'] = {}
self['locations'] = {}
self['init_services'] = []
super(CRM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def primitive(self, name, agent, description=None, **kwargs):
"""Configures a primitive resource within Pacemaker.
A primitive is used to describe a resource which should be managed
by the cluster. Primitives consist of a name, the agent type, and
various configuration options to the primitive. For example:
crm.primitive('www8', 'apache',
will create the an apache primitive (resource) for the www8 service
hosted by the Apache HTTP server. The parameters specified can either
be provided individually (e.g. a string) or as an iterable.
The following example shows how to specify multiple ops for a drbd
volume in a Master/Slave configuration::
ops = ['monitor role=Master interval=60s',
'monitor role=Slave interval=300s']
crm.primitive('r0', 'ocf:linbit:drbd',
Additional arguments may be passed in as kwargs in which the key of
the kwarg is prepended to the value.
name: str
the name of the primitive.
agent: str
the type of agent to use to monitor the primitive resource
(e.g. ocf:linbit:drbd).
description: str, optional, kwarg
a description about the resource
params: str or iterable, optional, kwarg
parameters which are provided to the resource agent
meta: str or iterable, optional, kwarg
metadata information for the primitive resource
utilization: str or iterable, optional, kwarg
utilization information for the primitive resource
operations: str or iterable, optional, kwarg
operations information for the primitive resource in id_spec
format (e.g. $id=<id> or $id-ref=<id>)
op: str or iterable, optional, kwarg
op information regarding the primitive resource. This takes the
form of '<start|stop|monitor> [<attr>=<value> <attr>=<value> ...]'
See Also
resources = self['resources']
resources[name] = agent
specs = ''
if description:
specs = specs + 'description="%s"' % description
# Use the ordering specified in the crm manual
for key in 'params', 'meta', 'utilization', 'operations', 'op':
if key not in kwargs:
specs = specs + (' %s' % self._parse(key, kwargs[key]))
if specs:
self['resource_params'][name] = specs
def _parse(self, prefix, data):
results = ''
if isinstance(data, string_types):
data = [data]
first = True
for d in data:
if first:
results = results + ' '
first = False
results = results + ('%s %s ' % (prefix, d))
results = results.rstrip()
return results
def clone(self, name, resource, description=None, **kwargs):
"""Creates a resource which should run on all nodes.
name: str
the name of the clone
resource: str
the name or id of the resource to clone
description: str, optional
text containing a description for the clone
meta: str or list of str, optional, kwarg
metadata attributes to assign to the clone
params: str or list of str, optional, kwarg
parameters to assign to the clone
See Also
clone_specs = resource
if description:
clone_specs = clone_specs + (' description="%s"' % description)
for key in 'meta', 'params':
if key not in kwargs:
value = kwargs[key]
if not value:
clone_specs = clone_specs + (' %s' % self._parse(key, value))
self['clones'][name] = clone_specs
def colocation(self, name, score=ALWAYS, *resources, **kwargs):
"""Configures the colocation constraints of resources.
Provides placement constraints regarding resources defined within
the cluster. Using the colocate function, resource affinity or
anti-affinity can be defined.
For example, the following code ensures that the nova-console service
always runs where the cluster vip is running:
crm.colocation('console_with_vip', ALWAYS,
'nova-console', 'vip')
The affinity or anti-affinity of resources relationships is be
expressed in the `score` parameter. A positive score indicates that
the resources should run on the same node.A score of INFINITY (or
ALWAYS) will ensure the resources are always run on the same node(s)
and a score of NEG_INFINITY (or NEVER) ensures that the resources are
never run on the same node(s).
crm.colocation('never_apache_with_dummy', NEVER,
'apache', 'dummy')
Any *resources values which are provided are treated as resources which
the colocation constraint applies to. At least two resources must be
defined as part of the ordering constraint.
The resources take the form of <resource_name>[:role]. If the
colocation constraint applies specifically to a role, this information
should be included int he resource supplied.
id: str
id or name of the colocation constraint
the score or weight of the colocation constraint. A positive value
will indicate that the resources should run on the same node. A
negative value indicates that the resources should run on separate
resources: str or list
the list of resources which the colocation constraint applies to.
node_attribute: str, optional, kwarg
can be used to run the resources on a set of nodes, not just a
single node.
See Also
specs = '%s: %s' % (score, ' '.join(resources))
if 'node_attribute' in kwargs:
specs = specs + (' node-attribute=%s' % kwargs['node_attribute'])
self['colocations'][name] = specs
def group(self, name, *resources, **kwargs):
"""Creates a group of resources within Pacemaker.
The created group includes the list of resources provided in the list
of resources supplied. For example::'grp_mysql', 'res_mysql_rbd', 'res_mysql_fs',
'res_mysql_vip', 'res_mysqld')
will create the 'grp_mysql' resource group consisting of the
res_mysql_rbd, res_mysql_fs, res_mysql_vip, and res_mysqld resources.
name: str
the name of the group resource
resources: list of str
the names or ids of resources to include within the group.
description: str, optional, kwarg
text to describe the resource
meta: str or list of str, optional, kwarg
metadata attributes to assign to the group
params: str or list of str, optional, kwarg
parameters to assign to the group
See Also
specs = ' '.join(resources)
if 'description' in kwargs:
specs = specs + (' description=%s"' % kwargs['description'])
for key in 'meta', 'params':
if key not in kwargs:
value = kwargs[key]
specs = specs + (' %s' % self._parse(key, value))
self['groups'][name] = specs
def delete_resource(self, *resources):
"""Specify objects/resources to be deleted from within Pacemaker. This
is not additive, the list of resources is set to exaclty what was
passed in.
resources: str or list
the name or id of the specific resource to delete.
See Also
self['delete_resources'] = resources
def add_delete_resource(self, resource):
"""Specify an object/resource to delete from within Pacemaker. It can
be called multiple times to add additional resources to the deletion
resources: str
the name or id of the specific resource to delete.
See Also
self['delete_resources'] = (*self['delete_resources'], resource)
def init_services(self, *resources):
"""Specifies that the service(s) is an init or upstart service.
Services (resources) which are noted as upstart services are
disabled, stopped, and left to pacemaker to manage the resource.
resources: str or list of str, varargs
The resources which should be noted as init services.
self['init_services'] = resources
def ms(self, name, resource, description=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a master/slave resource type.
The following code provides an example of creating a master/slave
resource on drbd disk1::'disk1', 'drbd1', meta='notify=true globally-unique=false')
name: str
the name or id of the master resource
resource: str
the name or id of the resource which now ha a master/slave
assocation tied to it.
description: str, optional
a textual description of the master resource
meta: str or list of strs, optional, kwargs
strings defining the metadata for the master/slave resource type
params: str or list of strs, optional, kwargs
parameter strings which should be passed to the master/slave
resource creation
See Also
specs = resource
if description:
specs = specs + (' description="%s"' % description)
for key in 'meta', 'params':
if key not in kwargs:
value = kwargs[key]
specs = specs + (' %s' % self._parse(key, value))
self['ms'][name] = specs
def location(self, name, resource, **kwargs):
"""Defines the preference of nodes for the given resource.
The location constraitns consist of one or more rules which specify
a score to be awarded if the rules match.
name: str
the name or id of the location constraint
resource: str
the name, id, resource, set, tag, or resoruce pattern defining the
set of resources which match the location placement constraint.
attributes: str or list str, optional, kwarg
attributes which should be assigned to the location constraint
rule: str or list of str, optional, kwarg
the rule(s) which define the location constraint rules when
selecting a location to run the resource.
See Also
specs = resource
# Check if there are attributes assigned to the location and if so,
# format the spec string with the attributes
if 'attributes' in kwargs:
attrs = kwargs['attributes']
if isinstance(attrs, string_types):
attrs = [attrs]
specs = specs + (' %s' % ' '.join(attrs))
if 'rule' in kwargs:
rules = kwargs['rule']
specs = specs + (' %s' % self._parse('rule', rules))
self['locations'][name] = specs
def order(self, name, score=None, *resources, **kwargs):
"""Configures the ordering constraints of resources.
Provides ordering constraints to resources defined in a Pacemaker
cluster which affect the way that resources are started, stopped,
promoted, etc. Basic ordering is provided by simply specifying the
ordering name and an ordered list of the resources which the ordering
constraint applies to.
For example, the following code ensures that the apache resource is
started after the ClusterIP is started::
hacluster.order('apache-after-ip', 'ClusterIP', 'apache')
By default, the ordering constraint will specify that the ordering
constraint is mandatory. The constraint behavior can be specified
using the 'score' keyword argument, e.g.::
hacluster.order('apache-after-ip', score=hacluster.OPTIONAL,
'ClusterIP', 'apache')
Any *resources values which are provided are treated as resources which
the ordering constraint applies to. At least two resources must be
defined as part of the ordering constraint.
The resources take the form of <resource_name>[:<action>]. If the
ordering constraint applies to a specific action for the resource,
this information should be included in the resource supplied.
name: str
the id or name of the order constraint
resoures: str or list of strs in varargs format
the resources the ordering constraint applies to. The ordering
of the list of resources is used to provide the ordering.
the score of the ordering constraint.
symmetrical: boolean, optional, kwarg
when True, then the services for the resources will be stopped in
the reverse order. The default value for this is True.
See Also
specs = ''
if score:
specs = '%s:' % score
specs = specs + (' %s' % ' '.join(resources))
if 'symmetrical' in kwargs:
specs = specs + (' symmetrical=' % kwargs['symmetrical'])
self['orders'][name] = specs
def add(self, resource_desc):
"""Adds a resource descriptor object to the CRM configuration.
Adds a `ResourceDescriptor` object to the CRM configuration which
understands how to configure the resource itself. The
`ResourceDescriptor` object needs to know how to interact with this
CRM class in order to properly configure the pacemaker resources.
The minimum viable resource descriptor object will implement a method
which takes a reference parameter to this CRM in order to configure
resource_desC: ResourceDescriptor
an object which provides an abstraction of a monitored resource
within pacemaker.
method = getattr(resource_desc, 'configure_resource', None)
if not callable(method):
raise ValueError('Invalid resource_desc. The "configure_resource"'
' function has not been defined.')
class ResourceDescriptor(object):
A ResourceDescriptor provides a logical resource or concept and knows
how to configure pacemaker.
def configure_resource(self, crm):
"""Configures the logical resource(s) within the CRM.
This is the callback method which is invoked by the CRM in order
to allow this ResourceDescriptor to fully configure the logical
For example, a Virtual IP may provide a standard abstraction and
configure the specific details under the covers.
class InitService(ResourceDescriptor):
def __init__(self, service_name, init_service_name, clone=True):
"""Class for managing init resource
:param service_name: string - Name of service
:param init_service_name: string - Name service uses in init system
:param clone: bool - clone service across all units
:returns: None
self.service_name = service_name
self.init_service_name = init_service_name
self.clone = clone
def configure_resource(self, crm):
""""Configure new init system service resource in crm
:param crm: CRM() instance - Config object for Pacemaker resources
:returns: None
res_key = 'res_{}_{}'.format(
self.service_name.replace('-', '_'),
self.init_service_name.replace('-', '_'))
res_type = 'lsb:{}'.format(self.init_service_name)
crm.primitive(res_key, res_type, op='monitor interval="5s"')
if self.clone:
clone_key = 'cl_{}'.format(res_key)
crm.clone(clone_key, res_key)
class VirtualIP(ResourceDescriptor):
def __init__(self, service_name, vip, nic=None, cidr=None):
"""Class for managing VIP resource
:param service_name: string - Name of service
:param vip: string - Virtual IP to be managed
:param nic: string - Network interface to bind vip to
:param cidr: string - Netmask for vip
:returns: None
self.service_name = service_name = vip
self.nic = nic
self.cidr = cidr
def configure_resource(self, crm):
"""Configure new vip resource in crm
:param crm: CRM() instance - Config object for Pacemaker resources
:returns: None
if self.nic:
vip_key = 'res_{}_{}_vip'.format(self.service_name, self.nic)
vip_key = 'res_{}_{}_vip'.format(
ipaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(
if isinstance(ipaddr, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
res_type = 'ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2'
res_params = 'ip="{}"'.format(
res_type = 'ocf:heartbeat:IPv6addr'
res_params = 'ipv6addr="{}"'.format(
vip_params = 'ipv6addr'
vip_key = 'res_{}_{}_{}_vip'.format(self.service_name, self.nic,
if self.nic:
res_params = '{} nic="{}"'.format(res_params, self.nic)
if self.cidr:
res_params = '{} cidr_netmask="{}"'.format(res_params, self.cidr)
# Monitor the VIP
_op_monitor = 'monitor depth="0" timeout="20s" interval="10s"'
crm.primitive(vip_key, res_type, params=res_params, op=_op_monitor)
class DNSEntry(ResourceDescriptor):
def __init__(self, service_name, ip, fqdn, endpoint_type):
"""Class for managing DNS entries
:param service_name: string - Name of service
:param ip: string - IP to point DNS entry at
:param fqdn: string - DNS Entry
:param endpoint_type: string - The type of the endpoint represented by
the DNS record eg public, admin etc
:returns: None
self.service_name = service_name
self.ip = ip
self.fqdn = fqdn
self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type
def configure_resource(self, crm, res_type='ocf:maas:dns'):
"""Configure new DNS resource in crm
:param crm: CRM() instance - Config object for Pacemaker resources
:param res_type: string - Corosync Open Cluster Framework resource
agent to use for DNS HA
:returns: None
res_key = 'res_{}_{}_hostname'.format(
self.service_name.replace('-', '_'),
res_params = ''
if self.fqdn:
res_params = '{} fqdn="{}"'.format(res_params, self.fqdn)
if self.ip:
res_params = '{} ip_address="{}"'.format(res_params, self.ip)
crm.primitive(res_key, res_type, params=res_params)