Ensure get_requests_for_local_unit doesn't fail on incomplete relation

This is a rebuild/make sync for charms to pickup the fix in charmhelpers to fix
any inadvertant accesses of ['ca'] in the relation data before it is available
from vault in the certificates relation.  Fix in charmhelpers is in [1].

[1] https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/pull/824
Closes-Bug: #2028683

Change-Id: I3117e17bc89254031ac244842d868ed1ed5af9ba
This commit is contained in:
Alex Kavanagh 2023-08-04 17:16:42 +01:00
parent 16b009d743
commit b65d861ae3
3 changed files with 60 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -414,18 +414,27 @@ def get_requests_for_local_unit(relation_name=None):
is_legacy_request = set(sent).intersection(legacy_keys)
for unit in related_units(rid):
data = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit)
if data.get(raw_certs_key):
'ca': data['ca'],
'chain': data.get('chain'),
'certs': json.loads(data[raw_certs_key])})
elif is_legacy_request:
'ca': data['ca'],
'chain': data.get('chain'),
'certs': {sent['common_name']:
{'cert': data.get(local_name + '.server.cert'),
'key': data.get(local_name + '.server.key')}}})
# Note: Bug#2028683 - data may not be available if the certificates
# relation hasn't been populated by the providing charm. If no 'ca'
# in the data then don't attempt the bundle at all.
if data.get('ca'):
if data.get(raw_certs_key):
'ca': data['ca'],
'chain': data.get('chain'),
'certs': json.loads(data[raw_certs_key])
elif is_legacy_request:
'ca': data['ca'],
'chain': data.get('chain'),
'certs': {
sent['common_name']: {
'cert': data.get(local_name + '.server.cert'),
'key': data.get(local_name + '.server.key')
return bundles

View File

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ import contextlib
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import sqlite3
@ -521,6 +522,42 @@ _KV = None
def kv():
global _KV
# If we are running unit tests, it is useful to go into memory-backed KV store to
# avoid concurrency issues when running multiple tests. This is not a
# problem when juju is running normally.
env_var = os.environ.get("CHARM_HELPERS_TESTMODE", "auto").lower()
if env_var not in ["auto", "no", "yes"]:
logging.warning("Unknown value for CHARM_HELPERS_TESTMODE '%s'"
", assuming 'no'", env_var)
env_var = "no"
if env_var == "no":
in_memory_db = False
elif env_var == "yes":
in_memory_db = True
elif env_var == "auto":
# If UNIT_STATE_DB is set, respect this request
if "UNIT_STATE_DB" in os.environ:
in_memory_db = False
# Autodetect normal juju execution by looking for juju variables
elif "JUJU_CHARM_DIR" in os.environ or "JUJU_UNIT_NAME" in os.environ:
in_memory_db = False
# We are probably running in unit test mode
logging.warning("Auto-detected unit test environment for KV store.")
in_memory_db = True
# Help the linter realise that in_memory_db is always set
raise Exception("Cannot reach this line")
if _KV is None:
_KV = Storage()
if in_memory_db:
_KV = Storage(":memory:")
_KV = Storage()
if in_memory_db and _KV.db_path != ":memory:":
logging.warning("Running with in_memory_db and KV is not set to :memory:")
return _KV

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def _snap_exec(commands):
:param commands: List commands
:return: Integer exit code
assert type(commands) == list
assert isinstance(commands, list)
retry_count = 0
return_code = None