
85 lines
2.3 KiB

# Juju managed file - don't change as charm will overwrite your changed!
{% if bind_address %}
bind-address = {{ bind_address }}
{% endif %}
{% if wsrep_provider_options %}
wsrep_provider_options = {{ wsrep_provider_options }}
{% endif %}
# Path to Galera library
{% if not clustered %}
# Empty gcomm address is being used when cluster is getting bootstrapped
{% else %}
# Cluster connection URL contains the IPs of node#1, node#2 and node#3
wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://{{ cluster_hosts }}
{% endif %}
# In order for Galera to work correctly binlog format should be ROW
# MyISAM storage engine has only experimental support
# This is a recommended tuning variable for performance
# This changes how InnoDB autoincrement locks are managed and is a requirement for Galera
{% if innodb_file_per_table -%}
# This enables storing InnoDB tables in separate .ibd files. Note that, however
# existing InnoDB tables will remain in ibdata file(s) unles OPTIMIZE is run
# on them. Still, the ibdata1 file will NOT shrink - a full dump/import of the
# data is needed in order to get rid of large ibdata file.
innodb_file_per_table = 1
{% else -%}
innodb_file_per_table = 0
{% endif %}
# Node #1 address
wsrep_node_address={{ private_address }}
# SST method
wsrep_sst_method={{ sst_method }}
# Cluster name
wsrep_cluster_name={{ cluster_name }}
# Authentication for SST method
wsrep_sst_auth="sstuser:{{ sst_password }}"
{% if max_connections != -1 %}
max_connections = {{ max_connections }}
{% endif %}
# Fine tuning
key_buffer_size = {{ key_buffer }}
table_cache = 512
max_allowed_packet = 16M
# InnoDB buffer should consume 100% of the bytes of the dataset size
# query cache is not supported with Active/Active configuration
innodb_buffer_pool_size = {{ dataset_bytes }}
{% if ipv6 -%}
{% endif %}
{% if lp1366997_workaround -%}
# Adding workaround for bug:
# Note that this should only be required for percona 5.5
wsrep_drupal_282555_workaround = ON
wsrep_retry_autocommit = 100
{% endif %}
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/