#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import glob import os import re import shutil import sys import subprocess _path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) _root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_path, '..')) def _add_path(path): if path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, path) _add_path(_root) import rabbit_net_utils import rabbit_utils as rabbit import ssl_utils from lib.utils import ( chown, chmod, is_newer, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport import nrpe from charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster import ( is_clustered, is_elected_leader, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.deferred_events import ( configure_deferred_restarts, get_deferred_restarts, is_restart_permitted, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import ( is_hook_allowed, is_unit_paused_set, set_unit_upgrading, clear_unit_upgrading, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import save_script_rc from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.harden import harden from charmhelpers.fetch import ( add_source, ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_install, apt_update, filter_installed_packages, ) from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( open_port, close_port, log, DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, leader_set, leader_get, relation_get, relation_clear, relation_set, relation_id as get_relation_id, relation_ids, related_units, service_name, local_unit, config, is_relation_made, Hooks, UnregisteredHookError, is_leader, status_set, unit_private_ip, ) from charmhelpers.core.host import ( cmp_pkgrevno, pwgen, service_stop, service_restart, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.peerstorage import ( peer_echo, peer_retrieve, peer_store, peer_store_and_set, peer_retrieve_by_prefix, ) from charmhelpers.core.unitdata import kv import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.cert_utils as ch_cert_utils import charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip as ch_ip import charmhelpers.coordinator as coordinator import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.deferred_events as deferred_events hooks = Hooks() SERVICE_NAME = os.getenv('JUJU_UNIT_NAME').split('/')[0] POOL_NAME = SERVICE_NAME RABBIT_DIR = '/var/lib/rabbitmq' RABBIT_USER = 'rabbitmq' RABBIT_GROUP = 'rabbitmq' INITIAL_CLIENT_UPDATE_KEY = 'initial_client_update_done' @hooks.hook('install.real') @harden() def install(): pre_install_hooks() add_source(config('source'), config('key')) if is_leader() and not leader_get(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY): log("Setting {} to {} for installation phase.".format( rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY, rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_FOR_INSTALL)) leader_set({rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY: rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_FOR_INSTALL}) rabbit.install_or_upgrade_packages() def manage_restart(coordinate_restart=True): """Restart service if lock is granted and update clients. Restart services and update clients. Clients are updated in case the restart has altered how clients need to connect to rabbit (port change etc). :param coordinate_restart: Whether to coordinate restarts with other nodes in cluster. :type coordinate_restart: bool """ run_restart = False if coordinate_restart: serial = coordinator.Serial() if serial.granted(rabbit.COORD_KEY_RESTART): run_restart = True log("Restart lock granted") else: run_restart = False log("Restart lock not granted") else: log("Forcing restart without coordination") run_restart = True if run_restart: msg = 'Restarting {}'.format(','.join(rabbit.services())) log(msg) status_set('maintenance', msg) for svc in rabbit.services(): deferred_events.deferrable_svc_restart(svc) if 'rabbitmq-server' in rabbit.services(): rabbit.wait_app() if deferred_events.is_restart_permitted(): # Restart may have picked up a change in how clients need to # connect (TLS v Plain for example), so need to ensure # clients have the latest connection information. log("update_clients called from manage_restart", DEBUG) update_clients() else: log("Restart not run") def coordinated_upgrade(): """Upgrade packages if lock is granted.""" serial = coordinator.Serial() if serial.granted(rabbit.COORD_KEY_PKG_UPGRADE): log("Package upgrade lock granted") rabbit.install_or_upgrade_packages() configure_rabbit_install() else: log("Package upgrade lock not granted") def coordinated_cluster(): """Join cluster if lock is granted.""" serial = coordinator.Serial() if serial.granted(rabbit.COORD_KEY_CLUSTER): log("Cluster lock granted") rabbit.join_leader() log("update_clients called from coordinated_cluster", DEBUG) update_clients() if not is_leader() and is_relation_made('nrpe-external-master'): update_nrpe_checks() else: log("Cluster lock not granted") def check_coordinated_functions(): """Run any functions that require coordination locks.""" coordinated_upgrade() coordinated_cluster() manage_restart() def validate_amqp_config_tracker(f): """Decorator to mark all existing tracked amqp configs as stale so that they are refreshed the next time the current unit leader. """ def _validate_amqp_config_tracker(*args, **kwargs): if not is_leader(): kvstore = kv() tracker = kvstore.get('amqp_config_tracker') if tracker: for rid in tracker: tracker[rid]['stale'] = True kvstore.set(key='amqp_config_tracker', value=tracker) kvstore.flush() return f(*args, **kwargs) return _validate_amqp_config_tracker def configure_amqp(username, vhost, relation_id, admin=False, ttlname=None, ttlreg=None, ttl=None): """Configure rabbitmq server for a given client access request. This function creates user/password, vhost and sets user permissions. It also enabales mirroring queues if requested. Calls to rabbitmqctl are costly and as such we aim to limit them by only doing them if we detect that a settings needs creating or updating. To achieve this we track what we set by storing key/value pairs associated with a particular relation id in a local database. Since this function is only supposed to be called by the cluster leader, the database is expected to be invalidated if it exists and we are no longer leader so as to ensure that a leader switch results in a rabbitmq configuraion consistent with the current leader's view. :param username: client username. :param vhost: vhost name. :param relation_id: optional relation id used to identify the context of this operation. This should always be provided so that we can track what has been set. :param admin: boolean value defining whether the new user is admin. :param ttlname: the name of ttl :param ttlreg: the regular expression of ttl :param ttl: the vaule of ttl :returns: user password """ log("Configuring rabbitmq for user '{}' vhost '{}' (rid={})". format(username, vhost, relation_id), DEBUG) if not relation_id: raise Exception("Invalid relation id '{}' provided to " "{}()".format(relation_id, configure_amqp.__name__)) # get and update service password password = rabbit.get_rabbit_password(username) expected = {'username': username, 'vhost': vhost, 'ttl': ttl, 'mirroring-queues': config('mirroring-queues')} kvstore = kv() tracker = kvstore.get('amqp_config_tracker') or {} val = tracker.get(relation_id) if val == expected and not val.get('stale'): log("Rabbit already configured for relation " "'{}'".format(relation_id), DEBUG) return password else: tracker[relation_id] = expected # update vhost rabbit.create_vhost(vhost) # NOTE(jamespage): Workaround until we have a good way # of generally disabling notifications # based on which services are deployed. if vhost == 'openstack': rabbit.configure_notification_ttl(vhost, config('notification-ttl')) rabbit.configure_ttl(vhost, ttlname, ttlreg, ttl) if admin: rabbit.create_user(username, password, ['administrator']) else: rabbit.create_user(username, password) rabbit.grant_permissions(username, vhost) # NOTE(freyes): after rabbitmq-server 3.0 the method to define HA in the # queues is different # http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2012/11/19/breaking-things-with-rabbitmq-3-0 if config('mirroring-queues'): rabbit.set_ha_mode(vhost, 'all') kvstore.set(key='amqp_config_tracker', value=tracker) kvstore.flush() return password def rotate_service_user_password(service_username): """Rotate the service username and update the relation. This only works on the leader unit due to how peer storage is overlayed on leader storage. :param service_username: the username to rotate the password for. :type service_username: str :raises NotLeaderError: if the unit is not the leader. :raises InvalidServiceUserError: if the service_username doesn't exist. """ if not rabbit.leader_node_is_ready(): raise rabbit.NotLeaderError( "This unit can't perform leadership actions and so the password " "cannot be rotated.") if service_username not in rabbit.get_usernames_for_passwords(): raise rabbit.InvalidServiceUserError( "Username {} is not valid for password rotation." .format(service_username)) # pick a new password. new_passwd = pwgen(length=64) # Update the password in rabbitmq rabbit.change_user_password(service_username, new_passwd) # Update the setting either locally on disk, leader settings or peer # storage. try: peer_store("{}.passwd".format(service_username), new_passwd) except ValueError: # if there was no cluster, just push to leader settings. leader_set({"{}.passwd".format(service_username): new_passwd}) # Note that the password is not stored in the local cache, so the kv() # won't need updating for this. The related unit with the username does # need finding, though. Note that the username may have a '_' in it if # multiple prefixes are used, but that was specified as service_username pattern = re.compile(r"(\S+)_username") for rid in relation_ids('amqp'): key = None for unit in related_units(rid): current = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit) or {} # the username is either as 'username' or '{previx}_username' if 'username' in current: key = 'password' break for key in current.keys(): match = pattern.match(key) if match: key = '_'.join((match[1], 'password')) break else: continue break if key is not None: log("Updating password on key {} on relation_id: {}" .format(key, rid), INFO) relation_set(relation_id=rid, relation_settings={key: new_passwd}) # set the password for the peer as well for update_client to work # on the non-leader units peer_key = "{}_{}".format(rid, key) try: peer_store(peer_key, new_passwd) except ValueError: # if there was no cluster, just push to leader settings. leader_set({peer_key: new_passwd}) def update_clients(check_deferred_restarts=True): """Update amqp client relation hooks IFF leader node is ready. Client nodes are considered ready once the leader has already run amqp_changed. :param check_deferred_events: Whether to check if restarts are permitted before running hook. :type check_deferred_events: bool """ if check_deferred_restarts and get_deferred_restarts(): log("Not sending client update as a restart is pending.", INFO) return _leader_node_is_ready = rabbit.leader_node_is_ready() _client_node_is_ready = rabbit.client_node_is_ready() if _leader_node_is_ready or _client_node_is_ready: for rid in relation_ids('amqp'): for unit in related_units(rid): amqp_changed( relation_id=rid, remote_unit=unit, check_deferred_restarts=check_deferred_restarts) else: log("Not updating clients: leader node is ready:{}, " "client node is ready:{}".format( _leader_node_is_ready, _client_node_is_ready), DEBUG) @hooks.hook('dashboards-relation-joined') def dashboards_relation_joined(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None): """ dashboards relation joined send the dashboard json data via relation """ with open(os.path.join("files", "grafana-dashboard.json")) as f: dashboard_str = f.read() relation_set(relation_id, relation_settings={"dashboard": dashboard_str, "name": "RabbitMQ-Overview"}) @hooks.hook('prometheus-rules-relation-joined', 'prometheus-rules-relation-created') def prometheus_rules_joined(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None): """ prometheus rules relation joined send the prometheus rules via relation """ with open(os.path.join("files", "prom_rule_rmq_splitbrain.yaml")) as f: rule = f.read() relation_set(relation_id, relation_settings={"groups": rule}) @hooks.hook('scrape-relation-joined', 'scrape-relation-created') def prometheus_scrape_joined(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None): """ scrape relation joined enable prometheus plugin and open port """ err_msg = "rabbitmq-server needs to be >= 3.8 to support Prometheus plugin" if cmp_pkgrevno('rabbitmq-server', '3.8.0') < 0: log(err_msg, level=WARNING) status_set("blocked", err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) rabbit.enable_plugin(PROM_PLUGIN) open_port(RMQ_MON_PORT) relation_set(relation_id, relation_settings={"port": RMQ_MON_PORT}) @hooks.hook('scrape-relation-broken') def prometheus_scape_broken(): """ scrape relation broken the relation has been completely removed disable prometheus plugin and close port """ rabbit.disable_plugin(PROM_PLUGIN) close_port(RMQ_MON_PORT) log("scrape relation broken, disabled plugin and close port", level=INFO) @validate_amqp_config_tracker @hooks.hook('amqp-relation-changed') def amqp_changed(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None, check_deferred_restarts=True): """Update amqp relations. :param relation_id: Relation id to update :type relation_id: str :param remote_unit: Remote unit on relation_id to update :type remote_unit: str :param check_deferred_events: Whether to check if restarts are permitted before running hook. :type check_deferred_events: bool """ allowed, reason = is_hook_allowed( 'amqp-relation-changed', check_deferred_restarts=check_deferred_restarts) if not allowed: log(reason, "WARN") return singleset = set(['username', 'vhost']) host_addr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( rabbit_net_utils.AMQP_INTERFACE, cidr_network=config(rabbit_net_utils.AMQP_OVERRIDE_CONFIG)) sent_update = False if rabbit.leader_node_is_ready(): relation_settings = {'hostname': host_addr, 'private-address': host_addr} # NOTE: active/active case if config('prefer-ipv6'): relation_settings['private-address'] = host_addr current = relation_get(rid=relation_id, unit=remote_unit) if singleset.issubset(current): if not all([current.get('username'), current.get('vhost')]): log('Relation not ready.', DEBUG) return # Provide credentials to relations. If password is already # available on peer relation then use it instead of reconfiguring. username = current['username'] vhost = current['vhost'] admin = current.get('admin', False) ttlname = current.get('ttlname') ttlreg = current.get('ttlreg') ttl = current.get('ttl') amqp_rid = relation_id or get_relation_id() password = configure_amqp(username, vhost, amqp_rid, admin=admin, ttlname=ttlname, ttlreg=ttlreg, ttl=ttl) relation_settings['password'] = password else: # NOTE(hopem): we should look at removing this code since i don't # think it's ever used anymore and stems from the days # when we needed to ensure consistency between # peerstorage (replaced by leader get/set) and amqp # relations. queues = {} for k, v in current.items(): amqp_rid = k.split('_')[0] x = '_'.join(k.split('_')[1:]) if amqp_rid not in queues: queues[amqp_rid] = {} queues[amqp_rid][x] = v for amqp_rid in queues: if singleset.issubset(queues[amqp_rid]): username = queues[amqp_rid]['username'] vhost = queues[amqp_rid]['vhost'] ttlname = queues[amqp_rid].get('ttlname') ttlreg = queues[amqp_rid].get('ttlreg') ttl = queues[amqp_rid].get('ttl') password = configure_amqp(username, vhost, amqp_rid, admin=admin, ttlname=ttlname, ttlreg=ttlreg, ttl=ttl) key = '_'.join([amqp_rid, 'password']) relation_settings[key] = password ssl_utils.configure_client_ssl(relation_settings) if is_clustered(): relation_settings['clustered'] = 'true' # NOTE(dosaboy): this stanza can be removed once we fully remove # deprecated HA support. if is_relation_made('ha'): # active/passive settings relation_settings['vip'] = config('vip') # or ha-vip-only to support active/active, but # accessed via a VIP for older clients. if config('ha-vip-only') is True: relation_settings['ha-vip-only'] = 'true' # set if need HA queues or not if cmp_pkgrevno('rabbitmq-server', '3.0.1') < 0: relation_settings['ha_queues'] = True log("Updating relation {} keys {}" .format(relation_id or get_relation_id(), ','.join(relation_settings.keys())), DEBUG) peer_store_and_set(relation_id=relation_id, relation_settings=relation_settings) sent_update = True elif not is_leader() and rabbit.client_node_is_ready(): if not rabbit.clustered(): log("This node is not clustered yet, defer sending data to client", level=DEBUG) return log("Propagating peer settings to all amqp relations", DEBUG) # NOTE(jamespage) clear relation to deal with data being # removed from peer storage. relation_clear(relation_id) # Each unit needs to set the db information otherwise if the unit # with the info dies the settings die with it Bug# 1355848 for rel_id in relation_ids('amqp'): peerdb_settings = peer_retrieve_by_prefix(rel_id) if 'password' in peerdb_settings: peerdb_settings['hostname'] = host_addr peerdb_settings['private-address'] = host_addr relation_set(relation_id=rel_id, **peerdb_settings) sent_update = True kvstore = kv() update_done = kvstore.get(INITIAL_CLIENT_UPDATE_KEY, False) if sent_update and not update_done: kvstore.set(key=INITIAL_CLIENT_UPDATE_KEY, value=True) kvstore.flush() @hooks.hook('cluster-relation-joined') def cluster_joined(relation_id=None): relation_settings = { 'hostname': rabbit.get_unit_hostname(), 'private-address': ch_ip.get_relation_ip( rabbit_net_utils.CLUSTER_INTERFACE, cidr_network=config(rabbit_net_utils.CLUSTER_OVERRIDE_CONFIG)), } relation_set(relation_id=relation_id, relation_settings=relation_settings) if is_relation_made('ha') and \ config('ha-vip-only') is False: log('hacluster relation is present, skipping native ' 'rabbitmq cluster config.') return try: if not is_leader(): log('Not the leader, deferring cookie propagation to leader') return except NotImplementedError: if is_newer(): log('cluster_joined: Relation greater.') return if not os.path.isfile(rabbit.COOKIE_PATH): log('erlang cookie missing from %s' % rabbit.COOKIE_PATH, level=ERROR) return if is_leader(): log('Leader peer_storing cookie', level=INFO) cookie = read_erlang_cookie() peer_store('cookie', cookie) peer_store('leader_node_ip', unit_private_ip()) peer_store('leader_node_hostname', rabbit.get_unit_hostname()) @hooks.hook('cluster-relation-changed') @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change(rabbit.restart_map(), manage_restart) def cluster_changed(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None): # Future travelers beware ordering is significant rdata = relation_get(rid=relation_id, unit=remote_unit) # sync passwords blacklist = ['hostname', 'private-address', 'public-address'] whitelist = [a for a in rdata.keys() if a not in blacklist] peer_echo(includes=whitelist) cookie = peer_retrieve('cookie') if not cookie: log('cluster_changed: cookie not yet set.', level=INFO) return if rdata: hostname = rdata.get('hostname', None) private_address = rdata.get('private-address', None) if hostname and private_address: rabbit.update_hosts_file({private_address: hostname}) # sync the cookie with peers if necessary update_cookie() if is_relation_made('ha') and \ config('ha-vip-only') is False: log('hacluster relation is present, skipping native ' 'rabbitmq cluster config.', level=INFO) return if is_unit_paused_set(): log('Unit is paused-set, so avoiding any other cluster activities', level=INFO) return if rabbit.is_sufficient_peers(): rabbit.update_peer_cluster_status() if not rabbit.clustered_with_leader(): serial = coordinator.Serial() log("Requesting cluster join lock") serial.acquire(rabbit.COORD_KEY_CLUSTER) coordinated_cluster() # Local rabbit maybe clustered now so check and inform clients if # needed. log("update_clients called from cluster_changed", DEBUG) update_clients() if is_leader(): if (leader_get(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY) != config(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY)): log("Informing peers via leaderdb to change {} to {}".format( rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY, config(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY))) leader_set({ rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY: config( rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY)}) rabbit.ConfigRenderer( rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()).write_all() if not is_leader() and is_relation_made('nrpe-external-master'): update_nrpe_checks() check_coordinated_functions() @hooks.hook('stop') def stop(): """Gracefully remove ourself from RabbitMQ cluster before unit is removed If RabbitMQ have objections to node removal, for example because of this being the only disc node to leave the cluster, the operation will fail and unit removal will be blocked with error for operator to investigate. In the event of a unit being forcefully or abrubtly removed from the cluster without a chance to remove itself, it will be left behind as a stopped node in the RabbitMQ cluster. Having a dormant no longer existing stopped node lying around will cause trouble in the event that all RabbitMQ nodes are shut down. In such a situation the cluster most likely will not start again without operator intervention as RabbitMQ will want to interrogate the now non-existing stopped node about any queue it thinks it would be most likely to have authoritative knowledge about. For this reason any abruptly removed nodes will be cleaned up periodically by the leader unit during its update-status hook run. This call is placed in stop hook and not in the cluster-relation-departed hook because the latter is not called on the unit being removed. """ rabbit.leave_cluster() def update_cookie(leaders_cookie=None): # sync cookie if leaders_cookie: cookie = leaders_cookie else: cookie = peer_retrieve('cookie') cookie_local = read_erlang_cookie() if cookie_local == cookie: log('Cookie already synchronized with peer.') return elif not is_restart_permitted(): raise Exception("rabbitmq-server must be restarted but not permitted") service_stop('rabbitmq-server') write_erlang_cookie(cookie) if not is_unit_paused_set(): service_restart('rabbitmq-server') rabbit.wait_app() def read_erlang_cookie(): """Read the erlang cookie and return it stripped of newline. :returns: the erlang cookie :rtype: str """ with open(rabbit.COOKIE_PATH, 'r') as f: return f.read().strip() def write_erlang_cookie(cookie): """Write the erlang cookie to the cookie file. :param cookie: the cookie to write. :type cookie: str """ try: with open(rabbit.COOKIE_PATH, 'wb') as out: out.write(cookie.encode('ascii')) except Exception as e: log("Could't write new cookie value to {}: reason: {}" .format(rabbit.COOKIE_PATH, str(e)), level=ERROR) def check_erlang_cookie_on_series_upgrade(): """Check the erlang cookie with peer storage. During series upgrade from focal to jammy (rabbitmq upgrade from 3.8 to 3.9,) there is a package bug [1] that overwrites the rabbit.COOKIEPATH with a more secure version of the cookie if it isn't secure enough, which is exactly what the 3.8 and prior cookie looks like. If the unit is the leader (and thus the first) it gets a new cookie and 'survives' the upgrade, but doesn't copy the cookie to the peer storage. A non leader then fails during the post-series-upgrade hook. This function does two things: 1. It ensures that the cookie is secure (if it's the leader), and places it in peer storage. 2. If it's the non-leader then, it copies the cookie from peer storage and puts it in the rabbit.COOKIE_PATH file. """ COOKIE_KEY = 'cookie' RABBITMQ_SERVER = 'rabbitmq-server' restart_with_cookie = None if is_leader(): # grab the leader cookie and check if it's not secure. cookie_local = read_erlang_cookie() if re.match(r'^[A-Z]{20}$', cookie_local): # write a new, more secure, cookie cmd = "openssl rand -base64 42" try: new_cookie = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode() cookie_local = new_cookie restart_with_cookie = new_cookie except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log("Couldn't generate a new {}: reason: {}" .format(rabbit.COOKIE_PATH, str(e)), level=ERROR) # ensure the local cookie matches the one stored. cookie = peer_retrieve(COOKIE_KEY) if cookie != cookie_local: peer_store(COOKIE_KEY, cookie_local) else: # non leader so see if we need to change the cookie cookie = peer_retrieve(COOKIE_KEY) cookie_local = read_erlang_cookie() if cookie != cookie_local: restart_with_cookie = cookie # now if a restart is required, restart rabbitmq if restart_with_cookie is not None: service_stop(RABBITMQ_SERVER) write_erlang_cookie(restart_with_cookie) if not is_unit_paused_set(): service_restart(RABBITMQ_SERVER) rabbit.wait_app() @hooks.hook('ha-relation-joined') @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change({rabbit.ENV_CONF: rabbit.restart_map()[rabbit.ENV_CONF]}, manage_restart) def ha_joined(): corosync_bindiface = config('ha-bindiface') corosync_mcastport = config('ha-mcastport') vip = config('vip') vip_iface = config('vip_iface') vip_cidr = config('vip_cidr') vip_only = config('ha-vip-only') if None in [corosync_bindiface, corosync_mcastport, vip, vip_iface, vip_cidr] and vip_only is True: log('Insufficient configuration data to configure VIP-only hacluster.', level=ERROR) sys.exit(1) ctxt = {rabbit.ENV_CONF: rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()[rabbit.ENV_CONF]} rabbit.ConfigRenderer(ctxt).write(rabbit.ENV_CONF) relation_settings = {} relation_settings['corosync_bindiface'] = corosync_bindiface relation_settings['corosync_mcastport'] = corosync_mcastport if vip_only is True: relation_settings['resources'] = { 'res_rabbitmq_vip': 'ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2', } relation_settings['resource_params'] = { 'res_rabbitmq_vip': 'params ip="%s" cidr_netmask="%s" nic="%s"' % (vip, vip_cidr, vip_iface), } else: relation_settings['resources'] = { 'res_rabbitmq_vip': 'ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2', 'res_rabbitmq-server': 'lsb:rabbitmq-server', } relation_settings['resource_params'] = { 'res_rabbitmq_vip': 'params ip="%s" cidr_netmask="%s" nic="%s"' % (vip, vip_cidr, vip_iface), 'res_rabbitmq-server': 'op start start-delay="5s" ' 'op monitor interval="5s"', } for rel_id in relation_ids('ha'): relation_set(relation_id=rel_id, relation_settings=relation_settings) env_vars = { 'OPENSTACK_PORT_EPMD': 4369, 'OPENSTACK_PORT_MCASTPORT': config('ha-mcastport'), } save_script_rc(**env_vars) @hooks.hook('ha-relation-changed') def ha_changed(): if not is_clustered(): return vip = config('vip') log('ha_changed(): We are now HA clustered. ' 'Advertising our VIP (%s) to all AMQP clients.' % vip) @hooks.hook('nrpe-external-master-relation-changed') def update_nrpe_checks(): # NOTE (rgildein): This function has been changed to remove redundant # checks and scripts based on rabbitmq configuration, but the main logic # was unchanged. # # The function logic is based on these three functions: # 1) copy all the custom NRPE scripts and create cron file # 2) add NRPE checks and remove redundant # 2.a) update the NRPE vhost check for TLS and non-TLS # 2.b) update the NRPE queues check # 2.c) update the NRPE cluster check # 3) remove redundant scripts - this must be done after removing # the relevant check rabbit.sync_nrpe_files() hostname, unit, vhosts, user, password = rabbit.get_nrpe_credentials() nrpe_compat = nrpe.NRPE(hostname=hostname) for vhost in vhosts: rabbit.create_vhost(vhost['vhost']) rabbit.grant_permissions(user, vhost['vhost']) rabbit.nrpe_update_vhost_check( nrpe_compat, unit, user, password, vhost) rabbit.nrpe_update_vhost_ssl_check( nrpe_compat, unit, user, password, vhost) rabbit.nrpe_update_queues_check(nrpe_compat, RABBIT_DIR) rabbit.nrpe_update_cluster_check(nrpe_compat, user, password) nrpe_compat.write() rabbit.remove_nrpe_files() rabbit.add_nrpe_file_access() @hooks.hook('upgrade-charm.real') @harden() def upgrade_charm(): pre_install_hooks() # Ensure older passwd files in /var/lib/juju are moved to # /var/lib/rabbitmq which will end up replicated if clustered for f in [f for f in os.listdir('/var/lib/juju') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/var/lib/juju', f))]: if f.endswith('.passwd'): s = os.path.join('/var/lib/juju', f) d = os.path.join('/var/lib/charm/{}'.format(service_name()), f) log('upgrade_charm: Migrating stored passwd' ' from %s to %s.' % (s, d)) shutil.move(s, d) if is_elected_leader('res_rabbitmq_vip'): rabbit.migrate_passwords_to_peer_relation() # explicitly update buggy file name naigos.passwd old = os.path.join('var/lib/rabbitmq', 'naigos.passwd') if os.path.isfile(old): new = os.path.join('var/lib/rabbitmq', 'nagios.passwd') shutil.move(old, new) rabbit.update_peer_cluster_status() # this should be run only when rabbitmq is not a single unit and # being really part of a cluster if not rabbit.clustered_with_leader() and config('min-cluster-size'): serial = coordinator.Serial() log("Requesting cluster join lock") serial.acquire(rabbit.COORD_KEY_CLUSTER) coordinated_cluster() # Ensure all client connections are up to date on upgrade log("update_clients called from upgrade_charm", DEBUG) update_clients() # BUG:#1804348 # for the check_rabbitmq.py script, python3-amqplib needs to be installed; # if previous version was a python2 version of the charm this won't happen # unless the source is changed. Ensure it is installed here if needed. # LP:#1928802 - also include python3-croniter as its needed for # check_rabbitmq_queues.py as of change ab79c3ee apt_update(fatal=True) missing_packages = filter_installed_packages(['python3-amqplib', 'python3-croniter']) if missing_packages: apt_install(missing_packages, fatal=True) if is_leader() and not leader_get(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY): log("Setting {} to {} on upgrade-charm.".format( rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY, config(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY)), level='INFO') leader_set({rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY: config(rabbit.CLUSTER_MODE_KEY)}) # BUG:#1879524 # rabbitmq stat files checked by nrpe might be owned by root preventing # monitoring to read correctly the values. # Ensure that they belong to rabbitmq user to not break compatibility with # older existing deployment if is_relation_made('nrpe-external-master'): rabbit.add_nrpe_file_access() rabbit.fix_nrpe_file_owner() MAN_PLUGIN = 'rabbitmq_management' PROM_PLUGIN = 'rabbitmq_prometheus' RMQ_MON_PORT = 15692 @hooks.hook('config-changed') @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change(rabbit.restart_map(), manage_restart) @harden() def config_changed(check_deferred_restarts=True): """Run config-chaged hook. :param check_deferred_events: Whether to check if restarts are permitted before running hook. :type check_deferred_events: bool """ configure_deferred_restarts(rabbit.services()) allowed, reason = is_hook_allowed( 'config-changed', check_deferred_restarts=check_deferred_restarts) if not allowed: log(reason, "WARN") return # Update hosts with this unit's information cluster_ip = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( rabbit_net_utils.CLUSTER_INTERFACE, cidr_network=config(rabbit_net_utils.CLUSTER_OVERRIDE_CONFIG)) rabbit.update_hosts_file({cluster_ip: rabbit.get_unit_hostname()}) # Add archive source if provided and not in the upgrade process if not leader_get("cluster_series_upgrading"): add_source(config('source'), config('key')) # Copy in defaults file for updated ulimits shutil.copyfile( 'templates/rabbitmq-server', '/etc/default/rabbitmq-server') # Install packages to ensure any changes to source # result in an upgrade if applicable only if we change the 'source' # config option if rabbit.archive_upgrade_available(): if rabbit.in_run_deferred_hooks_action(): log("In deferred hook action, package lock not needed") rabbit.install_or_upgrade_packages() configure_rabbit_install() else: serial = coordinator.Serial() log("Requesting package lock") serial.acquire(rabbit.COORD_KEY_PKG_UPGRADE) # If lock is granted immediatly then upgrade will happen # here, otherwise it will happen in a subsequent hook # managed by the coodinator module. coordinated_upgrade() else: configure_rabbit_install() # Update cluster in case min-cluster-size has changed for rid in relation_ids('cluster'): for unit in related_units(rid): cluster_changed(relation_id=rid, remote_unit=unit) check_coordinated_functions() @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change(rabbit.restart_map(), manage_restart) def configure_rabbit_install(): """Configure the rabbit installation environment. NOTE: For setting up access for a client (vhosts etc) use `configure_amqp` """ if config('ssl') == 'off': open_port(5672) close_port(int(config('ssl_port'))) elif config('ssl') == 'on': open_port(5672) open_port(int(config('ssl_port'))) elif config('ssl') == 'only': close_port(5672) open_port(int(config('ssl_port'))) else: log("Unknown ssl config value: '%s'" % config('ssl'), level=ERROR) chown(RABBIT_DIR, rabbit.RABBIT_USER, rabbit.RABBIT_USER) chmod(RABBIT_DIR, 0o775) if rabbit.management_plugin_enabled(): rabbit.enable_plugin(MAN_PLUGIN) open_port(rabbit.get_managment_port()) else: rabbit.disable_plugin(MAN_PLUGIN) close_port(rabbit.get_managment_port()) # LY: Close the old managment port since it may have been opened in a # previous version of the charm. close_port is a noop if the port # is not open close_port(55672) # NOTE(jamespage): If a newer RMQ version is # installed and the old style configuration file # is still on disk, remove before re-rendering # any new configuration. if (os.path.exists(rabbit.RABBITMQ_CONFIG) and cmp_pkgrevno('rabbitmq-server', '3.7') >= 0): os.remove(rabbit.RABBITMQ_CONFIG) rabbit.ConfigRenderer( rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()).write_all() if is_relation_made("ha"): ha_is_active_active = config("ha-vip-only") if ha_is_active_active: update_nrpe_checks() else: if is_elected_leader('res_rabbitmq_vip'): update_nrpe_checks() else: log("hacluster relation is present but this node is not active" " skipping update nrpe checks") elif is_relation_made('nrpe-external-master'): update_nrpe_checks() # Only set values if this is the leader if not is_leader(): return rabbit.set_all_mirroring_queues(config('mirroring-queues')) # Update cluster in case min-cluster-size has changed for rid in relation_ids('cluster'): for unit in related_units(rid): cluster_changed(relation_id=rid, remote_unit=unit) # NOTE(jamespage): Workaround until we have a good way # of generally disabling notifications # based on which services are deployed. if 'openstack' in rabbit.list_vhosts(): rabbit.configure_notification_ttl('openstack', config('notification-ttl')) @hooks.hook('leader-elected') def leader_elected(): status_set("maintenance", "{} is the elected leader".format(local_unit())) @hooks.hook('leader-settings-changed') @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change(rabbit.restart_map(), manage_restart) def leader_settings_changed(): if is_unit_paused_set(): log("Do not run config_changed while unit is paused", "WARNING") return if not os.path.exists(rabbit.RABBITMQ_CTL): log('Deferring cookie configuration, RabbitMQ not yet installed') return # Get cookie from leader, update cookie locally and # force cluster-relation-changed hooks to run on peers cookie = leader_get(attribute='cookie') if cookie: update_cookie(leaders_cookie=cookie) # Force cluster-relation-changed hooks to run on peers # This will precipitate peer clustering # Without this a chicken and egg scenario prevails when # using LE and peerstorage for rid in relation_ids('cluster'): relation_set(relation_id=rid, relation_settings={'cookie': cookie}) log("update_clients called from leader_settings_changed", DEBUG) update_clients() rabbit.ConfigRenderer( rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()).write_all() check_coordinated_functions() def pre_install_hooks(): for f in glob.glob('exec.d/*/charm-pre-install'): if os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK): subprocess.check_call(['sh', '-c', f]) @hooks.hook('pre-series-upgrade') def series_upgrade_prepare(): set_unit_upgrading() if not is_unit_paused_set(): log("Pausing unit for series upgrade.") rabbit.pause_unit_helper(rabbit.ConfigRenderer(rabbit.CONFIG_FILES())) if is_leader(): if not leader_get('cluster_series_upgrading'): # Inform the entire cluster a series upgrade is occurring. # Run the complete-cluster-series-upgrade action on the leader to # clear this setting when the full cluster has completed its # upgrade. leader_set(cluster_series_upgrading=True) @hooks.hook('post-series-upgrade') def series_upgrade_complete(): log("Running complete series upgrade hook", "INFO") # NOTE(jamespage): If a newer RMQ version is # installed and the old style configuration file # is still on disk, remove before re-rendering # any new configuration. if (os.path.exists(rabbit.RABBITMQ_CONFIG) and cmp_pkgrevno('rabbitmq-server', '3.7') >= 0): os.remove(rabbit.RABBITMQ_CONFIG) rabbit.ConfigRenderer( rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()).write_all() check_erlang_cookie_on_series_upgrade() clear_unit_upgrading() rabbit.resume_unit_helper(rabbit.ConfigRenderer(rabbit.CONFIG_FILES())) @hooks.hook('certificates-relation-joined') def certs_joined(relation_id=None): req = ch_cert_utils.CertRequest() ip, target_cn = ssl_utils.get_unit_amqp_endpoint_data() req.add_entry(None, target_cn, [ip]) relation_set( relation_id=relation_id, relation_settings=req.get_request()) @hooks.hook('certificates-relation-changed') @rabbit.coordinated_restart_on_change(rabbit.restart_map(), manage_restart) def certs_changed(relation_id=None, unit=None): # manage_restart will handle the client update if # certificates have changed. rabbit.ConfigRenderer( rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()).write_all() @hooks.hook('update-status') @harden() def update_status(): log('Updating status.') if __name__ == '__main__': try: _ = coordinator.Serial() hooks.execute(sys.argv) except UnregisteredHookError as e: log('Unknown hook {} - skipping.'.format(e)) # This solves one off problems waiting for the cluster to complete # It will get executed only once as soon as leader_node_is_ready() # or client_node_is_ready() returns True # Subsequent client requests will be handled by normal # amqp-relation-changed hooks kvstore = kv() if not kvstore.get(INITIAL_CLIENT_UPDATE_KEY, False): log( "Rerunning update_clients as initial update not yet performed", level=DEBUG) update_clients() rabbit.assess_status(rabbit.ConfigRenderer(rabbit.CONFIG_FILES()))