.. Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode .. =================================== Unify ceph nova-compute credentials =================================== Ceph credentials should be the same across all nova-compute charm apps to allow live-migration of VMs booted from image (and stored in ceph via use of libvirt-image-backend=rbd config) to succeed. Problem Description =================== Currently every nova-compute charm app registers a ceph credential named after the charm app itself. Therefore, if a cloud has two nova-compute charm apps named nova-compute-haswell and nova-compute-skylake, then their ceph credentials will be the respective names. The result of this is that live-migrating a VM booted from image where both nova-compute charm apps have been configured to use libvirt-image-backend=rbd (resulting in the image being stored in ceph) fails because the libvirt XML for the instance will have the ceph credential and key associated with the name on the source, to which the destination does not possess the key to access the image, resulting in a failed migration due to permission denied error, as documented in [1]_. Proposed Change =============== In order to solve the problem, all nova-compute charm apps need to have access to the same ceph credentials and by extent, to the same key, allowing credentials specified in the libvirt XML to be compatible with both the host and destination. To achieve that, it is necessary to move away from having ceph credentials deriving their name from the nova-compute charm app names. Here we propose a new name to be a common one between all of them: 'nova-compute-ceph-auth-'. There are many reasons for choosing the above-mentioned new credentials name: 1) As part of the name transition, it is necessary to make changes to the libvirt secret entry. The secret entry in libvirt consists of: secret UUID - name/usage - key For each registered libvirt secret, we can only update the key. In order to allow continued function of existing VMs as we upgrade the charms performing the credential transition, we cannot delete and replace the entire secret. It is necessary then to add a new secret with the new credentials and new UUID, while also preserving the old secret. 2) The upgrade path from the old name to the new name is simpler if every single existing name is handled as old. For example, if we chose 'nova-compute' to be the new name, then deployments that had nova-compute charm apps named 'nova-compute' would need to be handled differently. The main technical difficulty of this approach is again, the libvirt secret management limitations, preventing us from adding a new libvirt secret with the same name and a new UUID, nor can we achieve the desired functionality while avoiding the need of adding a new secret UUID. 3) Having a credential name that is very unlikely to clash with any charm app name avoids the situation described above. By using the first block of the secret UUID in the credential name we also make it easier to identify the credential as being the new one. If more credential names are required to be performed in the future, by following this pattern we can easily have versioning between them. Charm Impact ------------ Only the nova-compute charm is affected by the code changes. The ceph-mon charm does not require code changes. Upgrade Impact -------------- On upgrade, transitioning from old credentials to new credentials consists of: 1) Every nova-compute unit needs to send the new application-name to ceph-mon. Ceph-mon will then register the new credential when receiving it for the first time (subsequent receipt of the new application-name will not need to re-register the new credentials, as they would already exist) and send back the key of the new credentials. 2) Nova-compute units, upon receiving the updated key, will rewrite the config files with the new credentials, keys and UUID, and invoke libvirt to register the new secret. New VMs created from this point onwards will use the new credentials. The nova-compute units will retain their old credentials key file in their /etc/ceph folder and registered in libvirt, so existing workloads are not affected and allows the units to be able to receive live-migration of non-rebooted instances. Existing Workloads Impact ------------------------- Existing running VMs will have their old credentials declared in their libvirt XML and continue to run fine as the old credentials as retained. A full power cycle of those VMs is required to update their libvirt XML and switch to the new credentials. Those VMs cannot be migrated to nova-compute nodes operated by different nova-compute charm apps until rebooted. Scale-out Impact ---------------- New nodes deployed with the updated charm need to install both old and new credentials. To achieve this, the nova-compute code will need to send the old application-name on ceph-relation-joined, then upon successful configuration of the old credential, send the new application-name and trigger the upgrade path. The end result is that a newly deployed node will have both old and new credentials and can receive migration of non-rebooted VMs that are still using the old credentials. This was a concern already pointed out by [2]_. Revert/Downgrade Possibility ---------------------------- Unfortunately, downgrading and reverting the changes in case something unexpected happens is not smooth, but is fairly straightforward. The main problem is that the current code does not have a way to re-send the application-name to ceph-mon outside of the ceph-relation-joined hook function, so this information has to be exchanged manually through the juju relation-set command. This is enough to revert all the changes. If something went wrong during the upgrade or downgrade, then libvirt secrets may need to be manually maintained to address a potential error or conflict of names, UUID, or re-set the keys. Charm Configuration Options --------------------------- No charm config options are affected or have to be added for this change. The change, however, only affects users that have the config libvir-image-backend set to 'rbd'. Configuration Files ------------------- The config files are affected in the following way: * */etc/ceph/secret.xml* - This file will be updated to have the new UUID and credential name. It is only used for the secret to be registered in libvirt once. * */etc/ceph/ceph.client.nova-compute-ceph-auth-* - This file will be added with the key for the new credentials. * */etc/nova/nova.conf* - The properties rbd_user and rbd_secret_uuid will be updated with the new credentials and UUID respectively. Non-Charm Configuration ----------------------- The relation-data changes between the nova-compute and ceph charms affect the following 2 fields: * *application_name* - Ceph-mon will receive the application name nova-compute-ceph-auth- instead of the nova-compute charm app name. * *key* - Nova-compute will receive the new credential's key instead of the old credential's key. OpenStack Versions ------------------ This feature will be enabled for Yoga and newer OpenStack releases. Operating System Versions ------------------------- This feature will be enabled for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) and newer Ubuntu releases. Juju Version Dependencies ------------------------- This feature has no dependency on Juju versions. Alternatives ------------ A design alternative is possible to achieve the same result, although with some advantages and disadvantages: * Change the relation-data to exchange a dictionary containing all nova-compute charm app names and keys between all nova-compute units. To achieve this, either the nova-cloud-controller needs to be involved (as it already currently is for exchanging SSH keys), or a new relation needs to be created between nova-compute between different charm apps. This alternative requires more code changes and relation data structure changes, but the end result is generally more consistent and resilient against unexpected behavior, such as hook errors or hooks running out of order. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: ganso Gerrit Topic ------------ Use Gerrit topic "lp2028559" for all patches related to this spec. .. code-block:: bash git-review -t lp2028559 Repositories ------------ No new repositories are required for this work. Documentation ------------- As part of this effort, the following documentation will need to be updated: - Charm Guide - Release Notes Security -------- The changes required in the charm do not introduce any additional security implications beyond the security requirements and compromises already in place. The extra credentials in ceph and extra keys in nova-compute are subject to the same vulnerability as the existing credentials and keys. Testing ------- Unit tests and functional tests will be implemented for this feature. The functional tests will validate whether the nova-compute nodes have credential files for both the name derived from their charm app name, and the new proposed unique name. Currently there are not multiple nova-compute charm apps configured in the CI, nor their presence supported by the functional tests code, nor any live-migration tests. As future work there could be live-migration tests across different nova-compute charm apps. Work Items ---------- - Implement code changes in nova-compute charm - Add functional tests to zaza-openstack-tests - Provide user documentation on impact of changes Dependencies ============ No hardware, software or version dependencies are required for this change to be functional. References ========== .. [1] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2028559 .. [2] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2037003