Charmhelpers sync to get vaultlocker fixes

Also gate checking vault context completing on whether
dependencies are installed.

Change-Id: Ib424abe608081da21207db262fb82362f23fe6ca
Closes-Bug: #1849323
This commit is contained in:
Edward Hope-Morley 2019-12-10 13:39:40 +00:00
parent 9a67dc3d2d
commit 60dd2f0189
8 changed files with 409 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ Examples:
>>> ufw.enable()
>>> ufw.service('4949', 'close') # munin
import re
import os
import re
import six
import subprocess
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
@ -236,29 +237,45 @@ def default_policy(policy='deny', direction='incoming'):
def modify_access(src, dst='any', port=None, proto=None, action='allow',
index=None, prepend=False, comment=None):
Grant access to an address or subnet
:param src: address (e.g. or subnet
:type src: Optional[str]
:param dst: destiny of the connection, if the machine has multiple IPs and
connections to only one of those have to accepted this is the
field has to be set.
:type dst: Optional[str]
:param port: destiny port
:type port: Optional[int]
:param proto: protocol (tcp or udp)
:type proto: Optional[str]
:param action: `allow` or `delete`
:type action: str
:param index: if different from None the rule is inserted at the given
:type index: Optional[int]
:param prepend: Whether to insert the rule before all other rules matching
the rule's IP type.
:type prepend: bool
:param comment: Create the rule with a comment
:type comment: Optional[str]
if not is_enabled():
hookenv.log('ufw is disabled, skipping modify_access()', level='WARN')
if action == 'delete':
if index is not None:
cmd = ['ufw', '--force', 'delete', str(index)]
cmd = ['ufw', 'delete', 'allow']
elif index is not None:
cmd = ['ufw', 'insert', str(index), action]
elif prepend:
cmd = ['ufw', 'prepend', action]
cmd = ['ufw', action]
@ -274,6 +291,9 @@ def modify_access(src, dst='any', port=None, proto=None, action='allow',
if proto is not None:
cmd += ['proto', proto]
if comment:
cmd.extend(['comment', comment])
hookenv.log('ufw {}: {}'.format(action, ' '.join(cmd)), level='DEBUG')
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
@ -337,3 +357,33 @@ def service(name, action):
raise UFWError(("'{}' not supported, use 'allow' "
"or 'delete'").format(action))
def status():
"""Retrieve firewall rules as represented by UFW.
:returns: Tuples with rule number and data
(1, {'to': '', 'action':, 'from':, '', ipv6: True, 'comment': ''})
:rtype: Iterator[Tuple[int, Dict[str, Union[bool, str]]]]
if six.PY2:
raise RuntimeError('Call to function not supported on Python2')
cp ='ufw', 'status', 'numbered',),
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
check=True, universal_newlines=True)
for line in cp.stdout.splitlines():
if not line.startswith('['):
ipv6 = True if '(v6)' in line else False
line = line.replace('(v6)', '')
line = line.replace('[', '')
line = line.replace(']', '')
line = line.replace('Anywhere', 'any')
row = line.split()
yield (int(row[0]), {
'to': row[1],
'action': ' '.join(row[2:4]).lower(),
'from': row[4],
'ipv6': ipv6,
'comment': row[6] if len(row) > 5 and row[5] == '#' else '',

View File

@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ def generate_ha_relation_data(service,
_relation_data = {'resources': {}, 'resource_params': {}}
if haproxy_enabled:
_meta = 'meta migration-threshold="INFINITY" failure-timeout="5s"'
_haproxy_res = 'res_{}_haproxy'.format(service)
_relation_data['resources'] = {_haproxy_res: 'lsb:haproxy'}
_relation_data['resource_params'] = {
_haproxy_res: 'op monitor interval="5s"'
_haproxy_res: '{} op monitor interval="5s"'.format(_meta)
_relation_data['init_services'] = {_haproxy_res: 'haproxy'}
_relation_data['clones'] = {

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import sys
import yaml
import zipfile
import charmhelpers
import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv
import as ch_host
@ -234,7 +235,10 @@ def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
"""If the config option is set, get the resource file and process it to
enable the policy.d overrides for the service passed.
@ -263,6 +267,11 @@ def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
directory. However, for any services where this is buggy then a
restart_handler can be used to force the policy.d files to be read.
If the config_changed param is True, then the handling is slightly
different: It will only perform the policyd overrides if the config is True
and the success file doesn't exist. Otherwise, it does nothing as the
resource file has already been processed.
:param openstack_release: The openstack release that is installed.
:type openstack_release: str
:param service: the service name to construct the policy.d directory for.
@ -278,21 +287,29 @@ def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
:param restart_handler: The function to call if the service should be
:type restart_handler: Union[None, Callable[]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
:param config_changed: Set to True for config_changed hook.
:type config_changed: bool
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
if not is_policyd_override_valid_on_this_release(openstack_release):
hookenv.log("Running maybe_do_policyd_overrides",
if not is_policyd_override_valid_on_this_release(openstack_release):
hookenv.log("... policy overrides not valid on this release: {}"
config = hookenv.config()
if not config.get(POLICYD_CONFIG_NAME, False):
clean_policyd_dir_for(service, blacklist_paths)
if (os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file()) and
restart_handler is not None and
if (os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file())
and restart_handler is not None
and callable(restart_handler)):
@ -302,6 +319,12 @@ def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
import traceback
hookenv.log(traceback.format_exc(), level=POLICYD_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
# if the policyd overrides have been performed when doing config_changed
# just return
if config_changed and is_policy_success_file_set():
hookenv.log("... already setup, so skipping.",
# from now on it should succeed; if it doesn't then status line will show
# broken.
resource_filename = get_policy_resource_filename()
@ -312,63 +335,18 @@ def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
def maybe_do_policyd_overrides_on_config_changed(openstack_release,
"""This function is designed to be called from the config changed hook
handler. It will only perform the policyd overrides if the config is True
and the success file doesn't exist. Otherwise, it does nothing as the
resource file has already been processed.
@charmhelpers.deprecate("Use maybe_do_poliyd_overrrides instead")
def maybe_do_policyd_overrides_on_config_changed(*args, **kwargs):
"""This function is designed to be called from the config changed hook.
DEPRECATED: please use maybe_do_policyd_overrides() with the param
`config_changed` as `True`.
See maybe_do_policyd_overrides() for more details on the params.
:param openstack_release: The openstack release that is installed.
:type openstack_release: str
:param service: the service name to construct the policy.d directory for.
:type service: str
:param blacklist_paths: optional list of paths to leave alone
:type blacklist_paths: Union[None, List[str]]
:param blacklist_keys: optional list of keys that mustn't appear in the
yaml file's
:type blacklist_keys: Union[None, List[str]]
:param template_function: Optional function that can modify the string
prior to being processed as a Yaml document.
:type template_function: Union[None, Callable[[str], str]]
:param restart_handler: The function to call if the service should be
:type restart_handler: Union[None, Callable[]]
if not is_policyd_override_valid_on_this_release(openstack_release):
hookenv.log("Running maybe_do_policyd_overrides_on_config_changed",
config = hookenv.config()
if not config.get(POLICYD_CONFIG_NAME, False):
clean_policyd_dir_for(service, blacklist_paths)
if (os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file()) and
restart_handler is not None and
except Exception as e:
hookenv.log("... ERROR: Exception is: {}".format(str(e)),
import traceback
hookenv.log(traceback.format_exc(), level=POLICYD_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
# if the policyd overrides have been performed just return
if os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file()):
hookenv.log("... already setup, so skipping.",
openstack_release, service, blacklist_paths, blacklist_keys,
template_function, restart_handler)
if 'config_changed' not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs['config_changed'] = True
return maybe_do_policyd_overrides(*args, **kwargs)
def get_policy_resource_filename():
@ -385,13 +363,16 @@ def get_policy_resource_filename():
def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath):
def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath, has_subdirs=False):
"""Validate that the filepath provided is a zip file and contains at least
one (.yaml|.yml) file, and that the files are not duplicated when the zip
file is flattened. Note that the yaml files are not checked. This is the
first stage in validating the policy zipfile; individual yaml files are not
checked for validity or black listed keys.
If the has_subdirs param is True, then the files are flattened to the first
directory, and the files in the root are ignored.
An example of use is:
with open_and_filter_yaml_files(some_path) as zfp, g:
@ -400,6 +381,8 @@ def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath):
:param filepath: a filepath object that can be opened by zipfile
:type filepath: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike[AntStr]]
:param has_subdirs: Keep first level of subdirectories in yaml file.
:type has_subdirs: bool
:returns: (zfp handle,
a generator of the (name, filename, ZipInfo object) tuples) as a
@ -412,7 +395,7 @@ def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath):
with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r') as zfp:
# first pass through; check for duplicates and at least one yaml file.
names = collections.defaultdict(int)
yamlfiles = _yamlfiles(zfp)
yamlfiles = _yamlfiles(zfp, has_subdirs)
for name, _, _, _ in yamlfiles:
names[name] += 1
# There must be at least 1 yaml file.
@ -428,17 +411,33 @@ def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath):
yield (zfp, yamlfiles)
def _yamlfiles(zipfile):
def _yamlfiles(zipfile, has_subdirs=False):
"""Helper to get a yaml file (according to POLICYD_VALID_EXTS extensions)
and the infolist item from a zipfile.
If the `has_subdirs` param is True, the the only yaml files that have a
directory component are read, and then first part of the directory
component is kept, along with the filename in the name. e.g. an entry with
a filename of:
is returned as:
compute/override, yaml, override.yaml, <ZipInfo object>
This is to help with the special, additional, processing that the dashboard
charm requires.
:param zipfile: the zipfile to read zipinfo items from
:type zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile
:returns: generator of (name, ext, filename, info item) for each self-identified
yaml file.
:param has_subdirs: Keep first level of subdirectories in yaml file.
:type has_subdirs: bool
:returns: generator of (name, ext, filename, info item) for each
self-identified yaml file.
:rtype: List[(str, str, str, zipfile.ZipInfo)]
l = []
files = []
for infolist_item in zipfile.infolist():
if infolist_item.is_dir():
@ -447,12 +446,14 @@ def _yamlfiles(zipfile):
# fallback to "old" way to determine dir entry for pre-py36
if infolist_item.filename.endswith('/'):
_, name_ext = os.path.split(infolist_item.filename)
_dir, name_ext = os.path.split(infolist_item.filename)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name_ext)
if has_subdirs and _dir != "":
name = os.path.join(_dir.split(os.path.sep)[0], name)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext and ext in POLICYD_VALID_EXTS:
l.append((name, ext, name_ext, infolist_item))
return l
files.append((name, ext, name_ext, infolist_item))
return files
def read_and_validate_yaml(stream_or_doc, blacklist_keys=None):
@ -498,9 +499,6 @@ def read_and_validate_yaml(stream_or_doc, blacklist_keys=None):
def policyd_dir_for(service):
"""Return the policy directory for the named service.
This assumes the default name of "policy.d" which is kept across all
:param service: str
:returns: the policy.d override directory.
:rtype: os.PathLike[str]
@ -508,7 +506,7 @@ def policyd_dir_for(service):
return os.path.join("/", "etc", service, "policy.d")
def clean_policyd_dir_for(service, keep_paths=None):
def clean_policyd_dir_for(service, keep_paths=None, user=None, group=None):
"""Clean out the policyd directory except for items that should be kept.
The keep_paths, if used, should be set to the full path of the files that
@ -521,11 +519,18 @@ def clean_policyd_dir_for(service, keep_paths=None):
:type service: str
:param keep_paths: optional list of paths to not delete.
:type keep_paths: Union[None, List[str]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
keep_paths = keep_paths or []
path = policyd_dir_for(service)
hookenv.log("Cleaning path: {}".format(path), level=hookenv.DEBUG)
if not os.path.exists(path):
ch_host.mkdir(path, owner=service, group=service, perms=0o775)
ch_host.mkdir(path, owner=_user, group=_group, perms=0o775)
_scanner = os.scandir if sys.version_info > (3, 4) else _py2_scandir
for direntry in _scanner(path):
# see if the path should be kept.
@ -538,6 +543,22 @@ def clean_policyd_dir_for(service, keep_paths=None):
def maybe_create_directory_for(path, user, group):
"""For the filename 'path', ensure that the directory for that path exists.
Note that if the directory already exists then the permissions are NOT
:param path: the filename including the path to it.
:type path: str
:param user: the user to create the directory as
:param group: the group to create the directory as
_dir, _ = os.path.split(path)
if not os.path.exists(_dir):
ch_host.mkdir(_dir, owner=user, group=group, perms=0o775)
def _py2_scandir(path):
"""provide a py2 implementation of os.scandir if this module ever gets used
@ -573,6 +594,11 @@ def path_for_policy_file(service, name):
It is constructed using policyd_dir_for(), the name and the ".yaml"
For horizon, for example, it's a bit more complicated. The name param is
actually "override_service_dir/a_name", where target_service needs to be
one the allowed horizon override services. This translation and check is
done in the _yamlfiles() function.
:param service: the service name
:type service: str
:param name: the name for the policy override
@ -600,6 +626,22 @@ def remove_policy_success_file():
def set_policy_success_file():
"""Set the file that indicates successful policyd override."""
open(_policy_success_file(), "w").close()
def is_policy_success_file_set():
"""Returns True if the policy success file has been set.
This indicates that policies are overridden and working properly.
:returns: True if the policy file is set
:rtype: bool
return os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file())
def policyd_status_message_prefix():
"""Return the prefix str for the status line.
@ -609,7 +651,7 @@ def policyd_status_message_prefix():
:returns: the prefix
:rtype: str
if os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file()):
if is_policy_success_file_set():
return "PO:"
return "PO (broken):"
@ -618,7 +660,11 @@ def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
"""Process the resource file (which should contain at least one yaml file)
and write those files to the service's policy.d directory.
@ -638,6 +684,16 @@ def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
its file path reconstructed. This, also, must not match any path in the
black list.
The yaml filename can be modified in two ways. If the `preserve_topdir`
param is True, then files will be flattened to the top dir. This allows
for creating sets of files that can be grouped into a single level tree
Secondly, if the `preprocess_filename` param is not None and callable()
then the name is passed to that function for preprocessing before being
converted to the end location. This is to allow munging of the filename
prior to being tested for a blacklist path.
If any error occurs, then the policy.d directory is cleared, the error is
written to the log, and the status line will eventually show as failed.
@ -653,18 +709,39 @@ def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
:param template_function: Optional function that can modify the yaml
:type template_function: Union[None, Callable[[AnyStr], AnyStr]]
:param preserve_topdir: Keep the toplevel subdir
:type preserve_topdir: bool
:param preprocess_filename: Optional function to use to process filenames
extracted from the resource file.
:type preprocess_filename: Union[None, Callable[[AnyStr]. AnyStr]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
:returns: True if the processing was successful, False if not.
:rtype: boolean
hookenv.log("Running process_policy_resource_file", level=hookenv.DEBUG)
blacklist_paths = blacklist_paths or []
completed = False
_preprocess = None
if preprocess_filename is not None and callable(preprocess_filename):
_preprocess = preprocess_filename
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
with open_and_filter_yaml_files(resource_file) as (zfp, gen):
with open_and_filter_yaml_files(
resource_file, preserve_topdir) as (zfp, gen):
# first clear out the policy.d directory and clear success
clean_policyd_dir_for(service, blacklist_paths)
for name, ext, filename, zipinfo in gen:
# See if the name should be preprocessed.
if _preprocess is not None:
name = _preprocess(name)
# construct a name for the output file.
yaml_filename = path_for_policy_file(service, name)
if yaml_filename in blacklist_paths:
@ -682,8 +759,12 @@ def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
doc = template_function(doc)
yaml_doc = read_and_validate_yaml(doc, blacklist_keys)
with open(yaml_filename, "wt") as f:
yaml.dump(yaml_doc, f)
# we may have to create the directory
maybe_create_directory_for(yaml_filename, _user, _group)
# Every thing worked, so we mark up a success.
completed = True
except (BadZipFile, BadPolicyZipFile, BadPolicyYamlFile) as e:
@ -707,10 +788,13 @@ def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
hookenv.log("Processing {} failed: cleaning policy.d directory"
clean_policyd_dir_for(service, blacklist_paths)
# touch the success filename
hookenv.log("policy.d overrides installed.",
open(_policy_success_file(), "w").close()
return completed

View File

@ -37,9 +37,13 @@ class VaultKVContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
def __call__(self):
import hvac
ctxt = {}
# NOTE(hopem): see
db = unitdata.kv()
last_token = db.get('last-token')
# currently known-good secret-id
secret_id = db.get('secret-id')
for relation_id in hookenv.relation_ids(self.interfaces[0]):
for unit in hookenv.related_units(relation_id):
data = hookenv.relation_get(unit=unit,
@ -54,27 +58,48 @@ class VaultKVContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
# Tokens may change when secret_id's are being
# reissued - if so use token to get new secret_id
if token != last_token:
token_success = False
secret_id = retrieve_secret_id(
token_success = True
except hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest:
# Try next
if token_success:
db.set('secret-id', secret_id)
db.set('last-token', token)
ctxt = {
'vault_url': vault_url,
'role_id': json.loads(role_id),
'secret_id': secret_id,
'secret_backend': self.secret_backend,
ctxt['vault_url'] = vault_url
ctxt['role_id'] = json.loads(role_id)
ctxt['secret_id'] = secret_id
ctxt['secret_backend'] = self.secret_backend
vault_ca = data.get('vault_ca')
if vault_ca:
ctxt['vault_ca'] = json.loads(vault_ca)
self.complete = True
if secret_id:
ctxt['vault_url'] = vault_url
ctxt['role_id'] = json.loads(role_id)
ctxt['secret_id'] = secret_id
ctxt['secret_backend'] = self.secret_backend
vault_ca = data.get('vault_ca')
if vault_ca:
ctxt['vault_ca'] = json.loads(vault_ca)
if self.complete:
if ctxt:
self.complete = True
return ctxt
return {}
def write_vaultlocker_conf(context, priority=100):

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import errno
import tempfile
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from charmhelpers import deprecate
import six
if not six.PY3:
from UserDict import UserDict
@ -119,19 +121,19 @@ def log(message, level=None):
def action_log(message):
"""Write an action progress message"""
command = ['action-log']
def function_log(message):
"""Write a function progress message"""
command = ['function-log']
if not isinstance(message, six.string_types):
message = repr(message)
command += [message[:SH_MAX_ARG]]
# Missing action-log should not cause failures in unit tests
# Send action_log output to stderr
# Missing function-log should not cause failures in unit tests
# Send function_log output to stderr
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
message = "action-log: {}".format(message)
message = "function-log: {}".format(message)
print(message, file=sys.stderr)
@ -964,9 +966,23 @@ def charm_dir():
return os.environ.get('CHARM_DIR')
def cmd_exists(cmd):
"""Return True if the specified cmd exists in the path"""
return any(
os.access(os.path.join(path, cmd), os.X_OK)
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
@deprecate("moved to function_get()", log=log)
def action_get(key=None):
"""Gets the value of an action parameter, or all key/value param pairs"""
.. deprecated:: 0.20.7
Alias for :func:`function_get`.
Gets the value of an action parameter, or all key/value param pairs.
cmd = ['action-get']
if key is not None:
@ -975,36 +991,103 @@ def action_get(key=None):
return action_data
def function_get(key=None):
"""Gets the value of an action parameter, or all key/value param pairs"""
cmd = ['function-get']
# Fallback for older charms.
if not cmd_exists('function-get'):
cmd = ['action-get']
if key is not None:
function_data = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
return function_data
@deprecate("moved to function_set()", log=log)
def action_set(values):
"""Sets the values to be returned after the action finishes"""
.. deprecated:: 0.20.7
Alias for :func:`function_set`.
Sets the values to be returned after the action finishes.
cmd = ['action-set']
for k, v in list(values.items()):
cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
def action_fail(message):
"""Sets the action status to failed and sets the error message.
def function_set(values):
"""Sets the values to be returned after the function finishes"""
cmd = ['function-set']
# Fallback for older charms.
if not cmd_exists('function-get'):
cmd = ['action-set']
The results set by action_set are preserved."""
for k, v in list(values.items()):
cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
@deprecate("moved to function_fail()", log=log)
def action_fail(message):
.. deprecated:: 0.20.7
Alias for :func:`function_fail`.
Sets the action status to failed and sets the error message.
The results set by action_set are preserved.
subprocess.check_call(['action-fail', message])
def function_fail(message):
"""Sets the function status to failed and sets the error message.
The results set by function_set are preserved."""
cmd = ['function-fail']
# Fallback for older charms.
if not cmd_exists('function-fail'):
cmd = ['action-fail']
def action_name():
"""Get the name of the currently executing action."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_NAME')
def function_name():
"""Get the name of the currently executing function."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_FUNCTION_NAME') or action_name()
def action_uuid():
"""Get the UUID of the currently executing action."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_UUID')
def function_id():
"""Get the ID of the currently executing function."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_FUNCTION_ID') or action_uuid()
def action_tag():
"""Get the tag for the currently executing action."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_TAG')
def function_tag():
"""Get the tag for the currently executing function."""
return os.environ.get('JUJU_FUNCTION_TAG') or action_tag()
def status_set(workload_state, message):
"""Set the workload state with a message

View File

@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ def install():
apt_install(pkgs, fatal=True)
@ -433,8 +434,11 @@ def main():
except UnregisteredHookError as e:
log('Unknown hook {} - skipping.'.format(e))
required_interfaces = copy.deepcopy(REQUIRED_INTERFACES)
if config('encrypt'):
if config('encrypt') and \
len(filter_installed_packages('vaultlocker')) == 0:
required_interfaces['vault'] = ['secrets-storage']
set_os_workload_status(CONFIGS, required_interfaces,

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from charmhelpers.fetch import (
from charmhelpers.core.unitdata import (
@ -190,6 +191,10 @@ def ensure_swift_directories():
if not os.path.isdir(d)]
def vaultlocker_installed():
return len(filter_installed_packages(['vaultlocker'])) == 0
def register_configs():
release = get_os_codename_package('swift', fatal=False) or 'essex'
configs = templating.OSConfigRenderer(templates_dir=TEMPLATES,
@ -200,12 +205,18 @@ def register_configs():
[RsyncContext(), SwiftStorageServerContext()])
# NOTE: add VaultKVContext so interface status can be assessed
for server in ['account', 'object', 'container']:
configs.register('/etc/swift/%s-server.conf' % server,
contexts = [SwiftStorageServerContext(),
# if vault deps are not installed it is not yet possible to check the
# vault context status since it requires the hvac dependency.
if vaultlocker_installed():
configs.register('/etc/swift/%s-server.conf' % server, contexts)
return configs
@ -524,18 +535,26 @@ def ensure_devs_tracked():
def setup_storage(encrypt=False):
# Preflight check vault relation if encryption is enabled
vault_kv = vaultlocker.VaultKVContext(vaultlocker.VAULTLOCKER_BACKEND)
if encrypt:
if not vaultlocker_installed():
log("Encryption requested but vaultlocker not yet installed",
vault_kv = vaultlocker.VaultKVContext(
context = vault_kv()
if encrypt and not vault_kv.complete:
if vault_kv.complete:
# NOTE: only write vaultlocker configuration once relation is
# complete otherwise we run the chance of an empty
# configuration file being installed on a machine with other
# vaultlocker based services
vaultlocker.write_vaultlocker_conf(context, priority=90)
log("Encryption requested but vault relation not complete",
elif encrypt and vault_kv.complete:
# NOTE: only write vaultlocker configuration once relation is complete
# otherwise we run the chance of an empty configuration file
# being installed on a machine with other vaultlocker based
# services
vaultlocker.write_vaultlocker_conf(context, priority=90)
# Ensure /srv/node exists just in case no disks
# are detected and used.

View File

@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ class SwiftStorageUtilsTests(CharmTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.check_call.call_count, 0)
@patch.object(swift_utils, 'filter_installed_packages')
@patch.object(swift_utils, "uuid")
@patch.object(swift_utils, "vaultlocker")
@patch.object(swift_utils.charmhelpers.core.fstab, "Fstab")
@ -326,7 +327,9 @@ class SwiftStorageUtilsTests(CharmTestCase):
@patch.object(swift_utils, 'get_device_blkid')
def test_setup_storage_encrypt(self, mock_get_device_blkid, determine,
mkfs, clean, mock_is_device_in_ring,
mock_Fstab, mock_vaultlocker, mock_uuid):
mock_Fstab, mock_vaultlocker, mock_uuid,
filter_installed_packages.return_value = []
mock_context = MagicMock()
mock_context.complete = True
mock_context.return_value = 'test_context'
@ -439,6 +442,7 @@ class SwiftStorageUtilsTests(CharmTestCase):
@patch.object(swift_utils, 'filter_installed_packages')
@patch.object(swift_utils, 'SwiftStorageContext')
@ -447,7 +451,9 @@ class SwiftStorageUtilsTests(CharmTestCase):
def test_register_configs_post_install(self, renderer,
swift, rsync, server,
bind_context, worker_context):
bind_context, worker_context,
filter_installed_packages.return_value = []
swift.return_value = 'swift_context'
rsync.return_value = 'rsync_context'
server.return_value = 'swift_server_context'