# Copyright 2016 TransCirrus Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The trove handlers class # bare functions are provided to the reactive handlers to perform the functions # needed on the class. from __future__ import absolute_import # import subprocess import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as ch_utils # import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import charmhelpers.core.unitdata as unitdata # import charmhelpers.fetch import charms_openstack.charm import charms_openstack.adapters import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip TROVE_DIR = '/etc/trove/' TROVE_CONF = TROVE_DIR + "trove.conf" TROVE_API_PASTE_CONF = TROVE_DIR + "api-paste.ini" TROVE_CONDUCTOR = TROVE_DIR + "trove-conductor.conf" TROVE_GUEST_AGENT = TROVE_DIR + "trove-guestagent.conf" TROVE_TASK_MANAGER = TROVE_DIR + "trove-taskmanager.conf" OPENSTACK_RELEASE_KEY = 'trove-charm.openstack-release-version' ### # Handler functions for events that are interesting to the Trove charms # Copied from the Congress example charm # https://github.com/openstack/charm-guide/blob/master/doc/source/new-charm.rst def install(): """Use the singleton from the TroveCharm to install the packages on the unit """ TroveCharm.singleton.install() def restart_all(): """Use the singleton from the TroveCharm to restart services on the unit """ TroveCharm.singleton.restart_all() def db_sync(): """Use the singleton from the TroveCharm to run db migration """ TroveCharm.singleton.db_sync() def configure_ha_resources(hacluster): """Use the singleton from the TroveCharm to run configure_ha_resources """ TroveCharm.singleton.configure_ha_resources(hacluster) def setup_endpoint(keystone): """When the keystone interface connects, register this unit in the keystone catalogue. :param keystone: instance of KeystoneRequires() class from i/f """ charm = TroveCharm.singleton keystone.register_endpoints(charm.service_type, charm.region, charm.public_url, charm.internal_url, charm.admin_url) def render_configs(interfaces_list): """Using a list of interfaces, render the configs and, if they have changes, restart the services on the unit. :param interfaces_list: [RelationBase] interfaces from reactive """ TroveCharm.singleton.render_with_interfaces(interfaces_list) def assess_status(): """Just call the TroveCharm.singleton.assess_status() command to update status on the unit. """ TroveCharm.singleton.assess_status() def configure_ssl(keystone=None): """Use the singleton from the TroveCharm to configure ssl :param keystone: KeystoneRequires() interface class """ TroveCharm.singleton.configure_ssl(keystone) def configure_cloud_compute(): # TODO pass def configure_cinder(): # TODO pass def configure_image_service(): # TODO pass ### # Implementation of the Trove Charm classes class TroveConfigurationAdapter( charms_openstack.adapters.APIConfigurationAdapter): def __init__(self, port_map=None): super(TroveConfigurationAdapter, self).__init__( service_name='trove', port_map=port_map) if self.keystone_api_version not in ['2', '3', 'none']: raise ValueError( "Unsupported keystone-api-version ({}). It should be 2 or 3" .format(self.keystone_api_version)) class TroveAdapters(charms_openstack.adapters.OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters): def __init__(self, relations): super(TroveAdapters, self).__init__( relations, options_instance=TroveConfigurationAdapter( port_map=TroveCharm.api_ports)) class TroveCharm(charms_openstack.charm.HAOpenStackCharm): service_name = 'trove' name = 'trove' release = 'mitaka' packages = ['python-trove', 'python-troveclient', 'trove-common', 'trove-api', 'trove-taskmanager', 'trove-conductor'] services = ['trove-api', 'trove-taskmanager', 'trove-conductor'] <<<<<<< HEAD # not sure if this will work or not ======= >>>>>>> ca231bdf27b8d3e8e28a0bb40f20d06dea8e7340 #adapters_class = charms_openstack.adapters.OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters adapters_class = TroveAdapters default_service = 'trove-api' api_ports = { 'trove-api': { os_ip.PUBLIC: 8779, os_ip.ADMIN: 8779, os_ip.INTERNAL: 8779, } } sync_cmd = ['trove-manage', 'db_sync'] service_type = 'trove' # Note that the hsm interface is optional - defined in config.yaml # required_relations = ['shared-db', 'amqp', 'identity-service', # 'image-service', 'cloud-compute', 'cluster', # cinder heat swift] # required_relations = ['shared-db', 'amqp', 'identity-service', # 'image-service', 'cloud-compute', # 'cinder-volume-service'] required_relations = ['shared-db', 'amqp', 'identity-service'] restart_map = { TROVE_CONF: services, TROVE_API_PASTE_CONF: services, TROVE_CONDUCTOR: services, TROVE_TASK_MANAGER: services } ha_resources = ['vips', 'haproxy'] def __init__(self, release=None, **kwargs): """ Copied out of the github congress example. Checks to make sure a release is give, if not it pull the one out of keystone. """ if release is None: release = ch_utils.os_release('python-keystonemiddleware') super(TroveCharm, self).__init__(release=release, **kwargs) def install(self): """Customise the installation, configure the source and then call the parent install() method to install the packages """ self.configure_source() # and do the actual install super(TroveCharm, self).install() # Determine the charm class by the supported release @charms_openstack.charm.register_os_release_selector def select_release(): """Determine the release based on the python-keystonemiddleware that is installed. Note that this function caches the release after the first install so that it doesn't need to keep going and getting it from the package information. """ release_version = unitdata.kv().get(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_KEY, None) if release_version is None: release_version = ch_utils.os_release('python-keystonemiddleware') unitdata.kv().set(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_KEY, release_version) return release_version