import base64 import contextlib import os import random import re import shutil import string import subprocess import as ch_ip import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as os_utils import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.ha as os_ha import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.ha.utils as os_ha_utils import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.cert_utils as cert_utils import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import as ch_host import charmhelpers.fetch as fetch import charms.reactive.relations as relations from charms_openstack.charm.core import ( BaseOpenStackCharm, BaseOpenStackCharmActions, BaseOpenStackCharmAssessStatus, get_snap_version, ) from charms_openstack.charm.utils import ( get_upstream_version, is_data_changed, ) import charms_openstack.adapters as os_adapters import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip VIP_KEY = "vip" CIDR_KEY = "vip_cidr" IFACE_KEY = "vip_iface" DNSHA_KEY = "dns-ha" APACHE_SSL_VHOST = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf' SYSTEM_CA_CERTS = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' SNAP_CA_CERTS = '/var/snap/{}/common/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' class OpenStackCharm(BaseOpenStackCharm, BaseOpenStackCharmActions, BaseOpenStackCharmAssessStatus): """ Base class for all OpenStack Charm classes; encapulates general OpenStack charm payload operations Theory: Derive form this class, set the name, first_release and releases class variables so that get_charm_instance() will create an instance of this charm. See the other class variables for details on what they are for and do. """ abstract_class = True # first_release = this is the first release in which this charm works release = 'icehouse' # package type - package type (deb or snap) in which this charm works package_type = 'deb' # The name of the charm (for printing, etc.) name = 'charmname' # List of packages to install packages = [] # List of packages to purge purge_packages = [] # Python version used to execute installed workload python_version = 2 # List of snaps to install snaps = [] # Mode to install snaps in (jailmode/devmode/classic) snap_mode = 'jailmode' # Package to determine application version from # defaults to first in packages if not provided version_package = release_pkg = None # Snap to determine application version from; # defaults to first in snaps if not provided version_snap = release_snap = None # Keystone endpoint type service_type = None # Default service for the charm default_service = None # A dictionary of: # { # 'config.file': ['list', 'of', 'services', 'to', 'restart'], # 'config2.file': ['more', 'services'], # } restart_map = {} # The list of required services that are checked for assess_status # e.g. required_relations = ['identity-service', 'shared-db'] required_relations = [] # The command used to sync the database sync_cmd = [] # The list of services that this charm manages services = [] # package_codenames = {} # The name of the repository source configuration option. # Useful for charms managing software from UCA and consuming the # `openstack` layer directly for re-use of common code, but not being a # OpenStack component. source_config_key = 'openstack-origin' @property def resource_install_map(self): """Return map of resource names to installation methods :returns Map of Juju resource names to installation methods :rtype: {'resource_name': f} """ install_map = { 'driver-deb': self.install_deb } return install_map def install_deb(self, deb): """Install the given deb. :param deb: Path to deb :type: str """ # No attempt is made to deal with dependancies. These should be # handled by the charms 'packages' list. subprocess.check_call(['dpkg', '-i', deb]) def install_resources(self): """Install Juju application resources """ for resource_name, install_func in self.resource_install_map.items(): resource = hookenv.resource_get(resource_name) if resource: install_func(resource) @property def region(self): """Return the OpenStack Region as contained in the config item 'region' """ return self.config['region'] @property def public_url(self): """Return the public endpoint URL for the default service as specified in the self.default_service attribute """ return "{}:{}".format(os_ip.canonical_url(os_ip.PUBLIC), self.api_port(self.default_service, os_ip.PUBLIC)) @property def admin_url(self): """Return the admin endpoint URL for the default service as specificed in the self.default_service attribute """ return "{}:{}".format(os_ip.canonical_url(os_ip.ADMIN), self.api_port(self.default_service, os_ip.ADMIN)) @property def internal_url(self): """Return the internal internal endpoint URL for the default service as specificated in the self.default_service attribtue """ return "{}:{}".format(os_ip.canonical_url(os_ip.INTERNAL), self.api_port(self.default_service, os_ip.INTERNAL)) @property def application_version(self): """Return the current version of the application being deployed by the charm, as indicated by the version_package or version_snap attribute """ if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): if not self.version_snap: self.version_snap = self.snaps[0] version = get_snap_version(self.version_snap, fatal=False) if not version: version = os_utils.get_os_codename_install_source( self.config[self.source_config_key] ) else: if not self.version_package: self.version_package = self.packages[0] version = get_upstream_version( self.version_package ) if not version: version = os_utils.os_release(self.version_package) return version def haproxy_enabled(self): """Determine if haproxy is fronting the services The OpenStackCharm class may be used for subordinates or charms which do not use haproxy. This method is overriden in the HAOpenStackCharm class where haproxy is utilized. @return None """ pass def run_pause_or_resume(self, action): """Helper to enable pause/resume action to be processed.""" actions = { 'pause': os_utils.pause_unit, 'resume': os_utils.resume_unit} pause_services =[:] if self.haproxy_enabled(): pause_services.append('haproxy') actions[action](self.assess_status, services=pause_services) def pause(self): """Pause the charms services.""" self.run_pause_or_resume('pause') def resume(self): """Resume the charms services.""" self.run_pause_or_resume('resume') def series_upgrade_prepare(self): """Prepare to upgrade series""" os_utils.set_unit_upgrading() self.run_pause_or_resume('pause') def series_upgrade_complete(self): """Prepare to upgrade series""" os_utils.clear_unit_paused() os_utils.clear_unit_upgrading() self.run_pause_or_resume('resume') def restart_services(self): """Restart services""" services =[:] if self.haproxy_enabled(): services.append('haproxy') os_utils.manage_payload_services('stop', services) os_utils.manage_payload_services('start', services) @property def rabbit_client_cert_dir(self): return '/var/lib/charm/{}'.format(hookenv.service_name()) @property def rabbit_cert_file(self): return '{}/rabbit-client-ca.pem'.format(self.rabbit_client_cert_dir) def get_certs_and_keys(self, keystone_interface=None, certificates_interface=None): """Collect SSL config for local endpoints SSL keys and certs may come from user specified configuration for this charm or they may come directly from Keystone. If collecting from keystone there may be a certificate and key per endpoint (public, admin etc). @returns [ {'key': 'key1', 'cert': 'cert1', 'ca': 'ca1', 'cn': 'cn1'} {'key': 'key2', 'cert': 'cert2', 'ca': 'ca2', 'cn': 'cn2'} ... ] """ if self.config_defined_ssl_key and self.config_defined_ssl_cert: ssl_artifacts = [] for ep_type in [os_ip.INTERNAL, os_ip.ADMIN, os_ip.PUBLIC]: ssl_artifacts.append({ 'key': self.config_defined_ssl_key.decode('utf-8'), 'cert': self.config_defined_ssl_cert.decode('utf-8'), 'ca': (self.config_defined_ssl_ca.decode('utf-8') if self.config_defined_ssl_ca else None), 'cn': os_ip.resolve_address(endpoint_type=ep_type)}) return ssl_artifacts elif keystone_interface: keys_and_certs = [] for addr in self.get_local_addresses(): key = keystone_interface.get_ssl_key(addr) cert = keystone_interface.get_ssl_cert(addr) ca = keystone_interface.get_ssl_ca() if key and cert: keys_and_certs.append({ 'key': key, 'cert': cert, 'ca': ca, 'cn': addr}) return keys_and_certs elif certificates_interface: keys_and_certs = [] reqs = certificates_interface.get_batch_requests() ca = certificates_interface.get_ca() chain = certificates_interface.get_chain() for cn, data in sorted(reqs.items()): cert = data['cert'] if chain: cert = cert + chain keys_and_certs.append({ 'key': data['key'], 'cert': cert, 'ca': ca, 'cn': cn}) return keys_and_certs else: return [] def _get_b64decode_for(self, param): config_value = self.config.get(param) if config_value: return base64.b64decode(config_value) return None @property @hookenv.cached def config_defined_ssl_key(self): return self._get_b64decode_for('ssl_key') @property @hookenv.cached def config_defined_ssl_cert(self): return self._get_b64decode_for('ssl_cert') @property @hookenv.cached def config_defined_ssl_ca(self): return self._get_b64decode_for('ssl_ca') def configure_ssl(self, keystone_interface=None): """Configure SSL certificates and keys NOTE(AJK): This function tries to minimise the work it does, particularly with writing files and restarting apache. @param keystone_interface KeystoneRequires class """ keystone_interface = ( relations.endpoint_from_flag('identity-service.available.ssl') or relations .endpoint_from_flag('identity-service.available.ssl_legacy')) certificates_interface = relations.endpoint_from_flag( 'certificates.batch.cert.available') ssl_objects = self.get_certs_and_keys( keystone_interface=keystone_interface, certificates_interface=certificates_interface) with is_data_changed('configure_ssl.ssl_objects', ssl_objects) as changed: if ssl_objects: if changed: for ssl in ssl_objects: self.set_state('ssl.requested', True) self.configure_cert( ssl['cert'], ssl['key'], cn=ssl['cn']) self.configure_ca(ssl['ca']) cert_utils.create_ip_cert_links( os.path.join('/etc/apache2/ssl/', if not os_utils.snap_install_requested(): self.configure_apache() ch_host.service_reload('apache2') self.remove_state('ssl.requested') self.set_state('ssl.enabled', True) else: self.set_state('ssl.enabled', False) amqp_ssl = relations.endpoint_from_flag('amqp.available.ssl') if amqp_ssl: self.configure_rabbit_cert(amqp_ssl) def configure_rabbit_cert(self, rabbit_interface): if not os.path.exists(self.rabbit_client_cert_dir): os.makedirs(self.rabbit_client_cert_dir) with open(self.rabbit_cert_file, 'w') as crt: crt.write(rabbit_interface.get_ssl_cert()) @contextlib.contextmanager def update_central_cacerts(self, cert_files, update_certs=True): """Update Central certs info if once of cert_files changes""" checksums = {path: ch_host.path_hash(path) for path in cert_files} yield new_checksums = {path: ch_host.path_hash(path) for path in cert_files} if checksums != new_checksums and update_certs: self.run_update_certs() self.install_snap_certs() def configure_ca(self, ca_cert, update_certs=True): """Write Certificate Authority certificate""" # TODO(jamespage): work this out for snap based installations cert_file = ( '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/keystone_juju_ca_cert.crt') if ca_cert: with self.update_central_cacerts([cert_file], update_certs): with open(cert_file, 'w') as crt: crt.write(ca_cert) def run_update_certs(self): """Update certifiacte Run update-ca-certificates to update the directory /etc/ssl/certs to hold SSL certificates and generates ca-certificates.crt, a concatenated single-file list of certificates """ subprocess.check_call(['update-ca-certificates', '--fresh']) def install_snap_certs(self): """Install systems CA certificates for a snap Installs the aggregated host system ca-certificates.crt into $SNAP_COMMON/etc/ssl/certs for services running within a sandboxed snap to consume. Snaps should set the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable to ensure requests based API calls use the updated system certs. """ if (os_utils.snap_install_requested() and os.path.exists(SYSTEM_CA_CERTS)): ca_certs = SNAP_CA_CERTS.format(self.primary_snap) ch_host.mkdir(os.path.dirname(ca_certs)) shutil.copyfile(SYSTEM_CA_CERTS, ca_certs) class OpenStackAPICharm(OpenStackCharm): """The base class for API OS charms -- this just bakes in the default configuration and adapter classes. """ abstract_class = True MEMCACHE_CONF = '/etc/memcached.conf' # The adapters class that this charm uses to adapt interfaces. # If None, then it defaults to OpenstackRelationAdapters adapters_class = os_adapters.OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters # The configuration base class to use for the charm # If None, then the default ConfigurationAdapter is used. configuration_class = os_adapters.APIConfigurationAdapter # These can be overridden in the derived charm class to allow specialism of # config files. These values are read in the APIConfigurationAdapter and # used to furnish the dictionary provided from the property # 'wsgi_worker_context'. e.g. config.wsgi_worker_context.processes would # be the number of processes for the main API wsgi worker. wsgi_script = None wsgi_admin_script = None wsgi_public_script = None wsgi_process_weight = None # use the default from charm-helpers wsgi_admin_process_weight = None # use the default from charm-helpers wsgi_public_process_weight = None # use the default from charm-helpers def upgrade_charm(self): """Setup token cache in case previous charm version did not.""" self.setup_token_cache() super().upgrade_charm() def install(self): """Install packages related to this charm based on contents of self.packages attribute. """ self.configure_source() super().install() def setup_token_cache(self): """Check if a token cache package is needed and install it if it is""" if fetch.filter_installed_packages(self.token_cache_pkgs()): self.install() def enable_memcache(self, release=None): """Determine if memcache should be enabled on the local unit @param release: release of OpenStack currently deployed @returns boolean Whether memcache should be enabled """ if not release: release = os_utils.get_os_codename_install_source( self.config[self.source_config_key]) if release not in os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES: return ValueError("Unkown release {}".format(release)) return (os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index(release) >= os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index('mitaka')) def token_cache_pkgs(self, release=None): """Determine additional packages needed for token caching @param release: release of OpenStack currently deployed @returns List of package to enable token caching """ packages = [] if self.enable_memcache(release=release): if self.python_version == 2: packages.extend(['memcached', 'python-memcache']) else: packages.extend(['memcached', 'python3-memcache']) return packages def get_amqp_credentials(self): """Provide the default amqp username and vhost as a tuple. This needs to be overridden in a derived class to provide the username and vhost to the amqp interface IF the default amqp handlers are being used. :returns (username, host): two strings to send to the amqp provider. """ raise RuntimeError( "get_amqp_credentials() needs to be overridden in the derived " "class") def get_database_setup(self): """Provide the default database credentials as a list of 3-tuples This is used when using the default handlers for the shared-db service and provides the (db, db_user, ip) for each database as a list. returns a structure of: [ {'database': , 'username': , 'hostname': 'prefix': , }, ] This allows multiple databases to be setup. If more complex database setup is required, then the default setup_database() will need to be ignored, and a custom function written. :returns [{'database': ...}, ...]: credentials for multiple databases """ raise RuntimeError( "get_database_setup() needs to be overridden in the derived " "class") def get_certificate_requests(self): """Return a dict of certificate requests """ return cert_utils.get_certificate_request( json_encode=False).get('cert_requests', {}) @property def all_packages(self): """List of packages to be installed @return ['pkg1', 'pkg2', ...] """ return (super(OpenStackAPICharm, self).all_packages + self.token_cache_pkgs()) @property def all_snaps(self): """List of snaps to be installed @return ['snap1', 'snap2', ...] """ return super().all_snaps @property def full_restart_map(self): """Map of services to be restarted if a file changes @return { 'file1': ['svc1', 'svc3'], 'file2': ['svc2', 'svc3'], ... } """ _restart_map = super(OpenStackAPICharm, self).full_restart_map.copy() if self.enable_memcache(): _restart_map[self.MEMCACHE_CONF] = ['memcached'] return _restart_map class HAOpenStackCharm(OpenStackAPICharm): abstract_class = True HAPROXY_CONF = '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' ha_resources = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HAOpenStackCharm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_haproxy_stat_password() @property def apache_ssl_vhost_file(self): """Apache vhost for SSL termination :returns: string """ return APACHE_SSL_VHOST def enable_apache_ssl_vhost(self): """Enable Apache vhost for SSL termination Enable Apache vhost for SSL termination if vhost exists and it is not curently enabled """ if not os.path.exists(self.apache_ssl_vhost_file): open(self.apache_ssl_vhost_file, 'a').close() check_enabled = ['a2query', '-s', 'openstack_https_frontend']) if check_enabled: subprocess.check_call(['a2ensite', 'openstack_https_frontend']) ch_host.service_reload('apache2', restart_on_failure=True) def configure_apache(self): if self.apache_enabled(): self.install() self.enable_apache_modules() self.enable_apache_ssl_vhost() @property def all_packages(self): """List of packages to be installed @return ['pkg1', 'pkg2', ...] """ _packages = super(HAOpenStackCharm, self).all_packages if self.haproxy_enabled(): _packages.append('haproxy') if not os_utils.snap_install_requested(): if self.apache_enabled(): _packages.append('apache2') return _packages @property def all_snaps(self): """List of snaps to be installed @return ['snap1', 'snap2', ...] """ _snaps = super().all_snaps return _snaps @property def full_restart_map(self): """Map of services to be restarted if a file changes @return { 'file1': ['svc1', 'svc3'], 'file2': ['svc2', 'svc3'], ... } """ _restart_map = super(HAOpenStackCharm, self).full_restart_map if self.haproxy_enabled(): _restart_map[self.HAPROXY_CONF] = ['haproxy'] if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): # TODO(coreycb): add nginx config/service for ssl vhost pass else: if self.apache_enabled(): _restart_map[self.apache_ssl_vhost_file] = ['apache2'] return _restart_map def apache_enabled(self): """Determine if apache is being used @return True if apache is being used""" if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): return False else: return (self.get_state('ssl.enabled') or self.get_state('ssl.requested')) def nginx_ssl_enabled(self): """Determine if nginx is being used @return True if nginx is being used""" if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): return (self.get_state('ssl.enabled') or self.get_state('ssl.requested')) else: return False def haproxy_enabled(self): """Determine if haproxy is fronting the services @return True if haproxy is fronting the service""" return 'haproxy' in self.ha_resources def configure_ha_resources(self, hacluster): """Inform the ha subordinate about each service it should manage. The child class specifies the services via self.ha_resources @param hacluster instance of interface class HAClusterRequires """ RESOURCE_TYPES = { 'vips': self._add_ha_vips_config, 'haproxy': self._add_ha_haproxy_config, 'dnsha': self._add_dnsha_config, } if self.ha_resources: for res_type in self.ha_resources: RESOURCE_TYPES[res_type](hacluster) hacluster.bind_resources(iface=self.config[IFACE_KEY]) def _add_ha_vips_config(self, hacluster): """Add a VirtualIP object for each user specified vip to self.resources @param hacluster instance of interface class HAClusterRequires """ if not self.config.get(VIP_KEY): return for vip in self.config[VIP_KEY].split(): iface, netmask, fallback = os_ha_utils.get_vip_settings(vip) if fallback: hacluster.add_vip(, vip, iface, netmask) else: hacluster.add_vip(, vip) if iface: # Remove vip resource using old raw nic name. old_vip_key = 'res_{}_{}_vip'.format(, iface) hacluster.delete_resource(old_vip_key) def _add_ha_haproxy_config(self, hacluster): """Add a InitService object for haproxy to self.resources @param hacluster instance of interface class HAClusterRequires """ hacluster.add_init_service(, 'haproxy') def _add_dnsha_config(self, hacluster): """Add a DNSHA object to self.resources @param hacluster instance of interface class HAClusterRequires """ if not self.config.get(DNSHA_KEY): return settings = ['os-admin-hostname', 'os-internal-hostname', 'os-public-hostname', 'os-access-hostname'] for setting in settings: hostname = self.config.get(setting) if hostname is None: hookenv.log( 'DNS HA: Hostname setting {} is None. Ignoring.'.format( setting), hookenv.DEBUG) continue m ='os-(.+?)-hostname', setting) if m: endpoint_type = # resolve_address's ADDRESS_MAP uses 'int' not 'internal' if endpoint_type == 'internal': endpoint_type = 'int' else: msg = ( 'Unexpected DNS hostname setting: {}. Cannot determine ' 'endpoint_type name'.format(setting)) hookenv.status_set('blocked', msg) raise os_ha.DNSHAException(msg) ip = os_ip.resolve_address( endpoint_type=endpoint_type, override=False) hacluster.add_dnsha(, ip, hostname, endpoint_type) def set_haproxy_stat_password(self): """Set a stats password for accessing haproxy statistics""" if not self.get_state('haproxy.stat.password'): password = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(32)]) self.set_state('haproxy.stat.password', password) def enable_apache_modules(self): """Enable Apache modules needed for SSL termination""" if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): return restart = False for module in ['ssl', 'proxy', 'proxy_http', 'headers']: check_enabled =['a2query', '-m', module]) if check_enabled != 0: subprocess.check_call(['a2enmod', module]) restart = True if restart: ch_host.service_restart('apache2') def get_default_cn(self): """Return the default Canonical Name to be used for SSL setup @returns 'canonical_name' """ return os_ip.resolve_address(endpoint_type=os_ip.INTERNAL) def configure_cert(self, cert, key, cn=None): """Configure service SSL cert and key Write out service SSL certificate and key for Apache. @param cert string SSL Certificate @param key string SSL Key @param cn string Canonical name for service """ if os_utils.snap_install_requested(): ssl_dir = '/var/snap/{snap_name}/common/etc/nginx/ssl'.format( snap_name=self.primary_snap) else: ssl_dir = os.path.join('/etc/apache2/ssl/', if not cn: cn = self.get_default_cn() ch_host.mkdir(path=ssl_dir) if cn: cert_filename = 'cert_{}'.format(cn) key_filename = 'key_{}'.format(cn) else: cert_filename = 'cert' key_filename = 'key' ch_host.write_file(path=os.path.join(ssl_dir, cert_filename), content=cert.encode('utf-8')) ch_host.write_file(path=os.path.join(ssl_dir, key_filename), content=key.encode('utf-8')) def get_local_addresses(self): """Return list of local addresses on each configured network For each network return an address the local unit has on that network if one exists. @returns [private_addr, admin_addr, public_addr, ...] """ addresses = [ os_utils.get_host_ip(hookenv.unit_get('private-address'))] for addr_type in os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP.keys(): laddr = os_ip.resolve_address(endpoint_type=addr_type) if laddr: addresses.append(laddr) return sorted(list(set(addresses))) def update_peers(self, cluster): """Update peers in the cluster about the addresses that this unit holds. NOTE(AJK): This uses the helper is_data_changed() to track whether this has already been done, and doesn't re-advertise the changes if nothing has changed. @param cluster: the interface object for the cluster relation """ laddrs = [] for addr_type in sorted(os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP.keys()): cidr = self.config.get(os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['config']) laddr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['binding'], cidr) laddrs.append((addr_type, laddr)) with is_data_changed('update_peers.laddrs', laddrs) as changed: if changed: for (addr_type, laddr) in laddrs: cluster.set_address( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['binding'], laddr) class CinderStoragePluginCharm(OpenStackCharm): abstract_class = True # The name of the charm (for printing, etc.) name = '' # List of packages to install # XXX execd_preinstall packages = [] version_package = '' # The list of required services that are checked for assess_status # e.g. required_relations = ['identity-service', 'shared-db'] required_relations = [] # A dictionary of: # { # 'config.file': ['list', 'of', 'services', 'to', 'restart'], # 'config2.file': ['more', 'services'], # } # The files that for the keys of the dict are monitored and if the file # changes the corresponding services are restarted # XXX This is more involved in the tradioional charm so we're # probably missing something herw! restart_map = {} # first_release = this is the first release in which this charm works release = '' def install(self): """Install packages and resources.""" # Install PPA if one has been defined. if self.config.get('driver-source'): fetch.add_source( self.config.get('driver-source'), key=self.config.get('driver-key')) fetch.apt_update() super().install() # All package install to run first incase payload has deps. self.install_resources() self.assess_status() def upgrade_charm(self): """Run default upgrade_charm method and reinstall resources""" super().upgrade_charm() # A change in resources triggers an upgrade-charm self.install_resources() @property def stateless(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def service_name(self): return hookenv.service_name() def cinder_configuration(self): raise NotImplementedError() def send_storage_backend_data(self): cbend = relations.endpoint_from_flag('storage-backend.connected') cbend.configure_principal( backend_name=self.service_name, configuration=self.cinder_configuration(), stateless=self.stateless) # Add an assess status which will be picked up later by the atexit() # handler. self.assess_status()