
1552 lines
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import collections
import functools
import itertools
import os
import re
import subprocess
import charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster as ch_cluster
import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.policyd as os_policyd
import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.templating as os_templating
import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as os_utils
import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv
import as ch_host
import charmhelpers.core.templating
import charmhelpers.core.unitdata as unitdata
import charmhelpers.fetch as fetch
import charms.reactive as reactive
import charms.reactive.flags as flags
import charms.reactive.relations as relations
import charms_openstack.adapters as os_adapters
import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip
# Used to store the discovered release version for caching between invocations
OPENSTACK_RELEASE_KEY = 'charmers.openstack-release-version'
OPENSTACK_PACKAGE_TYPE_KEY = 'charmers.openstack-package-type'
# _releases{} is a dictionary of release -> class that is instantiated
# according to the release that is being requested. i.e. a charm can
# handle more than one release. The BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class sets the
# `release` variable to indicate which release that the charm supports.
# Any subsequent releases that need a different/specialised charm uses the
# `release` class property to indicate that it handles that release onwards.
_releases = {}
# `_singleton` stores the instance of the class that is being used during a
# hook invocation.
_singleton = None
# `_release_selector_function` holds a function that takes optionally takes a
# release and commutes it to another release or just returns a release.
# This is to enable the defining code to define which release is used.
_release_selector_function = None
# `_get_charm_instance_function` holds a function that takes optionally takes a
# release and returns the corresponding charm class.
_get_charm_instance_function = None
# `_package_type_selector_function` holds a function that optionally takes a
# package type and commutes it to another package type or just returns a
# package type. This is to enable the defining code to define which
# package type is used.
_package_type_selector_function = None
def optional_interfaces(args, *interfaces):
"""Return a tuple with possible optional interfaces
:param args: a list of reactive interfaces
:param *interfaces: list of strings representing possible reactive
:returns: [list of reactive interfaces]
return args + tuple(ri for ri in (relations.endpoint_from_flag(i)
for i in interfaces)
if ri is not None)
# Note that we are breaking the camalcase rule as this is acting as a
# decoarator and a context manager, neither of which are expecting a 'class'
class provide_charm_instance(object):
"""Be a decoarator and a context manager at the same time to be able to
easily provide the charm instance to some code that needs it.
Allows the charm author to either write:
def some_handler(charm_instance, *args):
with provide_charm_instance() as charm_instance:
def __init__(self, f=None):
self.f = f
if f:
functools.update_wrapper(self, f)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.f(BaseOpenStackCharm.singleton, *args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
"""with statement as gets the charm instance"""
return BaseOpenStackCharm.singleton
def __exit__(self, *_):
# Never bother with the exception
return False
def default_get_charm_instance(release=None, package_type='deb', *args,
"""Get an instance of the charm based on the release (or use the
default if release is None).
OS releases are in alphabetical order, so it looks for the first release
that is provided if release is None, otherwise it finds the release that is
before or equal to the release passed.
Note that it passes args and kwargs to the class __init__() method.
:param release: lc string representing release wanted.
:param package_type: string representing the package type required
:returns: BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class according to cls.releases
if len(_releases.keys()) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"No derived BaseOpenStackCharm() classes registered")
# Note that this relies on OS releases being in alphabetical order
known_releases = sorted(_releases.keys())
cls = None
if release is None:
# take the latest version of the charm if no release is passed.
cls = _releases[known_releases[-1]][package_type]
# check that the release is a valid release
if release not in os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES:
raise RuntimeError(
"Release {} is not a known OpenStack release?".format(release))
release_index = os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index(release)
if (release_index <
raise RuntimeError(
"Release {} is not supported by this charm. Earliest support "
"is {} release".format(release, known_releases[0]))
# try to find the release that is supported.
for known_release in reversed(known_releases):
if (release_index >=
os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index(known_release) and
package_type in _releases[known_release]):
cls = _releases[known_release][package_type]
if cls is None:
raise RuntimeError("Release {} is not supported".format(release))
return cls(release=release, *args, **kwargs)
def get_charm_instance(release=None, package_type='deb', *args, **kwargs):
"""Get an instance of the charm based on the release (or use the
default if release is None).
Use a bespoke method if one is registered otherwise uses the default
:param release: lc string representing release wanted.
:param package_type: string representing the package type required
:returns: BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class according to cls.releases
return (_get_charm_instance_function or default_get_charm_instance)(
def register_os_release_selector(f):
"""Register a function that determines what the release is for the
invocation run. This allows the charm to define HOW the release is
def my_release_selector():
return os_release_chooser()
The function should return a string which is an OS release.
global _release_selector_function
if _release_selector_function is None:
# we can only do this once in a system invocation.
_release_selector_function = f
raise RuntimeError(
"Only a single release_selector_function is supported."
" Called with {}".format(f.__name__))
return f
def register_get_charm_instance(f):
"""Register a function that supplies a charm class for a given
def my_get_charm_instance(release=None, *args, **kwargs):
if release == X:
cls = CharmClassX
return cls(release=release, *args, **kwargs)
The function should return a string which is an OS release.
global _get_charm_instance_function
if _get_charm_instance_function is None:
# we can only do this once in a system invocation.
_get_charm_instance_function = f
raise RuntimeError(
"Only a single get_charm_instance is supported."
" Called with {}".format(f.__name__))
return f
def register_package_type_selector(f):
"""Register a function that determines what the package type is for the
invocation run. This allows the charm to define HOW the package type is
def my_package_type_selector():
return package_type_chooser()
The function should return a string which is 'snap' or 'deb'.
global _package_type_selector_function
if _package_type_selector_function is None:
# we can only do this once in a system invocation.
_package_type_selector_function = f
raise RuntimeError(
"Only a single package_type_selector_function is supported."
" Called with {}".format(f.__name__))
return f
# TODO(jamespage): move to snap charmhelper
def get_snap_version(snap, fatal=True):
"""Determine version for an installed snap.
:param package: str Snap name to lookup (ie. in snap list)
:param fatal: bool Raise exception if snap not installed
:returns: str version of snap installed
cmd = ['snap', 'list', snap]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if not fatal:
return None
# the snap is unknown to snapd
e = ('Could not determine version of snap: {} as it\'s'
' not installed'.format(snap))
raise Exception(e)
lines = out.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if snap in line:
# Second item in list is version or a codename
return line.split()[1]
return None
class BaseOpenStackCharmMeta(type):
"""Metaclass to provide a classproperty of 'singleton' so that class
methods in the derived BaseOpenStackCharm() class can simply use
cls.singleton to get the instance of the charm.
Thus cls.singleton is a singleton for accessing and creating the default
BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class. This is to avoid a lot of boilerplate
in the classmethods for the charm code. This is because, usually, a
classmethod is only called once per invocation of the script.
Thus in the derived charm code we can do this:
and this will instatiate the charm and call instance_method() on it.
Note that self.singleton is also defined as a property for completeness so
that cls.singleton and self.singleton give consistent results.
def __init__(cls, name, mro, members):
"""Receive the BaseOpenStackCharm() (derived) class and store the
release that it works against. Each class defines a 'release' that it
handles and the order of releases (as given in charmhelpers) determines
(for any release) which BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class is the
handler for that class.
:param name: string for class name.
:param mro: tuple of base classes.
:param members: dictionary of name to class attribute (f, p, a, etc.)
global _releases
# Do not attempt to calculate the release for an abstract class
if members.get('abstract_class', False):
if 'release' in members.keys():
package_type = members.get('package_type', 'deb')
if package_type not in ('deb', 'snap'):
raise RuntimeError(
"Package type {} is not a known type"
release = members['release']
if release not in os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES:
raise RuntimeError(
"Release {} is not a known OpenStack release"
if (release in _releases.keys() and
package_type in _releases[release].keys()):
raise RuntimeError(
"Release {} defined more than once in classes {} and {} "
" (at least)"
# store the class against the release.
if release not in _releases:
_releases[release] = {}
_releases[release][package_type] = cls
raise RuntimeError(
"class '{}' does not define a release that it supports. "
"Please use the 'release' class property to define the "
def singleton(cls):
"""Either returns the already created charm, or create a new one.
This uses the _release_selector_function to choose the release is one
has been registered, otherwise None is passed to get_charm_instance()
global _singleton
if _singleton is None:
release = None
package_type = None
# see if a _release_selector_function has been registered.
if _release_selector_function is not None:
release = _release_selector_function()
if _package_type_selector_function is not None:
package_type = _package_type_selector_function()
_singleton = get_charm_instance(release=release,
package_type=package_type or 'deb')
return _singleton
class BaseOpenStackCharm(object, metaclass=BaseOpenStackCharmMeta):
Base class for all OpenStack Charm classes;
It implements the basic plumbing to support a singleton object representing
the current series of OpenStack in use.
abstract_class = True
# The adapters class that this charm uses to adapt interfaces.
# If None, then it defaults to OpenstackRelationsAdapter
adapters_class = os_adapters.OpenStackRelationAdapters
# The configuration base class to use for the charm
# If None, then the default ConfigurationAdapter is used.
configuration_class = os_adapters.ConfigurationAdapter
# Dictionary mapping services to ports for public, admin and
# internal endpoints
api_ports = {}
package_codenames = {}
# File permissions
# config files written with 'group' read permission but always
# owned by root.
user = 'root'
group = 'root'
def singleton(self):
"""Return the only instance of the charm class in this run"""
# Note refers back to the Metaclass property for this charm.
return self.__class__.singleton
def releases_packages_map(self):
"""Provide a map of all supported releases and their packages.
:returns: Map of release, package type and install / purge packages.
'mitaka': {
'deb': {
'install': ['python-ldappool'],
'purge': []
'rocky': {
'deb': {
'install': ['python3-ldap', 'python3-ldappool'],
'purge': ['python-ldap', 'python-ldappool']}
:rtype: Dict[str,Dict[str,List[str]]]
return {
release: {
package_type: {
'install': (instance.packages if package_type == 'deb'
else instance.snaps),
'purge': (instance.purge_packages if package_type == 'deb'
else []),
for release, pkg_instance in _releases.items()
for package_type, instance in pkg_instance.items()
def __init__(self, interfaces=None, config=None, release=None):
"""Instantiate an instance of the class.
Sets up self.config and self.adapter_instance if cls.adapters_class and
interfaces has been set.
:param interfaces: list of interface instances for the charm.
:param config: the config for the charm (optionally None for
automatically using config())
:param release: the release for this instance or None
self.config = config or hookenv.config()
self.release = release
self.__adapters_instance = None
self.__interfaces = interfaces or []
self.__options = None
def adapters_instance(self):
"""Lazily return the adapters_interface which is constructable from the
self.__interfaces and if the self.adapters_class exists
Note by DEFAULT self.adapters_class is set; this would only be None
if a derived class wanted to switch off this functionality!
:returns: the adapters_instance or None if there is not
if self.__adapters_instance is None and self.adapters_class:
self.__adapters_instance = self.adapters_class(
self.__interfaces, charm_instance=self)
return self.__adapters_instance
def get_adapter(self, state, adapters_instance=None):
"""Get the adapted interface for a state or None if the state doesn't
yet exist.
Uses the self.adapters_instance to get the adapter if the passed
adapters_instance is None, which should be fine for almost every
possible usage.
:param state: <string> of the state to get an adapter for.
:param adapters_instance: Class which has make_adapter() method
:returns: None if the state doesn't exist, or the adapter
interface = relations.endpoint_from_flag(state)
if interface is None:
return None
adapters_instance = adapters_instance or self.adapters_instance
if adapters_instance is None:
adapters_instance = self.adapters_class([], charm_instance=self)
_, adapter = adapters_instance.make_adapter(interface)
return adapter
def options(self):
"""Lazily return the options for the charm when this is first called
We want the fancy options here too that's normally on the adapters
class as it means the charm get access to computed options as well.
:returns: an options instance based on the configuration_class
if self.__options is None:
self.__options = os_adapters.make_default_options(
base_cls=getattr(self, 'configuration_class', None),
return self.__options
def active_api_ports(self):
"""Return the api port map adjusting ports as required.
# If charm class sets ssl_port_bump to True then
# prepend a 1 to the port number eg 8779 -> 18779
ssl_port_bump = getattr(self, 'ssl_port_bump', False)
if ssl_port_bump and self.get_state('ssl.enabled'):
_api_ports = {}
for svc in self.api_ports:
_api_ports[svc] = {}
for ep_type, port in self.api_ports[svc].items():
_api_ports[svc][ep_type] = int("1{}".format(port))
return _api_ports
return self.api_ports
def api_port(self, service, endpoint_type=os_ip.PUBLIC):
"""Return the API port for a particular endpoint type from the
:param service: string for service name
:param endpoing_type: one of charm.openstack.ip.PUBLIC| INTERNAL| ADMIN
:returns: port (int)
return self.active_api_ports[service][endpoint_type]
def set_state(self, state, value=None):
"""proxy for charms.reactive.bus.set_state()"""
reactive.bus.set_state(state, value)
def remove_state(self, state):
"""proxy for charms.reactive.bus.remove_state()"""
def get_state(self, state):
"""proxy for charms.reactive.bus.get_state()"""
return reactive.bus.get_state(state)
class BaseOpenStackCharmActions(object):
"""Default actions that an OpenStack charm can expect to have to do.
This includes things like 'installation', 'rendering configurations', etc.
It is designed as a mixin, and is separated out so that it is easier to
class OpenStackCharm(BaseOpenStackCharm,
... stuff ...
def all_packages(self):
"""List of packages to be installed
Relies on the class variable 'packages'
@return ['pkg1', 'pkg2', ...]
return self.packages
def all_snaps(self):
"""List of snaps to be installed
Relies on the class variable 'snaps'
@return ['snap1', 'snap2', ...]
return self.snaps
def primary_snap(self):
"""Primary snap to use for configuration
Relies on the class variable 'snaps'
:return string: first snap found in 'snaps'
if self.snaps:
return self.snaps[0]
return None
def install(self):
"""Install packages or snaps related to this charm based on
contents of self.packages or self.snaps attribute.
packages = fetch.filter_installed_packages(
if packages:
hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Installing packages')
fetch.apt_install(packages, fatal=True)
if os_utils.snap_install_requested():
if self.all_snaps:
hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Installing snaps')
# AJK: we set this as charms can use it to detect installed state
if packages:
# NOTE(fnordahl): Update status only if we actually performed
# package installation to avoid uneccessary status transitions.
# LP: #1861775
'Installation complete - awaiting next status')
def configure_source(self, config_key=None):
"""Configure installation source.
:param config_key: Config item (default: value indicated in the
source_config_key class variable)
:type config_key: Optional[str]
This adds an installation source for deb packages and then updates the
packages list on the unit.
config_key = config_key or self.source_config_key
source, key = os_utils.get_source_and_pgp_key(
fetch.add_source(source, key)
def full_restart_map(self):
"""Map of services to be restarted if a file changes
@return {
'file1': ['svc1', 'svc3'],
'file2': ['svc2', 'svc3'],
return self.restart_map
def service_stop(self, service_name):
"""Stop the specified service.
Meant to be overridden by child classes in scenarios where clustering
software like Pacemaker is used.
:param service_name: The service to stop.
:type service_name: str
def service_start(self, service_name):
"""Start the specified service.
Meant to be overridden by child classes in scenarios where clustering
software like Pacemaker is used.
:param service_name: The service to start.
:type service_name: str
def service_restart(self, service_name):
"""Restart the specified service.
Meant to be overridden by child classes in scenarios where clustering
software like Pacemaker is used.
:param service_name: The service to restart.
:type service_name: str
def service_reload(self, service_name, restart_on_failure=False):
"""Reload the specified service.
Meant to be overridden by child classes in scenarios where clustering
software like Pacemaker is used.
:param service_name: The service to reload.
:type service_name: str
ch_host.service_reload(service_name, restart_on_failure)
def restart_on_change(self):
"""Restart the services in the self.restart_map{} attribute if any of
the files identified by the keys changes for the wrapped call.
@restart_on_change(restart_map, ...)
def function_that_might_trigger_a_restart(...)
with restart_on_change(restart_map, ...):
return ch_host.restart_on_change(
restart_functions=getattr(self, 'restart_functions', None))
def restart_all(self):
"""Restart all the services configured in the[]
for svc in
def render_all_configs(self, adapters_instance=None):
"""Render (write) all of the config files identified as the keys in the
Note: If the config file changes on storage as a result of the config
file being written, then the services are restarted as per
the restart_the_services() method.
If adapters_instance is None then the self.adapters_instance is used
that was setup in the __init__() method. Note, if no interfaces were
passed (the default) then there will be no interfaces for this
:param adapters_instance: [optional] the adapters_instance to use.
def _get_string_template(self, conf, adapters_instance):
Find out if a charm class provides meta information about whether
this is a template to be fetched from a string dynamically or not.
config_template = None
tmpl_meta = self.string_templates.get(conf)
if tmpl_meta:
# meta information exists but not clear if an attribute has
# been set yet either via config option or via relation data
config_template = False
rel_name, _property = tmpl_meta
config_template_adapter = getattr(adapters_instance,
config_template = getattr(config_template_adapter,
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError('{} does not contain {} property'
except AttributeError:
hookenv.log('Skipping a string template for {} as a '
'relation adapter is not present'
.format(rel_name), level=hookenv.DEBUG)
return config_template
def render_configs(self, configs, adapters_instance=None):
"""Render the configuration files identified in the list passed as
Configs may not only be loaded via OpenStack loaders but also via
string templates passed via config options or from relation data.
This must be explicitly declared via string_templates dict of a given
derived charm class by using a relation name that identifies a relation
adapter or config option adapter and a property to be used from that
adapter instance.
:param configs: list of strings, the names of the configuration files.
:param adapters_instance: [optional] the adapters_instance to use.
if adapters_instance is None:
interfaces = []
for f in flags.get_flags():
ep_from_f = relations.endpoint_from_flag(f)
if ep_from_f:
adapters_instance = self.adapters_class(interfaces,
except TypeError:
adapters_instance = self.adapters_class(interfaces)
with self.restart_on_change():
for conf in configs:
# check if we need to load a template from a string
config_template = self._get_string_template(conf,
if config_template is False:
# got a string template but it was not provided which
# means we need to skip this config to avoid rendering
def _render(source):
'templates/', self.release),
perms=self.permission_override_map.get(conf) or 0o640,
except LookupError:
# if no template is found try looking for files named after
# the absolute path of target with path separators replaced
# by underscores. This convention is useful when charm
# author need to provide templates with ambiguous basenames
def render_with_interfaces(self, interfaces, configs=None):
"""Render the configs using the interfaces passed; overrides any
interfaces passed in the instance creation.
:param interfaces: list of interface objects to render against
if not configs:
configs = self.full_restart_map.keys()
# Maintain compatability with exisiting adapter classes which have
# not implemented the charm_instance arg Bug #1623917
except TypeError:
def db_sync_done(self):
return hookenv.leader_get(attribute='db-sync-done')
def db_sync(self):
"""Perform a database sync using the command defined in the
self.sync_cmd attribute. The services defined in are
restarted after the database sync.
if not self.db_sync_done() and hookenv.is_leader():
hookenv.leader_set({'db-sync-done': True})
# Restart services immediately after db sync as
# render_domain_config needs a working system
def config_changed(self):
"""A Nop that can be overridden in the derived charm class.
If the default 'config.changed' state handler is used, then this will
be called as a result of that state.
def upgrade_charm(self):
"""Called (at least) by the default handler (if that is used). This
version just checks that the ports that are open should be open and
that the ports that are closed should be closed. If the charm upgrade
alters the ports then update_api_ports() function will adjust the ports
as needed.
Obsolete packages will also be assessed for removal; if packages are
removed, then services will be restarted to pickup any changes.
if self.remove_obsolete_packages():
def update_api_ports(self, ports=None):
"""Update the ports list supplied (or the default ports defined in the
classes' api_ports member) using the juju helper.
It takes the opened-ports from Juju, checks them against the ports
provided. If a port is already open, then it doesn't try to open it,
if it is closed, but should be open, then it opens it, and vice-versa.
:param ports: List of api port numbers or None.
ports = list(map(int, (
ports or self._default_port_list(self.active_api_ports or {}))))
current_ports = list(map(int, self.opened_ports()))
ports_to_open = set(ports).difference(current_ports)
ports_to_close = set(current_ports).difference(ports)
for p in ports_to_open:
for p in ports_to_close:
def opened_ports(protocol="tcp"):
"""Return a list of ports according to the protocol provided
Open a service network port
If protocol is intentionally set to None, then the list will be the
list returnted by the Juju opened-ports command.
:param (OPTIONAL) protocol: the protocol to check, TCP/UDP or None
:returns: List of ports open, according to the protocol
_args = ['opened-ports']
if protocol:
protocol = protocol.lower()
protocol = ''
lines = [line for line in
if line]
ports = []
for line in lines:
p, p_type = line.split('/')
if protocol:
if protocol == p_type.lower():
return ports
def openstack_upgrade_available(self, package=None, snap=None):
"""Check if an OpenStack upgrade is available
:param package: str Package name to use to check upgrade availability
:returns: bool
if not package:
package = self.release_pkg
if not snap:
snap = self.release_snap
src = self.config[self.source_config_key]
cur_vers = self.get_os_version_package(package)
avail_vers = os_utils.get_os_version_install_source(src)
if os_utils.snap_install_requested():
cur_vers = self.get_os_version_snap(snap)
cur_vers = self.get_os_version_package(package)
if cur_vers is None or avail_vers is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"In charms_openstack.charm.core.openstack_upgrade_available() "
"cur_vers={} and avail_vers={}, one of which is None. "
"This usually implies that the openstack version is not "
"present in the self.package_codenames or "
"os_utils.PACKAGE_CODENAMES. Please re-visit and fix."
.format(cur_vers, avail_vers))
return fetch.apt_pkg.version_compare(avail_vers, cur_vers) == 1
def run_upgrade(self, interfaces_list=None, upgrade_openstack=True):
"""Upgrade OpenStack.
:param interfaces_list: List of instances of interface classes
:param upgrade_openstack: True for upgrade to new openstack release,
False for package upgrade within current openstack release.
:returns: None
new_src = self.config[self.source_config_key]
new_os_rel = os_utils.get_os_codename_install_source(new_src)
if upgrade_openstack:
hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Running openstack upgrade')
unitdata.kv().set(OPENSTACK_RELEASE_KEY, new_os_rel)
target_charm = get_charm_instance(new_os_rel)
hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Running package upgrade')
target_charm = get_charm_instance(new_os_rel)
def upgrade_if_available(self, interfaces_list):
"""Upgrade OpenStack if an upgrade is available and action-managed
upgrades is not enabled.
:param interfaces_list: List of instances of interface classes
:returns: None
if self.openstack_upgrade_available(self.release_pkg):
if self.config.get('action-managed-upgrade', False):
hookenv.log('Not performing OpenStack upgrade as '
'action-managed-upgrade is enabled')
def do_openstack_pkg_upgrade(self, upgrade_openstack=True):
"""Upgrade OpenStack packages and snaps
:param upgrade_openstack: True for upgrade to new openstack release,
False for package upgrade within current openstack release.
:returns: None
new_os_rel = None
if upgrade_openstack:
new_src = self.config[self.source_config_key]
new_os_rel = os_utils.get_os_codename_install_source(new_src)
hookenv.log('Performing OpenStack upgrade to %s.' % (new_os_rel))
# TODO(jamespage): Deal with deb->snap->deb migrations
if os_utils.snap_install_requested() and self.all_snaps:
source, key = os_utils.get_source_and_pgp_key(
fetch.add_source(source, key)
hookenv.log('Performing package upgrade.')
dpkg_opts = [
'--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew',
'--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef',
if upgrade_openstack:
self.release = new_os_rel
def remove_obsolete_packages(self):
"""Remove any packages that are no longer needed for operation
:returns: boolean indication where packages where removed.
if self.purge_packages:
# NOTE(jamespage):
# Ensure packages that should be purged are actually installed
installed_packages = list(
set(self.purge_packages) -
if installed_packages:
fetch.apt_autoremove(purge=True, fatal=True)
return True
return False
def do_openstack_upgrade_config_render(self, interfaces_list=None):
"""Render configs after upgrade
:returns: None
if interfaces_list is not None:
def do_openstack_upgrade_db_migration(self):
"""Run database migration after upgrade
:returns: None
if not self.sync_cmd:
elif hookenv.is_leader():
hookenv.log("Deferring DB sync to leader", level=hookenv.INFO)
# NOTE(jamespage): Not currently used - switch from c-h function for perf?
def snap_install_requested(self):
"""Determine whether a snap based install is configured
via the configuration option indicated in the source_config_key
class variable. (deafult: 'openstack-origin')
:returns: None
return self.config[self.source_config_key].startswith('snap:')
def get_os_codename_snap(snap, codenames, fatal=True):
"""Derive OpenStack release codename from an installed snap.
:param package: str Snap name to lookup (ie. in snap list)
:param codenames: dict of OrderedDict
'snap1': collections.OrderedDict([
('2', 'mitaka'),
('3', 'newton'),
('4', 'ocata'), ]),
'snap2': collections.OrderedDict([
('12', 'mitaka'),
('13', 'newton'),
('14', 'ocata'), ]),
:param fatal: bool Raise exception if snap not installed
:returns: str OpenStack version name corresponding to package
version_or_codename = get_snap_version(snap, fatal)
match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)', version_or_codename)
if match:
version =
# Generate a major version number for newer semantic
# versions of openstack projects
major_vers = version.split('.')[0]
return codenames[snap][major_vers]
except KeyError:
# NOTE(jamespage): fallthrough to codename assumption
# NOTE(jamespage): fallback to codename assumption
return version_or_codename
def get_package_version(package, apt_cache_sufficient=False):
"""Derive OpenStack release codename from a package.
:param package: Package name to lookup (ie. in apt cache)
:type package: str
:param apt_cache_sufficient: When False (the default) version from an
installed package will be used, when True version from the systems
APT cache will be used. This is useful for subordinate charms who
need working release selection prior to package installation and
has no way of using fall back to version of a package the principle
charm has installed nor package source configuration option.
:type apt_cache_sufficient: bool
:returns: OpenStack version name corresponding to package
:rtype: Optional[str]
:raises: AttributeError, ValueError
cache = fetch.apt_cache()
pkg = cache[package]
except KeyError:
# the package is unknown to the current apt cache.
e = ValueError(
'Could not determine version of package with no installation '
'candidate: {}'.format(package))
raise e
if apt_cache_sufficient:
vers = fetch.apt_pkg.upstream_version(pkg.version)
vers = fetch.apt_pkg.upstream_version(pkg.current_ver.ver_str)
# x.y match only for 20XX.X
# and ignore patch level for other packages
match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)', vers)
if match:
vers =
return vers
def get_os_codename_package(self, package, codenames, fatal=True,
"""Derive OpenStack release codename from a package.
Initially, see if the openstack-release pkg is available (by trying
to install it) and use it instead.
If it isn't then it falls back to the existing method of checking the
version of the package passed and then resolving the version from that
using lookup tables.
:param package: Package name to lookup (ie. in apt cache)
:type package: str
:param codenames: Map of package to (version, os_release) tuples.
'pkg1': collections.OrderedDict([
('2', 'mitaka'),
('3', 'newton'),
('4', 'ocata'), ]),
'pkg2': collections.OrderedDict([
('12.6', 'mitaka'),
('13.2', 'newton'),
('14.7', 'ocata'), ]),
:type codenames: Dict[str,collections.OrderedDict[Tuple(str,str)]]
:param fatal: Raise exception if pkg not installed
:type fatal: bool
:param apt_cache_sufficient: When False (the default) version from an
installed package will be used, when True version from the systems
APT cache will be used. This is useful for subordinate charms who
need working release selection prior to package installation and
has no way of using fall back to version of a package the principle
charm has installed nor package source configuration option.
:type apt_cache_sufficient: bool
:returns: OpenStack version name corresponding to package
:rtype: Optional[str]
:raises: AttributeError, ValueError
# The purpose of the UCA ``openstack-release`` package is to
# relieve the charm and test code from maintining version maps.
# The ``get_installed_os_version`` helper will attempt to install
# it, and that can only happen if the UCA is configured first.
codename = os_utils.get_installed_os_version()
if codename:
return codename
vers = self.get_package_version(
# Generate a major version number for newer semantic
# versions of openstack projects
major_vers = vers.split('.')[0]
except Exception:
if fatal:
return None
if (package in codenames and
major_vers in codenames[package]):
return codenames[package][major_vers]
def get_os_version_snap(self, snap, fatal=True):
"""Derive OpenStack version number from an installed snap.
:param package: str Snap name to lookup in snap list
:param fatal: bool Raise exception if snap not installed
:returns: str OpenStack version number corresponding to snap
if os_utils.snap_install_requested():
codename = self.get_os_codename_snap(snap,
if not codename:
return None
for version, cname in os_utils.OPENSTACK_CODENAMES.items():
if cname == codename:
return version
return None
def get_os_version_package(self, package, fatal=True):
"""Derive OpenStack version number from an installed package.
:param package: str Package name to lookup in apt cache
:param fatal: bool Raise exception if pkg not installed
:returns: str OpenStack version number corresponding to package
if not os_utils.snap_install_requested():
codename = self.get_os_codename_package(
package, self.package_codenames or os_utils.PACKAGE_CODENAMES,
if not codename:
return None
for version, cname in os_utils.OPENSTACK_CODENAMES.items():
if cname == codename:
return version
return None
class BaseOpenStackCharmAssessStatus(object):
"""Provides the 'Assess Status' functionality to the OpenStack charm class.
It is designed as a mixin, and is separated out so that it is easier to
class OpenStackCharm(BaseOpenStackCharm,
... stuff ...
Relies on the following class or object variables:
# The list of services that this charm manages
services = []
# a dict of meta tuples of the following format to render templates
# from strings based on adapter properties (resolved at runtime):
# {config_file_path: (relation_name, adapter property)}
# relation names should be normalized (lowercase, underscores instead of
# dashes; use "options" relation name for a config adapter
string_templates = {}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set up specific mixin requirements"""
self.__run_assess_status = False
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _assess_status(self):
"""Assess the status of the unit and set the status and a useful
message as appropriate.
The 3 checks are:
1. Check if the unit has been paused (using
2. Do a custom_assess_status_check() check.
3. Check if the interfaces are all present (using the states that are
set by each interface as it comes 'live'.
4. Check that services that should be running are running.
5. Do a custom_assess_status_last_check() check.
Each sub-function determins what checks are taking place.
If custom assess_status() functionality is required then the derived
class should override any of the 4 check functions to alter the
behaviour as required.
Note that if ports are NOT to be checked, then the derived class should
override :meth:`ports_to_check()` and return an empty list.
SIDE EFFECT: this function calls status_set(state, message) to set the
workload status in juju.
# set the application version when we set the status (always)
# NOTE(ajkavanagh) this is not, strictly speaking, good code
# organisation, as the 'application_version' property is in the
# file. However, as this is ALWAYS a mixin on that class,
# we can get away with this.
# NOTE(ajkavanagh) we check for the Policyd override here, even though
# most of the work is done in the plugin class PolicydOverridePlugin.
# This is a consequence of how the assess status is implemented; we
# simply have to get the prefix sorted here and there's no easy way to
# get it in without a complete refactor.
if self.config.get(os_policyd.POLICYD_CONFIG_NAME, False):
os_policyd_prefix = "{} ".format(
os_policyd_prefix = ""
for f in [self.check_if_paused,
state, message = f()
if state is not None:
hookenv.status_set(state, os_policyd_prefix + message)
# No state was particularly set, so assume the unit is active
hookenv.status_set('active', os_policyd_prefix + 'Unit is ready')
def assess_status(self):
"""This is a deferring version of _assess_status that only runs during
exit. This method can be called multiple times, but it will ensure that
the _assess_status() is only called once at the end of the charm after
all handlers have completed.
if not self.__run_assess_status:
self.__run_assess_status = True
def atexit_assess_status():
hookenv.log("Running _assess_status()", level=hookenv.DEBUG)
def custom_assess_status_check(self):
"""Override this function in a derived class if there are any other
status checks that need to be done that aren't about relations, etc.
Return (None, None) if the status is okay (i.e. the unit is active).
Return ('active', message) do shortcut and force the unit to the active
Return (other_status, message) to set the status to desired state.
:param last_check: Whether we are last in the assess_status sequence
:type last_check: bool
:returns: None, None - no action in this function.
return None, None
def custom_assess_status_last_check(self):
"""Override this function in a derived class if there are any other
status checks that need to be done that should be done after all other
checks done by this framework.
This is a good place to put additional information about the running
service, such as cluster status etc.
Return (None, None) if the status is okay (i.e. the unit is active).
Return ('active', message) do shortcut and force the unit to the active
Return (other_status, message) to set the status to desired state.
:returns: None, None - no action in this function.
return None, None
def check_if_paused(self):
"""Check if the unit is paused and return either the paused status,
message or None, None if the unit is not paused. If the unit is paused
but a service is incorrectly running, then the function returns a
broken status.
:returns: (status, message) or (None, None)
return os_utils._ows_check_if_paused(,
def ports_to_check(self, ports):
"""Return a flattened, sorted, unique list of ports from self.api_ports
NOTE. To disable port checking, simply override this method in the
derived class and return an empty [].
:param ports: {key: {subkey: value}}
:returns: [value1, value2, ...]
return self._default_port_list(ports)
def _default_port_list(self, ports):
"""Return a flattened, sorted, unique list of ports from self.api_ports
:param ports: {key: {subkey: value}}
:return: [value1, value2, ...]
# NB api_ports = {key: {space: value}}
# The chain .. map flattens all the values into a single list
return sorted(set(itertools.chain(*map(lambda x: x.values(),
def check_interfaces(self):
"""Check that the required interfaces have both connected and available
states set.
This requires a convention from the OS interfaces that they set the
'{relation_name}.connected' state on connection, and the
'{relation_name}.available' state when the connection information is
available and the interface is ready to go.
The interfaces (relations) that are checked are named in
self.required_relations which is a list of strings representing the
generic relation name. e.g. 'identity-service' rather than 'keystone'.
Returns (None, None) if the interfaces are okay, or a status, message
if any of the interfaces are not ready.
Derived classes can augment/alter the checks done by overriding the
companion method :property:`states_to_check` which converts a relation
into the states to confirm existence, along with the error message.
:returns (status, message) or (None, None)
states_to_check = self.states_to_check()
# bail if there is nothing to do.
if not states_to_check:
return None, None
available_states = reactive.bus.get_states().keys()
status = None
messages = []
for relation, states in states_to_check.items():
for state, err_status, err_msg in states:
if state not in available_states:
status = os_utils.workload_state_compare(status,
# as soon as we error on a relation, skip to the next one.
if status is not None:
return status, ", ".join(messages)
# Everything is fine.
return None, None
def check_mandatory_config(self):
"""Check that all mandatory config has been set.
Returns (None, None) if the interfaces are okay, or a status, message
if any of the config is missing.
:returns status & message info
:rtype: (status, message) or (None, None)
missing_config = []
status = None
message = None
if getattr(self, 'mandatory_config', None):
for c in self.mandatory_config:
if hookenv.config(c) is None:
if missing_config:
status = 'blocked'
message = 'The following mandatory config is unset: {}'.format(
return status, message
def states_to_check(self, required_relations=None):
"""Construct a default set of connected and available states for each
of the relations passed, along with error messages and new status
conditions if they are missing.
The method returns a {relation: [(state, err_status, err_msg), (...),]}
This corresponds to the relation, the state to check for, the error
status to set if that state is missing, and the message to show if the
state is missing.
The list of tuples is evaulated in order for each relation, and stops
after the first failure. This means that it doesn't check (say)
available if connected is not available.
:param required_relations: (default None) - override self.relations
:returns: {relation: [(state, err_status, err_msg), (...),]}
states_to_check = collections.OrderedDict()
if required_relations is None:
required_relations = self.required_relations
for relation in required_relations:
states_to_check[relation] = [
"'{}' missing".format(relation)),
"'{}' incomplete".format(relation))]
return states_to_check
def check_services_running(self):
"""Check that the services that should be running are actually running.
This uses the and self.active_api_ports to determine what
should be checked.
:returns: (status, message) or (None, None).
# This returns either a None, None or a status, message if the service
# is not running or the ports are not open.
_services, _ports = ch_cluster.get_managed_services_and_ports(,
return os_utils._ows_check_services_running(