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# Copyright (c) 2016 EMC Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import oslo_serialization
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers import commoncoprhdapi as common
from cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers import host
from cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers import project
from cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers import virtualarray
from cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers import volume
class ExportGroup(common.CoprHDResource):
URI_EXPORT_GROUP = "/block/exports"
URI_EXPORT_GROUP_SEARCH = '/block/exports/search'
URI_EXPORT_GROUP_UPDATE = '/block/exports/{0}'
def exportgroup_remove_volumes_by_uri(self, exportgroup_uri,
volume_id_list, sync=False,
tenantname=None, projectname=None,
cg=None, synctimeout=0):
"""Remove volumes from the exportgroup, given the uris of volume."""
volume_list = volume_id_list
parms = {}
parms['volume_changes'] = self._remove_list(volume_list)
o = self.send_json_request(exportgroup_uri, parms)
return self.check_for_sync(o, sync, synctimeout)
def _remove_list(self, uris):
resChanges = {}
if not isinstance(uris, list):
resChanges['remove'] = [uris]
resChanges['remove'] = uris
return resChanges
def send_json_request(self, exportgroup_uri, param):
body = oslo_serialization.jsonutils.dumps(param)
(s, h) = common.service_json_request(
self.ipaddr, self.port, "PUT",
self.URI_EXPORT_GROUP_UPDATE.format(exportgroup_uri), body)
return common.json_decode(s)
def check_for_sync(self, result, sync, synctimeout=0):
if sync:
if len(result["resource"]) > 0:
resource = result["resource"]
return (
common.block_until_complete("export", resource["id"],
result["id"], self.ipaddr,
self.port, synctimeout)
raise common.CoprHdError(
common.CoprHdError.SOS_FAILURE_ERR, _(
"error: task list is empty, no task response found"))
return result
def exportgroup_list(self, project_name, tenant):
"""This function gives list of export group uris separated by comma.
:param project_name: Name of the project path
:param tenant: Name of the tenant
:returns: list of export group ids separated by comma
if tenant is None:
tenant = ""
projobj = project.Project(self.ipaddr, self.port)
fullproj = tenant + "/" + project_name
projuri = projobj.project_query(fullproj)
if '?' in uri:
uri += '&project=' + projuri
uri += '?project=' + projuri
(s, h) = common.service_json_request(self.ipaddr, self.port, "GET",
uri, None)
o = common.json_decode(s)
if not o:
return []
exportgroups = []
resources = common.get_node_value(o, "resource")
for resource in resources:
return exportgroups
def exportgroup_show(self, name, project, tenant, varray=None):
"""This function displays the Export group with details.
:param name: Name of the export group
:param project: Name of the project
:param tenant: Name of the tenant
:returns: Details of export group
varrayuri = None
if varray:
varrayObject = virtualarray.VirtualArray(
self.ipaddr, self.port)
varrayuri = varrayObject.varray_query(varray)
uri = self.exportgroup_query(name, project, tenant, varrayuri)
(s, h) = common.service_json_request(
self.URI_EXPORT_GROUPS_SHOW.format(uri), None)
o = common.json_decode(s)
if o['inactive']:
return None
return o
def exportgroup_create(self, name, project_name, tenant, varray,
exportgrouptype, export_destination=None):
"""This function creates the Export group with given name.
:param name: Name of the export group
:param project_name: Name of the project path
:param tenant: Container tenant name
:param varray: Name of the virtual array
:param exportgrouptype: Type of the export group. Ex:Host etc
:returns: status of creation
# check for existence of export group.
status = self.exportgroup_show(name, project_name, tenant)
except common.CoprHdError as e:
if e.err_code == common.CoprHdError.NOT_FOUND_ERR:
if tenant is None:
tenant = ""
fullproj = tenant + "/" + project_name
projObject = project.Project(self.ipaddr, self.port)
projuri = projObject.project_query(fullproj)
varrayObject = virtualarray.VirtualArray(
self.ipaddr, self.port)
nhuri = varrayObject.varray_query(varray)
parms = {
'name': name,
'project': projuri,
'varray': nhuri,
'type': exportgrouptype
if exportgrouptype and export_destination:
host_obj = host.Host(self.ipaddr, self.port)
host_uri = host_obj.query_by_name(export_destination)
parms['hosts'] = [host_uri]
body = oslo_serialization.jsonutils.dumps(parms)
(s, h) = common.service_json_request(self.ipaddr,
self.port, "POST",
o = common.json_decode(s)
return o
if status:
raise common.CoprHdError(
common.CoprHdError.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR, (_(
"Export group with name %s"
" already exists") % name))
def exportgroup_query(self, name, project, tenant, varrayuri=None):
"""Makes REST API call to query the exportgroup by name.
:param name: Name/id of the export group
:param project: Name of the project
:param tenant: Name of the tenant
:param varrayuri: URI of the virtual array
:returns: id of the export group
if common.is_uri(name):
return name
uris = self.exportgroup_list(project, tenant)
for uri in uris:
exportgroup = self.exportgroup_show(uri, project, tenant)
if exportgroup and exportgroup['name'] == name:
if varrayuri:
varrayobj = exportgroup['varray']
if varrayobj['id'] == varrayuri:
return exportgroup['id']
return exportgroup['id']
raise common.CoprHdError(
(_("Export Group %s: not found") % name))
def exportgroup_add_volumes(self, sync, exportgroupname, tenantname,
maxpaths, minpaths, pathsperinitiator,
projectname, volumenames,
cg=None, synctimeout=0, varray=None):
"""Add volume to export group.
:param sync: synchronous request
:param exportgroupname: Name/id of the export group
:param tenantname: tenant name
:param maxpaths: Maximum number of paths
:param minpaths: Minimum number of paths
:param pathsperinitiator: Paths per initiator
:param projectname: name of project
:param volumenames: names of volumes that needs
to be added to exportgroup
:param cg: consistency group
:param synctimeout: Query for task status for 'synctimeout' secs
If the task doesn't complete in synctimeout secs,
an exception is thrown
:param varray: Name of varray
:returns: action result
varrayuri = None
if varray:
varrayObject = virtualarray.VirtualArray(
self.ipaddr, self.port)
varrayuri = varrayObject.varray_query(varray)
exportgroup_uri = self.exportgroup_query(exportgroupname,
# get volume uri
if tenantname is None:
tenantname = ""
# List of volumes
volume_list = []
if volumenames:
volume_list = self._get_resource_lun_tuple(
volumenames, "volumes", None, tenantname,
projectname, None)
parms = {}
# construct the body
volChanges = {}
volChanges['add'] = volume_list
parms['volume_changes'] = volChanges
o = self.send_json_request(exportgroup_uri, parms)
return self.check_for_sync(o, sync, synctimeout)
def _get_resource_lun_tuple(self, resources, resType, baseResUri,
tenantname, projectname, blockTypeName):
"""Function to validate input volumes and return list of ids and luns.
copyEntries = []
volumeObject = volume.Volume(self.ipaddr, self.port)
for copy in resources:
copyParam = []
copyParam = copy.split(":")
except Exception:
raise common.CoprHdError(
(_("Please provide valid format volume:"
" lun for parameter %s") %
copy = dict()
if not len(copyParam):
raise common.CoprHdError(
(_("Please provide at least one volume for parameter %s") %
if resType == "volumes":
full_project_name = tenantname + "/" + projectname
copy['id'] = volumeObject.volume_query(
full_project_name, copyParam[0])
if len(copyParam) > 1:
copy['lun'] = copyParam[1]
return copyEntries