imacdonn 74fd810ad1 cinder-manage online_data_migrations fixes
Addresses some issues with this command:

1) When used without the --max-count option, the summary table will
   always show zero migrations run, because it only accounts for the
   last batch, and the loop only exits when the last batch does no work.

2) "remaining" counts cannot be accurate, given the way migrations are
   implemented, because the "found" count refers to the number of rows
   that exist in the database, not the number that still need the
   migration applied.

3) In the case where no migrations are successful, but some raise
   exceptions, the command was exiting with status zero, which usually
   indicates "success". This can cause issues that cause migration
   failures to go unnoticed, especially when automated.

4) When exceptions do occur, a minimally useful message is output, and
   no detail about the exception is available to the user. The exception
   detail should be logged.

5) Inaccuracies in the documentation - "--max_number" should be
   "--max-count", and stale references to the "--ignore_state" option,
   which was removed in [1]

The solution for (3) introduces a new exit status, 2. See release note
for details.

These changes are aligned with equivalents [2][3] for the nova-manage
command, except for the calculation of "Total Needed" - nova seems to
interpret the "found" count differently/inconsistently.


Change-Id: I878480eb2359625cde839b073230844acc645cba
Closes-Bug: #1794364
Closes-Bug: #1796192
(cherry picked from commit d47486d317)
2018-10-31 19:08:45 +00:00
ext Merge "Add skip filter to config-table directive" 2018-05-18 04:23:41 +00:00
source cinder-manage online_data_migrations fixes 2018-10-31 19:08:45 +00:00
.gitignore Make doc/source directory compliant with design in spec 2017-07-19 15:59:02 -05:00
README.rst Update and replace http with https for doc links in Cinder 2017-07-27 09:58:23 +00:00
requirements.txt Use sphinxcontrib.apidoc for module docs 2018-04-05 14:36:03 -05:00


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