# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017 Objectif Libre # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Luka Peschke # import decimal from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading from keystoneclient.v3 import client as ks_client from monascaclient import client as mclient from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import units from cloudkitty import collector from cloudkitty import transformer from cloudkitty import utils as ck_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MONASCA_API_VERSION = '2_0' COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS = 'collector_monasca' collector_monasca_opts = ks_loading.get_auth_common_conf_options() cfg.CONF.register_opts(collector_monasca_opts, COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS) ks_loading.register_session_conf_options( cfg.CONF, COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS) ks_loading.register_auth_conf_options( cfg.CONF, COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS) CONF = cfg.CONF METRICS_CONF = ck_utils.get_metrics_conf(CONF.collect.metrics_conf) class EndpointNotFound(Exception): """Exception raised if the Monasca endpoint is not found""" pass class MonascaCollector(collector.BaseCollector): collector_name = 'monasca' dependencies = ['CloudKittyFormatTransformer'] retrieve_mappings = { 'compute': 'cpu', 'image': 'image.size', 'volume': 'volume.size', 'network.floating': 'ip.floating', 'network.bw.in': 'network.incoming.bytes', 'network.bw.out': 'network.outgoing.bytes', } metrics_mappings = { 'compute': [ {'cpu': 'max'}, {'vpcus': 'max'}, {'memory': 'max'}], 'image': [ {'image.size': 'max'}, {'image.download': 'max'}, {'image.serve': 'max'}], 'volume': [ {'volume.size': 'max'}], 'network.bw.in': [ {'network.incoming.bytes': 'max'}], 'network.bw.out': [ {'network.outgoing.bytes': 'max'}], 'network.floating': [ {'ip.floating': 'max'}], } # (qty, unit). qty must be either a metric name, an integer # or a decimal.Decimal object units_mappings = { 'compute': (1, 'instance'), 'image': ('image.size', 'MiB'), 'volume': ('volume.size', 'GiB'), 'network.bw.out': ('network.outgoing.bytes', 'MB'), 'network.bw.in': ('network.incoming.bytes', 'MB'), 'network.floating': (1, 'ip'), } default_unit = (1, 'unknown') def __init__(self, transformers, **kwargs): super(MonascaCollector, self).__init__(transformers, **kwargs) self.t_cloudkitty = self.transformers['CloudKittyFormatTransformer'] self.auth = ks_loading.load_auth_from_conf_options( CONF, COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS) self.session = ks_loading.load_session_from_conf_options( CONF, COLLECTOR_MONASCA_OPTS, auth=self.auth) self.ks_client = ks_client.Client(session=self.session) self.mon_endpoint = self._get_monasca_endpoint() if not self.mon_endpoint: raise EndpointNotFound() # NOTE (lukapeschke) session authentication should be possible starting # with OpenStack Q release. self._conn = mclient.Client( api_version=MONASCA_API_VERSION, session=self.session, endpoint=self.mon_endpoint) # NOTE(lukapeschke) This function should be removed as soon as the endpoint # it no longer required by monascaclient def _get_monasca_endpoint(self, service_name='monasca', endpoint_interface_type='public'): service_list = self.ks_client.services.list(name=service_name) if not service_list: return None mon_service = service_list[0] endpoints = self.ks_client.endpoints.list(mon_service.id) for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.interface == endpoint_interface_type: return endpoint.url return None def _get_metadata(self, resource_type, transformers): info = {} try: met = list(METRICS_CONF['metrics_units'][resource_type].values()) info['unit'] = met[0]['unit'] # NOTE(mc): deprecated second try kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') try: info['unit'] = self.units_mappings[resource_type][1] except (KeyError, IndexError): info['unit'] = self.default_unit[1] start = ck_utils.dt2ts(ck_utils.get_month_start()) end = ck_utils.dt2ts(ck_utils.get_month_end()) try: resource_id = self.active_resources(resource_type, start, end, None)[0] except IndexError: resource_id = '' metadata = self._get_resource_metadata(resource_type, start, end, resource_id) info['metadata'] = metadata.keys() try: service_metrics = METRICS_CONF['services_metrics'][resource_type] for service_metric in service_metrics: metric, statistics = list(service_metric.items())[0] info['metadata'].append(metric) # NOTE(mc): deprecated second try kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') try: for metric, statistics in self.metrics_mappings[resource_type]: info['metadata'].append(metric) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass return info # NOTE(lukapeschke) if anyone sees a better way to do this, # please make a patch @classmethod def get_metadata(cls, resource_type, transformers): args = { 'transformers': transformer.get_transformers(), 'period': CONF.collect.period} tmp = cls(**args) return tmp._get_metadata(resource_type, transformers) def _get_resource_metadata(self, resource_type, start, end, resource_id): try: meter = METRICS_CONF['services_objects'].get(resource_type) # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') meter = self.retrieve_mappings.get(resource_type) if not meter: return {} measurements = self._conn.metrics.list_measurements( name=meter, start_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(start), end_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(end), merge_metrics=True, dimensions={'resource_id': resource_id}, ) try: # Getting the last measurement of given period metadata = measurements[-1]['measurements'][-1][2] except (KeyError, IndexError): metadata = {} return metadata def _get_resource_qty(self, meter, start, end, resource_id, statistics): # NOTE(lukapeschke) the period trick is used to aggregate # the measurements period = end - start statistics = self._conn.metrics.list_statistics( name=meter, start_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(start), end_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(end), dimensions={'resource_id': resource_id}, statistics=statistics, period=period, merge_metrics=True, ) try: # If several statistics are returned (should not happen), # use the latest qty = decimal.Decimal(statistics[-1]['statistics'][-1][1]) except (KeyError, IndexError): qty = decimal.Decimal(0) return qty def _is_resource_active(self, meter, resource_id, start, end): measurements = self._conn.metrics.list_measurements( name=meter, start_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(start), end_time=ck_utils.ts2dt(end), group_by='resource_id', merge_metrics=True, dimensions={'resource_id': resource_id}, ) return len(measurements) > 0 def active_resources(self, resource_type, start, end, project_id, **kwargs): try: meter = METRICS_CONF['services_objects'].get(resource_type) # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') meter = self.retrieve_mappings.get(resource_type) if not meter: return {} dimensions = {} if project_id: dimensions['project_id'] = project_id dimensions.update(kwargs) resources = self._conn.metrics.list(name=meter, **dimensions) resource_ids = [] for resource in resources: try: resource_id = resource['dimensions']['resource_id'] if (resource_id not in resource_ids and self._is_resource_active(meter, resource_id, start, end)): resource_ids.append(resource_id) except KeyError: continue return resource_ids def _expand_metrics(self, resource, resource_id, mappings, start, end, resource_type): for mapping in mappings: name, statistics = list(mapping.items())[0] qty = self._get_resource_qty( name, start, end, resource_id, statistics, ) try: conv_data = METRICS_CONF['metrics_units'][resource_type] conv_data = conv_data.get(name) if conv_data: resource[name] = ck_utils.convert_unit( qty, conv_data.get('factor', 1), conv_data.get('offset', 0), ) # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning( 'Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.\n' 'Fallback on the deprecated hardcoded dict method.') names = ['network.outgoing.bytes', 'network.incoming.bytes'] if name in names: qty = qty / units.M elif 'image.' in name: qty = qty / units.Mi resource[name] = qty def resource_info(self, resource_type, start, end, project_id, q_filter=None): try: tmp = METRICS_CONF['metrics_units'][resource_type] qty = list(tmp.keys())[0] unit = list(tmp.values())[0]['unit'] # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') qty, unit = self.units_mappings.get( resource_type, self.default_unit ) active_resource_ids = self.active_resources( resource_type, start, end, project_id ) resource_data = [] for resource_id in active_resource_ids: data = self._get_resource_metadata(resource_type, start, end, resource_id) try: mappings = METRICS_CONF['services_metrics'][resource_type] # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compatibility. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf.') LOG.warning('Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method.') mappings = self.metrics_mappings[resource_type] self._expand_metrics( data, resource_id, mappings, start, end, resource_type, ) resource_qty = qty if not (isinstance(qty, int) or isinstance(qty, decimal.Decimal)): try: resource_qty \ = METRICS_CONF['services_objects'][resource_type] # NOTE(mc): deprecated except part kept for backward compat. except KeyError: LOG.warning('Error when trying to use yaml metrology conf') msg = 'Fallback on the deprecated oslo config method' LOG.warning(msg) resource_qty = data[self.retrieve_mappings[resource_type]] resource = self.t_cloudkitty.format_item(data, unit, resource_qty) resource['desc']['resource_id'] = resource_id resource['resource_id'] = resource_id resource_data.append(resource) return resource_data def retrieve(self, resource_type, start, end, project_id, q_filter=None): resources = self.resource_info(resource_type, start, end, project_id=project_id, q_filter=q_filter) if not resources: raise collector.NoDataCollected(self.collector_name, resource_type) return self.t_cloudkitty.format_service(resource_type, resources)