# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Objectif Libre # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Stéphane Albert # import logging import os from wsgiref import simple_server from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from paste import deploy import pecan from cloudkitty.api import config as api_config from cloudkitty.api import hooks from cloudkitty import rpc from cloudkitty import storage LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) auth_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('api_paste_config', default="api_paste.ini", help="Configuration file for WSGI definition of API." ), cfg.StrOpt('auth_strategy', choices=['noauth', 'keystone'], default='keystone', help=("The strategy to use for auth. Supports noauth and " "keystone")), ] api_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('host_ip', default="", help='Host serving the API.'), cfg.IntOpt('port', default=8888, help='Host port serving the API.'), cfg.BoolOpt('pecan_debug', default=False, help='Toggle Pecan Debug Middleware.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(auth_opts) CONF.register_opts(api_opts, group='api') def get_pecan_config(): # Set up the pecan configuration filename = api_config.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') return pecan.configuration.conf_from_file(filename) def setup_app(pecan_config=None, extra_hooks=None): app_conf = get_pecan_config() client = rpc.get_client() storage_backend = storage.get_storage() app_hooks = [ hooks.RPCHook(client), hooks.StorageHook(storage_backend), ] if CONF.auth_strategy == 'keystone': app_hooks.append(hooks.ContextHook()) app = pecan.make_app( app_conf.app.root, static_root=app_conf.app.static_root, template_path=app_conf.app.template_path, debug=CONF.api.pecan_debug, force_canonical=getattr(app_conf.app, 'force_canonical', True), hooks=app_hooks, guess_content_type_from_ext=False ) return app def load_app(): cfg_file = None cfg_path = cfg.CONF.api_paste_config if not os.path.isabs(cfg_path): cfg_file = CONF.find_file(cfg_path) elif os.path.exists(cfg_path): cfg_file = cfg_path if not cfg_file: raise cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError([cfg.CONF.api_paste_config]) LOG.info("Full WSGI config used: %s" % cfg_file) return deploy.loadapp("config:" + cfg_file) def build_server(): # Create the WSGI server and start it host = CONF.api.host_ip port = CONF.api.port LOG.info('Starting server in PID %s', os.getpid()) LOG.info("Configuration:") cfg.CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.INFO) if host == '': LOG.info('serving on, view at' '(vport)s', {'sport': port, 'vport': port}) else: LOG.info("serving on http://%(host)s:%(port)s", {'host': host, 'port': port}) server_cls = simple_server.WSGIServer handler_cls = simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler app = load_app() srv = simple_server.make_server( host, port, app, server_cls, handler_cls) return srv def app_factory(global_config, **local_conf): return setup_app()