
98 lines
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# Copyright 2019 Objectif Libre
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import functools
import itertools
import requests
from import client
class FakeOpenSearchClient(client.OpenSearchClient):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs["autocommit"] = False
super(FakeOpenSearchClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for method in ('get_index', 'post_mapping'):
setattr(self, method, self.__base_response)
def __base_response(*args, **kwargs):
r = requests.Response()
r.status_code = 200
return r
def commit(self):
def __filter_func(begin, end, filters, mtypes, doc):
type_filter = lambda doc: ( # noqa: E731
doc['type'] in mtypes if mtypes else True)
time_filter = lambda doc: ( # noqa: E731
(doc['start'] >= begin if begin else True)
and (doc['start'] < end if end else True))
def filter_(doc):
return all((doc['groupby'].get(k) == v
or (doc['metadata'].get(k) == v)
for k, v in filters.items())) if filters else True
return type_filter(doc) and time_filter(doc) and filter_(doc)
def retrieve(self, begin, end, filters, metric_types,
offset=0, limit=1000, paginate=True):
filter_func = functools.partial(
self.__filter_func, begin, end, filters, metric_types)
output = list(filter(filter_func, self._docs))[offset:offset+limit]
for doc in output:
doc["start"] = doc["start"].isoformat()
doc["end"] = doc["end"].isoformat()
doc["_source"] = copy.deepcopy(doc)
return len(output), output
def total(self, begin, end, metric_types, filters, groupby,
custom_fields=None, offset=0, limit=1000, paginate=True):
filter_func = functools.partial(
self.__filter_func, begin, end, filters, metric_types)
docs = list(filter(filter_func, self._docs))
if not groupby:
return 1, [{
'sum_qty': {'value': sum(doc['qty'] for doc in docs)},
'sum_price': {'value': sum(doc['price'] for doc in docs)},
'begin': begin,
'end': end,
output = []
key_func = lambda d: tuple( # noqa: E731
d['type'] if g == 'type' else d['groupby'][g] for g in groupby)
for groups, values in itertools.groupby(docs, key_func):
val_list = list(values)
'begin': begin,
'end': end,
'sum_qty': {'value': sum(doc['qty'] for doc in val_list)},
'sum_price': {'value': sum(doc['price'] for doc in val_list)},
'key': dict(zip(groupby, groups)),
return len(output), output[offset:offset+limit]
def _req(self, method, url, data, params, deserialize=True):