{{ step }}

{{ step.get_help_text }} {% include 'horizon/common/_form_errors.html' with form=form %}
{% include 'admin/policies/rules/_mapping_row.html' with form=form count=0 column='' value='' %} {% for column, value in mappings %}{% include 'admin/policies/rules/_mapping_row.html' with form=form count=forloop.counter column=column value=value %}{% endfor %}
{% for error in form.mappings.errors %} {{ error }} {% endfor %}
{% for left, op, right in joins %}{% endfor %}
& {% for value, column in negations %}{% endfor %}
value is in
& {% comment %} {% for column, name in aliases %}{% endfor %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% endif %}
+ {% endcomment %}