# Copyright (c) 2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import unittest from policy import compile from policy import runtime from policy import unify from policy.runtime import Database import logging import os class TestRuntime(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def prep_runtime(self, code=None, msg=None, target=None): # compile source if msg is not None: logging.debug(msg) if code is None: code = "" run = runtime.Runtime() run.insert(code, target=target) run.debug_mode() return run def check_class(self, run, correct_database_code, msg=None): """ Check that runtime RUN's classify + database theories have exactly the contents CORRECT_DATABASE_CODE. """ self.open(msg) db_class = (run.theory[run.DATABASE] | run.theory[run.CLASSIFY_THEORY].database) self.showdb(run) correct = runtime.string_to_database(correct_database_code) self.check_db_diffs(db_class, correct, msg) self.close(msg) def check_db(self, run, correct_database_code, msg=None): """ Check that runtime RUN's classify theory database is equal to CORRECT_DATABASE_CODE. """ # extract correct answer from correct_database_code self.open(msg) correct_database = runtime.string_to_database(correct_database_code) self.check_db_diffs(run.theory[run.DATABASE], correct_database, msg) self.close(msg) def check_db_diffs(self, actual, correct, msg): extra = actual - correct missing = correct - actual extra = [e for e in extra if not e[0].startswith("___")] missing = [m for m in missing if not m[0].startswith("___")] self.output_diffs(extra, missing, msg, actual=actual) def output_diffs(self, extra, missing, msg, actual=None): errmsg = "" if len(extra) > 0: logging.debug("Extra tuples") logging.debug(", ".join([str(x) for x in extra])) if len(missing) > 0: logging.debug("Missing tuples") logging.debug(", ".join([str(x) for x in missing])) if len(extra) > 0 or len(missing) > 0: logging.debug("Resulting database: {}".format(str(actual))) self.assertTrue(len(extra) == 0 and len(missing) == 0, msg) def check_equal(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None, equal=None): def minus(iter1, iter2, invert=False): extra = [] for i1 in iter1: found = False for i2 in iter2: # for asymmetric equality checks if invert: test_result = equal(i2, i1) else: test_result = equal(i1, i2) if test_result: found = True break if not found: extra.append(i1) return extra if equal is None: equal = lambda x,y: x == y logging.debug("** Checking equality: {} **".format(msg)) actual = compile.parse(actual_code) correct = compile.parse(correct_code) extra = minus(actual, correct) # in case EQUAL is asymmetric, always supply actual as the first arg missing = minus(correct, actual, invert=True) self.output_diffs(extra, missing, msg) logging.debug("** Finished: {} **".format(msg)) def check_same(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None): """ Checks if ACTUAL_CODE is a variable-renaming of CORRECT_CODE. """ return self.check_equal(actual_code, correct_code, msg=msg, equal=lambda x,y: unify.same(x,y) is not None) def check_instance(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None): """ Checks if ACTUAL_CODE is an instance of CORRECT_CODE. """ return self.check_equal(actual_code, correct_code, msg=msg, equal=lambda x,y: unify.instance(x,y) is not None) def check_proofs(self, run, correct, msg=None): """ Check that the proofs stored in runtime RUN are exactly those in CORRECT. """ # example # check_proofs(run, {'q': {(1,): # Database.ProofCollection([{'x': 1, 'y': 2}])}}) errs = [] checked_tables = set() for table in run.database.table_names(): if table in correct: checked_tables.add(table) for dbtuple in run.database[table]: if dbtuple.tuple in correct[table]: if dbtuple.proofs != correct[table][dbtuple.tuple]: errs.append("For table {} tuple {}\n " "Computed: {}\n " "Correct: {}".format(table, str(dbtuple), str(dbtuple.proofs), str(correct[table][dbtuple.tuple]))) for table in set(correct.keys()) - checked_tables: errs.append("Table {} had a correct answer but did not exist " "in the database".format(table)) if len(errs) > 0: # logging.debug("Check_proof errors:\n{}".format("\n".join(errs))) self.fail("\n".join(errs)) def showdb(self, run): logging.debug("Resulting DB: {}".format( str(run.theory[run.CLASSIFY_THEORY].database | run.theory[run.DATABASE] | run.theory[run.ENFORCEMENT_THEORY].database))) def insert(self, run, alist): run.insert(tuple(alist)) def delete(self, run, alist): run.delete(tuple(alist)) def test_database(self): """ Test Database with insert/delete. """ code = ("") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Database tests ****") self.check_db(run, "", "Empty database on init") # set semantics, not bag semantics self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_db(run, "r(1)", "Basic insert with no propagations") self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_db(run, "r(1)", "Duplicate insert with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_db(run, "", "Delete with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_db(run, "", "Delete from empty table") def test_materialized_theory(self): """ Materialized Theory: test rule propagation """ code = ("q(x) :- p(x), r(x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Basic propagation tests ****") self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1]) self.check_class(run, "r(1) p(1) q(1)", "Insert into base table with 1 propagation") self.delete(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_class(run, "p(1)", "Delete from base table with 1 propagation") # multiple rules code = ("q(x) :- p(x), r(x)" "q(x) :- s(x)") self.insert(run, ['p', 1]) self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_class(run, "p(1) r(1) q(1)", "Insert: multiple rules") self.insert(run, ['s', 1]) self.check_class(run, "p(1) r(1) s(1) q(1)", "Insert: duplicate conclusions") # body of length 1 code = ("q(x) :- p(x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Body length 1 tests ****") self.insert(run, ['p', 1]) self.check_class(run, "p(1) q(1)", "Insert with body of size 1") self.showdb(run) self.delete(run, ['p', 1]) self.showdb(run) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete with body of size 1") # existential variables code = ("q(x) :- p(x), r(y)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Unary tables with existential ****") self.insert(run, ['p', 1]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2]) self.insert(run, ['r', 3]) self.showdb(run) self.check_class(run, "p(1) r(2) r(3) q(1)", "Insert with unary table and existential") self.delete(run, ['r', 2]) self.showdb(run) self.check_class(run, "p(1) r(3) q(1)", "Delete 1 with unary table and existential") self.delete(run, ['r', 3]) self.check_class(run, "p(1)", "Delete all with unary table and existential") # non-monadic run = self.prep_runtime("q(x) :- p(x,y)", "**** Materialized Theory: Multiple-arity table tests ****") self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.check_class(run, "p(1, 2) q(1)", "Insert: existential variable in body of size 1") self.delete(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete: existential variable in body of size 1") code = ("q(x) :- p(x,y), r(y,x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2, 1]) self.check_class(run, "p(1, 2) r(2, 1) q(1)", "Insert: join in body of size 2") self.delete(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.check_class(run, "r(2, 1)", "Delete: join in body of size 2") self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 3]) self.insert(run, ['r', 3, 1]) self.check_class(run, "r(2, 1) r(3,1) p(1, 2) p(1, 3) q(1)", "Insert: multiple existential bindings for same head") self.delete(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.check_class(run, "r(2, 1) r(3,1) p(1, 3) q(1)", "Delete: multiple existential bindings for same head") code = ("q(x,v) :- p(x,y), r(y,z), s(z,w), t(w,v)") run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 10]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 20]) self.insert(run, ['r', 10, 100]) self.insert(run, ['r', 20, 200]) self.insert(run, ['s', 100, 1000]) self.insert(run, ['s', 200, 2000]) self.insert(run, ['t', 1000, 10000]) self.insert(run, ['t', 2000, 20000]) code = ("p(1,10) p(1,20) r(10,100) r(20,200) s(100,1000) s(200,2000)" "t(1000, 10000) t(2000,20000) " "q(1,10000) q(1,20000)") self.check_class(run, code, "Insert: larger join") self.delete(run, ['t', 1000, 10000]) code = ("p(1,10) p(1,20) r(10,100) r(20,200) s(100,1000) s(200,2000)" "t(2000,20000) " "q(1,20000)") self.check_class(run, code, "Delete: larger join") code = ("q(x,y) :- p(x,z), p(z,y)") run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 3]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 4]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 5]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1,2) p(1,3) p(2,4) p(2,5) q(1,4) q(1,5)', "Insert: self-join") self.delete(run, ['p', 2, 4]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1,2) p(1,3) p(2,5) q(1,5)') code = ("q(x,z) :- p(x,y), p(y,z)") run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 1]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1,1) q(1,1)', "Insert: self-join on same data") code = ("q(x,w) :- p(x,y), p(y,z), p(z,w)") run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 1]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 2]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 3]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 4]) self.insert(run, ['p', 2, 5]) self.insert(run, ['p', 3, 3]) self.insert(run, ['p', 3, 4]) self.insert(run, ['p', 3, 5]) self.insert(run, ['p', 3, 6]) self.insert(run, ['p', 3, 7]) code = ('p(1,1) p(1,2) p(2,2) p(2,3) p(2,4) p(2,5)' 'p(3,3) p(3,4) p(3,5) p(3,6) p(3,7)' 'q(1,1) q(1,2) q(2,2) q(2,3) q(2,4) q(2,5)' 'q(3,3) q(3,4) q(3,5) q(3,6) q(3,7)' 'q(1,3) q(1,4) q(1,5) q(1,6) q(1,7)' 'q(2,6) q(2,7)') self.check_class(run, code, "Insert: larger self join") self.delete(run, ['p', 1, 1]) self.delete(run, ['p', 2, 2]) code = (' p(1,2) p(2,3) p(2,4) p(2,5)' 'p(3,3) p(3,4) p(3,5) p(3,6) p(3,7)' ' q(2,3) q(2,4) q(2,5)' 'q(3,3) q(3,4) q(3,5) q(3,6) q(3,7)' 'q(1,3) q(1,4) q(1,5) q(1,6) q(1,7)' 'q(2,6) q(2,7)') self.check_class(run, code, "Delete: larger self join") # actual bug: insert data first, then # insert rule with self-join code = ('s(1)' 'q(1,1)' 'p(x,y) :- q(x,y), not r(x,y)' 'r(x,y) :- s(x), s(y)') run = self.prep_runtime(code) self.check_class(run, 's(1) q(1,1) r(1,1)') def test_materialized_value_types(self): """ Test the different value types """ # string code = ("q(x) :- p(x), r(x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: String data type ****") self.insert(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, 'r("apple")', "String insert with no propagations") self.insert(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, 'r("apple")', "Duplicate string insert with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete from empty table") self.insert(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.insert(run, ['p', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, 'r("apple") p("apple") q("apple")', "String insert with 1 propagation") self.delete(run, ['r', 'apple']) self.check_class(run, 'p("apple")', "String delete with 1 propagation") # float code = ("q(x) :- p(x), r(x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Float data type ****") self.insert(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, 'r(1.2)', "String insert with no propagations") self.insert(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, 'r(1.2)', "Duplicate string insert with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete with no propagations") self.delete(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, "", "Delete from empty table") self.insert(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.insert(run, ['p', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, 'r(1.2) p(1.2) q(1.2)', "String self.insert with 1 propagation") self.delete(run, ['r', 1.2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1.2)', "String delete with 1 propagation") # def test_proofs(self): # """ Test if the proof computation is performed correctly. """ # def check_table_proofs(run, table, tuple_proof_dict, msg): # for tuple in tuple_proof_dict: # tuple_proof_dict[tuple] = \ # Database.ProofCollection(tuple_proof_dict[tuple]) # self.check_proofs(run, {table : tuple_proof_dict}, msg) # code = ("q(x) :- p(x,y)") # run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Proof tests ****") # self.insert(run, ['p', 1, 2]) # check_table_proofs(run, 'q', {(1,): [{u'x': 1, u'y': 2}]}, # 'Simplest proof test') def test_materialized_negation(self): """ Test Materialized Theory negation """ # Unary, single join code = ("q(x) :- p(x), not r(x)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Negation ****") self.insert(run, ['p', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(2) q(2)', "Insert into positive literal with propagation") self.delete(run, ['p', 2]) self.check_class(run, '', "Delete from positive literal with propagation") self.insert(run, ['r', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'r(2)', "Insert into negative literal without propagation") self.delete(run, ['r', 2]) self.check_class(run, '', "Delete from negative literal without propagation") self.insert(run, ['p', 2]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(2) r(2)', "Insert into negative literal with propagation") self.delete(run, ['r', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'q(2) p(2)', "Delete from negative literal with propagation") # Unary, multiple joins code = ("s(x) :- p(x), not r(x), q(y), not t(y)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "Unary, multiple join") self.insert(run, ['p', 1]) self.insert(run, ['q', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) s(1)', 'Insert with two negative literals') self.insert(run, ['r', 3]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) s(1) r(3)', 'Ineffectual insert with 2 negative literals') self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) r(3) r(1)', 'Insert into existentially quantified negative literal with propagation. ') self.insert(run, ['t', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) r(3) r(1) t(2)', 'Insert into negative literal producing extra blocker for proof.') self.delete(run, ['t', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) r(3) r(1)', 'Delete first blocker from proof') self.delete(run, ['r', 1]) self.check_class(run, 'p(1) q(2) r(3) s(1)', 'Delete second blocker from proof') # Non-unary code = ("p(x, v) :- q(x,z), r(z, w), not s(x, w), u(w,v)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "Non-unary") self.insert(run, ['q', 1, 2]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2, 3]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2, 4]) self.insert(run, ['u', 3, 5]) self.insert(run, ['u', 4, 6]) self.check_class(run, 'q(1,2) r(2,3) r(2,4) u(3,5) u(4,6) p(1,5) p(1,6)', 'Insert with non-unary negative literal') self.insert(run, ['s', 1, 3]) self.check_class(run, 'q(1,2) r(2,3) r(2,4) u(3,5) u(4,6) s(1,3) p(1,6)', 'Insert into non-unary negative with propagation') self.insert(run, ['s', 1, 4]) self.check_class(run, 'q(1,2) r(2,3) r(2,4) u(3,5) u(4,6) s(1,3) s(1,4)', 'Insert into non-unary with different propagation') def test_materialized_select(self): """ Materialized Theory: test the SELECT event handler. """ code = ("p(x, y) :- q(x), r(y)") run = self.prep_runtime(code, "**** Materialized Theory: Select ****") self.insert(run, ['q', 1]) self.insert(run, ['q', 2]) self.insert(run, ['r', 1]) self.insert(run, ['r', 2]) self.check_class(run, 'q(1) q(2) r(1) r(2) p(1,1) p(1,2) p(2,1) p(2,2)', 'Prepare for select') self.check_equal(run.select('p(x,y)'), 'p(1,1) p(1,2) p(2,1) p(2,2)', 'Select: bound no args') self.check_equal(run.select('p(1,y)'), 'p(1,1) p(1,2)', 'Select: bound 1st arg') self.check_equal(run.select('p(x,2)'), 'p(1,2) p(2,2)', 'Select: bound 2nd arg') self.check_equal(run.select('p(1,2)'), 'p(1,2)', 'Select: bound 1st and 2nd arg') self.check_equal(run.select('query :- q(x), r(y)'), 'query :- q(1), r(1)' 'query :- q(1), r(2)' 'query :- q(2), r(1)' 'query :- q(2), r(2)') def test_materialized_modify_rules(self): """ Materialized Theory: Test the functionality for adding and deleting rules *after* data has already been entered. """ run = self.prep_runtime("", "Rule modification") run.insert("q(1) r(1) q(2) r(2)") self.showdb(run) self.check_class(run, 'q(1) r(1) q(2) r(2)', "Installation") run.insert("p(x) :- q(x), r(x)") self.check_class(run, 'q(1) r(1) q(2) r(2) p(1) p(2)', 'Rule insert after data insert') run.delete("q(1)") self.check_class(run, 'r(1) q(2) r(2) p(2)', 'Delete after Rule insert with propagation') run.insert("q(1)") run.delete("p(x) :- q(x), r(x)") self.check_class(run, 'q(1) r(1) q(2) r(2)', "Delete rule") def test_materialized_recursion(self): """ Materialized Theory: test recursion """ run = self.prep_runtime('q(x,y) :- p(x,y)' 'q(x,y) :- p(x,z), q(z,y)') run.insert('p(1,2)') run.insert('p(2,3)') run.insert('p(3,4)') run.insert('p(4,5)') self.check_class(run, 'p(1,2) p(2,3) p(3,4) p(4,5)' 'q(1,2) q(2,3) q(1,3) q(3,4) q(2,4) q(1,4) q(4,5) q(3,5) ' 'q(1,5) q(2,5)', 'Insert into recursive rules') run.delete('p(1,2)') self.check_class(run, 'p(2,3) p(3,4) p(4,5)' 'q(2,3) q(3,4) q(2,4) q(4,5) q(3,5) q(2,5)', 'Delete from recursive rules') def open(self, msg): logging.debug("** Checking: {} **".format(msg)) def close(self, msg): logging.debug("** Finished: {} **".format(msg)) def create_unify(self, atom_string1, atom_string2, msg, change_num, unifier1=None, unifier2=None, recursive_str=False): """ Create unification and check basic results. """ def str_uni(u): if recursive_str: return u.recur_str() else: return str(u) def print_unifiers(changes=None): logging.debug("unifier1: {}".format(str_uni(unifier1))) logging.debug("unifier2: {}".format(str_uni(unifier2))) if changes is not None: logging.debug("changes: {}".format( ";".join([str(x) for x in changes]))) if msg is not None: self.open(msg) if unifier1 is None: # logging.debug("Generating new unifier1") unifier1 = runtime.TopDownTheory.new_bi_unifier() if unifier2 is None: # logging.debug("Generating new unifier2") unifier2 = runtime.TopDownTheory.new_bi_unifier() p1 = compile.parse(atom_string1)[0] p2 = compile.parse(atom_string2)[0] changes = unify.bi_unify_atoms(p1, unifier1, p2, unifier2) self.assertTrue(changes is not None) print_unifiers(changes) p1p = p1.plug(unifier1) p2p = p2.plug(unifier2) print_unifiers(changes) if not p1p == p2p: logging.debug("Failure: bi-unify({}, {}) produced {} and {}".format( str(p1), str(p2), str_uni(unifier1), str_uni(unifier2))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p1), str_uni(unifier1), str(p1p))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p2), str_uni(unifier2), str(p2p))) self.fail() if change_num is not None and len(changes) != change_num: logging.debug("Failure: bi-unify({}, {}) produced {} and {}".format( str(p1), str(p2), str_uni(unifier1), str_uni(unifier2))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p1), str_uni(unifier1), str(p1p))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p2), str_uni(unifier2), str(p2p))) logging.debug("Expected {} changes; computed {} changes".format( change_num, len(changes))) self.fail() logging.debug("unifier1: {}".format(str_uni(unifier1))) logging.debug("unifier2: {}".format(str_uni(unifier2))) if msg is not None: self.open(msg) return (p1, unifier1, p2, unifier2, changes) def check_unify(self, atom_string1, atom_string2, msg, change_num, unifier1=None, unifier2=None, recursive_str=False): self.open(msg) (p1, unifier1, p2, unifier2, changes) = self.create_unify( atom_string1, atom_string2, msg, change_num, unifier1=unifier1, unifier2=unifier2, recursive_str=recursive_str) unify.undo_all(changes) self.assertTrue(p1.plug(unifier1) == p1) self.assertTrue(p2.plug(unifier2) == p2) self.close(msg) def check_unify_fail(self, atom_string1, atom_string2, msg): """ Check that the bi-unification fails. """ self.open(msg) unifier1 = runtime.TopDownTheory.new_bi_unifier() unifier2 = runtime.TopDownTheory.new_bi_unifier() p1 = compile.parse(atom_string1)[0] p2 = compile.parse(atom_string2)[0] changes = unify.bi_unify_atoms(p1, unifier1, p2, unifier2) if changes is not None: logging.debug( "Failure failure: bi-unify({}, {}) produced {} and {}".format( str(p1), str(p2), str(unifier1), str(unifier2))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p1), str(unifier1), str(p1.plug(unifier1)))) logging.debug("plug({}, {}) = {}".format( str(p2), str(unifier2), str(p2.plug(unifier2)))) self.fail() self.close(msg) def test_instance(self): """ Test whether the INSTANCE computation is correct. """ def assertIsNotNone(x): self.assertTrue(x is not None) def assertIsNone(x): self.assertTrue(x is None) assertIsNotNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1)'), str2form('p(y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1,2)'), str2form('p(x,y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1,x)'), str2form('p(x,y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1,x,1)'), str2form('p(x,y,x)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1,x,1)'), str2form('p(x,y,z)'))) assertIsNone(unify.instance(str2form('p(1,2)'), str2form('p(x,x)'))) def test_same(self): """ Test whether the SAME computation is correct. """ def assertIsNotNone(x): self.assertTrue(x is not None) def assertIsNone(x): self.assertTrue(x is None) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x)'), str2form('p(y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x)'), str2form('p(x)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,y)'), str2form('p(x,y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,y)'), str2form('p(y,x)'))) assertIsNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,x)'), str2form('p(x,y)'))) assertIsNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,y)'), str2form('p(x,x)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,x)'), str2form('p(y,y)'))) assertIsNotNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,y,x)'), str2form('p(y,x,y)'))) assertIsNone(unify.same(str2form('p(x,y,z)'), str2form('p(x,y,1)'))) def test_bi_unify(self): """ Test the bi-unification routine and its supporting routines. """ def var(x): return compile.Term.create_from_python(x, force_var=True) def obj(x): return compile.Term.create_from_python(x) def new_uni(): return runtime.TopDownTheory.new_bi_unifier() # apply, add u1 = new_uni() u1.add(var('x'), obj(1), None) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('x')), obj(1)) u1 = new_uni() u2 = new_uni() u1.add(var('y'), var('x'), u2) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('y')), var('x')) u2.add(var('x'), obj(2), None) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('y')), obj(2)) # delete u1.delete(var('y')) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('y')), var('y')) u1 = new_uni() u2 = new_uni() u1.add(var('y'), var('x'), u2) u2.add(var('x'), obj(2), None) u2.delete(var('x')) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('y')), var('x')) u1.delete(var('y')) self.assertEqual(u1.apply(var('y')), var('y')) # bi_unify self.check_unify("p(x)", "p(1)", "Matching", 1) self.check_unify("p(x,y)", "p(1,2)", "Binary Matching", 2) self.check_unify("p(1,2)", "p(x,y)", "Binary Matching Reversed", 2) self.check_unify("p(1,1)", "p(x,y)", "Binary Matching Many-to-1", 2) self.check_unify_fail("p(1,2)", "p(x,x)", "Binary Matching Failure") self.check_unify("p(1,x)", "p(1,y)", "Simple Unification", 1) self.check_unify("p(1,x)", "p(y,1)", "Separate Namespace Unification", 2) self.check_unify("p(1,x)", "p(x,2)", "Namespace Collision Unification", 2) self.check_unify("p(x,y,z)", "p(t,u,v)", "Variable-only Unification", 3) self.check_unify("p(x,y,y)", "p(t,u,t)", "Repeated Variable Unification", 3) self.check_unify_fail("p(x,y,y,x,y)", "p(t,u,t,1,2)", "Repeated Variable Unification Failure") self.check_unify("p(x,y,y)", "p(x,y,x)", "Repeated Variable Unification Namespace Collision", 3) self.check_unify_fail("p(x,y,y,x,y)", "p(x,y,x,1,2)", "Repeated Variable Unification Namespace Collision Failure") # test sequence of changes (p1, u1, p2, u2, changes) = self.create_unify("p(x)", "p(x)", "Step 1", 1) # 1 since the two xs are different self.create_unify("p(x)", "p(1)", "Step 2", 1, unifier1=u1, recursive_str=True) self.create_unify("p(x)", "p(1)", "Step 3", 0, unifier1=u1, recursive_str=True) def test_nonrecursive_select(self): """ Nonrecursive Rule Theory: Test select, i.e. top-down evaluation. """ th = runtime.Runtime.ACTION_THEORY run = self.prep_runtime('p(1)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Simple lookup") self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "", "Failed lookup") run = self.prep_runtime('p(1)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "Variablized lookup") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x)' 'q(x) :- r(x)' 'r(1)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Monadic rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "", "False monadic rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "Variablized query with monadic rules") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x)' 'q(x) :- r(x)' 'q(x) :- s(x)' 'r(1)' 's(2)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Monadic, disjunctive rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1) p(2)", "Variablized, monadic, disjunctive rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(3)', target=th), "", "False Monadic, disjunctive rules") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(1)' 'r(1)' 'r(2)' 'q(2)' 'q(3)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Monadic multiple literals in body") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1) p(2)", "Monadic multiple literals in body variablized") self.check_equal(run.select('p(3)', target=th), "", "False monadic multiple literals in body") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(1)' 'r(2)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "", "False variablized monadic multiple literals in body") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x,y) :- q(x,z), r(z, y)' 'q(1,1)' 'q(1,2)' 'r(1,3)' 'r(1,4)' 'r(2,5)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1,3)', target=th), "p(1,3)", "Binary, existential rules 1") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x,y)', target=th), "p(1,3) p(1,4) p(1,5)", "Binary, existential rules 2") self.check_equal(run.select('p(1,1)', target=th), "", "False binary, existential rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x,x)', target=th), "", "False binary, variablized, existential rules") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(y) :- t(y), s(x)' 's(1)' 'r(2)' 't(2)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "p(2)", "Distinct variable namespaces across rules") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(2)", "Distinct variable namespaces across rules") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x,y) :- q(x,z), r(z,y)' 'q(x,y) :- s(x,z), t(z,y)' 's(x,y) :- u(x,z), v(z,y)' 'u(0,2)' 'u(1,2)' 'v(2,3)' 't(3,4)' 'r(4,5)' 'r(4,6)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1,5)', target=th), "p(1,5)", "Tower of existential variables") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x,y)', target=th), "p(0,5) p(1,5) p(1,6) p(0,6)", "Tower of existential variables") self.check_equal(run.select('p(0,y)', target=th), "p(0,5) p(0,6)", "Tower of existential variables") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x), r(z)' 'r(z) :- s(z), q(x)' 's(1)' 'q(x) :- t(x)' 't(1)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), 'p(1)', "Two layers of existential variables") # Negation run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x), not r(x)' 'q(1)' 'q(2)' 'r(2)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Monadic negation") self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "", "False monadic negation") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "Variablized monadic negation") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x,y), r(z), not s(y,z)' 'q(1,1)' 'q(2,2)' 'r(4)' 'r(5)' 's(1,4)' 's(1,5)' 's(2,5)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "p(2)", "Binary negation with existentials") self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "", "False Binary negation with existentials") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(2)", "False Binary negation with existentials") run = self.prep_runtime('p(x) :- q(x,y), s(y,z)' 's(y,z) :- r(y,w), t(z), not u(w,z)' 'q(1,1)' 'q(2,2)' 'r(1,4)' 't(7)' 'r(1,5)' 't(8)' 'u(5,8)', target=th) self.check_equal(run.select('p(1)', target=th), "p(1)", "Embedded negation with existentials") self.check_equal(run.select('p(2)', target=th), "", "False embedded negation with existentials") self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "False embedded negation with existentials") def test_theory_inclusion(self): """ Test evaluation routines when one theory includes another. """ # spread out across inclusions th1 = runtime.NonrecursiveRuleTheory() th2 = runtime.NonrecursiveRuleTheory() th3 = runtime.NonrecursiveRuleTheory() th1.includes.append(th2) th2.includes.append(th3) th1.insert(str2form('p(x) :- q(x), r(x), s(2)')) th2.insert(str2form('q(1)')) th1.insert(str2form('r(1)')) th3.insert(str2form('s(2)')) self.check_equal(pol2str(th1.select(str2form('p(x)'))), 'p(1)', 'Data spread across inclusions') # real deal actth = runtime.Runtime.ACTION_THEORY clsth = runtime.Runtime.CLASSIFY_THEORY run = self.prep_runtime(msg="Theory Inclusion") run.insert('q(1)', target=actth) run.insert('q(2)', target=clsth) run.insert('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)', target=actth) run.insert('r(1)', target=actth) run.insert('r(2)', target=clsth) self.check_equal(run.select('p(x)', target=actth), "p(1) p(2)", "Real deal") # TODO(tim): add tests for explanations def test_materialized_explain(self): """ Test the explanation event handler. """ run = self.prep_runtime("p(x) :- q(x), r(x)", "Explanations") run.insert("q(1) r(1)") self.showdb(run) logging.debug(run.explain("p(1)")) run = self.prep_runtime("p(x) :- q(x), r(x) q(x) :- s(x), t(x)", "Explanations") run.insert("s(1) r(1) t(1)") self.showdb(run) logging.debug(run.explain("p(1)")) # self.fail() def test_nonrecursive_abduction(self): """ Test abduction for NonrecursiveRuleTheory. """ def check(query, code, tablenames, correct, msg, find_all=True): # We're interacting directly with the runtime's underlying # theory b/c we haven't yet decided whether Abduce should # be a top-level API call. actth = runtime.Runtime.ACTION_THEORY run = self.prep_runtime() actiontheory = run.theory[actth] run.insert(code, target=actth) query = compile.parse(query) actual = actiontheory.abduce(query[0], tablenames=tablenames, find_all=find_all) # convert result to string, since check_same expects strings actual = compile.formulas_to_string(actual) self.check_same(actual, correct, msg) code = ('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(1)' 'q(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['r'], 'p(1) :- r(1) p(2) :- r(2)', "Basic monadic") code = ('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'r(1)' 'r(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['q'], 'p(1) :- q(1) p(2) :- q(2)', "Late, monadic binding") code = ('p(x) :- q(x)') check('p(x)', code, ['q'], 'p(x) :- q(x)', "No binding") code = ('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(x) :- s(x)' 'r(1)' 'r(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['s'], 'p(1) :- s(1) p(2) :- s(2)', "Intermediate table") code = ('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(x) :- s(x)' 'q(x) :- t(x)' 'r(1)' 'r(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['s', 't'], 'p(1) :- s(1) p(2) :- s(2) p(1) :- t(1) p(2) :- t(2)', "Intermediate, disjunctive table") code = ('p(x) :- q(x), r(x)' 'q(x) :- s(x)' 'q(x) :- t(x)' 'r(1)' 'r(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['s'], 'p(1) :- s(1) p(2) :- s(2)', "Intermediate, disjunctive table, but only some saveable") code = ('p(x) :- q(x), u(x), r(x)' 'q(x) :- s(x)' 'q(x) :- t(x)' 'u(1)' 'u(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['s', 't', 'r'], 'p(1) :- s(1), r(1) p(2) :- s(2), r(2)' 'p(1) :- t(1), r(1) p(2) :- t(2), r(2)', "Multiple support literals") code = ('p(x) :- q(x,y), s(x), r(y, z)' 'r(2,3)' 'r(2,4)' 's(1)' 's(2)') check('p(x)', code, ['q'], 'p(1) :- q(1,2) p(2) :- q(2,2)', "Existential variables that become ground") code = ('p(x) :- q(x,y), r(y, z)' 'r(2,3)' 'r(2,4)') check('p(x)', code, ['q'], 'p(x) :- q(x,2) p(x) :- q(x,2)', "Existential variables that do not become ground") code = ('p+(x) :- q(x), r(z)' 'r(z) :- s(z), q(x)' 's(1)') check('p+(x)', code, ['q'], 'p+(x) :- q(x), q(x1)', "Existential variables with name collision") def test_nonrecursive_consequences(self): """ Test consequence computation for nonrecursive rule theory """ def check(code, correct, msg): # We're interacting directly with the runtime's underlying # theory b/c we haven't decided whether consequences should # be a top-level API call. run = self.prep_runtime() actth = runtime.Runtime.ACTION_THEORY run.insert(code, target=actth) actual = run.theory[actth].consequences() # convert result to string, since check_same expects strings actual = compile.formulas_to_string(actual) self.check_same(actual, correct, msg) code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'q(1)' 'q(2)') check(code, 'p+(1) p+(2) q(1) q(2)', 'Monadic') code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'q(1)' 'q(2)') check(code, 'p+(1) p+(2) q(1) q(2)', 'Monadic with empty tables') def test_remediation(self): """Test remediation computation""" def check(action_code, classify_code, query, correct, msg): run = self.prep_runtime() actth = run.ACTION_THEORY clsth = run.CLASSIFY_THEORY run.insert(action_code, target=actth) run.insert(class_code, target=clsth) self.showdb(run) self.check_equal(run.remediate(query), correct, msg) # simple action_code = ('action("a")' 'p-(x) :- a(x)') class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x)' 'p(1)') check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)', 'p-(1) :- a(1)', 'Monadic') # rules in action theory action_code = ('action("a")' 'p-(x) :- q(x)' 'q(x) :- a(x)') class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x)' 'p(1)') check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)', 'p-(1) :- a(1)', 'Monadic, indirect') # multiple conditions in error action_code = ('action("a")' 'action("b")' 'p-(x) :- a(x)' 'q-(x) :- b(x)') class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x), q(x)' 'p(1)' 'q(1)') check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)', 'p-(1) :- a(1) q-(1) :- b(1)', 'Monadic, two conditions, two actions') def test_simulate(self): """ Test simulate: the computation of a query given a sequence of actions. """ def create(action_code, class_code): run = self.prep_runtime() actth = run.ACTION_THEORY clsth = run.CLASSIFY_THEORY run.insert(action_code, target=actth) run.insert(class_code, target=clsth) return run def check(run, action_sequence, query, correct, original_db, msg): actual = run.simulate(query, action_sequence) self.check_equal(actual, correct, msg) self.check_class(run, original_db, msg) # Simple action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'action("q")') classify_code = 'p(2)' # just some other data present run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1) p(2)', classify_code, 'Simple') # Noop does not break rollback action_code = ('p-(x) :- q(x)' 'action("q")') classify_code = ('') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', '', classify_code, "Rollback handles Noop") # insertion takes precedence over deletion action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'action("q")') classify_code = ('') run = create(action_code, classify_code) # ordered so that consequences will be p+(1) p-(1) action_sequence = 'q(1), r(1) :- true' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1)', classify_code, "Deletion before insertion") # multiple action sequences 1 action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'action("q")' 'action("r")') classify_code = ('') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(1) r(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', '', classify_code, "Multiple actions: inversion from {}") # multiple action sequences 2 action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'action("q")' 'action("r")') classify_code = ('p(1)') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(1) r(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', '', classify_code, "Multiple actions: inversion from p(1), first is noop") # multiple action sequences 3 action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'action("q")' 'action("r")') classify_code = ('p(1)') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'r(1) q(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1)', classify_code, "Multiple actions: inversion from p(1), first is not noop") # multiple action sequences 4 action_code = ('p+(x) :- q(x)' 'p-(x) :- r(x)' 'action("q")' 'action("r")') classify_code = ('') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'r(1) q(1)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1)', classify_code, "Multiple actions: inversion from {}, first is not noop") # Action with additional info action_code = ('p+(x,z) :- q(x,y), r(y,z)' 'action("q") action("r")') classify_code = 'p(1,2)' run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(1,2), r(2,3) :- true' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x,y)', 'p(1,2) p(1,3)', classify_code, 'Action with additional info') # State update action_code = '' classify_code = 'p(1)' run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'p+(2)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1) p(2)', classify_code, 'State update') # Rule update action_code = '' classify_code = 'q(1)' run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'p+(x) :- q(x)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x)', 'p(1)', classify_code, 'Rule update') # action with query action_code = ('p+(x, y) :- q(x, y)' 'action("q")') classify_code = ('r(1)') run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'q(x, 0) :- r(x)' check(run, action_sequence, 'p(x,y)', 'p(1,0)', classify_code, 'Action with query') # action sequence with results action_code = ('p+(id, val) :- create(val)' 'p+(id, val) :- update(id, val)' 'p-(id, val) :- update(id, newval), p(id, val)' 'action("create")' 'action("update")' 'result(x) :- create(val), p+(x,val)') classify_code = 'hasval(val) :- p(x, val)' run = create(action_code, classify_code) action_sequence = 'create(0) update(x,1) :- result(x)' check(run, action_sequence, 'hasval(x)', 'hasval(1)', classify_code, 'Action with query') def test_enforcement(self): """ Test enforcement. """ def prep_runtime(enforce_theory, action_theory, class_theory): run = runtime.Runtime() run.insert(enforce_theory, target=run.ENFORCEMENT_THEORY) run.insert(action_theory, target=run.ACTION_THEORY) run.insert(class_theory, target=run.CLASSIFY_THEORY) return run enforce = 'act(x) :- p(x)' action = 'action("act")' run = prep_runtime(enforce, action, "") run.insert('p(1)') self.check_equal(run.logger.contents(), 'act(1)', 'Insert') run.logger.empty() run.insert('p(1)') self.check_equal(run.logger.contents(), '', 'Insert again') run.insert('p(2)') self.check_equal(run.logger.contents(), 'act(2)', 'Insert different') run.logger.empty() run.delete('p(2)') self.check_equal(run.logger.contents(), '', 'Delete') def test_neutron_actions(self): """ Test our encoding of the Neutron actions. Use simulation. Just the basics. """ def check(query, action_sequence, correct, msg): actual = run.simulate(query, action_sequence) logging.debug("Simulate results: {}".format( str(actual))) self.check_instance(actual, correct, msg) full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(full_path) neutron_path = path + "/../../../examples/neutron.action" run = runtime.Runtime() run.debug_mode() run.load_file(neutron_path, target=run.ACTION_THEORY) #### Ports query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)' acts = 'neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true' correct = 'neutron:port(id, "net1", name, mac, "null", "null", z, w, "tim")' check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple port creation') query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)' # result(uuid): simulation-specific table that holds the results # of the last action invocation acts = ('neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_port(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(18, "name", "tims port") :- result(uuid) ') correct = 'neutron:port(id, "net1", "tims port", mac, "null", "null", z, w, "tim")' check(query, acts, correct, 'Port create, update') query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)' # result(uuid): simulation-specific table that holds the results # of the last action invocation acts = ('neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_port(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(18, "name", "tims port") :- result(uuid) ' 'neutron:delete_port(uuid), sys:user("tim")' ' :- result(uuid) ') correct = '' check(query, acts, correct, 'Port create, update, delete') #### Networks query = 'neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, shared, tenenant_id)' acts = 'neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true' correct = 'neutron:network(id, "", status, "true", "true", "tim")' check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple network creation') query = 'neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, shared, tenenant_id)' acts = ('neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_network(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(18, "admin_state", "false") :- result(uuid)') correct = 'neutron:network(id, "", status, "false", "true", "tim")' check(query, acts, correct, 'Network creation, update') query = 'neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, shared, tenenant_id)' acts = ('neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_network(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(18, "admin_state", "false") :- result(uuid)' 'neutron:delete_network(uuid) :- result(uuid)') correct = '' check(query, acts, correct, 'Network creation, update') #### Subnets query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, ' 'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)') acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), ' 'sys:user("tim") :- true') correct = ('neutron:subnet(id, "", "net1", gateway_ip, 4, ' '"", "true", "tim")') check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple subnet creation') query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, ' 'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)') acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), ' 'sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_subnet(uuid, 17), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(17, "enable_dhcp", "false") :- result(uuid)') correct = ('neutron:subnet(id, "", "net1", gateway_ip, 4, ' '"", "false", "tim")') check(query, acts, correct, 'Subnet creation, update') query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, ' 'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)') acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), ' 'sys:user("tim") :- true ' 'neutron:update_subnet(uuid, 17), sys:user("tim"), ' ' options:value(17, "enable_dhcp", "false") :- result(uuid)' 'neutron:delete_subnet(uuid) :- result(uuid)') correct = '' check(query, acts, correct, 'Subnet creation, update, delete') def str2form(formula_string): return compile.parse1(formula_string) def str2pol(policy_string): return compile.parse(policy_string) def pol2str(policy): return " ".join(str(x) for x in policy) def form2str(formula): return str(formula) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()