
422 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.datalog import compile
from congress.datalog import unify
from congress.datalog import utility
from congress.policy_engines import agnostic
from congress.tests import base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NREC_THEORY = 'non-recursive theory'
DB_THEORY = 'database'
MAT_THEORY = 'materialized'
# This file contains tests that are likely broken. But the tests
# are good ones once we get the underlying data structures fixed.
# TODO(thinrichs): fix tests so they are working again.
class TestRuntime(base.TestCase):
def prep_runtime(self, code=None, msg=None, target=None):
# compile source
if msg is not None:
if code is None:
code = ""
if target is None:
target = MAT_THEORY
run = agnostic.Runtime()
run.theory[NREC_THEORY] = agnostic.NonrecursiveRuleTheory()
run.theory[DB_THEORY] = agnostic.Database()
run.theory[MAT_THEORY] = agnostic.MaterializedViewTheory()
run.insert(code, target=target)
return run
def check_class(self, run, correct_database_code, msg=None):
Check that runtime RUN's MAT_THEORY theory
has exactly the same contents as CORRECT_DATABASE_CODE.
db_class = run.theory[MAT_THEORY].database
# self.showdb(run)
correct = agnostic.string_to_database(correct_database_code)
self.check_db_diffs(db_class, correct, msg)
def check_db(self, run, correct_database_code, msg=None):
"""Test DB_THEORY.
Check that runtime RUN.theory[DB_THEORY] is
# extract correct answer from correct_database_code
correct_database = agnostic.string_to_database(correct_database_code)
correct_database, msg)
def check_db_diffs(self, actual, correct, msg):
extra = actual - correct
missing = correct - actual
extra = [e for e in extra if not e[0].startswith("___")]
missing = [m for m in missing if not m[0].startswith("___")]
self.output_diffs(extra, missing, msg, actual=actual)
def output_diffs(self, extra, missing, msg, actual=None):
if len(extra) > 0:
LOG.debug("Extra tuples")
LOG.debug(", ".join([str(x) for x in extra]))
if len(missing) > 0:
LOG.debug("Missing tuples")
LOG.debug(", ".join([str(x) for x in missing]))
if len(extra) > 0 or len(missing) > 0:
LOG.debug("Resulting database: %s", actual)
self.assertTrue(len(extra) == 0 and len(missing) == 0, msg)
def check_equal(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None, equal=None):
def minus(iter1, iter2, invert=False):
extra = []
for i1 in iter1:
found = False
for i2 in iter2:
# for asymmetric equality checks
if invert:
test_result = equal(i2, i1)
test_result = equal(i1, i2)
if test_result:
found = True
if not found:
return extra
if equal is None:
equal = lambda x, y: x == y
LOG.debug("** Checking equality: %s **", msg)
actual = compile.parse(actual_code)
correct = compile.parse(correct_code)
extra = minus(actual, correct)
# in case EQUAL is asymmetric, always supply actual as the first arg
missing = minus(correct, actual, invert=True)
self.output_diffs(extra, missing, msg)
LOG.debug("** Finished equality: %s **", msg)
def check_same(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None):
"""Checks if ACTUAL_CODE is a variable-renaming of CORRECT_CODE."""
return self.check_equal(
actual_code, correct_code, msg=msg,
equal=lambda x, y: unify.same(x, y) is not None)
def check_instance(self, actual_code, correct_code, msg=None):
"""Checks if ACTUAL_CODE is an instance of CORRECT_CODE."""
return self.check_equal(
actual_code, correct_code, msg=msg,
equal=lambda x, y: unify.instance(x, y) is not None)
def check_proofs(self, run, correct, msg=None):
"""Test proofs.
Check that the proofs stored in runtime RUN are exactly
those in CORRECT.
# example
# check_proofs(run, {'q': {(1,):
# Database.ProofCollection([{'x': 1, 'y': 2}])}})
errs = []
checked_tables = set()
for table in run.database.table_names():
if table in correct:
for dbtuple in run.database[table]:
if dbtuple.tuple in correct[table]:
if dbtuple.proofs != correct[table][dbtuple.tuple]:
"For table {} tuple {}\n Computed: {}\n "
"Correct: {}".format(
table, str(dbtuple),
for table in set(correct.keys()) - checked_tables:
errs.append("Table {} had a correct answer but did not exist "
"in the database".format(table))
if len(errs) > 0:
# LOG.debug("Check_proof errors:\n%s", "\n".join(errs))"\n".join(errs))
def showdb(self, run):
LOG.debug("Resulting DB: %s",
run.theory[run.CLASSIFY_THEORY].database |
run.theory[run.DATABASE] |
def insert(self, run, alist, target=None):
if target is None:
target = MAT_THEORY
def delete(self, run, alist):
def test_remediation(self):
"""Test remediation computation."""
def check(action_code, classify_code, query, correct, msg):
run = self.prep_runtime()
actth = run.ACTION_THEORY
run.insert(action_code, target=actth)
run.insert(class_code, target=clsth)
self.check_equal(run.remediate(query), correct, msg)
# simple
action_code = ('action("a")'
'p-(x) :- a(x)')
class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x)'
check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)', 'p-(1) :- a(1)', 'Monadic')
# rules in action theory
action_code = ('action("a")'
'p-(x) :- q(x)'
'q(x) :- a(x)')
class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x)'
check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)', 'p-(1) :- a(1)',
'Monadic, indirect')
# multiple conditions in error
action_code = ('action("a")'
'p-(x) :- a(x)'
'q-(x) :- b(x)')
class_code = ('err(x) :- p(x), q(x)'
check(action_code, class_code, 'err(1)',
'p-(1) :- a(1) q-(1) :- b(1)',
'Monadic, two conditions, two actions')
def test_access_control(self):
"""Test access control: whether a given action is permitted."""
def create(ac_code, class_code):
run = self.prep_runtime()
permitted, errors = run.insert(ac_code, target=acth)
"Error in access control policy: {}".format(
permitted, errors = run.insert(class_code, target=clsth)
self.assertTrue(permitted, "Error in classifier policy: {}".format(
return run
def check_true(run, query, support='', msg=None):
result = run.access_control(query, support)
"Error in access control test {}".format(msg))
def check_false(run, query, support='', msg=None):
result = run.access_control(query, support)
"Error in access control test {}".format(msg))
# Only checking basic I/O interface for the access_control request.
# Basic inference algorithms are tested elsewhere.
# Simple
ac_code = ('action(x) :- q(x)')
classify_code = 'q(2)'
run = create(ac_code, classify_code)
check_true(run, "action(2)", msg="Simple true action")
check_false(run, "action(1)", msg="Simple false action")
# Options
ac_code = ('action(x, y) :- q(x), options:value(y, "name", name), '
classify_code = 'q(2) r("alice")'
run = create(ac_code, classify_code)
check_true(run, 'action(2,18)', 'options:value(18, "name", "alice")',
msg="Single option true")
check_false(run, 'action(2,18)', 'options:value(18, "name", "bob")',
msg="Single option false")
# Multiple Options
ac_code = ('action(x, y) :- q(x), options:value(y, "name", name), '
'r(name), options:value(y, "age", 30)')
classify_code = 'q(2) r("alice")'
run = create(ac_code, classify_code)
check_true(run, 'action(2,18)', 'options:value(18, "name", "alice") '
'options:value(18, "age", 30)', msg="Multiple option true")
check_false(run, 'action(2, 18)', 'options:value(18, "name", "bob") '
'options:value(18, "age", 30)',
msg="Multiple option false")
def test_enforcement(self):
"""Test enforcement."""
def prep_runtime(enforce_theory, action_theory, class_theory):
run = agnostic.Runtime()
run.insert(enforce_theory, target=run.ENFORCEMENT_THEORY)
run.insert(action_theory, target=run.ACTION_THEORY)
run.insert(class_theory, target=run.CLASSIFY_THEORY)
return run
enforce = 'act(x) :- p(x)'
action = 'action("act")'
run = prep_runtime(enforce, action, "")
self.check_equal(run.logger.content(), 'act(1)', 'Insert')
self.check_equal(run.logger.content(), '', 'Insert again')
self.check_equal(run.logger.content(), 'act(2)', 'Insert different')
self.check_equal(run.logger.content(), '', 'Delete')
def test_neutron_actions(self):
"""Test our encoding of the Neutron actions basics by simulation."""
def check(query, action_sequence, correct, msg):
actual = run.simulate(query, action_sequence)
LOG.debug("Simulate results: %s", actual)
self.check_instance(actual, correct, msg)
full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
path = os.path.dirname(full_path)
neutron_path = path + "/../../../examples/neutron.action"
run = agnostic.Runtime()
# load_file does not exist any longer.
permitted, errs = run.load_file(neutron_path, target=run.ACTION_THEORY)
if not permitted:
self.assertTrue(permitted, "Error in Neutron file: {}".format(
"\n".join([str(x) for x in errs])))
# Ports
query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)'
acts = 'neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true'
correct = ('neutron:port(id, "net1", name, mac, "null",'
'"null", z, w, "tim")')
check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple port creation')
query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)'
# result(uuid): simulation-specific table that holds the results
# of the last action invocation
acts = ('neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_port(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(18, "name", "tims port") :- result(uuid) ')
correct = ('neutron:port(id, "net1", "tims port", mac, "null",'
'"null", z, w, "tim")')
check(query, acts, correct, 'Port create, update')
query = 'neutron:port(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)'
# result(uuid): simulation-specific table that holds the results
# of the last action invocation
acts = ('neutron:create_port("net1", 17), sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_port(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(18, "name", "tims port") :- result(uuid) '
'neutron:delete_port(uuid), sys:user("tim")'
' :- result(uuid) ')
correct = ''
check(query, acts, correct, 'Port create, update, delete')
# Networks
query = ('neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, shared,'
acts = 'neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true'
correct = 'neutron:network(id, "", status, "true", "true", "tim")'
check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple network creation')
query = ('neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, '
'shared, tenenant_id)')
acts = ('neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_network(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(18, "admin_state", "false") :- result(uuid)')
correct = 'neutron:network(id, "", status, "false", "true", "tim")'
check(query, acts, correct, 'Network creation, update')
query = ('neutron:network(id, name, status, admin_state, shared, '
acts = ('neutron:create_network(17), sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_network(uuid, 18), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(18, "admin_state", "false") :- result(uuid)'
'neutron:delete_network(uuid) :- result(uuid)')
correct = ''
check(query, acts, correct, 'Network creation, update')
# Subnets
query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, '
'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)')
acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), '
'sys:user("tim") :- true')
correct = ('neutron:subnet(id, "", "net1", gateway_ip, 4, '
'"", "true", "tim")')
check(query, acts, correct, 'Simple subnet creation')
query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, '
'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)')
acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), '
'sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_subnet(uuid, 17), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(17, "enable_dhcp", "false") :- result(uuid)')
correct = ('neutron:subnet(id, "", "net1", gateway_ip, 4, '
'"", "false", "tim")')
check(query, acts, correct, 'Subnet creation, update')
query = ('neutron:subnet(id, name, network_id, '
'gateway_ip, ip_version, cidr, enable_dhcp, tenant_id)')
acts = ('neutron:create_subnet("net1", "", 17), '
'sys:user("tim") :- true '
'neutron:update_subnet(uuid, 17), sys:user("tim"), '
' options:value(17, "enable_dhcp", "false") :- result(uuid)'
'neutron:delete_subnet(uuid) :- result(uuid)')
correct = ''
check(query, acts, correct, 'Subnet creation, update, delete')
def str2form(formula_string):
return compile.parse1(formula_string)
def str2pol(policy_string):
return compile.parse(policy_string)
def pol2str(policy):
return " ".join(str(x) for x in policy)
def form2str(formula):
return str(formula)