
32 lines
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name 'openstack-block-storage'
maintainer 'Chef OpenStack'
maintainer_email ''
license 'Apache-2.0'
description 'The OpenStack Advanced Volume Management service Cinder.'
version '18.0.0'
recipe 'api', 'Installs the cinder-api and sets up the cinder database'
recipe 'backup', 'Installs the cinder-backup service'
recipe 'cinder-common', 'Defines the common pieces of repeated code from the other recipes'
recipe 'identity_registration', 'Defines the cinder service/user/endpoints in keystone'
recipe 'scheduler', 'Installs the cinder-scheduler service'
recipe 'volume_driver_lvm', 'Configures lvm as the cinder storage backend'
recipe 'volume', 'Installs the cinder-volume service'
%w(ubuntu redhat centos).each do |os|
supports os
depends 'openstack-common', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'openstack-identity', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'openstack-image', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'openstackclient'
depends 'apache2', '5.0.1'
depends 'lvm'
depends 'selinux'
issues_url ''
source_url ''
chef_version '>= 14.0'