
141 lines
5.5 KiB

# Cookbook Name:: cinder
# Attributes:: default
# Copyright 2012, DreamHost
# Copyright 2012, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Copyright 2012-2013, AT&T Services, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Toggles - These can be overridden at the environment level
default["developer_mode"] = false # we want secure passwords by default
# Set to some text value if you want templated config files
# to contain a custom banner at the top of the written file
default["cinder"]["custom_template_banner"] = "
# This file autogenerated by Chef
# Do not edit, changes will be overwritten
default["cinder"]["verbose"] = "False"
default["cinder"]["debug"] = "False"
# Default lock_path
default["cinder"]["lock_path"] = "/var/lock/cinder"
# Availability zone/region for the Cinder service
default["cinder"]["region"] = "RegionOne"
# The name of the Chef role that knows about the message queue server
# that Cinder uses
default["cinder"]["rabbit_server_chef_role"] = "rabbitmq-server"
# This is the name of the Chef role that will install the Keystone Service API
default["cinder"]["keystone_service_chef_role"] = "keystone"
# This is the name of the Chef role that will install the Glance API
default["cinder"]["glance_api_chef_role"] = "glance-api"
# Keystone PKI signing directory. Only written to the filter:authtoken section
# of the api-paste.ini when node["openstack"]["auth"]["strategy"] == "pki"
default["cinder"]["api"]["auth"]["cache_dir"] = "/var/cache/cinder/api"
# operating system group name
default["cinder"]["group"] = "cinder"
# operating system user that services will run under
default["cinder"]["user"] = "cinder"
# Maximum allocatable gigabytes
# Should equal total backend storage, default is 10TB
default["cinder"]["max_gigabytes"] = "10000"
# Storage availability zone
# Default is nova
default["cinder"]["storage_availability_zone"] = "nova"
# Quota definitions
default["cinder"]["quota_volumes"] = "10"
default["cinder"]["quota_gigabytes"] = "1000"
default["cinder"]["quota_driver"] = "cinder.quota.DbQuotaDriver"
# This user's password is stored in an encrypted databag
# and accessed with openstack-common cookbook library's
# user_password routine. You are expected to create
# the user, pass, vhost in a wrapper rabbitmq cookbook.
default["cinder"]["rabbit"]["username"] = "rabbit"
default["cinder"]["rabbit"]["vhost"] = "/nova"
default["cinder"]["db"]["username"] = "cinder"
default["cinder"]["service_tenant_name"] = "service"
default["cinder"]["service_user"] = "cinder"
default["cinder"]["service_role"] = "admin"
# Netapp support
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["protocol"] = "http"
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["dfm_hostname"] = nil
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["dfm_login"] = nil
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["dfm_password"] = nil
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["dfm_port"] = "8088"
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["dfm_web_port"] = "8080"
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["storage_service"] = "storage_service"
default["cinder"]["netapp"]["driver"] = "/usr/share/pyshared/cinder/volume/"
# logging attribute
default["cinder"]["syslog"]["use"] = false
default["cinder"]["syslog"]["facility"] = "LOG_LOCAL2"
default["cinder"]["syslog"]["config_facility"] = "local2"
default["cinder"]["api"]["ratelimit"] = "True"
default["cinder"]["cron"]["minute"] = '00'
default["cinder"]["volume"]["state_path"] = "/var/lib/cinder"
default["cinder"]["volume"]["volume_driver"] = "cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver"
default["cinder"]["volume"]["volume_group"] = "cinder-volumes"
default["cinder"]["volume"]["iscsi_helper"] = "tgtadm"
# Ceph/RADOS options
default["cinder"]["rbd_pool"] = "rbd"
default["cinder"]["rbd_user"] = nil
default["cinder"]["rbd_secret_uuid"] = nil
case platform
when "fedora", "redhat", "centos" # :pragma-foodcritic: ~FC024 - won't fix this
default["cinder"]["platform"] = {
"cinder_api_packages" => ["openstack-cinder", "python-cinderclient", "MySQL-python"],
"cinder_api_service" => "openstack-cinder-api",
"cinder_volume_packages" => ["openstack-cinder", "MySQL-python"],
"cinder_volume_service" => "openstack-cinder-volume",
"cinder_scheduler_packages" => ["openstack-cinder", "MySQL-python"],
"cinder_scheduler_service" => "openstack-cinder-scheduler",
"cinder_iscsitarget_packages" => ["scsi-target-utils"],
"cinder_iscsitarget_service" => "tgtd",
"package_overrides" => ""
when "ubuntu"
default["cinder"]["platform"] = {
"cinder_api_packages" => ["cinder-common", "cinder-api", "python-cinderclient", "python-mysqldb"],
"cinder_api_service" => "cinder-api",
"cinder_volume_packages" => ["cinder-volume", "python-mysqldb"],
"cinder_volume_service" => "cinder-volume",
"cinder_scheduler_packages" => ["cinder-scheduler", "python-mysqldb"],
"cinder_scheduler_service" => "cinder-scheduler",
"cinder_iscsitarget_packages" => ["tgt"],
"cinder_iscsitarget_service" => "tgt",
"package_overrides" => "-o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef'"