# CHANGELOG for cookbook-openstack-common This file is used to list changes made in each version of cookbook-openstack-common. ## 9.7.0 * Add new network_uuid cli library method for obtaining ID from various neutron resources * fix fauxhai version for suse * Allow custom logging attributes for loggers, formatters and handlers ## 9.6.1 * Add python_packages attribute for sqlite ## 9.6.0 * Add an option to store passwords in attributes instead of data bags. Deprecates the get_secret method and the development_mode. ## 9.5.2 * Adds new python_packages attributes for database client packages ## 9.5.1 * Add Trove endpoints, database and mq attributes ## 9.5.0 * Add new image_id cli library method for obtaining glance ID from image name ## 9.4.1 * Fix to allow database connection options for telemetry nosql ## 9.4.0 * Add durable_queues, auto_delete, and qpid topology version attributes ## 9.3.0 * Provide an option to specify the password when dev mode equals true ## 9.2.2 * Fixed openrc failure on role search ## 9.2.1 * Fix package action to allow updates ## 9.2.0 * Add recipe for openrc file (moved from compute cookbook) ## 9.1.2 * Make PKI tokens the new default ## 9.1.1 * Add new library method for making cli calls and one for getting uuids ## 9.1.0 * Added python-openstackclient support ## 9.0.2 * Allow address_for family default to be overridden ## 9.0.1 ### Bug * Fix the depends cookbook version issue in metadata.rb ## 9.0.0 * Upgrading to Icehouse ## 8.5.0 * Add get_secret library method which allows one to specify a secrets_data_bag in attributes. ## 8.4.2 * Adjust image service endpoint path from /v2 to / ## 8.4.1 * Fix a renaming openstack-metering issue, change `metering` to `telemetry` in db_uri function. ## 8.4.0 * Rename openstack-metering to openstack-telemetry ## 8.3.0 ### Blueprint * use-data-bag-for-qpid-password: have qpid use get_password method rather than using a password attribute ## 8.2.1 ### Bug * Add notification_topics attribute to network attributes ## 8.2.0 * Update and add new attributes for openstack-network cookbook ## 8.1.1 ### Bug * Adjust metering service endpoint path from /v1 to / ## 8.1.0 ### Blueprint: * yum-cookbook-v3-support: Update this cookbook to be compatible with version 3 of the yum cookbook. ## 8.0.1: ### Bug * Add sleep to search_for function, so that node can be searched * Add CentOS/RHEL support ## 8.0.0: * Upgrading to Havana * Upgrading gems * ChefSpec -> 3.0.2 * Foodcritic -> 3.0.3 * Berkshelf -> 2.0.10 ## 0.4.7: ### Bug * Change `#db_uri` to hand out UTF8 MySQL URIs; i.e. append '?charset=utf8' to mysql URIs ## 0.4.6: ### Bug * Ensuring `#db_uri` returns a valid sqlite connection string * relative path example: 'path' = 'path/to/foo.db' -- will return sqlite:///foo.db * absolute path example: 'path' = '/path/to/foo.db' -- will return sqlite:////foo.db ## 0.4.5: * Added `openstack-common::set_endpoints_by_interface` to enable using `bind_interface` with endpoints rather than hard-code the IP addresses in an Environment. ## 0.4.4: * Add support for openstack-common::sysctl and managing sysctl settings via the node['openstack']['sysctl'] hash, written out to /etc/sysctl.d/60-openstack.conf ## 0.4.3: * Corrected `#search_for` role and recipe queries. ## 0.4.2: * Remove hardcoded localhost for mysql host specification. ## 0.4.1: * Changed endpoint attributes to use http for default scheme. this is inline with default settings in keystone. fine for dev, but should be ssl for prod. ## 0.4.0: * Remove `#config_by_role` as it is no longer used and no longer suits our needs. ## 0.3.5: * Reverted change made in 8311869e5b99fecefd567ce3f1ad1cbdf8d5c5c6. ## 0.3.4: * Allow `#search_for` to always returns an array. ## 0.3.3: * Incorrectly mocked search results, as a result `#search_for` was performing unnecessary actions to an array. ## 0.3.2: * Fix network-api endpoint path ## 0.3.1: * Corrected a faulty Chef search query with `#config_by_role`. The search returns a Hash, not an array. ## 0.3.0: * Added `#rabbit_servers` method, which returns a comma-delimited string of rabbit servers in the format of host:port. * The `#memcached_servers` method no longer accepts an environment. * Re-factored methods which search to a generic `#search_for`. * Added `#address_for` method, which returns the IPv4 (default) address of the given interface. * Added global mysql setting of port and db type, for use with wrapper cookbooks. * Add default messaging attributes, for use with wrapper cookbooks. ## 0.2.6: * Update Chef dependency to Chef 11. ## 0.2.5: * Moved the default library to database, to better represent its duties. ## 0.2.4: * Break out #memcached_servers into separate library. ## 0.2.3: * Sort the results returned by #memcached_servers. ## 0.2.2: * Provides a mechanism to override memcache_servers search logic through node attributes. ## 0.2.1: * Adds a prettytable_to_array function for parsing OpenStack CLI output. ## 0.2.0: * First release of cookbook-openstack-common that aligns with the Grizzly packaging. * Adds OpenStack Network endpoints. ## 0.1.x: * Folsom-based packaging. ## 0.0.1: * Initial release of cookbook-openstack-common. - - - Check the [Markdown Syntax Guide](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) for help with Markdown. 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