diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index 357a6c0b..0122ee0f 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -2,22 +2,27 @@ task default: ["test"] task :test => [:lint, :style, :unit] +desc "Vendor the cookbooks in the Berksfile" task :berks_prep do sh %{chef exec berks vendor} end +desc "Run FoodCritic (lint) tests" task :lint do sh %{chef exec foodcritic --epic-fail any --tags ~FC003 --tags ~FC023 .} end +desc "Run RuboCop (style) tests" task :style do sh %{chef exec rubocop} end +desc "Run RSpec (unit) tests" task :unit => :berks_prep do sh %{chef exec rspec --format documentation} end +desc "Remove the berks-cookbooks directory and the Berksfile.lock" task :clean do rm_rf [ 'berks-cookbooks',