require_relative 'spec_helper' describe 'openstack-dashboard::horizon' do describe 'ubuntu' do let(:runner) { } let(:node) { runner.node } cached(:chef_run) do node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['custom_template_banner'] = 'custom_template_banner_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['allowed_hosts'] = [''] node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['ssl_cacert'] = '/path_to_cacert.pem' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['identity_api_version'] = 'identity_api_version_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['volume_api_version'] = 'volume_api_version_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_default_domain'] = 'keystone_default_domain_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['console_type'] = 'console_type_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['help_url'] = 'help_url_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['password_autocomplete'] = 'password_autocomplete_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['secret_key_path'] = 'secret_key_path_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['use_ssl'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_backend']['name'] = 'native' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['misc_local_settings'] = { 'CUSTOM_CONFIG_A' => { 'variable1' => 'value1', 'variable2' => 'value2', }, 'CUSTOM_CONFIG_B' => { 'variable1' => 'value1', 'variable2' => 'value2', }, } runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end cached(:chef_run2) do node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['debug'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['ssl_no_verify'] = 'False' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['use_ssl'] = false node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['ssl_offload'] = false node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['file_upload_temp_dir'] = '/foobar' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_multidomain_support'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['simple_ip_management'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['session_backend'] = 'file' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_default_role'] = 'keystone_default_role_value' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_backend']['name'] = 'ldap' node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['neutron']['enable_quotas'] = false node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['neutron']['enable_lb'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['plugins'] = %w(testPlugin1 testPlugin2) node.override['openstack']['db']['dashboard']['migrate'] = false runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end cached(:chef_run_sql) do node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['session_backend'] = 'sql' runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end include_context 'non_redhat_stubs' include_context 'dashboard_stubs' it 'installs packages' do expect(chef_run).to upgrade_package %w(node-less libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 python3-django-horizon openstack-dashboard python3-mysqldb) end describe '' do let(:file) { chef_run.template('/etc/openstack-dashboard/') } it 'creates local_settings' do expect(chef_run).to create_template( sensitive: true, user: 'root', group: 'horizon', mode: '640' ) end it 'notifies web service to restart delayed' do expect(file).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:restart).delayed end describe 'template contents' do it 'has the customer banner' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^custom_template_banner_value$/) end it 'sets misc settings properly' do [ ['CUSTOM_CONFIG_A = {', ' \'variable1\': \'value1\',', ' \'variable2\': \'value2\',', '}', ], ['CUSTOM_CONFIG_B = {', ' \'variable1\': \'value1\',', ' \'variable2\': \'value2\',', '}', ], ].each do |content| expect(chef_run).to render_file( end end describe 'debug setting' do describe 'set to true' do it 'has a true value for the DEBUG attribute' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^DEBUG = True$/) end it 'sets the console logging level to DEBUG' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^\s*'level': 'DEBUG',$/) end end describe 'set to false' do it 'has a false value for the DEBUG attribute' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^DEBUG = False$/) end it 'sets the console logging level to INFO' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*'level': 'INFO',$/) end end end describe 'config ssl_no_verify' do describe 'set to the default value' do it 'has a True value for the OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY attribute' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY = True$/) end end context 'set to False' do cached(:chef_run) do node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['use_ssl'] = true node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['ssl_no_verify'] = 'False' runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end it 'has a False value for the OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY attribute' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY = False$/) end end describe 'not set when ssl disabled' do it 'has a True value for the OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY attribute' do expect(chef_run2).not_to render_file(^OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY = True$/) end end end it 'config ssl_cacert' do expect(chef_run).to render_file({^OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT = '/path_to_cacert.pem'$}) end it 'does not config ssl_cacert when ssl disabled' do expect(chef_run2).not_to render_file( .with_content(%r{^OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT = '/path_to_cacert.pem'$}) end it 'has some allowed hosts set' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[""\]$/) end describe 'ssl offload' do let(:secure_proxy_string) { 'SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = \(\'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL\', \'https\'\)' } it 'configures ssl proxy when ssl_offload is set to true' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^#{secure_proxy_string}$/) end it 'does not configure ssl proxy when ssl_offload is false' do expect(chef_run2).not_to render_file(^#{secure_proxy_string}$/) end end describe 'temp dir override' do describe 'temp dir is nil' do it 'does not override temp dir when it is nil' do expect(chef_run).not_to render_file(^FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR =/) end it 'does override temp dir when it is not nil' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file({^FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = "/foobar"$}) end end end describe 'ssl settings' do describe 'use_ssl enabled' do it 'sets secure csrf cookie to true when the attribute is enabled' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True$/) end it 'set secure csrf cookie to true when the attribute is enabled' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True$/) end context 'sets secure csrf & session cookie to false when the attribute is disabled' do cached(:chef_run) do node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['csrf_cookie_secure'] = false node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['session_cookie_secure'] = false runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end it do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = False$/) end it do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False$/) end end end it 'does not set secure csrf nor secure session cookie settings when use_ssl is disabled' do [ /^CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE$/, /^SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE$/, ].each do |setting| expect(chef_run2).not_to render_file( end end end it 'does have webroot set' do expect(chef_run).to render_file({^WEBROOT = '/'$}) end it 'does not have urls set' do [ /^LOGIN_URL =$/, /^LOGOUT_URL =$/, /^LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL =$/, ].each do |line| expect(chef_run).to_not render_file( end end it 'has policy file path set' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(%r{^POLICY_FILES_PATH = '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/conf'$}) end describe 'identity and volume api version setting' do it 'is configurable directly' do [ /^\s*"identity": identity_api_version_value,$/, /^\s*"volume": volume_api_version_value$/, ].each do |line| expect(chef_run).to render_file( end end end describe 'keystone multidomain support' do it 'sets to true when the attribute is enabled' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_MULTIDOMAIN_SUPPORT = True$/) end it 'sets to false when the attribute is disabled' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(/^OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_MULTIDOMAIN_SUPPORT = False$/) end end it 'has a keystone default domain setting' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(/^OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "keystone_default_domain_value"$/) end it 'has a console_type setting' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^CONSOLE_TYPE = "console_type_value"$/) end it 'has a help_url setting' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(\s*'help_url': "help_url_value",$/) end it 'allows HORIZON_CONFIG to use INSTALLED_APPS to determine default dashboards' do expect(chef_run).not_to render_file(\s*'dashboards':/) expect(chef_run).not_to render_file(\s*'default_dashboard':/) end describe 'simple ip management' do it 'disables the setting when the attribute is not set' do expect(chef_run).to render_file('HORIZON_CONFIG["simple_ip_management"] = False') end it 'enables the setting when the attribute is set' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file('HORIZON_CONFIG["simple_ip_management"] = True') end end it 'has default password_autocomplete setting' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(/^HORIZON_CONFIG\["password_autocomplete"\] = "password_autocomplete_value"$/) end it 'has configurable secret_key_path setting' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content( /^SECRET_KEY = secret_key.generate_or_read_from_file\(os.path.realpath\('secret_key_path_value'\)\)$/ ) end describe 'session backend' do describe 'file as session backend' do it 'sets the session engine to file when it is the session backend' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file( .with_content(/^SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file'$/) end end describe 'memcached as session backend' do let(:memcached_session_engine_setting) { /^SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'$/ } describe 'with memcache servers' do it 'sets the session engine attribute' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( end it 'sets the location of the caches to the memcached servers addresses' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(/^\s*'LOCATION': \[\s*'hostA:port',\s*'hostB:port',\s*\]$/) end end context 'without memcache servers' do cached(:chef_run) do allow_any_instance_of(Chef::Recipe).to receive(:memcached_servers).and_return([]) runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end it 'does not configure caching when backend == memcache and memcached_servers == []' do expect(chef_run).to_not render_file( .with_content(/^\s*'LOCATION': \[\s*'hostA:port',\s*'hostB:port',\s*\]$/) end end end it 'sets the session engine to db when sql is the session backend' do expect(chef_run_sql).to render_file( .with_content(/^SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.db'$/) end end it 'has a keystone url' do expect(chef_run).to render_file( .with_content(%r{OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = ""}) end it 'has a keystone default role' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file( .with_content(/^OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE = "keystone_default_role_value"$/) end it 'sets the backend name to native' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*'name': 'native',$/) end it 'sets the backend name to ldap' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^\s*'name': 'ldap',$/) end keystone_settings = %w(can_edit_user can_edit_group can_edit_project can_edit_domain can_edit_role) context 'enables the keystone backend settings when the attribute is True' do cached(:chef_run) do keystone_settings.each do |keystone_setting| node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_backend'][keystone_setting] = true end runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end keystone_settings.each do |keystone_setting| it do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*\'#{keystone_setting}\': True,$/) end end end context 'disables the keystone backend settings when the attribute is False' do cached(:chef_run) do keystone_settings.each do |keystone_setting| node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['keystone_backend'][keystone_setting] = false end runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end keystone_settings.each do |keystone_setting| it do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*\'#{keystone_setting}\': False,$/) end end end describe 'neutron settings' do it 'enables the enable_quotas setting when the attributes is True' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*'enable_quotas': True,$/) end it 'disables the enable_quotas setting when the attributes is False' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^\s*'enable_quotas': False,$/) end describe 'lbaas setting' do it 'enables the enable_lb setting when the attribute is true' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file(^\s*'enable_lb': True,$/) end it 'disables the enable_lb setting when the attribute is false' do expect(chef_run).to render_file(^\s*'enable_lb': False,$/) end end end context 'sets the logger level for components' do components = %w( ceilometerclient cinderclient django glanceclient heatclient horizon keystoneclient neutronclient nose.plugins.manager novaclient openstack_auth openstack_dashboard swiftclient troveclient ) cached(:chef_run) do components.each do |component| node.override['openstack']['dashboard']['log_level'][component] = "#{component}_log_level_value" end runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end components.each do |component| it do expect(chef_run).to render_file( /^\s*'#{component}': {\s*'handlers': \['console'\],\s*'level': '#{component}_log_level_value',$/ ) end end end { 'mysql' => 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'sqlite' => 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', }.each do |service_type, backend| context "#{service_type} database settings" do cached(:chef_run) do node.override['openstack']['db']['dashboard']['username'] = "#{service_type}_user" node.override['openstack']['db']['python_packages'][service_type] = %w(pkg1 pkg2) runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end before do allow_any_instance_of(Chef::Recipe).to receive(:db) .with('dashboard') .and_return( 'service_type' => service_type, 'db_name' => "#{service_type}_db", 'host' => "#{service_type}_host", 'port' => "#{service_type}_port" ) end [ /^\s*'ENGINE': '#{backend}',$/, /^\s*'NAME': '#{service_type}_db',$/, ].each do |cfg| it "configures the #{service_type} backend with #{cfg}" do expect(chef_run).to render_file( end end [ /^\s*'USER': '#{service_type}_user',$/, /^\s*'PASSWORD': 'test-passes',$/, /^\s*'HOST': '#{service_type}_host',$/, /^\s*'PORT': '#{service_type}_port',$/, ].each do |cfg| next if service_type == 'sqlite' it "configures the #{service_type} backend with #{cfg}" do expect(chef_run).to render_file( end end end end describe 'plugins' do let(:mod_regex) { /^mod = sys.modules\['openstack_dashboard.settings'\]$/ } describe 'plugins enabled' do it 'shows the mod setting' do expect(chef_run2).to render_file( end it 'shows enabled plugins as installed apps' do %w(testPlugin1 testPlugin2).each do |plugin| expect(chef_run2).to render_file( .with_content(/^mod\.INSTALLED_APPS \+= \('#{plugin}', \)$/) end end end it 'does not show the mod setting if there are no plugins' do expect(chef_run).not_to render_file( end end end end describe 'openstack-dashboard syncdb' do sync_db_cmd = 'python syncdb --noinput' sync_db_environment = { 'PYTHONPATH' => '/etc/openstack-dashboard:' \ '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard:' \ '$PYTHONPATH', } it 'does not execute when session_backend is not sql' do expect(chef_run).not_to run_execute(sync_db_cmd).with( cwd: '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard', environment: sync_db_environment ) end describe 'with sql session' do it 'executes when session_backend is sql' do expect(chef_run_sql).to run_execute(sync_db_cmd).with( cwd: '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard', environment: sync_db_environment ) end it 'does not execute when the migrate attribute is set to false' do expect(chef_run2).not_to run_execute(sync_db_cmd).with( cwd: '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard', environment: sync_db_environment ) end end context 'executes when database backend is sqlite' do cached(:chef_run) do node.override['openstack']['db']['dashboard']['service_type'] = 'sqlite' runner.converge('openstack-identity::server-apache', described_recipe) end it do expect(chef_run).to run_execute(sync_db_cmd).with( cwd: '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard', environment: sync_db_environment ) end end end it 'has group write mode on path' do expect(chef_run).to create_directory('/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local') .with( owner: 'root', group: 'horizon', mode: '2770' ) end end end