
25 lines
1.3 KiB

# TODO(jklare) : check why the package is installed and if the configuration
# works at all (if so, this needs refactoring parallel to the lbaas and vpnaas
# recipes and attributes)
# ---- moved from templates/default/services/neutron-fwaas/fwaas_driver.ini.erb----
# <%= node["openstack"]["network"]["custom_template_banner"] %>
# [fwaas]
# driver = <%= node['openstack']['network']['fwaas']['driver'] %>
# enabled = <%= node['openstack']['network']['fwaas']['enabled'] %>
# ---- moved from templates/default/services/neutron-fwaas/fwaas_driver.ini.erb----
# ---- moved from recipes/l3_agent----
# As the fwaas package will be installed anyway, configure its config-file attributes following environment.
# template node['openstack']['network']['fwaas']['config_file'] do
# source 'services/neutron-fwaas/fwaas_driver.ini.erb'
# user node['openstack']['network']['platform']['user']
# group node['openstack']['network']['platform']['group']
# mode 00640
# # Only restart vpn agent to avoid synchronization problem, when vpn agent is enabled.
# if node['openstack']['network']['enable_vpn']
# notifies :restart, 'service[neutron-vpn-agent]', :delayed
# else
# notifies :restart, 'service[neutron-l3-agent]', :immediately
# end
# end
# ---- moved from recipes/l3_agent----