[tox] envlist = flake8 {pypy,py27,py33}-{twtrunk} {pypy,py26,py27,py33}-{trollius} {py34}-{twtrunk,asyncio} {pypy,py26,py27}-{tw121,tw132,twcurrent} [flake8] max-line-length = 119 [testenv] usedevelop = True deps = mock unittest2 coverage msgpack-python git+https://github.com/meejah/txaio@issue8-squash ; twisted dependencies twtrunk: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/archive/trunk.zip tw121: Twisted==12.1 tw132: Twisted==13.2 twcurrent: Twisted ; asyncio dependencies asyncio,trollius: pytest trollius: trollius>=0.1.2 trollius: futures>=2.1.5 commands = sh -c "which python" python -V coverage --version asyncio,trollius: coverage run --parallel-mode {envbindir}/py.test autobahn/ twtrunk,twcurrent,tw121,tw132,twcurrent: coverage run --parallel-mode {envbindir}/trial autobahn coverage report whitelist_externals = sh setenv = asyncio,trollius: USE_ASYNCIO = 1 twtrunk,twcurrent,tw121,tw132,twcurrent: USE_TWISTED = 1 [testenv:flake8] skip_install = True deps = flake8 pep8-naming commands = sh -c "which python" python -V flake8 --version ; These ignores will be removed when they are fixed and we are flake8-clean flake8 --ignore=E501,N801,N802,N803,N805,N806 autobahn basepython = python2.7