
859 lines
33 KiB

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import six
__all__ = (
class ComponentConfig(object):
WAMP application component configuration. An instance of this class is
provided to the constructor of :class:`autobahn.wamp.protocol.ApplicationSession`.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, realm=None, extra=None, keyring=None, controller=None, shared=None):
:param realm: The realm the session should join.
:type realm: unicode
:param extra: Optional user-supplied object with extra configuration.
This can be any object you like, and is accessible in your
`ApplicationSession` subclass via `self.config.extra`. `dict` is
a good default choice. Important: if the component is to be hosted
by, the supplied value must be JSON serializable.
:type extra: arbitrary
:param keyring: A mapper from WAMP URIs to "from"/"to" Ed25519 keys. When using
WAMP end-to-end encryption, application payload is encrypted using a
symmetric message key, which in turn is encrypted using the "to" URI (topic being
published to or procedure being called) public key and the "from" URI
private key. In both cases, the key for the longest matching URI is used.
:type keyring: obj implementing IKeyRing or None
:param controller: A WAMP ApplicationSession instance that holds a session to
a controlling entity. This optional feature needs to be supported by a WAMP
component hosting run-time.
:type controller: instance of ApplicationSession or None
:param shared: A dict object to exchange user information or hold user objects shared
between components run under the same controlling entity. This optional feature
needs to be supported by a WAMP component hosting run-time. Use with caution, as using
this feature can introduce coupling between components. A valid use case would be
to hold a shared database connection pool.
:type shared: dict or None
assert(realm is None or type(realm) == six.text_type)
# assert(keyring is None or ...) # FIXME
self.realm = realm
self.extra = extra
self.keyring = keyring
self.controller = controller
self.shared = shared
def __str__(self):
return "ComponentConfig(realm=<{0}>, extra={1}, keyring={2}, controller={3}, shared={4})".format(self.realm, self.extra, self.keyring, self.controller, self.shared)
class HelloReturn(object):
Base class for ``HELLO`` return information.
class Accept(HelloReturn):
Information to accept a ``HELLO``.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, realm=None, authid=None, authrole=None, authmethod=None, authprovider=None, authextra=None):
:param realm: The realm the client is joined to.
:type realm: unicode
:param authid: The authentication ID the client is assigned, e.g. ``"joe"`` or ``""``.
:type authid: unicode
:param authrole: The authentication role the client is assigned, e.g. ``"anonymous"``, ``"user"`` or ``"com.myapp.user"``.
:type authrole: unicode
:param authmethod: The authentication method that was used to authenticate the client, e.g. ``"cookie"`` or ``"wampcra"``.
:type authmethod: unicode
:param authprovider: The authentication provider that was used to authenticate the client, e.g. ``"mozilla-persona"``.
:type authprovider: unicode
:param authextra: Application-specific authextra to be forwarded to the client in `WELCOME.details.authextra`.
:type authextra: dict
assert(realm is None or type(realm) == six.text_type)
assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type)
assert(authrole is None or type(authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(authmethod is None or type(authmethod) == six.text_type)
assert(authprovider is None or type(authprovider) == six.text_type)
assert(authextra is None or type(authextra) == dict)
self.realm = realm
self.authid = authid
self.authrole = authrole
self.authmethod = authmethod
self.authprovider = authprovider
self.authextra = authextra
def __str__(self):
return "Accept(realm=<{0}>, authid=<{1}>, authrole=<{2}>, authmethod={3}, authprovider={4}, authextra={5})".format(self.realm, self.authid, self.authrole, self.authmethod, self.authprovider, self.authextra)
class Deny(HelloReturn):
Information to deny a ``HELLO``.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, reason=u"wamp.error.not_authorized", message=None):
:param reason: The reason of denying the authentication (an URI, e.g. ``wamp.error.not_authorized``)
:type reason: unicode
:param message: A human readable message (for logging purposes).
:type message: unicode
assert(type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert(message is None or type(message) == six.text_type)
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return "Deny(reason=<{0}>, message='{1}')".format(self.reason, self.message)
class Challenge(HelloReturn):
Information to challenge the client upon ``HELLO``.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, method, extra=None):
:param method: The authentication method for the challenge (e.g. ``"wampcra"``).
:type method: unicode
:param extra: Any extra information for the authentication challenge. This is
specific to the authentication method.
:type extra: dict
assert(type(method) == six.text_type)
assert(extra is None or type(extra) == dict)
self.method = method
self.extra = extra or {}
def __str__(self):
return "Challenge(method={0}, extra={1})".format(self.method, self.extra)
class HelloDetails(object):
Provides details of a WAMP session while still attaching.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, realm=None, authmethods=None, authid=None, authrole=None, authextra=None, session_roles=None, pending_session=None, resumable=None, resume_session=None, resume_token=None):
:param realm: The realm the client wants to join.
:type realm: unicode or None
:param authmethods: The authentication methods the client is willing to perform.
:type authmethods: list of unicode or None
:param authid: The authid the client wants to authenticate as.
:type authid: unicode or None
:param authrole: The authrole the client wants to authenticate as.
:type authrole: unicode or None
:param authextra: Any extra information the specific authentication method requires the client to send.
:type authextra: arbitrary or None
:param session_roles: The WAMP session roles and features by the connecting client.
:type session_roles: dict or None
:param pending_session: The session ID the session will get once successfully attached.
:type pending_session: int or None
:type resumable: bool or None
:param resume_session: The session the client would like to resume.
:type resume_session: int or None
:param resume_token: The secure authorisation token to resume the session.
:type resume_token: unicode or None
assert(realm is None or type(realm) == six.text_type)
assert(authmethods is None or (type(authmethods) == list and all(type(x) == six.text_type for x in authmethods)))
assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type)
assert(authrole is None or type(authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(authextra is None or type(authextra) == dict)
# assert(session_roles is None or ...) # FIXME
assert(pending_session is None or type(pending_session) in six.integer_types)
assert(resumable is None or type(resumable) == bool)
assert(resume_session is None or type(resume_session) == int)
assert(resume_token is None or type(resume_token) == six.text_type)
self.realm = realm
self.authmethods = authmethods
self.authid = authid
self.authrole = authrole
self.authextra = authextra
self.session_roles = session_roles
self.pending_session = pending_session
self.resumable = resumable
self.resume_session = resume_session
self.resume_token = resume_token
def __str__(self):
return "HelloDetails(realm=<{}>, authmethods={}, authid=<{}>, authrole=<{}>, authextra={}, session_roles={}, pending_session={}, resumable={}, resume_session={}, resume_token={})".format(self.realm, self.authmethods, self.authid, self.authrole, self.authextra, self.session_roles, self.pending_session, self.resumable, self.resume_session, self.resume_token)
class SessionDetails(object):
Provides details for a WAMP session upon open.
.. seealso:: :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onJoin`
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, realm, session, authid=None, authrole=None, authmethod=None, authprovider=None, authextra=None, resumed=None, resumable=None, resume_token=None):
:param realm: The realm this WAMP session is attached to.
:type realm: unicode
:param session: WAMP session ID of this session.
:type session: int
:param resumed: Whether the session is a resumed one.
:type resumed: bool or None
:param resumable: Whether this session can be resumed later.
:type resumable: bool or None
:param resume_token: The secure authorisation token to resume the session.
:type resume_token: unicode or None
assert(type(realm) == six.text_type)
assert(type(session) in six.integer_types)
assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type)
assert(authrole is None or type(authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(authmethod is None or type(authmethod) == six.text_type)
assert(authprovider is None or type(authprovider) == six.text_type)
assert(authextra is None or type(authextra) == dict)
assert(resumed is None or type(resumed) == bool)
assert(resumable is None or type(resumable) == bool)
assert(resume_token is None or type(resume_token) == six.text_type)
self.realm = realm
self.session = session
self.authid = authid
self.authrole = authrole
self.authmethod = authmethod
self.authprovider = authprovider
self.authextra = authextra
self.resumed = resumed
self.resumable = resumable
self.resume_token = resume_token
def __str__(self):
return "SessionDetails(realm=<{}>, session={}, authid=<{}>, authrole=<{}>, authmethod={}, authprovider={}, authextra={}, resumed={}, resumable={}, resume_token={})".format(self.realm, self.session, self.authid, self.authrole, self.authmethod, self.authprovider, self.authextra, self.resumed, self.resumable, self.resume_token)
class CloseDetails(object):
Provides details for a WAMP session upon close.
.. seealso:: :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onLeave`
REASON_DEFAULT = u"wamp.close.normal"
REASON_TRANSPORT_LOST = u"wamp.close.transport_lost"
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, reason=None, message=None):
:param reason: The close reason (an URI, e.g. ``wamp.close.normal``)
:type reason: unicode
:param message: Closing log message.
:type message: unicode
assert(reason is None or type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert(message is None or type(message) == six.text_type)
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return "CloseDetails(reason=<{0}>, message='{1}')".format(self.reason, self.message)
class SubscribeOptions(object):
Used to provide options for subscribing in
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, match=None, details_arg=None, get_retained=None):
:param match: The topic matching method to be used for the subscription.
:type match: unicode
:param details_arg: When invoking the handler, provide event details
in this keyword argument to the callable.
:type details_arg: str
:param get_retained: Whether the client wants the retained message we may have along with the subscription.
:type get_retained: bool or None
assert(match is None or (type(match) == six.text_type and match in [u'exact', u'prefix', u'wildcard']))
assert(details_arg is None or type(details_arg) == str)
assert(get_retained is None or type(get_retained) is bool)
self.match = match
self.details_arg = details_arg
self.get_retained = get_retained
def message_attr(self):
Returns options dict as sent within WAMP messages.
options = {}
if self.match is not None:
options[u'match'] = self.match
if self.get_retained is not None:
options[u'get_retained'] = self.get_retained
return options
def __str__(self):
return "SubscribeOptions(match={0}, details_arg={1}, get_retained={2})".format(self.match, self.details_arg, self.get_retained)
class EventDetails(object):
Provides details on an event when calling an event handler
previously registered.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, publication, publisher=None, publisher_authid=None, publisher_authrole=None, topic=None, retained=None, enc_algo=None):
:param publication: The publication ID of the event (always present).
:type publication: int
:param publisher: The WAMP session ID of the original publisher of this event.
Only filled when publisher is disclosed.
:type publisher: None or int
:param publisher_authid: The WAMP authid of the original publisher of this event.
Only filled when publisher is disclosed.
:type publisher_authid: None or unicode
:param publisher_authrole: The WAMP authrole of the original publisher of this event.
Only filled when publisher is disclosed.
:type publisher_authrole: None or unicode
:param topic: For pattern-based subscriptions, the actual topic URI being published to.
Only filled for pattern-based subscriptions.
:type topic: None or unicode
:param retained: Whether the message was retained by the broker on the topic, rather than just published.
:type retained: bool or None
:param enc_algo: Payload encryption algorithm that
was in use (currently, either `None` or `"cryptobox"`).
:type enc_algo: None or unicode
assert(type(publication) in six.integer_types)
assert(publisher is None or type(publisher) in six.integer_types)
assert(publisher_authid is None or type(publisher_authid) == six.text_type)
assert(publisher_authrole is None or type(publisher_authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(topic is None or type(topic) == six.text_type)
assert(retained is None or type(retained) is bool)
assert(enc_algo is None or (type(enc_algo) == six.text_type and enc_algo in [u'cryptobox']))
self.publication = publication
self.publisher = publisher
self.publisher_authid = publisher_authid
self.publisher_authrole = publisher_authrole
self.topic = topic
self.retained = retained
self.enc_algo = enc_algo
def __str__(self):
return "EventDetails(publication={}, publisher={}, publisher_authid={}, publisher_authrole={}, topic=<{}>, retained={}, enc_algo={})".format(self.publication, self.publisher, self.publisher_authid, self.publisher_authrole, self.topic, self.retained, self.enc_algo)
class PublishOptions(object):
Used to provide options for subscribing in
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self,
:param acknowledge: If ``True``, acknowledge the publication with a success or
error response.
:type acknowledge: bool
:param exclude_me: If ``True``, exclude the publisher from receiving the event, even
if he is subscribed (and eligible).
:type exclude_me: bool or None
:param exclude: A single WAMP session ID or a list thereof to exclude from receiving this event.
:type exclude: int or list of int or None
:param exclude_authid: A single WAMP authid or a list thereof to exclude from receiving this event.
:type exclude_authid: unicode or list of unicode or None
:param exclude_authrole: A single WAMP authrole or a list thereof to exclude from receiving this event.
:type exclude_authrole: list of unicode or None
:param eligible: A single WAMP session ID or a list thereof eligible to receive this event.
:type eligible: int or list of int or None
:param eligible_authid: A single WAMP authid or a list thereof eligible to receive this event.
:type eligible_authid: unicode or list of unicode or None
:param eligible_authrole: A single WAMP authrole or a list thereof eligible to receive this event.
:type eligible_authrole: unicode or list of unicode or None
:param retain: If ``True``, request the broker retain this event.
:type retain: bool or None
assert(acknowledge is None or type(acknowledge) == bool)
assert(exclude_me is None or type(exclude_me) == bool)
assert(exclude is None or type(exclude) in six.integer_types or (type(exclude) == list and all(type(x) in six.integer_types for x in exclude)))
assert(exclude_authid is None or type(exclude_authid) == six.text_type or (type(exclude_authid) == list and all(type(x) == six.text_type for x in exclude_authid)))
assert(exclude_authrole is None or type(exclude_authrole) == six.text_type or (type(exclude_authrole) == list and all(type(x) == six.text_type for x in exclude_authrole)))
assert(eligible is None or type(eligible) in six.integer_types or (type(eligible) == list and all(type(x) in six.integer_types for x in eligible)))
assert(eligible_authid is None or type(eligible_authid) == six.text_type or (type(eligible_authid) == list and all(type(x) == six.text_type for x in eligible_authid)))
assert(eligible_authrole is None or type(eligible_authrole) == six.text_type or (type(eligible_authrole) == list and all(type(x) == six.text_type for x in eligible_authrole)))
assert(retain is None or type(retain) == bool)
self.acknowledge = acknowledge
self.exclude_me = exclude_me
self.exclude = exclude
self.exclude_authid = exclude_authid
self.exclude_authrole = exclude_authrole
self.eligible = eligible
self.eligible_authid = eligible_authid
self.eligible_authrole = eligible_authrole
self.retain = retain
def message_attr(self):
Returns options dict as sent within WAMP messages.
options = {}
if self.acknowledge is not None:
options[u'acknowledge'] = self.acknowledge
if self.exclude_me is not None:
options[u'exclude_me'] = self.exclude_me
if self.exclude is not None:
options[u'exclude'] = self.exclude if type(self.exclude) == list else [self.exclude]
if self.exclude_authid is not None:
options[u'exclude_authid'] = self.exclude_authid if type(self.exclude_authid) == list else [self.exclude_authid]
if self.exclude_authrole is not None:
options[u'exclude_authrole'] = self.exclude_authrole if type(self.exclude_authrole) == list else [self.exclude_authrole]
if self.eligible is not None:
options[u'eligible'] = self.eligible if type(self.eligible) == list else [self.eligible]
if self.eligible_authid is not None:
options[u'eligible_authid'] = self.eligible_authid if type(self.eligible_authid) == list else [self.eligible_authid]
if self.eligible_authrole is not None:
options[u'eligible_authrole'] = self.eligible_authrole if type(self.eligible_authrole) == list else [self.eligible_authrole]
if self.retain is not None:
options[u'retain'] = self.retain
return options
def __str__(self):
return "PublishOptions(acknowledge={0}, exclude_me={1}, exclude={2}, exclude_authid={3}, exclude_authrole={4}, eligible={5}, eligible_authid={6}, eligible_authrole={7}, retain={8})".format(self.acknowledge, self.exclude_me, self.exclude, self.exclude_authid, self.exclude_authrole, self.eligible, self.eligible_authid, self.eligible_authrole, self.retain)
class RegisterOptions(object):
Used to provide options for registering in
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, match=None, invoke=None, concurrency=None, details_arg=None):
:param details_arg: When invoking the endpoint, provide call details
in this keyword argument to the callable.
:type details_arg: str
assert(match is None or (type(match) == six.text_type and match in [u'exact', u'prefix', u'wildcard']))
assert(invoke is None or (type(invoke) == six.text_type and invoke in [u'single', u'first', u'last', u'roundrobin', u'random']))
assert(concurrency is None or (type(concurrency) in six.integer_types and concurrency > 0))
assert(details_arg is None or type(details_arg) == str)
self.match = match
self.invoke = invoke
self.concurrency = concurrency
self.details_arg = details_arg
def message_attr(self):
Returns options dict as sent within WAMP messages.
options = {}
if self.match is not None:
options[u'match'] = self.match
if self.invoke is not None:
options[u'invoke'] = self.invoke
if self.concurrency is not None:
options[u'concurrency'] = self.concurrency
return options
def __str__(self):
return "RegisterOptions(match={0}, invoke={1}, concurrency={2}, details_arg={3})".format(self.match, self.invoke, self.concurrency, self.details_arg)
class CallDetails(object):
Provides details on a call when an endpoint previously
registered is being called and opted to receive call details.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, progress=None, caller=None, caller_authid=None, caller_authrole=None, procedure=None, enc_algo=None):
:param progress: A callable that will receive progressive call results.
:type progress: callable
:param caller: The WAMP session ID of the caller, if the latter is disclosed.
Only filled when caller is disclosed.
:type caller: int
:param caller_authid: The WAMP authid of the original caller of this event.
Only filled when caller is disclosed.
:type caller_authid: None or unicode
:param caller_authrole: The WAMP authrole of the original caller of this event.
Only filled when caller is disclosed.
:type caller_authrole: None or unicode
:param procedure: For pattern-based registrations, the actual procedure URI being called.
:type procedure: None or unicode
:param enc_algo: Payload encryption algorithm that
was in use (currently, either `None` or `"cryptobox"`).
:type enc_algo: None or string
assert(progress is None or callable(progress))
assert(caller is None or type(caller) in six.integer_types)
assert(caller_authid is None or type(caller_authid) == six.text_type)
assert(caller_authrole is None or type(caller_authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(procedure is None or type(procedure) == six.text_type)
assert(enc_algo is None or (type(enc_algo) == six.text_type and enc_algo in [u'cryptobox']))
self.progress = progress
self.caller = caller
self.caller_authid = caller_authid
self.caller_authrole = caller_authrole
self.procedure = procedure
self.enc_algo = enc_algo
def __str__(self):
return "CallDetails(progress={0}, caller={1}, caller_authid={2}, caller_authrole={3}, procedure=<{4}>, enc_algo={5})".format(self.progress, self.caller, self.caller_authid, self.caller_authrole, self.procedure, self.enc_algo)
class CallOptions(object):
Used to provide options for calling with :func:``.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self,
:param on_progress: A callback that will be called when the remote endpoint
called yields interim call progress results.
:type on_progress: callable
:param timeout: Time in seconds after which the call should be automatically canceled.
:type timeout: float
assert(on_progress is None or callable(on_progress))
assert(timeout is None or (type(timeout) in list(six.integer_types) + [float] and timeout > 0))
self.on_progress = on_progress
self.timeout = timeout
def message_attr(self):
Returns options dict as sent within WAMP messages.
options = {}
if self.timeout is not None:
options[u'timeout'] = self.timeout
if self.on_progress is not None:
options[u'receive_progress'] = True
return options
def __str__(self):
return "CallOptions(on_progress={0}, timeout={1})".format(self.on_progress, self.timeout)
class CallResult(object):
Wrapper for remote procedure call results that contain multiple positional
return values or keyword return values.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, *results, **kwresults):
:param results: The positional result values.
:type results: list
:param kwresults: The keyword result values.
:type kwresults: dict
enc_algo = kwresults.pop('enc_algo', None)
assert(enc_algo is None or (type(enc_algo) == six.text_type and enc_algo in [u'cryptobox']))
self.enc_algo = enc_algo
self.results = results
self.kwresults = kwresults
def __str__(self):
return "CallResult(results={0}, kwresults={1}, enc_algo={2})".format(self.results, self.kwresults, self.enc_algo)
class IPublication(object):
Represents a publication of an event. This is used with acknowledged publications.
def id(self):
The WAMP publication ID for this publication.
class ISubscription(object):
Represents a subscription to a topic.
def id(self):
The WAMP subscription ID for this subscription.
def active(self):
Flag indicating if subscription is active.
def unsubscribe(self):
Unsubscribe this subscription that was previously created from
After a subscription has been unsubscribed successfully, no events
will be routed to the event handler anymore.
Returns an instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when
running on **Twisted**) or an instance of :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
(when running on **asyncio**).
- If the unsubscription succeeds, the returned Deferred/Future will
*resolve* (with no return value).
- If the unsubscription fails, the returned Deferred/Future will *reject*
with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
:returns: A Deferred/Future for the unsubscription
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class IRegistration(object):
Represents a registration of an endpoint.
def id(self):
The WAMP registration ID for this registration.
def active(self):
Flag indicating if registration is active.
def unregister(self):
Unregister this registration that was previously created from
After a registration has been unregistered successfully, no calls
will be routed to the endpoint anymore.
Returns an instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when
running on **Twisted**) or an instance of :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
(when running on **asyncio**).
- If the unregistration succeeds, the returned Deferred/Future will
*resolve* (with no return value).
- If the unregistration fails, the returned Deferred/Future will be rejected
with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
:returns: A Deferred/Future for the unregistration
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`