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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Shorthand client functions using V1 API.
All these functions are deprecated, and
:py:class:`ironic_inspector_client.v1.ClientV1` should be used instead.
import logging
from ironic_inspector_client.common import http
from ironic_inspector_client.common.i18n import _LW
from ironic_inspector_client import v1
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def introspect(uuid, base_url=None, auth_token=None,
new_ipmi_password=None, new_ipmi_username=None,
api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, session=None, **kwargs):
"""Start introspection for a node.
This function is deprecated. Please use :py:meth:`.ClientV1.introspect`.
:param uuid: node uuid
:param base_url: *Ironic Inspector* URL in form: http://host:port[/ver],
defaults to ``http://<current host>:5050/v1``.
:param auth_token: deprecated, use session instead.
:param new_ipmi_password: if set, *Ironic Inspector* will update IPMI
password to this value. DEPRECATED.
:param new_ipmi_username: if new_ipmi_password is set, this values sets
new IPMI user name. Defaults to one in
driver_info. DEPRECATED.
:param api_version: requested Ironic Inspector API version, defaults to
``DEFAULT_API_VERSION`` attribute.
:param session: keystone session.
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the ClientV1 constructor.
:raises: ClientError on error reported from a server
:raises: VersionNotSupported if requested api_version is not supported
:raises: *requests* library exception on connection problems.
LOG.warning(_LW('The "introspect" function is deprecated, please use '
'ClientV1.introspect method instead'))
c = v1.ClientV1(api_version=api_version, auth_token=auth_token,
inspector_url=base_url, session=session, **kwargs)
return c.introspect(uuid, new_ipmi_username=new_ipmi_username,
def get_status(uuid, base_url=None, auth_token=None,
api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, session=None, **kwargs):
"""Get introspection status for a node.
This function is deprecated. Please use :py:meth:`.ClientV1.get_status`.
New in Ironic Inspector version 1.0.0.
:param uuid: node uuid.
:param base_url: *Ironic Inspector* URL in form: http://host:port[/ver],
defaults to ``http://<current host>:5050/v1``.
:param auth_token: deprecated, use session instead.
:param api_version: requested Ironic Inspector API version, defaults to
``DEFAULT_API_VERSION`` attribute.
:param session: keystone session.
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the ClientV1 constructor.
:raises: ClientError on error reported from a server
:raises: VersionNotSupported if requested api_version is not supported
:raises: *requests* library exception on connection problems.
LOG.warning(_LW('The "get_status" function is deprecated, please use '
'ClientV1.get_status method instead'))
c = v1.ClientV1(api_version=api_version, auth_token=auth_token,
inspector_url=base_url, session=session, **kwargs)
return c.get_status(uuid)
def server_api_versions(base_url=None, session=None, **kwargs):
"""Get minimum and maximum supported API versions from a server.
This function is deprecated.
Please use :py:meth:`.ClientV1.server_api_versions`.
:param base_url: *Ironic Inspector* URL in form: http://host:port[/ver],
defaults to ``http://<current host>:5050/v1``.
:param session: keystone session (authentication is not required).
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the BaseClient constructor.
:return: tuple (minimum version, maximum version) each version is returned
as a tuple (X, Y)
:raises: *requests* library exception on connection problems.
:raises: ValueError if returned version cannot be parsed
LOG.warning(_LW('The "server_api_versions" function is deprecated, '
'please use ClientV1.server_api_versions method instead'))
c = http.BaseClient(1, inspector_url=base_url, session=session, **kwargs)
return c.server_api_versions()
'introspect', 'get_status', 'server_api_versions']