
279 lines
8.1 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
import gzip
import io
import platform
import struct
from kafka.vendor import six
from kafka.vendor.six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=import-error
_XERIAL_V1_HEADER = (-126, b'S', b'N', b'A', b'P', b'P', b'Y', 0, 1, 1)
_XERIAL_V1_FORMAT = 'bccccccBii'
import snappy
except ImportError:
snappy = None
import lz4.frame as lz4
except ImportError:
lz4 = None
import lz4f
except ImportError:
lz4f = None
import xxhash
except ImportError:
xxhash = None
PYPY = bool(platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy')
def has_gzip():
return True
def has_snappy():
return snappy is not None
def has_lz4():
if lz4 is not None:
return True
if lz4f is not None:
return True
return False
def gzip_encode(payload, compresslevel=None):
if not compresslevel:
compresslevel = 9
buf = io.BytesIO()
# Gzip context manager introduced in python 2.7
# so old-fashioned way until we decide to not support 2.6
gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode="w", compresslevel=compresslevel)
return buf.getvalue()
def gzip_decode(payload):
buf = io.BytesIO(payload)
# Gzip context manager introduced in python 2.7
# so old-fashioned way until we decide to not support 2.6
gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='r')
def snappy_encode(payload, xerial_compatible=True, xerial_blocksize=32*1024):
"""Encodes the given data with snappy compression.
If xerial_compatible is set then the stream is encoded in a fashion
compatible with the xerial snappy library.
The block size (xerial_blocksize) controls how frequent the blocking occurs
32k is the default in the xerial library.
The format winds up being:
| Header | Block1 len | Block1 data | Blockn len | Blockn data |
| 16 bytes | BE int32 | snappy bytes | BE int32 | snappy bytes |
It is important to note that the blocksize is the amount of uncompressed
data presented to snappy at each block, whereas the blocklen is the number
of bytes that will be present in the stream; so the length will always be
<= blocksize.
if not has_snappy():
raise NotImplementedError("Snappy codec is not available")
if not xerial_compatible:
return snappy.compress(payload)
out = io.BytesIO()
for fmt, dat in zip(_XERIAL_V1_FORMAT, _XERIAL_V1_HEADER):
out.write(struct.pack('!' + fmt, dat))
# Chunk through buffers to avoid creating intermediate slice copies
if PYPY:
# on pypy, snappy.compress() on a sliced buffer consumes the entire
# buffer... likely a python-snappy bug, so just use a slice copy
chunker = lambda payload, i, size: payload[i:size+i]
elif six.PY2:
# Sliced buffer avoids additional copies
# pylint: disable-msg=undefined-variable
chunker = lambda payload, i, size: buffer(payload, i, size)
# snappy.compress does not like raw memoryviews, so we have to convert
# tobytes, which is a copy... oh well. it's the thought that counts.
# pylint: disable-msg=undefined-variable
chunker = lambda payload, i, size: memoryview(payload)[i:size+i].tobytes()
for chunk in (chunker(payload, i, xerial_blocksize)
for i in xrange(0, len(payload), xerial_blocksize)):
block = snappy.compress(chunk)
block_size = len(block)
out.write(struct.pack('!i', block_size))
return out.getvalue()
def _detect_xerial_stream(payload):
"""Detects if the data given might have been encoded with the blocking mode
of the xerial snappy library.
This mode writes a magic header of the format:
| Marker | Magic String | Null / Pad | Version | Compat |
| byte | c-string | byte | int32 | int32 |
| -126 | 'SNAPPY' | \0 | | |
The pad appears to be to ensure that SNAPPY is a valid cstring
The version is the version of this format as written by xerial,
in the wild this is currently 1 as such we only support v1.
Compat is there to claim the miniumum supported version that
can read a xerial block stream, presently in the wild this is
if len(payload) > 16:
header = struct.unpack('!' + _XERIAL_V1_FORMAT, bytes(payload)[:16])
return header == _XERIAL_V1_HEADER
return False
def snappy_decode(payload):
if not has_snappy():
raise NotImplementedError("Snappy codec is not available")
if _detect_xerial_stream(payload):
# TODO ? Should become a fileobj ?
out = io.BytesIO()
byt = payload[16:]
length = len(byt)
cursor = 0
while cursor < length:
block_size = struct.unpack_from('!i', byt[cursor:])[0]
# Skip the block size
cursor += 4
end = cursor + block_size
cursor = end
return snappy.decompress(payload)
if lz4:
lz4_encode = lz4.compress # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
elif lz4f:
lz4_encode = lz4f.compressFrame # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
lz4_encode = None
def lz4f_decode(payload):
"""Decode payload using interoperable LZ4 framing. Requires Kafka >= 0.10"""
# pylint: disable-msg=no-member
ctx = lz4f.createDecompContext()
data = lz4f.decompressFrame(payload, ctx)
# lz4f python module does not expose how much of the payload was
# actually read if the decompression was only partial.
if data['next'] != 0:
raise RuntimeError('lz4f unable to decompress full payload')
return data['decomp']
if lz4:
lz4_decode = lz4.decompress # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
elif lz4f:
lz4_decode = lz4f_decode
lz4_decode = None
def lz4_encode_old_kafka(payload):
"""Encode payload for 0.8/0.9 brokers -- requires an incorrect header checksum."""
assert xxhash is not None
data = lz4_encode(payload)
header_size = 7
flg = data[4]
if not isinstance(flg, int):
flg = ord(flg)
content_size_bit = ((flg >> 3) & 1)
if content_size_bit:
# Old kafka does not accept the content-size field
# so we need to discard it and reset the header flag
flg -= 8
data = bytearray(data)
data[4] = flg
data = bytes(data)
payload = data[header_size+8:]
payload = data[header_size:]
# This is the incorrect hc
hc = xxhash.xxh32(data[0:header_size-1]).digest()[-2:-1] # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
return b''.join([
def lz4_decode_old_kafka(payload):
assert xxhash is not None
# Kafka's LZ4 code has a bug in its header checksum implementation
header_size = 7
if isinstance(payload[4], int):
flg = payload[4]
flg = ord(payload[4])
content_size_bit = ((flg >> 3) & 1)
if content_size_bit:
header_size += 8
# This should be the correct hc
hc = xxhash.xxh32(payload[4:header_size-1]).digest()[-2:-1] # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
munged_payload = b''.join([
return lz4_decode(munged_payload)