Merge pull request #9 from jsbueno/issue7

Merge pull request #9 from @jsbueno

These commits refactor the "items" method so that items and iteritems have the same behavior and make the key for a given item predictable in case of "items" listing.

Some tests that incorrectly relied on the order of yielded items where also fixed.
This commit is contained in:
Lukasz Forynski 2015-03-22 21:17:33 +00:00
commit f4c12e4d24
1 changed files with 56 additions and 66 deletions

View File

import sys
_python3 = sys.version_info.major >= 3
class multi_key_dict(object):
""" Purpose of this type is to provie a multi-key dictionary.
""" The purpose of this type is to provide a multi-key dictionary.
This kind of dictionary has a similar interface to the standard dictionary, and indeed if used
with single key key elements - it's behaviour is the same as for a standard dict().
However it also allows for creation elements using multiple keys (using tuples/lists).
However it also allows for creation of elements using multiple keys (using tuples/lists).
Such elements can be accessed using either of those keys (e.g read/updated/deleted).
Dictionary provides also extended interface for iterating over items and keys by the key type.
This can be useful e.g.: when creating dictionaries with (index,name) allowing to iterate over
Dictionary provides also an extended interface for iterating over items and keys by the key type.
This can be useful e.g.: when creating dictionaries with (index,name) allowing one to iterate over
items using either: names or indexes. It can be useful for many many other similar use-cases,
and there is no limit to the number of keys used to map to the value.
@ -52,13 +56,13 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
k[1000, 'kilo', 'k'] = 'kilo (x1000)'
print k[1000] # will print 'kilo (x1000)'
print k['k'] # will also print 'kilo (x1000)'
# the same way objects can be updated, and if an object is updated using one key, the new value will
# be accessible using any other key, e.g. for example above:
k['kilo'] = 'kilo'
print k[1000] # will print 'kilo' as value was updated
def __init__(self, mapping_or_iterable=None, **kwargs):
""" Initializes dictionary from an optional positional argument and a possibly empty set of keyword arguments."""
self.items_dict = {}
@ -76,13 +80,6 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
""" Return the value at index specified as key."""
return self.items_dict[self.__dict__[str(type(key))][key]]
def has_key(self, key):
return True
def __setitem__(self, keys, value):
""" Set the value at index (or list of indexes) specified as keys.
Note, that if multiple key list is specified, either:
@ -93,7 +90,7 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
if(type(keys) in [tuple, list]):
at_least_one_key_exists = False
num_of_keys_we_have = 0
for x in keys:
@ -145,7 +142,7 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
# remove the item in main dictionary
del self.items_dict[intermediate_key]
# and remove all references (if there were other keys)
for k in self.get_other_keys(key):
key_type = str(type(k))
@ -180,16 +177,21 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
Otherwise (if not specified) ((keys,...), value)
i.e. (tuple of keys, values) pairs for all items in this dictionary will be generated.
@param return_all_keys if set to True - tuple of keys is retuned instead of a key of this type."""
if key_type is not None:
key = str(key_type)
if key in self.__dict__:
for key, keys in self.__dict__[key].items():
if return_all_keys:
yield keys, self.items_dict[keys]
yield key, self.items_dict[keys]
for keys, value in self.items_dict.items():
if key_type is None:
for item in self.items_dict.items():
yield item
used_keys = set()
key = str(key_type)
if key in self.__dict__:
for key, keys in self.__dict__[key].items():
if keys in used_keys:
value = self.items_dict[keys]
if not return_all_keys:
keys = tuple(k for k in keys if isinstance(k, key_type))
yield keys, value
def iterkeys(self, key_type=None, return_all_keys=False):
@ -223,27 +225,12 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
for value in self.items_dict.values():
yield value
def items(self, key_type=None, return_all_keys=False):
""" Return a copy of the dictionary's list of (key, value) pairs.
@param key_type if specified, (key, value) pairs for keys of this type will be returned.
Otherwise list of pairs: ((keys), value) for all items will be returned.
@param return_all_keys if set to True - tuple of keys is retuned instead of a key of this type."""
all_items = []
if key_type is not None:
keys_used_so_far = set()
direct_key = str(key_type)
if direct_key in self.__dict__:
for key, keys in self.__dict__[direct_key].items():
if not keys in keys_used_so_far:
if return_all_keys:
all_items.append((keys, self.items_dict[keys]))
all_items.append((key, self.items_dict[keys]))
for keys, value in self.items_dict.items():
all_items.append((keys, value))
return all_items
if _python3:
items = iteritems
def items(self, key_type=None, return_all_keys=False):
return list(self.iteritems(key_type, return_all_keys))
items.__doc__ = iteritems.__doc__
def keys(self, key_type=None):
""" Returns a copy of the dictionary's keys.
@ -283,7 +270,7 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
length = len(self.items_dict)
return length
def __add_item(self, item, keys=None):
def __add_item(self, item, keys=None):
""" Internal method to add an item to the multi-key dictionary"""
if(not keys or not len(keys)):
raise Exception('Error in %s.__add_item(%s, keys=tuple/list of items): need to specify a tuple/list containing at least one key!'
@ -296,10 +283,10 @@ class multi_key_dict(object):
if(not key_type in self.__dict__):
self.__setattr__(key_type, dict())
self.__dict__[key_type][key] = direct_key
# store the value in the actual dictionary
if(not 'items_dict' in self.__dict__):
self.items_dict = dict()
self.items_dict = dict()
self.items_dict[direct_key] = item
def get(self, key, default=None):
@ -421,7 +408,7 @@ def test_multi_key_dict():
num_of_elements += 1
keys_s = sorted([str(k) for k in keys])
assert(keys_s in expected), 'm.keys(): unexpected keys: {0}'.format(keys_s)
assert(num_of_elements > 0), 'm.iterkeys() returned generator that did not produce anything'
# test iterkeys(int, True): useful to get all info from the dictionary
@ -454,24 +441,24 @@ def test_multi_key_dict():
assert (current_values == vals), 'itervalues(): expected {0}, but collected {1}'.format(current_values, vals)
#test items(int)
items_for_int = sorted([(32, '4'), (23, 0)])
items_for_int = sorted([((12, 32), '4'), ((23,), 0)])
assert (items_for_int == sorted(m.items(int))), 'items(int): expected {0}, but collected {1}'.format(items_for_int,
# test items(str)
items_for_str = set([('aa', '4'), ('something else', 'abcd')])
items_for_str = set([(('aa','mmm'), '4'), (('something else',), 'abcd')])
res = set(m.items(str))
assert (set(res) == items_for_str), 'items(str): expected {0}, but collected {1}'.format(items_for_str, res)
# test items() (default - all items)
# we tested keys(), values(), and __get_item__ above so here we'll re-create all_items using that
all_items = []
all_items = set()
keys = m.keys()
values = m.values()
for k in keys:
all_items.append( (tuple(k), m[k[0]]) )
all_items.add( (tuple(k), m[k[0]]) )
res = m.items()
res = set(m.items())
assert (all_items == res), 'items() (all items): expected {0},\n\t\t\t\tbut collected {1}'.format(all_items, res)
# now test deletion..
@ -501,33 +488,34 @@ def test_multi_key_dict():
# prepare for other tests (also testing creation of new items)
del m
m = multi_key_dict()
tst_range = list(range(10, 40)) + list(range(50, 70))
for i in tst_range:
m[i] = i # will create a dictionary, where keys are same as items
# test items()
for key, value in m.items(int):
assert(key == value), 'items(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(key, value)
assert(key == (value,)), 'items(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(key, value)
# test iterkeys()
num_of_elements = 0
curr_index_in_range = 0
returned_keys = set()
for key in m.iterkeys(int):
expected = tst_range[curr_index_in_range]
assert (key == expected), 'iterkeys(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(expected, key)
curr_index_in_range += 1
num_of_elements += 1
assert(num_of_elements > 0), 'm.iteritems(int) returned generator that did not produce anything'
assert (returned_keys == set(tst_range)), 'iterkeys(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(expected, key)
#test itervalues(int)
curr_index_in_range = 0
num_of_elements = 0
returned_values = set()
for value in m.itervalues(int):
expected = tst_range[curr_index_in_range]
assert (value == expected), 'itervalues(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(expected, value)
curr_index_in_range += 1
num_of_elements += 1
assert(num_of_elements > 0), 'm.itervalues(int) returned generator that did not produce anything'
assert (num_of_elements > 0), 'm.itervalues(int) returned generator that did not produce anything'
assert (returned_values == set(tst_range)), 'itervalues(int): expected {0}, but received {1}'.format(expected, value)
# test values(int)
res = sorted([x for x in m.values(int)])
@ -592,7 +580,7 @@ def test_multi_key_dict():
# test items..
exp_items = [((n,), 'now')]
r = l.items()
r = list(l.items())
assert(r == exp_items), 'Expected for items(): tuple of keys: {0}, but got: {1}'.format(r, exp_items)
assert(exp_items[0][1] == 'now'), 'Expected for items(): value: {0}, but got: {1}'.format('now',
@ -616,6 +604,8 @@ def test_multi_key_dict():
print ('All test passed OK!')
__all__ = ["multi_key_dict"]
if __name__ == '__main__':