
66 lines
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/* build a description of this page including SHA, source location on git repo,
build time and the project's launchpad bug tag. Set the HREF of the bug
buttons */
var lineFeed = "%0A";
var gitURL = "Source: Can't derive source file URL";
/* there have been cases where "pagename" wasn't set; better check for it */
{%- if giturl and pagename %}
/* The URL of the source file on Git is based on the giturl variable
in, which must be manually initialized to the source file
URL in Git.
"pagename" is a standard sphinx parameter containing the name of
the source file, without extension. */
var sourceFile = "{{ pagename }}" + ".rst";
gitURL = "Source: {{ giturl }}" + "/" + sourceFile;
{%- endif %}
/* gitsha, project and bug_tag rely on variables in */
var gitSha = "SHA: {{ gitsha }}";
{%- if bug_project %}
var bugProject = "{{ bug_project }}";
{%- endif %}
{%- if bug_title %}
var bugTitle = "{{ bug_title }}";
{%- else %}
var bugTitle = "{{ title }} in {{ project }}";
{%- endif %}
var fieldTags = "{{ bug_tag }}";
{%- if use_storyboard %}
var useStoryboard = "{{ use_storyboard }}";
{%- else %}
var useStoryboard = "";
{%- endif %}
/* "last_updated" is the build date and time. It relies on the variable "html_last_updated_fmt", which should include
year/month/day as well as hours and minutes */
var buildstring = "Release: {{ release }} on {{ last_updated }}";
var fieldComment = encodeURI(buildstring) +
lineFeed + encodeURI(gitSha) +
lineFeed + encodeURI(gitURL) ;
logABug(bugTitle, bugProject, fieldComment, fieldTags);