import mock import pytest import sqlalchemy as sa import sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import import sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite from sqlalchemy import inspect from sqlalchemy_utils import Password, PasswordType, types # noqa @pytest.fixture def extra_kwargs(): """PasswordType extra keyword arguments.""" return {} @pytest.fixture def User(Base, extra_kwargs): class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'user' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) password = sa.Column(PasswordType( schemes=[ 'pbkdf2_sha512', 'pbkdf2_sha256', 'md5_crypt', 'hex_md5' ], deprecated=['md5_crypt', 'hex_md5'], **extra_kwargs )) def __repr__(self): return 'User(%r)' % return User @pytest.fixture def init_models(User): pass def onload_callback(schemes, deprecated): """ Get onload callback that takes the PasswordType arguments from the config. """ def onload(**kwargs): kwargs['schemes'] = schemes kwargs['deprecated'] = deprecated return kwargs return onload @pytest.mark.skipif('types.password.passlib is None') class TestPasswordType(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('dialect_module,impl', [ (sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite, sa.dialects.sqlite.BLOB), (sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql, sa.dialects.postgresql.BYTEA), (,, (sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql, sa.VARBINARY), ]) def test_load_dialect_impl(self, dialect_module, impl): """ Should produce the same impl type as Alembic would expect after inspecing a database """ password_type = PasswordType() assert isinstance( password_type.load_dialect_impl(dialect_module.dialect()), impl ) def test_encrypt(self, User): """Should encrypt the password on setting the attribute.""" obj = User() obj.password = b'b' assert obj.password.hash != 'b' assert obj.password.hash.startswith(b'$pbkdf2-sha512$') def test_check(self, session, User): """ Should be able to compare the plaintext against the encrypted form. """ obj = User() obj.password = 'b' assert obj.password == 'b' assert obj.password != 'a' session.add(obj) session.commit() obj = session.query(User).get( assert obj.password == b'b' assert obj.password != 'a' def test_check_and_update(self, User): """ Should be able to compare the plaintext against a deprecated encrypted form and have it auto-update to the preferred version. """ from passlib.hash import md5_crypt obj = User() obj.password = Password(md5_crypt.encrypt('b')) assert obj.password.hash.decode('utf8').startswith('$1$') assert obj.password == 'b' assert obj.password.hash.decode('utf8').startswith('$pbkdf2-sha512$') def test_auto_column_length(self, User): """Should derive the correct column length from the specified schemes. """ from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha512 kind = inspect(User).c.password.type # name + rounds + salt + hash + ($ * 4) of largest hash expected_length = len( expected_length += len(str(pbkdf2_sha512.max_rounds)) expected_length += pbkdf2_sha512.max_salt_size expected_length += pbkdf2_sha512.encoded_checksum_size expected_length += 4 assert kind.length == expected_length def test_without_schemes(self): assert PasswordType(schemes=[]).length == 1024 def test_compare(self, User): from passlib.hash import md5_crypt obj = User() obj.password = Password(md5_crypt.encrypt('b')) other = User() other.password = Password(md5_crypt.encrypt('b')) # Not sure what to assert here; the test raised an error before. assert obj.password != other.password def test_set_none(self, session, User): obj = User() obj.password = None assert obj.password is None session.add(obj) session.commit() obj = session.query(User).get( assert obj.password is None def test_update_none(self, session, User): """ Should be able to change a password from ``None`` to a valid password. """ obj = User() obj.password = None session.add(obj) session.commit() obj = session.query(User).get( obj.password = 'b' session.commit() def test_compare_none(self, User): """ Should be able to compare a password of ``None``. """ obj = User() obj.password = None assert obj.password is None assert obj.password == None # noqa obj.password = 'b' assert obj.password is not None assert obj.password != None # noqa def test_check_and_update_persist(self, session, User): """ When a password is compared, the hash should update if needed to change the algorithm; and, commit to the database. """ from passlib.hash import md5_crypt obj = User() obj.password = Password(md5_crypt.encrypt('b')) session.add(obj) session.commit() assert obj.password.hash.decode('utf8').startswith('$1$') assert obj.password == 'b' session.commit() obj = session.query(User).get( assert obj.password.hash.decode('utf8').startswith('$pbkdf2-sha512$') assert obj.password == 'b' @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'extra_kwargs', [ dict( onload=onload_callback( schemes=['pbkdf2_sha256'], deprecated=[], ) ) ] ) def test_lazy_configuration(self, User): """ Field should be able to read the passlib attributes lazily from the config (e.g. Flask config). """ schemes = User.password.type.context.schemes() assert tuple(schemes) == ('pbkdf2_sha256',) obj = User() obj.password = b'b' assert obj.password.hash.decode('utf8').startswith('$pbkdf2-sha256$') @pytest.mark.parametrize('max_length', [1, 103]) def test_constant_length(self, max_length): """ Test that constant max_length is applied. """ typ = PasswordType(max_length=max_length) assert typ.length == max_length def test_context_is_lazy(self): """ Make sure the init doesn't evaluate the lazy context. """ onload = mock.Mock(return_value={}) PasswordType(onload=onload) assert not onload.called