[docs] Docstrings for queries YAQL functions

Documented functions:
* where
* select
* operator . (collection_attribution)
* skip
* limit
* append
* distinct
* enumerate
* any
* all
* concat
* len
* count
* memorize
* sum
* max
* min
* first
* single
* last
* selectMany
* range
* sequence
* orderBy
* orderByDescending
* thenBy
* thenByDescending
* groupBy
* zip
* zipLongest

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Omar Shykhkerimov 2016-06-02 17:52:48 +03:00 committed by oshykhkerimov
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@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Queries module.
import itertools
@ -85,6 +87,23 @@ class OrderingIterable(utils.IterableType):
@specs.parameter('predicate', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def where(collection, predicate):
Returns only those collection elements, for which the filtering query
(predicate) is true.
:signature: collection.where(predicate)
:receiverArg collection: collection to be filtered
:argType collection: iterable
:arg predicate: filter for collection elements
:argType predicate: lambda
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].where($ > 3)
[4, 5]
return six.moves.filter(predicate, collection)
@ -92,6 +111,25 @@ def where(collection, predicate):
@specs.parameter('selector', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def select(collection, selector):
Applies the selector to every item of the collection and returns a list of
:signature: collection.select(selector)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: expression for processing elements
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].select($ * $)
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
yaql> [{'a'=> 2}, {'a'=> 4}].select($.a)
[2, 4]
return six.moves.map(selector, collection)
@ -100,6 +138,23 @@ def select(collection, selector):
@specs.inject('operator', yaqltypes.Delegate('#operator_.'))
def collection_attribution(collection, attribute, operator):
""":yaql:operator .
Retrieves the value of an attribute for each element in a collection and
returns a list of results.
:signature: collection.attribute
:arg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg attribute: attribute to get on every collection item
:argType attribute: keyword
:returnType: list
.. code::
yaql> [{"a" => 1}, {"a" => 2, "b" => 3}].a
[1, 2]
return six.moves.map(
lambda t: operator(t, attribute), collection)
@ -108,6 +163,23 @@ def collection_attribution(collection, attribute, operator):
@specs.parameter('count', int, nullable=False)
def skip(collection, count):
Returns a collection without first count elements.
:signature: collection.skip(count)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg count: how many elements to skip. If count is greater or equal to
collection size, return value is empty list
:argType count: integer
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].skip(2)
[3, 4, 5]
return itertools.islice(collection, count, None)
@ -115,12 +187,45 @@ def skip(collection, count):
@specs.parameter('count', int, nullable=False)
def limit(collection, count):
Returns the first count elements of a collection.
:signature: collection.limit(count)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg count: how many first elements of a collection to return. If count is
greater or equal to collection size, return value is input collection
:argType count: integer
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].limit(4)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
return itertools.islice(collection, count)
@specs.parameter('collection', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def append(collection, *args):
Returns a collection with appended args.
:signature: collection.append([args])
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg [args]: arguments to be appended to input collection
:argType [args]: chain of any types
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3].append(4, 5)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for t in collection:
yield t
for t in args:
@ -131,6 +236,29 @@ def append(collection, *args):
@specs.parameter('key_selector', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def distinct(engine, collection, key_selector=None):
Returns only unique members of the collection. If keySelector is
specified, it is used to determine uniqueness.
:signature: collection.distinct(keySelector => null)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg keySelector: specifies a function of one argument that is used
to extract a comparison key from each collection element. The default
value is null, which means elements are compared directly
:argType keySelector: lambda
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3, 1].distinct()
[1, 2, 3]
yaql> [{'a'=> 1}, {'b'=> 2}, {'a'=> 1}].distinct()
[{"a": 1}, {"b": 2}]
yaql> [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 1], ['a', 3]].distinct($[1])
[['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['a', 3]]
distinct_values = set()
for t in collection:
key = t if key_selector is None else key_selector(t)
@ -143,6 +271,26 @@ def distinct(engine, collection, key_selector=None):
@specs.parameter('collection', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def enumerate_(collection, start=0):
Returns an iterator over pairs (index, value), obtained from iterating over
a collection.
:signature: collection.enumerate(start => 0)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg start: a value to start with numerating first element of each pair,
0 is a default value
:argType start: integer
:returnType: list
.. code::
yaql> ['a', 'b', 'c'].enumerate()
[[0, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'c']]
yaql> ['a', 'b', 'c'].enumerate(2)
[[2, 'a'], [3, 'b'], [4, 'c']]
for i, t in enumerate(collection, start):
yield [i, t]
@ -151,6 +299,26 @@ def enumerate_(collection, start=0):
@specs.parameter('predicate', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def any_(collection, predicate=None):
Returns true if a collection is not empty. If a predicate is specified,
determines whether any element of the collection satisfies the predicate.
:signature: collection.any(predicate => null)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg predicate: lambda function to apply to every collection value. null
by default, which means checking collection length
:argType predicate: lambda
:returnType: boolean
.. code::
yaql> [[], 0, ''].any()
yaql> [[], 0, ''].any(predicate => $)
for t in collection:
if predicate is None or predicate(t):
return True
@ -161,6 +329,28 @@ def any_(collection, predicate=None):
@specs.parameter('predicate', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def all_(collection, predicate=None):
Returns true if all the elements of a collection evaluate to true.
If a predicate is specified, returns true if the predicate is true for all
elements in the collection.
:signature: collection.all(predicate => null)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg predicate: lambda function to apply to every collection value. null
by default, which means evaluating collections elements to boolean
with no predicate
:argType predicate: lambda
:returnType: boolean
.. code::
yaql> [1, [], ''].all()
yaql> [1, [0], 'a'].all()
if predicate is None:
predicate = lambda x: bool(x)
@ -173,6 +363,23 @@ def all_(collection, predicate=None):
@specs.parameter('collections', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def concat(*collections):
Returns an iterator that consequently iterates over elements of the first
collection, then proceeds to the next collection and so on.
:signature: collection.concat([args])
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg [args]: iterables to be concatenated with input collection
:argType [args]: chain of iterable
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [1].concat([2, 3], [4, 5])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
return itertools.chain(*collections)
@ -180,6 +387,20 @@ def concat(*collections):
def count_(collection):
Returns the size of the collection.
:signature: collection.len()
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:returnType: integer
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2].len()
count = 0
for t in collection:
count += 1
@ -189,12 +410,45 @@ def count_(collection):
@specs.parameter('collection', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def count(collection):
Returns the size of the collection.
:signature: collection.count()
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:returnType: integer
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2].count()
return count_(collection)
@specs.parameter('collection', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def memorize(collection, engine):
Returns an iterator over collection and memorizes already iterated values.
This function can be used for iterating over collection several times
as it remembers elements, and when given collection (iterator) is too
large to be unwrapped at once.
:signature: collection.memorize()
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:returnType: iterator to collection
.. code::
yaql> let(range(4)) -> $.sum() + $.len()
yaql> let(range(4).memorize()) -> $.sum() + $.len()
return utils.memorize(collection, engine)
@ -202,6 +456,25 @@ def memorize(collection, engine):
@specs.inject('operator', yaqltypes.Delegate('#operator_+'))
def sum_(operator, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
Returns the sum of values in a collection starting from initial if
:signature: collection.sum(initial => NoValue)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg initial: value to start sum with. NoValue by default
:argType initial: collection's elements type
:returnType: collection's elements type
.. code::
yaql> [3, 1, 2].sum()
yaql> ['a', 'b'].sum('c')
return aggregate(collection, operator, initial)
@ -209,6 +482,22 @@ def sum_(operator, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
@specs.inject('func', yaqltypes.Delegate('max'))
def max_(func, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
Returns max value in collection. Considers initial if specified.
:signature: collection.max(initial => NoValue)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg initial: value to start with. NoValue by default
:argType initial: collection's elements type
:returnType: collection's elements type
.. code::
yaql> [3, 1, 2].max()
return aggregate(collection, func, initial)
@ -216,6 +505,22 @@ def max_(func, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
@specs.inject('func', yaqltypes.Delegate('min'))
def min_(func, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
Returns min value in collection. Considers initial if specified.
:signature: collection.min(initial => NoValue)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg initial: value to start with. NoValue by default
:argType initial: collection's elements type
:returnType: collection's elements type
.. code::
yaql> [3, 1, 2].min()
return aggregate(collection, func, initial)
@ -223,6 +528,25 @@ def min_(func, collection, initial=utils.NO_VALUE):
@specs.parameter('default', nullable=True)
def first(collection, default=utils.NO_VALUE):
Returns the first element of the collection. If the collection is empty,
returns the default value or raises StopIteration if default is not
:signature: collection.first(default => NoValue)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg default: value to be returned if collection is empty. NoValue by
:argType default: any
:returnType: type of collection's elements or default value type
.. code::
yaql> [3, 1, 2].first()
return six.next(iter(collection))
except StopIteration:
@ -234,6 +558,23 @@ def first(collection, default=utils.NO_VALUE):
@specs.parameter('collection', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def single(collection):
Checks that collection has only one element and returns it. If the
collection is empty or has more than one element, raises StopIteration.
:signature: collection.single()
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:returnType: type of collection's elements
.. code::
yaql> ["abc"].single()
yaql> [1, 2].single()
Execution exception: Collection contains more than one item
it = iter(collection)
result = six.next(it)
@ -247,6 +588,25 @@ def single(collection):
@specs.parameter('default', nullable=True)
def last(collection, default=utils.NO_VALUE):
Returns the last element of the collection. If the collection is empty,
returns the default value or raises StopIteration if default is not
:signature: collection.last(default => NoValue)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg default: value to be returned if collection is empty. NoValue is
default value.
:argType default: any
:returnType: type of collection's elements or default value type
.. code::
yaql> [0, 1, 2].last()
if isinstance(collection, utils.SequenceType):
if len(collection) == 0:
if default is utils.NO_VALUE:
@ -267,6 +627,26 @@ def last(collection, default=utils.NO_VALUE):
@specs.parameter('selector', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def select_many(collection, selector):
Applies a selector to each element of the collection and returns an
iterator over results. If the selector returns an iterable object,
iterates over its elements instead of itself.
:signature: collection.selectMany(selector)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: function to be applied to every collection element
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [0, 1, 2].selectMany($ + 2)
[2, 3, 4]
yaql> [0, [1, 2], 3].selectMany($ * 2)
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6]
for item in collection:
inner = selector(item)
if utils.is_iterable(inner):
@ -278,6 +658,21 @@ def select_many(collection, selector):
@specs.parameter('stop', int)
def range_(stop):
Returns an iterator over values from 0 up to stop, not including
stop, i.e. [0, stop).
:signature: range(stop)
:arg stop: right bound for generated list numbers
:argType stop: integer
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> range(3)
[0, 1, 2]
return iter(six.moves.range(stop))
@ -285,12 +680,51 @@ def range_(stop):
@specs.parameter('stop', int)
@specs.parameter('step', int)
def range__(start, stop, step=1):
Returns an iterator over values from start up to stop, not including stop,
i.e [start, stop) with step 1 if not specified.
:signature: range(start, stop, step => 1)
:arg start: left bound for generated list numbers
:argType start: integer
:arg stop: right bound for generated list numbers
:argType stop: integer
:arg step: the next element in list is equal to previous + step. 1 is value
by default
:argType step: integer
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> range(1, 4)
[1, 2, 3]
yaql> range(4, 1, -1)
[4, 3, 2]
return iter(six.moves.range(start, stop, step))
@specs.parameter('start', int)
@specs.parameter('step', int)
def sequence(start=0, step=1):
Returns an iterator to the sequence beginning from start with step.
:signature: sequence(start => 0, step => 1)
:arg start: start value of the sequence. 0 is value by default
:argType start: integer
:arg step: the next element is equal to previous + step. 1 is value by
:argType step: integer
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> sequence().take(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
return itertools.count(start, step)
@ -300,6 +734,25 @@ def sequence(start=0, step=1):
@specs.inject('operator_lt', yaqltypes.Delegate('#operator_<'))
def order_by(collection, selector, operator_lt, operator_gt):
Returns an iterator over collection elements sorted in ascending order.
Selector is applied to each element of the collection to extract
sorting key.
:signature: collection.orderBy(selector)
:receiverArg collection: collection to be ordered
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: specifies a function of one argument that is used to
extract a comparison key from each element
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [[1, 'c'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c'], [0, 'd']].orderBy($[1])
[[2, 'b'], [1, 'c'], [3, 'c'], [0, 'd']]
oi = OrderingIterable(collection, operator_lt, operator_gt)
oi.append_field(selector, True)
return oi
@ -311,6 +764,25 @@ def order_by(collection, selector, operator_lt, operator_gt):
@specs.inject('operator_lt', yaqltypes.Delegate('#operator_<'))
def order_by_descending(collection, selector, operator_lt, operator_gt):
Returns an iterator over collection elements sorted in descending order.
Selector is applied to each element of the collection to extract
sorting key.
:signature: collection.orderByDescending(selector)
:receiverArg collection: collection to be ordered
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: specifies a function of one argument that is used to
extract a comparison key from each element
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [4, 2, 3, 1].orderByDescending($)
[4, 3, 2, 1]
oi = OrderingIterable(collection, operator_lt, operator_gt)
oi.append_field(selector, False)
return oi
@ -320,6 +792,25 @@ def order_by_descending(collection, selector, operator_lt, operator_gt):
@specs.parameter('selector', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def then_by(collection, selector, context):
To be used with orderBy or orderByDescending. Uses selector to extract
secondary sort key (ascending) from the elements of the collection and
adds it to the iterator.
:signature: collection.thenBy(selector)
:receiverArg collection: collection to be ordered
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: specifies a function of one argument that is used to
extract a comparison key from each element
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [[3, 'c'], [2, 'b'], [1, 'c']].orderBy($[1]).thenBy($[0])
[[2, 'b'], [1, 'c'], [3, 'c']]
collection.append_field(selector, True)
collection.context = context
return collection
@ -329,6 +820,25 @@ def then_by(collection, selector, context):
@specs.parameter('selector', yaqltypes.Lambda())
def then_by_descending(collection, selector, context):
To be used with orderBy or orderByDescending. Uses selector to extract
secondary sort key (descending) from the elements of the collection and
adds it to the iterator.
:signature: collection.thenByDescending(selector)
:receiverArg collection: collection to be ordered
:argType collection: iterable
:arg selector: specifies a function of one argument that is used to
extract a comparison key from each element
:argType selector: lambda
:returnType: iterable
.. code::
yaql> [[3,'c'], [2,'b'], [1,'c']].orderBy($[1]).thenByDescending($[0])
[[2, 'b'], [3, 'c'], [1, 'c']]
collection.append_field(selector, False)
collection.context = context
return collection
@ -341,6 +851,36 @@ def then_by_descending(collection, selector, context):
def group_by(engine, collection, key_selector, value_selector=None,
Returns a collection grouped by keySelector with applied valueSelector as
values. Returns a list of pairs where the first value is a result value
of keySelector and the second is a list of values which have common
keySelector return value.
:signature: collection.groupBy(keySelector, valueSelector => null,
aggregator => null)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg keySelector: function to be applied to every collection element.
Values are grouped by return value of this function
:argType keySelector: lambda
:arg valueSelector: function to be applied to every collection element to
put it under appropriate group. null by default, which means return
element itself
:argType valueSelector: lambda
:arg aggregator: function to aggregate value within each group. null by
default, which means no function to be evaluated on groups
:argType aggregator: lambda
:returnType: list
.. code::
yaql> [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 1], ["d", 2]].groupBy($[1], $[0])
[[1, ["a", "c"]], [2, ["b", "d"]]]
yaql> [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 1]].groupBy($[1], $[0], $.sum())
[[1, "ac"], [2, "b"]]
groups = {}
if aggregator is None:
new_aggregator = lambda x: x
@ -356,12 +896,54 @@ def group_by(engine, collection, key_selector, value_selector=None,
@specs.parameter('collections', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def zip_(*collections):
Returns an iterator over collections, where the n-th iterable contains the
n-th element from each of collections. Stops iterating as soon as any of
the collections is exhausted.
:signature: collection.zip([args])
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg [args]: collections for zipping with input collection
:argType [args]: chain of collections
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3].zip([4, 5], [6, 7])
[[1, 4, 6], [2, 5, 7]]
return six.moves.zip(*collections)
@specs.parameter('collections', yaqltypes.Iterable())
def zip_longest(*collections, **kwargs):
Returns an iterator over collections, where the n-th iterable contains
the n-th element from each of collections. Iterates until all the
collections are not exhausted and fills lacking values with default value,
which is null by default.
:signature: collection.zipLongest([args], default => null)
:receiverArg collection: input collection
:argType collection: iterable
:arg [args]: collections for zipping with input collection
:argType [args]: chain of collections
:arg default: default value for lacking values, can be passed only
as keyword argument. null by default
:argType default: any type
:returnType: iterator
.. code::
yaql> [1, 2, 3].zipLongest([4, 5])
[[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, null]]
yaql> [1, 2, 3].zipLongest([4, 5], default => 100)
[[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 100]]
return six.moves.zip_longest(
*collections, fillvalue=kwargs.pop('default', None))