Fix distro detection for SUSE Linux Enterprise

On SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions, lsb_release -i typically
returns "SUSE" not "SUSE LINUX" as the vendor string.

To avoid duplication of the same regular expressions in multiple
places, add is_opensuse() and is_sle() helper functions, and modify
is_suse to invoke those.

This may also be helpful in the future for distinguishing some corner
cases where things are handled differently between openSUSE and SLE.

Change-Id: I43bf163bc963758ddbb6289928837f5f6512f265
This commit is contained in:
Adam Spiers 2019-01-23 18:55:16 +00:00
parent 7a52311d80
commit b6f04ca5c9
1 changed files with 22 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ function GetDistro {
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Fedora) ]]; then
# For Fedora, just use 'f' and the release
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (openSUSE) ]]; then
elif is_opensuse; then
# Tumbleweed uses "n/a" as a codename, and the release is a datestring
# like 20180218, so not very useful. Leap however uses a release
# with a "dot", so for example 15.0
[ "$os_CODENAME" = "n/a" -a "$os_RELEASE" = "${os_RELEASE/\./}" ] && \
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (SUSE LINUX) ]]; then
elif is_suse_linux_enterprise; then
# just use major release
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Red.*Hat) || \
@ -460,11 +460,30 @@ function is_fedora {
# (openSUSE, SLE).
# is_suse
function is_suse {
is_opensuse || is_suse_linux_enterprise
# Determine if current distribution is an openSUSE distribution
# is_opensuse
function is_opensuse {
if [[ -z "$os_VENDOR" ]]; then
[[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (openSUSE) || "$os_VENDOR" == "SUSE LINUX" ]]
[[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (openSUSE) ]]
# Determine if current distribution is a SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE)
# distribution
# is_suse_linux_enterprise
function is_suse_linux_enterprise {
if [[ -z "$os_VENDOR" ]]; then
[[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (^SUSE) ]]