Hash the token id if it is over a maximum length

Instead of exclusively hashing the token id based on if the token is
ASN1, hash the id if it exceeds the maximum size allowed within the
session. Keystone has allowed more than simple PKI and UUID tokens so
the is_asn1_token check will not catch all cases.

Closes-Bug: 1331406

Change-Id: I7891eb3fb35a10926ac16829eed0ff8c306f2661
This commit is contained in:
Adam Young 2014-06-18 23:20:02 -04:00
parent a78e41c1ed
commit ff6188c7fe
2 changed files with 1 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Token(object):
# Token-related attributes
self.id = auth_ref.auth_token
if utils.is_asn1_token(self.id):
if len(self.id) > 32:
self.id = hashlib.md5(self.id).hexdigest()
self.expires = auth_ref.expires

View File

@ -76,52 +76,6 @@ def check_token_expiration(token):
return False
# Copied from Keystone's keystone/common/cms.py file.
def is_asn1_token(token):
thx to ayoung for sorting this out.
base64 decoded hex representation of MII is 3082
In [3]: binascii.hexlify(base64.b64decode('MII='))
Out[3]: '3082'
re: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf
pg4: For tags from 0 to 30 the first octet is the identfier
pg10: Hex 30 means sequence, followed by the length of that sequence.
pg5: Second octet is the length octet
first bit indicates short or long form, next 7 bits encode the number
of subsequent octets that make up the content length octets as an
unsigned binary int
82 = 10000010 (first bit indicates long form)
0000010 = 2 octets of content length
so read the next 2 octets to get the length of the content.
In the case of a very large content length there could be a requirement to
have more than 2 octets to designate the content length, therefore
requiring us to check for MIM, MIQ, etc.
In [4]: base64.b64encode(binascii.a2b_hex('3083'))
Out[4]: 'MIM='
In [5]: base64.b64encode(binascii.a2b_hex('3084'))
Out[5]: 'MIQ='
Checking for MI would become invalid at 16 octets of content length
10010000 = 90
In [6]: base64.b64encode(binascii.a2b_hex('3090'))
Out[6]: 'MJA='
Checking for just M is insufficient
But we will only check for MII:
Max length of the content using 2 octets is 7FFF or 32767
It's not practical to support a token of this length or greater in http
therefore, we will check for MII only and ignore the case of larger tokens
return token[:3] == PKI_ASN1_PREFIX
# From django.contrib.auth.views
# Added in Django 1.4.3, 1.5b2
# Vendored here for compatibility with old Django versions.